Melban oneshots (Requests ope...

By Disgrace_to_humanity

30.2K 676 398

(Requests open) Ban x meliodas oneshots A lot of fluff No smut (unless someone requests it and I feel comfort... More

Truth or dare
Camp Counselor
Camp Counselor Pt. 2
Love at First Fight
A Birthday Proposal
Heart Beat
What the fuck *not a chapter*
High School Romance AU
High School Romance AU Pt. 2
Alone together
Kid Curse
Meeting Meliodas's Parents
Again what the fuck *not a chapter*
Flower Crown
Sick Day
Tagged because why the frick not
Harry Potter AU
Friendship Braclet
What the heck?! *not a chapter*
Thunder Storm
(Another) A/N
The Vampire and the Demon
Place Requests Here
Happy Father's Day
Sea Monster
I'm not totally dead *not a chapter*

Handsom Stranger

583 19 8
By Disgrace_to_humanity

I'm sorry it's taking so long with the chapters but I'm glad you all like them
So this is a future AU Meliodas runs into a guy at the Mall
As always
Meliodas' POV
"Elizabeth and I will be at Bath and Body Works, and-" "King is coming with me I know I know." I said cutting off Diane. "Okay then. Have fun!" She said as her and Elizabeth made their way over to the store. "So where did you wanna go Meliodas?" King asked. I pushed my hands into the pockets of my oversized hoodie. "I was thinking Spencer's and if you want to go to Hot Topic." I said looking in the direction of the two stores. "That sounds good. What if the girls meet us there?" King suggested pulling out his phone. "Okay." I replied drawing him to the store.
We entered Spencer's and started to look around. We both went in separate directions as we looked at stuff. I browsed the wallets then hats not looking where I was going. I accidentally bumped into someone and almost fell over because of how tall they were. Whoever is was caught me as I was about to his the ground. "T-thanks." I said trying to calm my racing heart from the shock I just experienced. "No problem. I couldn't have you go cracking your skull while it's my shift now can I?" The guy said. I giggled a little at the statement as I looked up at his face. He was an employee definitely because he was re stocking the hats and shirts. As he went back to what he was doing before I got a better look at his face. His hair was blue/silver and covered his right eye. He had a lot of piercings. Two on his eye brow, two diamond (probably fake) on his left ear lobe, one diamond on his left, four hoops that went on the top of his right ear, and then three on his left. I also bet he had a few on his other eye brow but I couldn't see it. The guy also had a few tattoos on his neck, arms, and legs. He was wearing black basketball shorts and a yellow shirt that said 'I'm a ray of fucking sunshine' that I'm guessing he made unto a tank. I honestly thought it was pretty funny (fun fact, they actually sell that shirt at Spencer's).When he turned so I saw his right side more I could see his name tag. 'Ban' it read. 'Ban huh?' I thought trying not to stare. After a while he went back to the cash register. It was actually really hard not to stare at him. I completely forgot that I was even in a store. I was pulled back into reality by King who said that he found something. I blinked a few times to get out of the trance that I was in then looked at him. I nodded my head. "I'm not done yet so how about you and the girls go to the food court and I'll meet you there?" I said trying not to be to obvious that I wanted to stay just for the boy at the register. "Hm okay." King said. Oh no. Oh no no no. I know King, and when he says stuff like that he knows what's going on. I didn't really care though because I actually wanted to stay to talk to this guy.
King bought whatever he was holding then left. Now I can go talk to him. I started to walk over but then stopped. I started to get nervous. 'Why is this so hard? Just go up and talk to him. I have something to buy so I have an excuse to talk to him.' I started to walk slowly to him. "Uh hey." I said putting my purchase on the counter. They guy looked off his phone and down at me. "Hey!" He said taking the shirt and scanning it. I was just getting more and more nervous. "You know," he said making me look up. "It's not very polite to stare at people." He finished. Shit. "Oh I'm sorry! I just have never seen someone like you before. You're just so-" "Freakish?" He asked looking away from me and down at the counter. I was shocked. I can't believe a person so handsome be ashamed of himself? "N-no! I wasn't going to say that! I was going to say extraordinary. Also it takes a lot to be yourself and you make it look so easy." I could see him look at me then blush a little. "I've never heard someone say that other than my dad, older brother, and younger sister. All the rest of my family blames me and my dad for all the choices I've made. But that doesn't stop me from being the best big brother I can to my sister and a good younger brother to my older brother." He said them paused. "Sorry I'm getting to deep. I didn't mean to say all that." I was actually kind of hurt. My heart felt like it was breaking unto a million pieces because of how sad he sounded. "God I'm so sorry." He looked back up at me and we locked eyes. "It's really fine." He said. "Hey! My break really soon. Do you want to maybe get some food or rolled ice cream? They have a really good place in the food court." He said a little enthusiastically. I felt myself blush a little bit. "Yeah! I mean, that would be cool." He laughed a little which made me blush more. I bet he could tell. We talked for a little while longer until we decided to go to the food court.
As we walked over we talked some more about random stuff until we got to the food court, and exchanged phone numbers. "Okay let me take a picture." I said giggling. He laughed a little as he looked at me and made a peace sign and stuck out his tongue. Also just then I noticed he also had a piercing on his tongue too. 'God this guy is amazing.' I thought.
When we made it to the food court I looked around and was surprised to see my friends still talking. "Hey, there are my friends I was talking to you about." I said gesturing to the three people at a table. "You know I thought they would actually look something like that." Ban said putting his hand up to his chin. "Really?" I asked looking at him. "Well I just thought about what the opposite of me would look like that there it is." He said waving a hand in my friend's direction. I nodded my head slowly looking from Ban to them. "How about I introduce you and then we can get some food?" I asked. "That sounds great." He said back with sort of a smile.
We walked over to my friend's table and they started to look at me with a weird expression. When I sat in a chair next to King and Ban sat in one next to Diane. "So I'm the time that I left you at the store you've already made friends with a random stranger?" King asked looking at Ban up and down with a concerned face. "Yeah? What's wrong with that?" I asked with a puzzled face. "We're not judging you," Diane said. "But why this guy? That's so out of left field." She finished. I glanced at Ban and saw his face went from a small smile to a blank expression. I looked back at them. "Again," I said. "Why is that so bad?" By this point I'm actually starting to get a little annoyed. "Like Diane said, we're not judging you. It's just that this guy is so different and weird." Elizabeth said. I think Ban had enough because he got up and left to the other side of the giant food court. I watched him disappear into the small crowd of people. I had no words for what just happened. "Good riddance." King said under his breath but I could still hear. "How about you shut the fuck up." I said sternly to him. "Jeez calm down Mel. It's not like he knew you like we do or anything." Diane said. Now I was getting pissed. "All of you need to shut the fuck up. He does know me. I'm the short time I've known him he's been nicer to me than all three of you combined. I don't need you guys. You don't even want me to make new friends and just have you. I can make friends with whoever the fuck I want. Now if you'll excuse me." I said walking off to where Ban went.
'Ugh why am I running looking for this guy?! Why did I care so much about what my friends said? And why is that guy so ridiculously handsome?! It's driving me insane. I need to figure this out fast.' When I made it over to the other side of the food court he wasn't there. I asked around and was staring to get worried. Finally one guy said he ordered a soda and went towards Hot Topic. I thanked him and began to walk there. When I got there I went in and saw Ban looking at then band T-shirts. I sighed and walked over. "Hey." I said but he didn't turn around. "I'm sorry about my friends. I never realized they were such assholes. But I'm not hanging out with them anymore because they hurt you." I finished waiting for an answer. "Why?" He said putting the shirt he was holding down but still not looking at me. "Huh?" I asked confused. "I said why? Why would you do all that? Get rid of your friends just for me? Just because of something they said about me? It's not like I haven't heard it before." I was kind of mad at his words. But be forewarned I could say anything I paused. Why did I care so much? 'Why is this one guy so important to me? Why do I care so much about why my friends think of him? Why do I feel the need to stand by him and help him out? Friendship? No that can't be it. Or is it because I-' I gasped silently to myself. 'But love at first sight isn't real right? I mean it's just in fair tails......right? And even so I can't be falling head over heels for this guy, right? I mean sure he is really cool and amazing and perfect and incredibly attractive and and....and.....god maybe I am.' I thought. All the while Ban was talking about how I didn't have to do that and I shouldn't have because he doesn't deserve it. "Stop!" I yelled at him but also tried to stay quiet. He stoped instantly. "Just stop! You're making yourself feel like shit for no reason! You do deserve it! You deserve to be happy and loved and not ridiculed and hated!" I paused looking at him. He was either red from all the talking he did or embarrassment or something. "You're smart and talented and lovable and handsome and amazing! And you know what?" I paused for a second. "I fucking love you! I didn't even know how but you're just so god damn amazing and funny and lovable I can't stand it! It also breaks my heart you see you beat yourself up! So shut the fuck up about yourself and live your own life!" I was kind of out of breath. It felt kind of nice to get it all out but also not because he might reject me. "I-I love you too." He said looking at me with his cheeks red. "W-what?" I asked making sure I heard him right. "You've been some kind to me since we've met and nice and cute and adorable. You're amazing and I'm glad you're nothing like your friends." He finished with a small smile. I smiled widely back. "Wait." I said looking at him. "What?" He asked. "You're smiling. I didn't think you could." I said walking over and hugging him. "Well I don't just show it to anybody." He said bending down so we were the same hight. I moved forward and he did to. We were about an inch apart and right as we were about to connect our lips an alarm on his watch went off. We snapped out of it as he turned it off. "Well I have to go back to work. I'll text you okay?" He said walking past me. "So we can meet up some time and have that kiss." He finished which made me turn bright red. "Sure you idiot." I said quietly. We both waved goodbye as I walked away.
I've never felt that happy in all my life. As soon as I got in my car I texted him.

Mel- can't wait for that kiss! Love you!

I waited a while then got an answer.

Ban- me either! I'm already missing you!😖

Mel- me tooooo! Hey! After you're done with work maybe you could come over to my place and we can watch a movie?

Ban- sure! Can't wait! Kay I gtg, ttyl

Mel- ❤️

I put my phone down and started my car. I looked over next to me and saw a bright red Jeep. I knew that moment. 'Really Ban?' I thought and I shook my head and drove away. This was the best. Day. Ever.

Sorry this took so long!
And sorry if it looks rushed but I reallllyyy wanted to get a chapter out
Hope you guys enjoyed!

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