By nurhya

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In which Yoongi, a boy with colourful eyes and a sniper hidden in a guitar case crosses paths with Taehyung... More



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By nurhya

Votes and comments highly appreciated (:

Taehyung let out a tired sigh as he let his body fall on the couch, closing his eyes softly. Flashes of the golden eyes he had seen kept replaying in his mind.

"Long day?" Taehyung's father asked.

The boy nodded. It had been a few days, and despite Taehyung's efforts to stay longer than usual on the plaza in hopes of seeing the older again, there were still no signs of him.

"Hey dad?" He asked, eyes opening to turn to his father.

"Mhm." His father hummed, turning the tv on and lowering the volume not to wake the rest of the family that had gone to sleep.

"Is it possible... for a human to have yellow eyes? With like, slitted pupils like a cat?" He asked, hands gesturing in front of his eyes to mimic the contraction of the pupils with light.

His father looked at him curiously, as if gauging if he was being serious. A small chuckle fell from his lips as he met Taehyung's gaze. His son had always been a very creative and imaginative kid, but he could usually discern reality from imagination better than this.

"You've been watching too many cartoons." He smiled, turning his attention back to the television.

"It's not cartoons dad, it's anime." Taehyung whined.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say." The man laughed, turning his attention back to the television.

"Following the breaking and entering of the Kim residence, the Director of the global corporation pleaded the police to enforce further surveillance around his mention." The news anchor said as flashes of the said mansion appeared on screen.

"The nation wide wanted criminal, SUGA, has struck again just this morning, this time not with an assassination, but rather a warning." She said. "Back to Tsuyeon, on the scene."

Another woman appeared on screen, behind her stood a large apartment complex, the entrance swarmed by police officers and facade reflecting the red and blue lights of their cars.

"Yes indeed, SUGA did not kill anyone today, however they did break into the luxury complex, tied up Kim Sanoung to the floor with duct tape and spray painted her entire wall."

As she spoke, the camera showed shots of the room. Her jewelry was still tangled on her vanity and the expensive bags and shoes were still in her wardrobe, but one of her walls was now plastered with large inscriptions of the word 'LIAR'.

"Kim Sanoung had reached out to the assassin to kill her supposed sexual harasser, but instead of carrying out the kill like he usually does, SUGA sent the video to the police and posted it on social media without censoring her face and with the title 'please arrest this liar for attempted murder'.

The police have checked in with the target and he indeed did have an alibi for the time the assault should have taken place. How SUGA managed to know Kim Sanoung was lying and her motives for doing so are still unknown, however she is currently in trial for attempted murder. This proves once again, that SUGA is certainly not just any assassin and-"

His father cut the television before the woman could finish her sentence.

"I heard about this case all day." He said, running his hand over his face tiredly. "I'm tired of it by now."

"You're the detective in charge of this case?" Taehyung asked curiously.

The adult nodded, running his hand on his stubbly chin as he stared at the now black screen of the television.

"I still can't grasp how he would have known she was lying." He mumbled. "It took three hours, a warrant, several black box tapes, security cams and a team of ten police officers to prove his innocence, how did this SUGA figure it out within minutes of receiving the video?"

Taehyung shrugged.

"Maybe he's the guy who was accused or something."

His father turned to him.

"That's impossible, the target is a high ranking director, he doesn't have time to play hitmen. We seriously know absolutely nothing about SUGA, not even gender."

"Can't experts tell by their body? Hasn't it been like, three years since the beginning of his case?" Taehyung asked.

"They usually can, but SUGA wore clothes so loose we couldn't distinguish their stature well. Face and hands were covered and they  didn't utter a word. Probably the only thing we know is that they are around 1.7m tall which happens to be the average korean height."

"SUGA is the perfect criminal huh?" Taehyung chuckled.

"Don't joke about these things Taehyung-ah, they've killed over thirty people now and we don't have the slightest lead yet."

"But they were all rapists." Taehyung reminded him.

"That's not an excuse to let a serial killer run the streets of Seoul."


A few hours earlier

Yoongi rolled his head around, humming in satisfaction as his neck cracked.

He readjusted the baseball cap under his block hoodie before licking his lips one last time and tugging the black mask over his nose and mouth. His hand, covered in a black latex glove knocked on the door in front of him.

It slammed open within seconds.

"What do you want?" Kim Sanong said.

She seemed tired, dark circles under her eyes and skin pale. Maybe the guilt of trying to kill her own uncle was surfacing?

He didn't say a word, simply raising the pizza box in front of him silently.

The woman looked at him, sizing him up with furrowed eyebrows.

"I didn't order any pizza th-" Her voice was cut when Yoongi clasped his hand over her mouth in a swift motion, pushing her into the appartement as a kick of his foot closed the door behind him.

Before she could say anything or yell for help, he placed the pizza box on a piece of furniture next to the door and pulled a phone out of his pocket, pressing the play button.

Her shaky voice resonated into the now quiet room and her eyes widened in terror, suddenly understanding the person in front of her was absolutely not there to deliver pizza.

The weight of the realisation was so heavy her legs gave in under her and she collapsed on the ground, the stranger staying up in front of her with the phone still in hand, looking down at her with blank eyes.

She took a breath to speak, but he raised a gloved index in front of his masked lips, silencing her instantly and letting the recording play in the silence of the appartement. Real tears built up in her eyes this time, and she brought a hand to her truly shaky lips.

"SU...GA?" She whispered, utterly terrified to have an assassin standing in front of her, an assassin she had lied to at that.

He nodded slowly. She didn't move a muscle. Cold sweat rolled down the side of her neck, making a chill go down her spine. Thoughts jammed into her head so much it was impossible to think clearly, she could only feel the terror building up

The person looked at the phone again, playing another recording.

"Liar." An altered voice said, similar to a vocaloid. "You lyed about sexual assault to me, SUGA. That's a crime you know?"

The woman could only tremble in fear as the recording kept playing, cold tears now streaming down her cheeks. The stranger placed the phone on the ground next to her, getting duct tape out of the backpack he was carrying.

He leaned down next to her, ripping out a piece of tape right in front of her. Yells were trapped in the back of her throat, only letting shaky breaths pour out of her trembling lips. She tried to lean away but the stranger gripped the back of her head firmly, sticking the tape to her lips.

He taped her hands flat down on the floor of the appartement, and at this point she didn't even protest. She was too concentrated on the recording that was still playing.

"Do you know what you risk for that? Why did you lie to me? Didn't you see the warning? Were you not scared? Do you hate your uncle that much? Did you want the money that much? Did your father force you to do this? Why did you agree?"

Questions were still pouring out of the phone as the stranger took out a sharpy. He uncapped it so close to her face she could smell the alcohol in it. He grabbed Sanoung's cheeks to prevent her from moving her head and started scribbling on her forehead, then her cheeks, and the tape on her lips.

He then stood up, closing the sharpie and grabbing a can of spray paint, shaking it before painting her wall.

"How dare you use sexual assault to incriminate someone? Don't you feel bad for all the women who have actually gone through that? Did you think I wouldn't check? Did you think you would get away with this because you're a woman. You can't just do whatever you want Sanoung-ah." The voice recording said as the stranger took a seat in front of her, opening the pizza box and taking a slice.

He looked at her, pitch black eyes staring from under his cap as he pulled the bottom of his mask away from his face  to take a bite of the pizza.

The recording kept playing as he ate calmly. Twenty minutes in total, with the stranger staring at her the whole time. Her thoughts had stopped as she simply soaked in whatever the synthesized voice said through the phone.

As the recording stopped for a few seconds, silence filled the room and she could finally align a clear thought. She truly regretted even being born more than anything at that precise moment. The stranger stood up, putting the tape, sharpy and spray paint into his bag before looking at her one last time

"If you regret what you did, make sure you remember this is all you and your father's fault." Were the last words spoken by the phone before the lean figure turned around and left.

okay I know this was intense,
but what did you think? (1600+ words baby)

I literally haven't stepped out of the house for a week and it's starting to make me lose my sanity (as you can probably tell from how I'm taking it out on the characters).

Anyways as usual, thanks for reading and hope you liked it (:

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