Miraculous One-shots❤️ (Pause...

By CaptainJackpot

324K 3.4K 4.5K

A book where I write all my AU ideas đź’›Warning this book contains đź’› Adrien sugar Marinette sugar Alya salt L... More

The Goat who stole the Chat (Marichat and Adrinette)
A Snakes favorite food is a Mouse (Adrinette/SIN)
The Real Volpina (LadyNoir/Fluff)
Warning for this Book
Adrien Blanc (Mariblanc/SIN/Fluff)
The Wolf and his Bunny (Akuma!Adrien/SIN/Adrienette)
Lady Time (Adrientte/SIN/ Time travel)
Salt meets Canon (Salt/ Lukanette/LadyNoir/SIN)
Adrien's Mistake (Adrinette/Fluff/ANGST)
Alya and the Vixen on the Run (Ladynoir/fluff/Angst)
Should I...?
Nightmare Wedding (LadyBlanc/SIN/)
Wait For It (Marichat/fluff/)
Name an animal and I'll turn it into a kwami (times up!)
Requested kwamis!
Haunted Mansion (Ghost!Adrien/ Adrienette/SIN)
Update (cause dis is bad) (updated ver)
King Cobra( Akuma!Adrien/Adrienette/Fluff)
Shadow Noir (Akuma!Adrien/SIN)
Lady Time( Alternative Era) (Adrienette/SIN)
Shattered Illusions (Angst/Adrienette)
I am doing a God AU but with a twist
Why Adrien Salt will never happen
Legendary Lovers (Angst/Adrienette)
Only Us(Adrienette/Fluff)
Happy Valentines day(heres a little treat for u)
Destiny written in Stone (Adrienette/Ladynoir)
Let me hear your fanfiction ideas!
Ideas that I thought would be good Stories
Should I do some more Reincarnation stories? (I added one more)
Here are all of my favorite ideas so far.
Merry Christmas! Here are your presents!
The Story of Blanc (ANGST/Tragic Love)
What if I made my Own Miraculous episodes?
The Cursed Land of Agreste (SIN/Adrienette)
Hi, lets talk...

The Painted Prince (Adrienette/Fluff/Horror?)

7.6K 101 54
By CaptainJackpot

Super long but hope you like.


"Marinette thank you again for coming! I couldn't get Samantha to come since she had a family emergency and this painting is going to be revealed tomorrow! It hasn't been cleaned or fixed and I- just thank god you were available!" Marinette smiles as her boss stops rambling, she hands him her handkerchief and the small Italian man takes it. "Thank you Marinette, it's just this painting will be revealed tomorrow to celebrate the museum's anniversary and Samantha was supposed to be here to clean it up." The Italian man waved Marinette to follow him, she did and walked through the empty museum, the quiet night made the halls echo as they walked to a giant curtain that was covering a big area. The small man moved the curtain and let Marinette in, she smiled at the new attraction; Days in France shined happily, the chandelier and paintings glowed in the moonlight.

Marinette looked at the paintings and the statues as her boss dabbed his sweaty forehead. "It is no problem, Mr. Red." Mr. Red smiles and takes her hand shaking it wildly, "Oh thank you Marinette you are an Angel!" Marinette smiled at her boss and began to take her jacket off as her boss began to walk away. "Oh!" He suddenly said and Marinette turned around to him, "I nearly forgot! Here Marinette as a reward for your help you can listen to the history of the painting." He tosses a closed CD box at her and she caught it as he walked out. "Good night Mr. Red!" her boss waves goodbye and the curtain closes leaving Marinette alone. She looks down at the CD case and shrugs her shoulders. Taking her black jacket off she feels her dangling pearl earrings sway as she leans down to open the boombox. She took out the CD and placed it in the boombox, standing up she patted down her white sweater dress and tidied her bun.

Classical old music played for a few minutes as Marinette tugged off the sheet that was covering the painting she needed to fix. The white sheet fell and Marinette gasped at the giant portrait. Finally, the classical music faded and a soft female voice started to speak from the boombox.

"Days in France: The tragic story of Prince Adrien Agreste, the last Prince of Paris."

Marinette backs up from the painting to get a better look at it, The blonde handsome prince was smiling in a rose garden and holding what looked like a diamond hair clip in his hands. His smile looked fake but was still convincing, he wore the French colors and the crown on his head shimmered even if it was just a painting. His emerald green eyes pored into Marinette's and she shook her head. She laid the ladder against the wall, the voice continued to speak.

"In the late 18th century, France was ruled by King Andre Bourgeois and his wife, Queen Audrey Bourgeois. Their daughter Princess Chloe Bourgeois was the heir to the throne and refused to marry anyone who was not as rich as her."

Marinette rolled her eyes as she tied her apron and pulled on her gloves, she could remember learning about that in high school. She always hated the Princess and now this was a wonderful reminder for Marinette that the blonde was an asshole. She picked up her brush and placed the bucket on the ladders shelf, climbing up the ladder, she dipped her brush in the cleaning material and began painting. She moved her brush across his chest, the voice still speaking as the full moon lit the room.

"King Andre Bourgeois wanted his daughter to have a child so he knew the throne would be secure when he died. Unfortunately, the Princes of the other kingdoms were not as rich as the French Kingdom meaning the Princess refused at least all of her suitors saying they were too poor and ugly to marry a wealthy beautiful Princess like her."

Marinette shook her head, wiping the brush over the Prince's eyes making the once dull green pop as the moon and clock hit midnight. She smiled and carefully traced the Prince's lips, dipping the brush back into the bucket, quickly brushing her bangs out of her face, making sure her diamond hairclip was still in her hair. Suddenly the windows burst open and made Marinette flinch, the curtains flew around fiercely as the window jolted the room. Quickly rushing down the ladder she went over to the huge window and grabbed the shudders pushing them close and tying the curtains back. She sighed at the strange gust of wind that had blown open the windows, she rubbed her arms at the sudden coldness of the room, a chill went up to her spine as she felt as if someone was staring at her. She shook her head and continued her work.

"One day the General of the French army and the right-hand man of the King proposed an arranged marriage between the Princess and his son; Adrien Agreste. The King and General agreed that this marriage would strengthen the kingdom but when Adrien was told of the marriage he quickly begged his Father to not make him marry that selfish Princess. His Father a cold harsh man told him it was an honor to become a Prince and marry royalty. This then inspired Adrien to start writing in a journal before the wedding."

Marinette looked away from the painting over to the glass case where Prince Adrien Agreste's journal laid, she blinked and shuddered at the sudden feeling of lips on her back neck. Spinning around she blushed as she was met with the smiling portrait of the tragic Prince. "I-it must have been a bug." she muttered and continued to swipe her brush over his hands. The portrait was taller then Marinette and the Prince was a normal human length, he towered over Marinette just by a few inches.

"The Princess threw a tantrum at being forced to marry a General's son but when Princess Chloe found out the General was filthy rich and had a handsome son she was more than happy to marry Adrien. Adrien, on the other hand, was not as pleased with his future fiance. He wrote in his journal; "They made me get down on a bendeth knee and hold a hideous expensive diamond ring out to this blonde rat of a Princess. In all my years I wished to only bendeth down on a knee to my true love with a simple diamond ring and take her hand, ask for her love and kiss thy lips. Now I have to deal with a selfish fiance who cares only for looks and money."

Marinette laughed softly at the mention of the rat Princess remark. She dipped her brush back into the liquid giggling and frowning at the words that the voice had said. "Awe poor Adrien he only wanted true love." Bending back up Marinette nearly had a heart attack as the painted Prince's fake smile was now a warm smile and his eyes, his eyes were looking at her. Blinking she rubbed her eyes and the painting was back to normal. "I-I think it's time I take a coffee break." she muttered believing that she was tired and was just seeing things. Climbing down the ladder she moved over to her coffee cup and took a long sip from it, taking her gloves off along with her apron she sat down. Her raven hair was glowing in the moonlight along with the red, lime green, and blue diamond Chinese flower hair clip that was holding her bun in place. Her pink cheeks were complimented by her dangling white pearl earrings that matched her white sweater dress. Sitting down on a blanket she sat and listened to the voice not noticing the Painted Princes cheeks were now a light shade of red.

"Adrien Agreste was then forced to spend time and try and 'woo' his fiance into loving him. He wrote; "I would rather spend time in hell with the Devil than my fiance, at least the Devil would have been nicer." For the next few months, Adrien had to keep his fiance happy before the wedding. Every day he had to spend with Princess Chloe the more he felt himself lose his feelings. "My heart has no beat for this woman, my cheeks show no color for my bride. I smile and pretend but cry and seethe on the inside. Sometimes I wish I was a normal baker son who could fall in love with a normal woman and marry. But I am a General's son, I must marry royalty and break before I snap."

Marinette frowned and stood up, walking over to the portraits of Gabriel Agreste and Chloe Bourgeois. "What horrible people, he couldn't even let his son love who he wishes to love and she was a selfish Princess with no heart." Marinette sighed and moved over to the glass case where Adrien's journal laid.

"Days before the wedding though something happened that made this story the tragic story it is. One day Adrien was free from his horrible fiance and went to his Mother's old rose garden, it was around noon when the sound of a window breaking caught Adrien's attention. Adrien moved to investigate what had caused the sound when a hooded figure ran out from the Agreste mansion, a bag of gold in their hands. Adrien wrote in his journal about his encounter; "They ran with such speed and moved with such grace it was amazing, I though idiotically called out to them to stop, they of course didn't stop which then caused me to chase them to the gardens wall." When Adrien finally caught up to the hooded figure he had an encounter that would change his life forever. The hooded figure had run all the way to the end of the garden's walls, hidden away from the guards that were chasing them."

Marinette looked at Adrien's journal, it was a black journal that had gold outlines around the rim and what looked like hand drawn flowers were on the cover. She noticed that the rose garden that the narrator was talking about was in the portrait behind the Prince, there was even a cherry blossom tree behind him. She stared at the items that were surrounding the journal.

"Adrien showed the thief no harm and even tossed his sword away to show that he was no threat. We do not know how their encounter went but this piece from Adrien's journal does share some light to their conversation. "The thief showed me no harm, they only needed money because of the corrupted Kings law was draining their home of food and water. When we finally came to an agreement the hooded thief lowered their guard." Some of the writing was then scribbled out by Gabriel years ago before his death but our researchers were able to find out what had been said. "Be still my beating heart, the thief lowered their hood to reveal an angel underneath. Her blue belle eyes showed love and kindness, her raven hair caught the sunlight perfectly that I could not help but stutter and mess up my bow towards this beautiful woman. I fell and heard her laugh; it was like tiny belles ringing in my ears. She offered me her hand and I pray to god that my heart would have burst at the touch of our skin. I was able to convince her to stay and chat with me, she removed her white flowered patterned cloak and sat on a bench with me. We stayed there talking and chatting away as she told me why she stole the gold."

"This is where our Prince falls to tragic love; "Is it possible to fall in love so quickly? I wanted to take this womans hand and run away with her. Is this what love feels like? Marionette, my Marionette, my lady, my love. I wish she was the one that had my ring, that she was the one I was to marry."

Marinette couldn't help but think how strange it was that her name was almost identical to this Marionette woman. It must of been a coincidence that she and Marionette probably looked the same too.

"Researchers were able to find out who this mysterious woman was. Her name was Marionette Dupain le Belle fille, she was the daughter of a poor baker, her three little sisters were deathly ill because of the King's tax law on products. She was well known for her kind heart and her beautiful raven hair. We found ripped out sketches of the woman in Gabriels old death bed, it appeared that Adrien would draw sketches of Marionette in his journal, most of them was of Marionette in a wedding dress or sketches of her smiling or wearing fine rich clothes. Researches theorized that Gabriel grew angry that his son had met a mysterious woman and had kept it secret, in his anger he tried to erase all evidence of Marionette."

Marinette peared into the glass case and looked at all of the sketches, they were beautiful and they did give Marinette chills because her and Marionette looked almost identical. Raven hair, blue belle eyes and they even had identical names! Marinette sighed and listened to the voice as her eyes scanned over the objects.

"Unfortunately Marionette almost was caught by the guards and had to quickly leave. She fled and this is what Adrien had to say about it. "The guards had found us but had not seen me, my love panicked and fled the scene. I watched as she climbed the wall and almost jumped. I called out to her, begged her to stay, she smiled and blew me a kiss. Then she was gone but she had left me something to remember her." Researchers had found a hidden safe in Prince Adriens old room; inside were these objects along with notes explaining why he had them. A white flower patterned ripped cloak that Marionette had left in her panic. "It was ripped by Chloe when I had told her it was not hers to keep, she threw a tantrum and I quickly hid the cloak of my beloved."

Marinette looked over at the remains of the coat, it was ripped up bad but you could still see the pretty flower patterns.

"A day before the wedding Adrien was in his Mother's rose garden when Marionette jumped over the wall. Adrien was so delighted that his love had returned to him that he immediately confessed to Marionette. "I love you, I told her, I love you and wish to marry you, I want to run away and start a family with you. She looked swayed and so I made my move, I kissed her and begged her to stay, to take me with her." Researchers say that the rest of the journal was burned by Gabriel but an eyewitness; a gardener name Alya Lahieffe had wrote in her diary what she saw."

"Dear Diary

Thou will not believe what thou had seen in the rose garden today. I was tending to the red roses by the cherry blossom tree when a noise had caught my attention. The future King of France was with a beautiful raven haired woman, she looked like a mere baker daughter as her dress was light pink and had what looked like flour on her apron. I was quiet so I could hear their conversation. The Future King had gotten down on one knee and grabbed the maidens hand, his cheeks were red as was the fair maidens cheeks.

Diary you will not believe what he said, he told the bakers daughter that he loved her! Such a scandal that the future King was in love with a poor but beautiful woman! The future King then stands up and kisses the woman! They look so in love diary it is such an honor to see the future King smile again. After all whenever he comes to the rose Garden he is sad and does not smile. The woman is shocked but then kisses back but does my eye deceive me diary the woman she cries! It is sad diary but this is what I heard; the future Kings lover had come back to thank the man for the gold, she also was shocked that he, the future King, had fallen in love with her and she would be honored and happy to marry him but alas she knows he is to marry the Princess and has to deny his proposal.

The future King was heart broken but kissed his love again, the woman did not stop him and I watched as the two kissed for what was minutes. Unfortunately the brat of a Princess was calling out to the future King. The woman kissed her lover goodbye and thrusted something into his hands then climbed the wall and disappeared. Diary I am sad to say this but I wish that woman would come back and fix our broken Prince."

-Alya Lahieffe"

Marinette took a big gulp of her coffee, her apron and gloves were back on, she placed her coffee down and began to gently climb up the ladder she began to work again. "You poor man, I hope you and Marionette are happy together in heaven." Marinette said to the painting and swiped the brush over the painting beginning the second coat. The cleaning liquid dripped down his face and it made the painted Prince look like he was crying.

"Sadly for Prince Adrien he was then married to Princess Chloe. After the wedding King Adrien went out to find his beloved Marionette sadly when he asked people if they knew Marionette they told him the sad truth. A day before the wedding Princess Chloe had declared all of Marionette's family to leave France and to never to come back. King Adrien then broke, he went numb and played the role of King for years but never did he try to kiss or show affection towards his wife. Finally General Gabriel asked a doctor why his son couldn't create a child with his wife. It turned out Queen Chloe was infertile and that she would not be able to have a child. Queen Chloe was okay with not having a child as long as she and King Adrien could still have sexual intercourses."

Marinette frowned in disgust at the last sentence.

"Later at night before bed King Adrien locked himself in his private room, the room that had the secret safe dedicated to Marionette. It is said that King Adrien took a gun and killed himself in his room. He died holding his journal and Marionette's gift in his hand, the gift Marionette had given him was a red, lime green, and blue diamond Chinese flower hair clip. The portrait of King Adrien was in the room that he killed himself in, if you look carefully at the portrait you can see in the palm of his hand was Marionette's hair clip."

Marinette looked at the painted Princes hand, and yes in the palm of his hand was the hairclip that Marionette had given him. Marinette squinted at the hair clip, "Wait a minute that looks like-" She was cut off as the voices volume had been turned up suddenly and the temperature suddenly dropped.

"After King Adrien's suicide a revolution and riot began against the royals. Queen Chloe and King Andre were beheaded for their greedy crimes and for sending away my Marionette!"

Marinette went pale as the once female voice turned into a deep males voice. She screamed as the volume was turned up more, nearly almost falling off the ladder. The bucket of cleaning liquid fell from the latter and the brush dropped from Marinette's hand.

"General Gabriel Agreste was then burned alive and beheaded for forcing his only son, his flesh and blood to marry a selfish whore Princess! They took my chance of love away from me! So I took their lives! I made them suffer! Queen Audrey was stabbed to death and the France palace was burned to the ground! I never saw my Marionette again!"

Marinette screamed as the boombox's volume got louder, her hands flew up to her ears to cover them from the sound. The ladder though couldn't handle Marinette's movement and one wrong move of the foot and Marinette had nearly fallen off the ladder. She screamed as she felt her body begin to tip off the ladder and begin to fall. That is until it went silent and the boombox turned off as a pair of hands caught Marinette and tugged her foreward to the wall. Marinette opened her eyes and stared in horror as the portrait Prince Adrien was smiling at her lovingly, his arms squeezed her body. Half of his body was still in the painting but the top half of him was out of the painting. He blushed as Marinette froze, "I found you, my Marionette~" Marinette began to scream as the painted Prince began to pull Marinette into the painting, she screamed and kicked, but to no avail did it do anything. Marinette let out a horrified scream as her body was forced into the painting, then it went dark.

"My love, my love please open thy eyes."

Marinette opened her eyes and nearly screamed as the face of the supposed to be dead King of France held her in his arms lovingly. He smiled and suddenly slammed his lips upon hers, Marinette blushed as Prince Adrien deepened the kiss. Fluttering her eyes close she moaned into the kiss. The dead Princes hand cupped Marinette's face bringing her closer to his body, gently he pulled out of the kiss. "My love~" he breathes out as he rubs Marinette's cheek with his gloved hand. Marinette blushes and pushes herself away from the Prince which only then causes her to notice her new attire; a big fluffy white chinese wedding dress, with white gloves and a silky see-through viel. "My love please do not panic, I finally found you! After all these years I finally found you my Marionette!" he swiftly grabbed Marinette's hands and pulled her closer to him.

Marinette was about to tell him that he had the wrong person when Prince Adrien's hand grabbed her hair comb and showed her. "Before I died, I had someone enchant your hair comb to find it's way back to you, so that when it found you I would find my way back to you too and look! It lead me back to you! My Marionette, how I have missed you."

Marinette yelped as Prince Adrien picked her up and spun her around happily. Then he placed her on the ground, he bent down on one knee and pulled out what looked like a diamond ring. "Will you Marionette Dupain le Belle fille marry me, now that we are together again we can start that family and stay here in my pocket dimension." Marinette stared shocked as Adrien looked at her with hopeful eyes. She looked back and saw the frame to the other world, maybe she could escape? "Marionette you can't escape my love, this dimension was made to to bring us back home. Marinette then turned back around and noticed that she was in the rose garden, the Agreste Mansion was in the distance and there were even birds singing and warm sun light on her skin.

"Pocket Dimension?" Marinette asked and Adrien nodded, "Yes anything you desire will be here for you." Marinette looked around a bit more and Adrien bored kissed Marinette's hand. Suddenly the clock from the real world struck five and chimed. Adrien suddenly stood up and forced Marinette close to him, he slid on the ring much to Marinette's confusion. "Hey wait wh-" she was cut off as Prince Adrien kissed her again, this time she felt a force of magic force her to like it. Her hands wrapped around his neck and she felt him cup the back of her head. Her mind was going fuzzy and she started to forget things, her eyes finally fluttered close.

Slowly Prince Adrien pulled away, his eyes filled with love as he smiled down at Marinette. "My love? How do you feel now?" Marinette opened her eyes and smiled, "My Prince, How wonderful to see you again." Prince Adrien smiles and spins Marinette who laughs, "My Marionette! My lady, my love! Your back!" Marinette now Marionette smiled as he placed her back onto the ground, she leaned up and their lips met in happy bliss. "My love I knew you would find me." Prince Adrien smiles and pulls her closer to his chest, Marionette smiles up at him. "My love how could I let you go so easily? I love you and even if our time back then had ended in tragedy now we can be together forever."

Marionette smiled and pecked his lips, "I did promise you I would marry you all those years ago." Prince Adrien smiled and Marionette cupped his face preparing to kiss her lover. Just before their lips met Prince Adrien whispered; "My Marionette" his bride smiled and blushed as she whispers on his lips; :"My Adrien"

Then as the sun rose on the Museum, they held still as the painting froze.


"And now I present to you an ancient old painting found in the lost room of the old France Palace, I give you the portrait of King Adrien; the last Prince of Paris." Mr. Red had finished his speech and tugged on the clothing. The crowd gasp as Mr. Red nearly faints from the painting, instead of a portrait of King Adrien there was a painted picture of King Adrien kissing Marionette Dupain le Belle fille in a wedding dress. Mr. Red turned to the confused crowd just as they cheered and began taking pictures of the lost painting. Mr. Red let out a reliefed sigh and picked up his phone.

"I'm sorry but the number your trying to reach is unavailable please call later, or leave a message."

Mr. Red smiled and spoke into the phone; "Marinette, I don't know how you did it but I would like to congratulate you myself, call me back when you get this."

Unfortunately no one saw Marinette after the paintings reveal.

Maybe it was a coincidence that Prince Adrien's soul was inside that painting, or maybe it was a coincidence that Marinette was the soul reincarnation of Marionette.

Or maybe it was destiny that Marinette had bought that hair comb from that store the night she had to clean the painting.

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