Mated To My Nightmare

By EuphrasiaLove

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Tyler Price only loves two things his little sister Skylar and pack. As Alpha of Silver Moon Pack, at the age... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 11

72 4 0
By EuphrasiaLove

Narrator's P.O.V

It's been two days since Leah was kidnapped. Ty and Stevie are getting more anxious by the minute. Stevie takes Amy and they go scanning the area where Leah was taken from. The find a note and Stevie quickly recognises the hand writing and tells Amy.
They rush to the packhouse where they find Ty and Cammy having a meeting. "Can we talk in the office now." Ty dismisses the pack Warriors. "What is wrong?" Amy hands Ty the piece of paper. "We found this in the forest." Ty read it out allowed. "I have got what is mine. Don't try to come after us. Or else there will be hell to pay. Well let's find this fool and make him wish he was dead." The my thoughts going through Ty's head is how to kill this bastard. Until Stevie speaks. "I know who took and where they might have gone." Amy still seemed sceptical of this. Ty asked. "How do you know who could have taken her?" Stevie takes deep breaths to control his emotions. "Rodney Avid he was my friend before the pack shunned me. I know it's him because he didn't use dots but hearts instead. I think he might have taken her to the cabin in my former pack. The torture chamber not many went there but it was my favourite place before I ran away." "Why would a torture chamber be your favourite place?" Cammy asks.  Stevie sighs and tears start to fall from his face. "My sperm donor used to take me there if I disobey anyone. I was meant to just agree with everything they said, do what they wanted me to do and not ask questions if they want me to do something about. Most of the times when I had a fighting spirit I w-would fight and refuse to be used." He takes a breather. After calling his raging emotions he continued. "He would take me there I would be happy because I was just gonna get hit with a few punches and kicked but it won't be as bad as when I am in the pack. So I liked going there, just to escape the pain." Ty asks first. "What happened to you when you were in the pack?" Amy tries to calm her wolf. This leads to her mate Abel coming into the office. "Babe what wrong? I can feel your anger coursing through me." Abel is just awfully quiet as always. "It's nothing." Amy says while keeping her head in between his neck and shoulder. "They r-ra-raped me." It's downhill from then. Ty's wolf comes to the surface forcefully taking control. Cammy is fighting a losing battle because his wolf comes to the surface. Amy is furious but is called down by the closeness to her mate.

In the meanwhile Leah is pushing Rodney's buttons. Until she feels a surge of rage through mixed with agitation, sadness and fear. She immediately knows the that these feelings are not her but her mates' feelings. Her wolf is picking up because Rodney forgot to give her the wolfsbane injection.

Sky also feels her brother's sorrow. His wolf calls out to her and Leah. She immediately picks up her phone and calls home. "Hello." She says after Ty/ Alex answer after the third ring. "Hello, Sky." His voice is a bit deep. "Alex please calm down and tell me what's wrong. I can feel your rage though the bond." Alex huffs. "Leah was kidnapped two days ago and I just found out my mate was mistreated in his former pack. They physically, emotionally and sexually assaulted him. I took control because Ty feels bad for turning his emotions off to handle the heartache of his mate not wanting him and now we know that it's not because he wanted to but because of his fear to trust anyone. I... no we feel like assholes right now. Thanks for calling I feel better." Sky remained quiet until she says, "Give me the name of the pack and I will level it down by sunset while you find Leah. Take only 10 Warriors and bring Leah home. I have been gone only for four days. In these four days, Leah was kidnapped and you turned your emotions off. For now just be there for him. Show him that nothing has changed and you still love him and when you find Leah take them both on a long vacation. Now go console your mate and find your other mate. In the meantime give the phone to Amy." He just nods even though they can't see each other and gives the phone to Amy. "Hey, Sky. How are you?" Sky and Amy chat for a while. So far they have decided that Amy, Abel, Ty, Leah and Stevie will go on a vacation.

Cammy has managed to calm himself down. Now they have called the ten Warriors and  are now on the verge of leaving they are waiting for the Alphas and Betas of the pack. The ten Warriors are Beckham Style, Asanda Buthelezi, Asa Buthelezi, Josh Lucas, Luke Smith, Denilson Steel, Farah Khan, Mike Denver, Jon Boyle and Gina Grey. Ty and Stevie have decided to talk about everything when they get back while Amy and Abel are going to decide later on what to do about their relationship. They reach downstairs get into their cars and leave with Stevie leading the way.

~two days later~

Rodney is preparing to leave the cabin after being warned by his informant that the pack is coming to rescue Leah. So far Leah has refused to be marked by him. He has tried bring nice. He did this task with the help of his two friends one of which he has already killed. He has no one backing him. What he didn't know was who Leah's mate was. Just as he was about to leave he had a huge bang upstairs. "What's that?" Leah asks him. He doesn't answer but puts a knife on her neck. Ty and Stevie appears on the door. Rodney smirks when he sees that his informant is with them atleast now he knows he can win this. His best friend Beck is one of the Warriors of Silver Moon pack. He takes out some needles filled with silver he tries to inject the Alpha with it but Leah notices. "Behind you." The Alphas move out of the way quickly. " I am sorry, Alpha and soon to be Alpha. It wasn't my plan to kidnap the Luna but Roddy needed a mate so I gave him one. No bad blood." He says in a mocking tone. That's when Ty speaks. "So you are siding with the enemy, I hope you know what I do to traitors." Beck doesn't get scared. He just smiled fear not even gracing his body. "You can't do anything unless you want to risk your mate. Somehow during their conversation Leah found a way to distract Rodney. While Stevie worked on the cuffs. When they had a click. They all turn towards them. Ty snaps Beck's neck but makes sure not to kill him but make him faint. While Leah and Stevie knock out Roddy. They are tied up and taken to the van. Right after it is explained what truly happened and how Rodney entered the pack without being. The Warriors were angry at the fact that their Luna was put in danger.

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