Crow Of Death (BakuDeku)

By Dyno_Plushie

340K 11.8K 2.5K

Bakugo is the mafia boss of the Red Shinigami. Known to brutally murder their victims. Izuku was sent out to... More

Part 1 (Club Owner)
Part 2 (Making Plans)
Part 3 (Meeting)
Part 4 (Family Time)
Part 5 (Chat Room)
Part 6 (Arrangements)
Part 7 (The Group)
Part 8 (Sleeping With Him)
Part 9 (Surprise Meeting)
Part 10 (Old Acquaintances)
Part 11 (A Talk)
Part 12 (Interests)
Part 13 (Shopping)
Part 14 (Emergency Mission)
Part 15 (Club Sapphire)
Part 16 (Captured)
Part 17 (Sitaution Resolved)
Part 18 (Dreams)
Part 19 (The Art Of Seduction)
Part 20 (Mind Games)
Part 21 (Exploiting)
Part 22 (Answers)
Part 23 (Taking LOV Down)
Part 25 (Hitoshi Shinso)
Part 26 (Family)
Part 27 (hugs)
Part 28 (A Kiss??)
Part 29 (Cold shower)
Part 30 (Ex Is Back)
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33 (The Real End)

Part 24 (At Fault)

7.8K 287 19
By Dyno_Plushie

I was on my ride home from the mission when I got a call. Groaning I answer the phone.
"The fuck do yo-" I was cut off by a somewhat frantic Kaminari. He sounded as if he was on the brink of crying.
"B-Bakugo, Sh-Shinso was shot!" Kaminari was shouting through the phone. Sero looked over at me from the drivers side, seemingly having had heard him through the phone.
"How?" I sit up in my seat. My voice raising just a little bit as I spoke.
"T-there was someone else in the building! They w-were upstairs! They came down and when they saw what was going on th-they shot Shinso!" I could hear yelling in the background as he spoke. It sounded like Mina and Kirishima were doing their best to stop the bleeding.
"I'll have Sero turn around and get back right away. Have Shinso ready to get in the van. We'll drive straight to ponytails house." To say I was worried would be an understatement. Not only was eyebags one of my men but he was Eraserheads son. If things go bad who's knows what's going to happen.
"O-ok." Hearing the tremble in pikachu's voice made me worry. He's usually so happy and joyful or whatever. For him to be so scared and frantic is a little weird. We get shot all the time, so does that mean it's really that bad?
Sero seemed to have heard the entire conversation and was already heading back to the bar. His grip on the steering wheel was hard, his knuckles turning white.
"Is it that bad?" Sero glanced over at me from the road. He looked a little worried himself.
"It sounds like it is." I turn my head towards the window. I couldn't face any of my members right now.
I should've checked the upstairs before we even started. Shitty Deku was right, we should've had a more well thought out plan.
We pulled into the alleyway connected to the bar. Pikachu, shitty hair, raccoon eyes, and eyebags, were all waiting for us at the entrance. Pikachu and shitty hair were holding eyebags up by each arm.
Raccoon eyes went to the back of the van and opened the doors while pikachu and shitty hair put him in the back. I could tell pikachu was having a hard time keeping it together when I looked back at them.
Eyebags laid on the ground nearly unconscious, while the others sat around him. It looked like he got shot in the chest. There was a lot of blood, so pikachu held onto his chest to try and stop the bleeding.
We started to drive to ponytails house. She's our personal doctor. She has her own little clinic area back at the mansion but I know for a fact she's at her house. So our only chance is to go straight there.
Pulling into ponytails house I jumped out of the van. I opened the back doors to see the floor covered in blood and eyebags unconscious.
"Let's go, we have to get him inside." I climbed in and helped shitty hair get eyebags out of the car.
Raccoon eyes went running to the front door of the house to open it for us. We trudged into the house with him on our shoulders.
"Momo! Hurry we need help!" Raccoon eyes was freaking out and screaming for ponytail. Of course she came running downstairs. She immediately took action and started to rub the other direction.
"Come on! Follow me!" We dragged him over to another room in her house. It looked like her own personal office. Shitty hair and I dragged him on top of the table as ponytail grabbed a bunch of supplies.
"I need you guys out. Sero, since you've helped before I'm gonna need you." Sero nodded and went over to help. The rest of us left the room with frowns on our faces.
We went to go wait in the living room. Pikachu has already started breaking down crying, while raccoon eyes and shitty hair tried to calm him down. I sat in the corner of the room on a chair wondering what to do.
This is bad. His death is on me. I should've been more careful. Not only that, but if he dies that could mean a full on war with Eraserhead.
I was shaken out of my thoughts by a phone call. Looking at the caller ID I realized it was Deku. My heart sank. What the hell was I supposed to tell him?
"H-hello?" I stuttered my words out. Already regretting picking up the phone.
"W-whats going on?! I saw you guys zooming out of the alleyway on the street cameras but you're still not back?" His voice was shaky and he definitely knew something was wrong. I lowered my head thinking of my next words to him.
"U-uh... S-Shinso got shot...." the other side of the line was quiet for about a minute.
"W-where are you? H-how b-bad is it?" He didn't sound too bad but I knew he was freaking out. I could tell just from the slight tremble in his voice.
"We're at a doctors house.... I-I....I don't know his condition." That's what caused him to break down. I could hear crying and tears on the other line.
"I-I....I'll be waiting for y-your return." With that he hung up on me. I couldn't help but feel bad. This was mostly my fault. I should've listened to him, I shouldn't have rushed into things. Now one of my members are hurt.
I hope you enjoyed this! It's angsty I know :P I'm sorry for not updating! School work has been kind of tough on me so I won't be updating as often as I did before. I'm really sorry about all that! Though I hope you guys will still read and enjoy this book!

~Total words 1004~

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