* Lunch Club + Friends Imagin...

By queenbeeaches

276K 2.8K 834

No longer writing due to change in opinion of the group but still here for people to read if you want to! Doe... More

Hello and Welcome
Meeting Cooper
Schlatt - Hard Goodbyes
Travis - Lovable Goof
Ted - Dance Teacher
Cooper - Clingy
Kryoz/John - Jealous
Ted - Tickle Fight
Schlatt - Hate Me
Josh - No Kisses
Schlatt - Moody
Meeting Ted
Schlatt - Fear of Flying
Zuckles/Mason - Silent Treatment
Charlie - Baby Fever
Schlatt - Mix Up
Noah - First Aid
Cooper - Schlatt's sister Pt 1
John - New Ring
LunchClub - Your Face Reveal
Cooper - Baking
Schlatt - Missed Dinner
Cooper - Jealousy
Travis - Baking
Jaren - Bad Day Comfort
Schlatt - You're in a Band
Cooper - Blind Idiots
Josh - Muffin
Josh - Little Mistake
Cooper - Schlatt's Sister pt 2
Noah - Baking
Cooper - Carnival
Charlie - Livestream Confession
Schlatt - Glasses
Ted - Skipping Water
John - Future Insignificance
⬇️ "Short" preferences & inserts⬇️
How They Find & Deal With Your Insecurities: Pt1
How They Find & Deal With Your Insecurities: Pt2
Where They Like To Kiss You:
Where/How They Find You Sleeping:
How You Know They Love You (without saying it)
How They Like To Hug You:
What You Do That Turns Them On:
(:Vote for next chapter:)
You Catch Them Watching You:
Bye ✌🏻.

Cooper - Tension (smut)

8.3K 78 38
By queenbeeaches

A/n lol another cooper one, sorryyy. Also its smut so 18+?

PAIRING: Cooper x F-Reader

Warnings: Little Angsty, Enemies to lovers kinda, SMUTTTT

Words: 2.9K (long'n soz)


"YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO KILL ME, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KILL THE OTHER TEAM!" was yelled at you over discord. Your slightly psychotic laugh couldn't be helped as you continuously killed each of your teammates, i.e the rest of Lunch club.

"Y/n!" Carson shouted as you killed him for the 3rd time in a row.

"Fuck!" Left Charlie's mouth as another death screen appeared on his monitor caused by you, "Whyyy" he laughed,

"Because it's fun" you replied as if it were obvious. You were about ready to shoot but your own death screen popped up and the words 'Cscoop bombed you' was written.

"Fuck you Cooper" you groaned, looking over at discord where you could see his camera, seeing your comment making him smirk. Soon, another GTA V livestream was done, and you were all slowly saying your own goodbyes and good nights to each of your own streams before just chilling in discord with each other.

"I swear to god y/n, you're becoming worse than Cooper, too trigger happy" Ted commented, making everyone laugh a little and agree,

"Look, I know we had a basic plan on how we want the videos to go, but it wasn't really going to plan anyway - so why not have a little fun with it" you shrugged, twirling on your chair slightly as you watched over everyone else's cameras and seeing them shake their heads with smiles, apart from cooper.

"Yeah but there's fun and then there's whatever the hell you were doing" he spat, with a roll of his eyes. You weren't taken aback by his tone, you were used to it by now and just rolled your own eyes.

Your relationship with Cooper was difficult. As soon as you were introduced to him, there was tension. He was an ass you to most the time, that including when you were recording. He'd find ways to piss you off, say things that really annoyed you, or just ignore you completely. It did create a lot of tension in the group and when you would all hang out, especially because the rest of Lunch Club never knew what to say or whether to take sides. But even though all this, you couldn't deny the fact Cooper was attractive. Why, you had no idea. Maybe it was his dimpled smile, or his bright eyes. Maybe it was his laugh that always cause you to smile, or his calming voice when he wasn't saying anything/talking to you.

"Night" was all he said before discord beeped with his disconnection, another goodbye from Noah and Ted before they followed suit.

"what's his problem" Carson muttered as he still clicked away at his keyboard.

You shrugged, "Don't know, don't care" was all you responded before saying goodnight to everyone left.

Two days after the session, you had arranged to go hang out at their house. You were only about 50 minutes away from it, but it was usually hard to find the time to go over to see them since you still worked on top of streaming.

You had an appointment with your doctors for a check-up in the afternoon, so had popped round for a late breakfast, promising to pick up some pancakes and waffles on your way in for everyone, which you did.

"Oh my god an angel" Travis basically coo'ed as soon as you stepped through the front door, reaching to take the plastic containers from your hands. You shook your head and laughed,

"T, you act like you're starving but I know you guys ordered $90 of chipotle last night"

"That was like 12 hours ago y/n, we're growing boys" Ted stated as he came into the hallway, walking with you to the kitchen where Carson and Josh already sat talking.

"Ted you're like 20 foot 3', if you grow any more I'm going to have to send you to a freak show" you said simply, shrugging your hands.

"Yeah and you know where they would be since you're the main act" Cooper snarked as he strolled into the room, cutting past you and heading to where Travis was sat eating his waffle with a small smile on his face, it falling slightly as he heard Cooper comment,

Just because you were used to his comments, doesn't mean they still didn't hurt sometimes. But you brushed it off, scoffing lightly before grabbing some food for yourself.

"Good morning to you too Coop" you muttered. Managing not to hear Travis' annoyed words to Cooper of 'that was too mean' which made cooper look over to you, watching you smile softly at Charlie as he greeted you with a small hug and passing comment, your eyes crinkling as you spoke, before he mumbled a quite 'shut up' and stole one of his waffles.

Soon everyone had finished, most of you migrating into the communal area apart from Ted and Charlie who both said they had brand deals they had to finish editing for posting that night.

You collapsed on the sofa next to Josh and then Carson the other side of him. Cooper and Travis taking the sofa opposite you and Noah chilling on the single chair. Carson grabbed the TV remote and put a random show on to have in the background while everyone chatted or went on their phones.

You started talking about random stuff with Josh after he'd shown you a post he found on his Instagram, an inside joke that everyone else found dumb but the pair of you couldn't stop laughing. Cooper watched you bonding with his friend, your body leaning over his as you looked at the phone he had in his lap, your face so close to his. Coop could feel his face heating up and heart race, irritation filling his bones but couldn't tell why.

After a few more minutes Josh excused himself, Noah leaving too after saying he needed a drink.

"Did Schlatt tell you about how he's looking to move down here with us?" Carson mentioned cheerily, smiling over to you as he looked up from his phone.

You grinned back, sitting up with your excitement "Yeah he asked if there were any apartments near mine available for him to view when he's down in a few weeks!" you replied. You loved schlatt, he was like an older brother to you, always checking in on you and scolding you when you're up at silly hours in the morning. Always the first to ask about something you'd mentioned, even if it was weeks ago, and actually listened to everything you said. You couldn't wait for him to move to the same city as you.

"Why doesn't he just move in with you, you seem over the moon, you must be basically in love with him" Cooper scoffed from the other sofa, earning a confused face from Travis.

"As much as I love schlatt, I think if he moved in he would drive me insane. Plus it would be like living with your sibling" you fake shuddered, making Carson nod and laugh.

Carson was then about to continue talking but his phone began to ring, he looked to you in an apologetic way before answering it and leaving the room. Just leaving you, Cooper and Travis in silence.

Thankfully that didn't last long as your own phone chimed with your alarm, a reminder about your appointment.

"Alright boys, I'm off" You stated while standing, stretching your back and checking your pockets for your keys.

"Can't stand being alone with us for much longer huh" Cooper muttered in your direction, raising a brow.

"Appointment, actually" You replied, attempting to raise your own brow back.

"Sure" He replied, extending the word for sarcastic effect.

You were off within a few seconds, waving to Travis before you were out, just not hearing the muttering from the room once you left.

Cooper watched as you walked away, the way you lifted your hair out of your hoodie as you put it on, exposing your neck. He never knew something so simple as your untouched neck could be so attractive.

"Coopie, what's your deal with her" Travis quizzed as he looked over to him.

"Nothing, what are you on about?" Cooper replied very quickly, looking a Travis confused before he went back to his phone.

The next few weeks went on as normal, well apart from the fact your and Cooper's little spats, somehow turned more into flirting. You don't know where or when it began, but random suggestive comments would slip into conversations and too many innuendoes would be said making you both blush.

"Get away from me!" You yelled, exaggerated. You were all currently playing Dead by Daylight, Cooper being the killer.

"Come back here, y/n" Cooper laughed maniacally, making his character chase yours.

"Don't you dare touch me!"

"Oh, but I wanna" He almost groaned but covered it by making it sound like a growl. Your breath caught in your throat and you forced yourself not to look at discord on your other monitor, just in case he would be looking too.

"Oh my god would you two just fuck and get it over with." Schlatt groaned from the call. You felt your whole face redden and heat up and felt your head turning at its own accord.

Your eyes met Cooper's video and you couldn't help the sudden butterflies you felt in your stomach. His eyes were at his computer, a light grin toying at his lips, you knew from the many sessions before that he was looking at his discord and not the game. You wanted to see if he was looking at you though, so you bit your lip slightly – and to your surprise, he mirrored it. You tried to carry on the rest of the video as normal, thankful it was not a stream, but the desire was running through you.

Neither of you had responded to Schlatt's comment, meaning you both wanted the same thing. Your eyes kept wondering from the screen to take glances at Cooper.

A painful 30 minutes later and you were done with the video. You all slowly said your goodbyes, your eyes lingering on coopers video call a little longer than normal before you went offline. You pushed your chair back and pulled your knees up to your chest, deep in thought about what the hell was happening and what you would do next.

Those thoughts stopped as you felt your phone go off in your pocket, seeing 'Cscoop' by the imessage notification. You unlocked it.

[Are you free now?]

[Can I come over?]

[Think we should talk]

Cooper was never one for putting a long message, always did separate ones. You quickly responded with:

[I'm free, come over]

And put your phone down on your desk, your eyes peering around your room before you got up and made your way to your living room. Seeing the couch looking slightly messy, so you tidied up a bit before he got there. Millions of thoughts ran through your mind, like what are we going to talk about, am I going to tell him I like him, does he like me, why is he flirting if he doesn't like me.

Somehow 40 minutes had passed and there was a tentative knock at your door, you brushed down your top and made your way over, opening it to see a fidgety looking Cooper who smiled lopsided as your eyes met.

"Hi" he breathed, his voice quiet and unsure of what to say.

"Hey" you replied, equally as shy but quickly motioned for him to step in.

After the door was closed, you were stood face to face, inches apart, you could feel the heat of his breath against your cheeks. Somehow your eyes couldn't stop watching his lips as he attempted to talk but nothing came out. Some reality was knocked back into you and you shook your head, taking a step into your apartment with him following.

You were about to turn and ask if he wanted to sit on the sofa to talk, but you were grabbed by the arm and pressed against a wall in one swift motion. Your eyes met the beautiful hue of Cooper's and you couldn't help the blush the rose up on your cheeks. Your eyes flickered down to his lips again, so close to yours that you could feel the heat of his skin against your own. As your eyes went back to his you saw them looking at your mouth. His body was so close to yours, hand still gently gripped onto your arm and held it to the wall, his other resting beside your hip on the wall as he balanced himself over you. Once more his eyes flickered between your eyes and lips,

"Do you want this?" Cooper quizzed in a breathy whisper, as if it took all his energy just to say those words.

All you could do was nod, but that was all he needed. Lips collided powerfully to yours, moving rhythmically together. His hand moved from your arm to cupping your cheek, stroking the skin with his thumb. His other hand gripped itself onto your waist, pulling your body closer to his. Your own hands wandered his body, stroking over his chest and abdomen before resting just above his hips and then gripping his t-shirt. You could feel him smile through your kissing as you accidently let out a light moan. Before things could get too heated you broke from his touch. Eyes still closed to savour the moment.

"God damn" Cooper mumbled, breathless but grinning. He leant down again and caught your lips once more, but again you broke apart.

"As much as I'd love to continue this, and god do I. Maybe we should talk" You admitted, resting your hands on his chest.

"We can talk later" He said, low and husky due to his breathlessness, his eyes still staring at your lips as he spoke - making your knees weak.

You couldn't help yourself, hand reaching up and gripping his face, pulling your lips to his once more. He chuckled through the kiss but returned the impatientness, gripping your hips. Cooper licks your bottom lip and teasingly slips it in, you can't help but giggle before returning the action. One of his hands trail from your hips to your button on your jeans, stroking his fingers over the skin above the fabric.

"Shall we move this to the couch?" Cooper suggest, kissing down from your lips to your neck.

"Sure" was all you replied, making Cooper smirk as he leads you towards the couch. He throws himself down first and lays there smiling to himself as he watches you remove your jeans, the sudden burst of confidence coming from nowhere. As soon as they were off you clamber on top of him, knees either side of his thighs.

"These are cute" Cooper said, raising his brow as his fingers toyed with the elastic waist band of your underwear.

"Just for you" You mumble sarcastically, leaning down and kissing his neck making a low groan erupt from his throat.

"You're too kind" He chuckled.

Soon more items of clothing were removed and positions were swapped, new bruises were forming on random areas of skin from heavy kisses. Cooper's hand was playing with your underwear, slowly pulling it down your thighs as you tried to keep your composure. His hand was soon skillfully working at your lips making you moan and grip your fingers into his blond hair. His mouth pressed and sucked hard kisses over your chest and neck, slowly kissing down your torso, fingers soon entering and thumb adding pressure to your bud.

"Fuck, Coop" you moaned, pulling his head up from your body,

As he looked at you his grin was boyish and proud, "you saying it like that makes a change from the normal, I could get used to that" he thought with a teasing tone,

"Shut up" you rolled your eyes, lightly tugging him up so his face was above yours.

"You ready?" He asked, capturing your lips with his. You nodded, climax building but his hand moved away.

He gently entered you, your head thrown back in ecstasy and moans leaving both of you. He paused his movements so you could adjust but soon he was moving, slow at the beginning but getting faster. Your hands roamed over his body, clawing down his back igniting a growl from Cooper's throat. His hand moved from holding your hips to rubbing your clit again, the movements of his fingers in time with his thrusts. You could tell you were coming undone, your legs starting to shake and a warm feeling igniting in the pit of your stomach.

You could tell Cooper was close to by his facial expression, you leant up and pressed your lips to his. You came first, letting out a moan and grazing your finger down Coopers arms. He didn't last much longer, pressing his face into your neck as he does and places a loose kiss to your skin.

You lay there, Cooper laying slightly to the side of you but mostly on top, breathing heavily but both smiling. Your hand gently stroked through Coopers hair as it rested on your chest.

"Wow" You chuckled, your breathing getting back to normal.

"Wow, indeed"

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