19. Aren't you too young?

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Paisley POV

"I'm going to help Logan at the bar. He said grandpa needed help." I kissed my dads cheeks.

"Stay behind the bar and close to Logan or Nate. If you feel uncomfortable call me and I'll come pick you up." Pa told me.

"Yep. I love you all, see you tomorrow." I smiled then left the house.

I quickly got to the bar and put my things in Logan's locker. He gave me the code so when I was there we could share it. As soon as I was ready, I walked into the main area to see a bunch of women doing shots.

One of them had a sashe saying bride to be so I guessed it was a hen party. Or bachelorette as some may call it. I quickly saw Logan making drinks so I went over and helped it.

"Hey." He smiled at me. "You can make mojitos can't you? Please say you can."

"Yeah. How many are needed?"

"I've made three and they've asked for eight. I'll make another two and you make three?" He asked.

I nodded my head then quickly got all the ingredients and started mixing it. Once we were done, we gave the drinks to the group of girls who have Logan flirty smiles. He only gave them small ones back, then turned to me pulling me to his chest.

"Thank you for coming. It's fucking 7pm and they're going at it. I don't even want to know if the actual wedding is tomorrow or not." Logan chuckled a little.

"It'll be one hell of a hangover if they are. Good luck to them all." I smiled.

"Hey, you alright?" Logan cupped my face as we spoke over the music.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired that's all." I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Ok. Well if it gets to much then you can go to Alfie's office. He's making drinks upstairs for the men so it'll be free if you get tired." He told me. I nodded and pecked his lips before going to different customers to get them drinks.

Thank the lord up high most of the women wanted shots which was easy to do. But there was them ones that wanted friggin mojitos or sex on the beach. Or some weird cocktail that I had to get Nate or Logan to make because I couldn't do it.

At around 10:30pm, I could feel sleep catching up to me but I didn't let it show. I walked up to a group of three women who were laughing. I'm guessing it was the bride since she had the sashe on.

"Hey, what can I get for you?" I asked them over the music.

"Ugh." They scoffed. "Aren't you to young to be behind the bar." They all looked at me with disgust.

"Um yeah I guess but this is my granddads bar. I help out when he short with staff." I shrugged.

"Well you should get an adult to serve our drinks because children like you shouldn't be doing it." The bride spat out.

I rolled my eyes and turned to see if anyone was free. And like I expected, everyone was making drinks. "I'm sorry but I'm the only one free. So what do you want to drink?"

"Fine, we'll take the Ramos gin fizz." They all smirked. See now I am one of three who can actually get the drink right. It's me, a girl called Nadia and a man called Cole who can do it. Logan gets me to teach him at home but he never gets it right so we gave up.

Once I made the three drinks, I slid them to the women. They all took sips and moaned a little. They had on smiles that showed me they judged me before they even tried a drink I made.

"Ok, little miss I know how to make a difficult cocktail. How much will that be?" The bride chuckled a little.

"On the house. But next time just ask for the damn drink before you judge someone." I told her then walked to the next customer.

"Paisley, I need you to come make a Ramos gin fizz." Nate called me. I nodded and walked over to him. All the people looked at me in awe when they sipped the alcoholic drink.

"How old is she?" One woman asked Nate.

"Sixteen. She's one of three in this bar that can make it properly. If you want any drink, ask this little alcoholic. She makes the best of everything." Nate smirked at them.

"I'm not an alcoholic, just saying. This old man is jealous he can't make drinks as good as me." I winked at them before walking off.

As I carried on working, I spoke to a lot of people and they really liked the drinks I made them. Even if I am that good like they say I still prefer to make simple drinks like beers or shots.

While I was making a sex on the beach, I felt arms go around my waist and soft kisses on my neck. I giggled knowing who it was but carried on mixing the drink.

"What you making?" Logan asked me.

"Sex on the beach." I told him as I poured it into the glass and gave it to the woman who happily took it and paid.

"Paisley, Logan." I heard my grandpa call us. We quickly moved away from each other then leaned over the bar to talk to him.

"I need you to go upstairs for me. Some of the men want some drinks I can't make properly but I know you can. And take Nate." He told us.

We both nodded, grabbed a flirting Nate and went up to the men. And my god did I want to run and hide. They were smoking, drinking and strippers were everywhere.

"This is going to take the piss." All three of us muttered together. We all sighed but went behind the bar anyway and started making the drinks.

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