Secretly Married (Yizhan FF)

By WangYibo860

613K 32.3K 5.4K

The childish Xiao Zhan secretly married to the most famous and cold to their university Wang yibo. More

Chapter One : the arrangement
Chapter 2: The Engagement Party
Chapter 3: Their wedding and first night
Chapter 4: Rules
Chapter 5: First Day
Chapter 6: Encounter and bunnies
Chapter 7: Acquaintance DAY!!
Chapter 8: Visitor
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11:🔞💯🔞💯⚠️⚠️
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Can we be friends??
Authors note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Not an Update
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Happy birthday Bunny!!!!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
not an update
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (warning)
New story
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 15

10.6K 586 94
By WangYibo860

3rd person pov'

Zhan went to school with sad face. He keep thinking that he is rejected by Wang Yibo. He keep walking in the hall way when he bump to someone.

"I sorry."he bowed his head and walk put but suddenly someone stop him by holding his hands.
"Zhan?? Xiao Zhan right??" The man asked. Zhan didn't loom at him but he just nod.

"Im sorry but Im going to be late sir." Zhan said and still he didn't look at the man he is talking.

"Ohhh Im sorry cone on we have the same class" the man pulled him inthe hallway.
Zhan was shocked when someone suddenly dragged him in his classroom.

He was about to pull his hand when he saw the man who dragged him... "Jay???"  He asked in shocked their are running.

"Huh...... you just addressed me sir earlier now you know me already hahahha" Jay said and laugh.

Zhan cant help but to smile to Jay.
Seeing the man has full of positive energy that can easily infect to others. Zhan smile he holds Jay's hand tightly and joined hom to run at the hallway even though they are catching so much attention.

On the other there is a one person clutching his hand as he saw what's happening un the hallway. He didn't care what their lecturer said infront and keep looking at the window watching the two person running happily.

He didn't know but he's heart feeling pain.


Yibo loom infront blankly and just stare at the professor that makes him more angry.


"Are you okay babe??? What happened to you??" Emily hold his hands but he just brushed it off before he went out.

Yibo went out and he decided to go to his secret spot but its nit secret any more.

Yibo look at the two bunnies playing. The black one went near to him and the white one stay in his spot.
Yibo didn't bother them and he just climbed up even though the Black bunny wants a carry from him.

He keep thinking what just he saw earlier.
"Damn you Zhan why are you keep running on my mind!!!" He scolde in his self.

Just an hour later Yibo heard a familiar voice again. He look down and he saw the persone he is thinking before.

"Hi bunnies let me stay here for a while okay!!?" Zhan said and sit down under the tree.
" lett me sleep here for a minute bunnies come let me cuddle you two" he said and the bunnies immediately went to his lap.

Yibo went down when he is sure that was fallen sleep......
Yibo stare at the sleeping man.
He don't know but he want to starr at Zhan.

He went near to him until they only jabe five inches away to each other face.

On the other side. A girl hust saw what happened and she click her phone immediately. Capturing some good shot. She smile and hide her phobe in her pocket and went off.
"I will have a big money here" the girl said while walking on the hallway

Back to the Yibo he is still staring at the beautiful creation but the he flinch when he saw the white bunny infront of him touching his face with his litter feet.
The bunny looks like glaring at him.

"Tsss" He said and walk out.

"Eyyy Yibooo!!! Here" Xueyang said to him when he spotted them in the cafeteria.
He walked to them whe he saw a new but familiar face on his group.

He sitted down beside xueyang and leave one chair between him and the new man.

"Ahh yeahhh this is Jay Park by the way." Xueyang introduces Jay to him.

"Mn. Yibo" he just said shortly.
"Nice meeting you Yibo" the man smile widely at him and he just ignore it.

"Guyss sorry We're late hahahahaha." Yibo look at the person who speak behind him.
And his heart was in shocked

"Nahh its okay zhan" Yixuan said and smile at him.

Yibo was shocked because they know each other.

"Ahhh by the way Yibo this Zhan, Jiyang, yubin And Ziyi" xueyang said . Yibp just look a them.
"Mn" he answered and look to his served food.

"Babe try these one."
Jay said to him.
Yibo's suddenly his ears sharpened

" hmmm. Is it nice????....... do you want more????" Jay asked to his.

" Uhmmm" zhan repllied and smiling.
They didn't aware that every one inthe table looking at them. Jay is feeding Zhan. And zhan patienly wait Jay to feed him.
Specially to the two people.
The one is smiling widely and the ine is gripping his hands under the table.

" awwww how sweet!!!" The said and make  the two people flinch.
"Hahahaha tank you??

Zhan feel awkward as his husband was with them. But Jay help him to  feel comfortable by giving him food.

"By the Way guys Wens inviting us for a race tomorrow." Seongyeon said.

" Race????" Jay asked.
"Yeah wanna come???" Seongyeon aske to jay and jay smile and look to zhan.
" what kind of race??" Ha asked

" ohhh its just motor and car race"

"We're coming!"  jay agreed to them. And continue feeding the big baby beside him not knowing that someone cursing behind them.

"Aishhh this big baby.... come on zhan let me wipe it." Jay said and went near to zhan. But they flinch when suddenly Wang Yibo stand up and walked out.

Everyone look to each other but they just shrugged off while Xueyang smiling widely.

"Let me follow" he said and went off. He followed Yibo to the bathroom.
And he smile when he saw his cousin looking down to the sink.

"Jealous??" He said and Yobo looked at him.

"What are you doing here???"'yibo asked and he glared at his cousin.

Xueyang smirk. "Nothing just checking someone if he us still okay"

"What do you mean???" Yibo asked him

"Remember what I told you before yibo......." Xueyang said and walked out.

"Tsss non sense". He said and walked out from the toilet.

"Hi babe where did you go??" Emily asked when he saw his boyfriend reaching.

"Mnn on the cafeteria." He said and sit down on the chair. And Emily immediately sat on his lap.
Wamg Yibo rubbed his girlfriend slim waist while Emily grinding her hips on his.
They are in their hideout so no one will see them eventually if the make mystery there.

"Hmm babe can I come in your house??" Emily asked.

"Mn" Wang Yibo shortly said.

His girlfriend smile widely and stand up. "Then lets continue this in your house bye babe I still have a class" Emily exited.

WamgYibonalso went out side and attend his remaining classes.

/: hope you like this chapter hahah.

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