Melban oneshots (Requests ope...

By Disgrace_to_humanity

30.2K 676 398

(Requests open) Ban x meliodas oneshots A lot of fluff No smut (unless someone requests it and I feel comfort... More

Truth or dare
Camp Counselor
Camp Counselor Pt. 2
Love at First Fight
A Birthday Proposal
Heart Beat
What the fuck *not a chapter*
High School Romance AU
High School Romance AU Pt. 2
Alone together
Kid Curse
Meeting Meliodas's Parents
Again what the fuck *not a chapter*
Flower Crown
Handsom Stranger
Sick Day
Tagged because why the frick not
Harry Potter AU
What the heck?! *not a chapter*
Thunder Storm
(Another) A/N
The Vampire and the Demon
Place Requests Here
Happy Father's Day
Sea Monster
I'm not totally dead *not a chapter*

Friendship Braclet

441 16 9
By Disgrace_to_humanity

I'm sorry for taking long again
But I bet you don't want to hear me talk so anyway
I think this is pretty self explanatory
Meliodas and Ban are in high school
Pretty basic
Meliodas' POV
"Hey guys, who's that?" I asked as my friends and I were walking to our next class. "Oh him? They say him name is Ban but he won't tell anyone up forward. I think Howzer saw it on his paper once. They say he's been expelled from 5 different schools and his dad was a vampire. His sister also goes here but she's more out going and is two years younger than him." Diane said. "They say he never speaks. Ever." King added. "Also that he murdered his girlfriend because she wanted to break up with him." Elizabeth said after. "Really?" I said wondering how much of that was actually true. I looked over as a tall blue/silver haired man.

"I'm going to go talk to him." I said in a whisper. "Okay you do- wait, WHAT?! Remember the gossip! You can't go against gossip!" Diane whisper yelled at me. I ignored her and walked over to the tall blue/silver haired male. "Hi, you're new right? Well I'm Meliodas and-" I was cut off with his slamming his locker and turning around to look at me. He glared down at me for a second before he walked away. "Hey. Hey! Wait!" I yelled chasing after him.

After I finally caught up to him I saw him go into a classroom. It was history. 'Do we have the same classes?' I thought walking in. Luckily there was an open seat right next to him. I could see him reading a book. I got into the seat next to him as he glanced at me. He rolled his eyes then went back to his book. "Whatcha reading?" I asked trying to look over. He still didn't answer me. Instead he took out a small, black notebook and ripped out a piece of paper. I could see him write something down then he showed it to me. It said that Leave me alone. "I'm not going to leave you alone. I want to know you better." He rolled his eyes again as class started.

'I have to make a first move. Come oooonnnn! What do friends do for each other. Well I got some string. Now what can I do with- OH!' I thought taking out the many shades of red and black from my bag. I'm going to take a wild guess and hope that red is his favorite color. Or else I'm screwed. I started working on it and made sort of a swirly type design. I really liked it actually.

After class ended it was time for lunch. I scanned the lunch tables but didn't see a trance of the tall, blue/silver haired boy. I decided he went outside. As I got out I saw only a few people out. Most of them group of quiet kids or new kids. I looked over at a large tree and saw him. His bright red eyes scanning the pages of a book. Probably the one he was reading in the last class.

I walked over to him and sat down beside him. He didn't even take a glance at me. "Hey." I said waving with a small smile on my face. He still didn't look at me. "Look, I get it if I'm being annoying but I want to be friends with you. More than anything. I get if you don't want me to be yours but you'll be mine. That's a promise by the way. And here's a gift to represent that promise." I said, a little shocked I said all that. I doubt he was even listening though.

I pulled out the friendship bracelet and slid it on his book. I could see him glance at it. He put a bookmark in the place he was reading and grabbed the bracelet. He looked so focused on it. Like he was examining every knot and detail. He grabbed out the little black notebook again and wrote something down. He showed it to me when he was done. It said 'Can you help me put it on?' This caused me to smile. He didn't really but I was okay with that. "Sure!" I said as he handed me the bracelet. I pulled his wrist towards me and tied it. I felt my face heat up a little. 'It must be hot out here.' I thought letting go of his wrist.

He looked at the bracelet again and looked at me. If you looked hard enough, you could see the smallest smile on his lips. I could see it clear as day though. I saw him pick up the notebook again a write something. 'You know, if we're ever going to be friends, we should know each other better.' I looked down and played with me hands. "Well I.....I don't know." I said blushing. Damn, why am I so flustered? "Okay fine. A few years ago, when I started high school, I was lonely and didn't make any friends. I met Diane, King, and Elizabeth though and I felt like I found my place. Until one day we were all talking about our sexuality. I don't know how the subject came up but, without thinking, I said I was gay. I didn't notice that a guy was right behind us and heard everything." I paused trying not to cry. "Then the next day when I got to school, everyone was looking at me and whispering. I wondered what was going on until I over heard a group of girls talking about me. They kept saying how weird I was and it was wrong to like boys. I wanted to just quit school but I decided not to tell me parents. I didn't want them to embarrass me more. A lot of people still tease me but the worst is when the pull pranks." I said looking at him.

He had a look of shock on his face. He wrote down something. He didn't show it to me though. Instead he wrote something else. 'You should have stood up for yourself.' I laughed a little. "I know. I guess I can just be vulnerable." I said. We both heard the bell ring and got up. "Hey, can I look at your schedule?" I asked kind of embarrassed. He dug through his backpack and pulled it out. I sighed when I saw we only had the last class together in the second half of school. But the first half we had two. So it wasn't that bad.

"I'll see you last period then?" I said. He had on his regular blank stare and nodded. I smiled at we walked to class then parted ways. I couldn't help but look back at the tall high schooler walking into his classroom. My cheeks started to turn pink and I could heart my heart beat. 'What is this?' I thought as I put my hand to my chest. 'It couldn't. Right? I mean I just met him. He is kind of hot though. I wonder why he doesn't speak. My be he's mute? Maybe I should ask him.' I thought as I went to my next class.

It was pretty boring so I doodled in a notebook.  I couldn't help but think of him. 'Was he name even Ban? Should I call him that? Eh, whatever. I'll call him by his name.' I started to scribble his name down. Then I drew a tiny picture of him. Then one of me. Then I slowly drew a heart in between us. I blushed intensely after seeing what I did. 'Did I really have a crush on a guy I just met? Maybe not. God, WHY IS THIS SO HARD?!' I thought laying my head down on my desk.

I heard the bell ring and it was finally time for last period. Except it was also pretty boring. Chemistry. I don't know what it is but its boring. Luckily we actually get to do actual experiments. I walked into class  and sat down at my regular seat. No one ever wants to pair up with me. They all think I'm annoying. And Elizabeth is paired with Diane and King is paired with his best friend, Helbrem. That leaves me by myself.

"Alright everyone! Calm down! We have a new student to this class. Treat him with respect and don't bother him. If you do I will know. Meliodas. He'll be your partner." Our teacher Hendrickson said in his strict voice. I saw Ban walk over to me. I couldn't help but blush. Fine, I won't deny that he's handsome. He walked over and stood next to me. He still had a blank face. "Now, you all know what we're doing today. I'm just here to make sure you don't blow up the school." Hendrickson said sitting at his desk. That's why he's my favorite teacher. He's so laid back but yet so strict. "Dang, I'm out of coffee. Everyone! I'm going to go to the teachers lounge and get some more coffee! Just don't set anything on fire, okay?" Hendrickson said with a sigh as he walked out.

"So, since you probably don't know what we're doing then I can help you. I mean if you want." I said the end part in a little above a whisper. I looked over and saw him write something down. 'I think I know what to do, but to refresh my memory can you show me?' It read on the paper. I nodded and stood beside him. I looked over at the bracelet I gave him earlier. 'I'm surprised he hasn't taken it off yet. Could he maybe feel the same way? Well I guess I'll have to find out.'

As I was thinking of all this I didn't notice Howzer and Greamore sneak behind me. I also didn't notice that they had baking soda and vinegar with them. "Yeah, you got it." I said to Ban as I moved away from his side. I didn't want to but I had to. I started working on my thing again until I heard something from behind me. "We have a present for you, you gay freak!" Howzer yelled as they tossed baking soda on me then doused me in vinegar.

All I could hear was laughing and all I could feel was a tingly burning feeling on my skin. I felt like crying. Everyone laughed and told me how much of a freak I was for liking guys. I was used to it but it still hurt. Not as much as the vinegar though. I wanted to run down the hall into the nurses office but I didn't. Something held me back and I couldn't move. Until something unexpected happened.

"WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP?! SO HE LIKES GUYS?! WHO CARES?! IF HE IS INTO GUYS THEN HE CAN BE!! ATLEAST HE HAS THE GUTS TO BE HIMSELF!! UNLIKE ALL OF YOU MOTHER FUCKERS WHO MAKE FUN OF ANYONE DIFFERENT!! IF HE IS GAY THEN I HOPE HE'S NOT ATTRACTED TO ANY OF YOU BASTARDS!!" A boy yelled. We all turned our attention to the person who was the source of it. It ended up being Ban. A guy who has never spoken a word to anyone just shouted at every single one of our classmates. I won't lie, it was kind of hot.

His face was bright red from him raising his voice and I could see anger in his eyes. After yelling though, his face went back to it's normal blank stare. He shoved Howzer to the ground causing his to get a bloody nose. Ban then grabbed my wrist, and both of our back packs, and pulled me out the door. I was sort of confused but went with it. I could see through his blank stare that he was pissed off. It wasn't even blank. It was like a determined face but yet angry. You couldn't really tell which emotion it was.

We ran into professor Hendrickson as he came out of the teachers lounge. He saw me, my red skin, Ban, then Ban's face. "What happened?" He asked sipping his coffee. I was about to speak but Ban cut me off. "Howzer and Greamore poured baking soda and vinegar on Meliodas and made fun of him. Actually the whole class made fun of him. They knew it would give him a rash and itchy, irritated red skin. So those two were the cause of it. Now if you will excuse us, I have to take him to the nurses office." Ban said in a stern voice. Professor Hendrickson just nodded his head and went back to the classroom.

When we got to the nurses office, she almost dropped everything at the sight of me. "Oh dear, let me help you out." She said in a kind voice. She then gave me some medicine and helped with me rashes and got me cleaned up so it was all off me. "You know, if you waited any longer you could have been seriously hurt. You two can wait here until the bell rings." She finished leaving me with Ban in the waiting room.

It was silent for a while. "So, you can talk?" I said breaking the silence. He didn't answer. Just looked at the floor. "Ban, remember what I said at lunch." I said putting my hand on his. He sighed and nodded. "The same thing happened to me at my old schools you know." He said in a low quiet voice. "I came out as gay and everyone thought it was either gross or wrong or messed up. People have small minds. Don't let them get to you." He said intertwining our fingers and squeezing a little.

It was quite for a little longer. "So you're gay too?" I asked. He nodded and leaned his head against the wall behind him. I decided to make my move. I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. I could see his face turn red, but he didn't have a different expression. "What was that for?" He asked. "Listen, this might sound weird but I like you. Like, I like you like you. I don't know what it is but even when I bothered you, you still didn't push me away or abandon me. Even if it's only been a day." I said blushing intensely. "You missed." He said in a whisper. "What?" I asked. He turned to me and said "You missed." I was confused until he leaned forward and kissed me ON THE LIPS! I was so shocked I didn't know what to do. I eventually kissed back.

We kept kissing until we ran out of breath. "I....I love you Ban." I said. He squeezed my hand again. "I love you too. You were annoying at first but that's what made you really adorable. I guess a day can do a lot to a person." He said. "Yeah." I said back as we kissed again.

We kissed, flirted, held hands, and complimented each other until the bell rang. We were in the middle of making out when it did. We both pulled away and looked at each other. "Want to come over tomorrow?" Ban asked getting and and pulling me up next him. "Absolutely." I said back. Before we left I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as we parted ways.
I can already tell we were probably going to get in trouble tomorrow, but it was definitely worth it.

Jeez another one done.
2633 words
I hope you guys enjoyed!
I had a lot of fun writing this even though it took forever. Like I said I have a lot of ideas and not a lot of free time. It's also 1am and I have school tomorrow
So bye bye!

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