Lean on me

Bởi Grace013310

16.4K 297 27

Grace Walker was Jensen Ackles' lifelong best friend. When she dies giving birth to her daughter, she asks Je... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 37

257 4 0
Bởi Grace013310

A month later, Jensen was leaning in the doorway of Sloan's room with his arms crossed over his chest, watching her pack her suitcase. She had convinced him that she was okay enough to go on the press tour for Marvel. She wasn't sure if she really was okay or if she had just gotten so good at pretending to be that she was starting to believe it herself. 

Sloan felt guilty for what she did to Grayson. It was never her intention to hurt him, but she just couldn't be around him without thinking back to that night three months ago. The night he almost died because of her. She knew he deserved someone who could let him touch them, someone who could love him the way he needed to be loved. And he would never admit it, but Sloan knew he wanted that too. 

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Jensen asks as Sloan zips the suitcase. She sighs and turns to him. 

"I'm sure, Dad." She says. "It'll be fine. I'll only be gone two months and I'll be with Sebastian the whole time. He knows what I need and how to calm me down if Bandit can't. And I've been promised female interviewers and I won't be alone in a room with any males other than Sebastian without another female. I'll be fine." 

"Alright." He says with a sigh, taking the bag from her and carrying it downstairs. Sloan takes one last look around her room before following him. 

"Be safe." Danneel says, meeting the pair at the door. Sloan gives her a smile and nods. 

"I'll call when I land." She tells her mom, picking up her book bag. Danneel helps Sloan fasten the straps and gives her one last smile before gently pushing her out the door with her dad. 

An hour and a half later, Sloan's plane is being boarded. She stands and lets out a shaky breath, her grip on Bandit's leash tightening slightly. "Hey." Jensen says, making her look up at him. "You're gonna do great." Sloan gives him a small smile and nods. "Call me when you land." 

"I will." She assures him. 

"I love you, warrior." 

"I love you, too, Daddy." Jensen wants to pull her into a tight hug and hold her to him, never letting go. It takes every muscle in his body to keep him from doing just that. Sloan gives him another smile before she walks to the gate and boards the plane. 

Sloan takes a deep breath when the plane lands in New York a couple hours later. Bandit, sensing the girl's distress, whines at her feet, lifting his head from his paws. Sloan runs her fingers through his fur a few times before standing. She puts the book bag on her shoulders before taking hold of Bandit's leash and leading him off the plane. 

After picking her bag up from baggage claim, Sloan finds Sebastian waiting at the front with his driver. He gives the teen a smile and takes her suitcase from her, sliding it into the trunk. 

"How are you?" He asks as the two slide into the backseat, Bandit laying on the floorboard at Sloan's feet. 

"I'm good." She says, nodding slightly. Sebastian gives her a look. 

"How are you?" He repeats. Sloan sighs. 

"I'm getting better." She says before taking a shaky breath. "Um, I have bad days and I have good days. Some times I have more bad days than good." 

"And what's today? A bad or good day?" Sloan tilts her head from side to side. 

"Neither? Both?" She questions. "I don't know. It's not great but it's not bad." 

"Well it's something." Sloan nods slightly, looking out her window and biting her lip. "What's wrong?" Sloan turns from the window, raising a brow at the older actor. 

"Nothing." She says, shaking her head.

"Sloan, what's wrong?" He repeats. "I know something's up. You've been biting that lip and pulling on the sleeve of your sweatshirt for the last five minutes. You only do that when something's bothering you." Sloan sighs and releases the sleeve of the too-big sweatshirt. The Cowboys one she stole from Grayson.

It still smells like him.

"The last time I was here, I almost lost Grayson. I almost died the last time I was here." She says quietly. 

"Sloan, nothing is going to happen. David's dead. He won't get to you." He says. "And even if he wasn't, he'd have a lot of people to get through to get to you. Same goes for any other person who tries to get to you. And you know I'll put up one hell of a fight for you." Sloan gives him a small smile. 

"Thanks, Bash." She says quietly. 

When the two arrive at the hotel, Sloan takes her suitcase from Sebastian and follows him inside, allowing him to talk to the man at the counter to check her in. The two get in the elevator and ride up to the twelfth floor, where Sloan takes her key from Sebastian and walks into her room. 

"What are your plans for the night?" He asks as she opens the door. Sloan sets her suitcase inside the door and lets Bandit into the room before turning around, her hand resting on the door handle behind her. 

"Honestly, I'm probably just going to spend the rest of the day in my room, try to relax before tomorrow." She tells him. Sebastian shakes his head. 

"Not anymore." He says. "My mom has invited you to dinner tonight." Sloan sighs and starts shaking her head. "C'mon, Sloan. It'll do you good to get out. You can't just keep yourself shut in your room all the time. There won't be anyone there other than the three of us." Sloan sighs again and studies him for a moment. 

"You won't take no for answer will you?" She asks, rolling her eyes when he shakes his head. "Fine." Sebastian gives her a grin. 

"I'll come get you when it's time to go." Sloan nods before stepping into her room and closing the door. 

Sebastian grins as he walks to his room next door. He doesn't want her to shut herself up all the time because of her fear. He doesn't want to push her too hard, knowing she'll go back in her hole and won't talk again for who knows how long. But he knows that if he pushes her just enough, she'll realizes how much fun she'll have and will agree. He knows she won't be the same for awhile, if ever, but he enjoys the rare moments when the real Sloan peaks the through. 

Besides, when Jensen's not around, it's his job to take care of her. He would never push her to do something that would hurt her or break her trust in him, but he knew the worst thing for her would be to let her just stay in her room all the time.  He knows it's best to leave her be when she's having a really bad day, but on her good days, it's best to try to get her out as much as he can. 

Sloan lays down on her bed, Bandit laying on the floor next to her. She places the empty sleeve of her sweatshirt by her face, smelling Grayson's scent with every inhale. She sighs deeply before sitting up, making Bandit lift his head from his paws. Sloan looks over at him before sighing against and patting the spot next to her, making Bandit wag his tail happily before jumping on the bed, laying down next to Sloan. 

Sloan wakes up with a gasp, her throat raw. Her eyes dart to the bedroom doors as they burst open and Sebastian stumbles in, breathless and eyes full of worry. He sighs in relief when he sees that she's- relatively- alright, minus the pale face and layer of sweat, the short, sporadic breaths. 

"What are you doing in here?" She asks once she's calmed down enough to speak. 

"You were screaming." He tells her, slowly walking to the bed, standing at the end of it. 

"Yeah, I figured." She quips, pushing her hair from her face. "I meant why are you in my hotel room?" 

"I used my key to get in about two hours after I went to my room. I just wanted to check on you. I knocked but there was no answer so I let myself in so I'd be here in case you needed me." He explains. 

"What time is it?" She asks groggily, pushing herself out of the bed and running a hand through her hair. 

"Quarter to seven." Sloan drops her hand and studies him for a moment. 

"I slept all day?" She asks. "Why'd you let me sleep so long?" 

"Because your dad said you haven't been sleeping more than two hours at a time." He says. "And you were fine when I checked on you earlier. I didn't want to wake you." Sloan nods slightly. 

"What time does your mom want us at her place?" 

"Eight." Sloan nods again and moves to her bag, grabbing a pair of jeans and a red sweatshirt. 

"I'm gonna get a shower and change then I'll be ready to go." Sebastian nods just as Sloan closes the bathroom door behind her. 

When Sloan steps out of the shower, she quickly changes and brushes her hair before looking in the mirror, sighing at what she sees. Her eyes have become dull, almost lifeless, and practically scream that she's seen way too much in her short life. Her eyes are drawn to the scar that starts at her hairline and curves until it reaches the top of her right ear and she finds herself tracing it lightly with her fingers. If she removes her sweatshirt, she'll be able to see the long scar on her forearm and the small one just above her left hip, as well as the vertical one in her abdomen where the surgeons had to open her up to correct some internal damage and replace two of her ribs with titanium. 

Sloan bites her lip and lowers her hand, taking a deep breath before stepping out of the bathroom and pulling on a pair of brown boots. She clips Bandit's leash to his vest and slips her phone in her pocket before walking out of the bedroom. 

"Ready." She announces, making Sebastian stand from the couch. 

"So, if your mom lives in town, why are you staying at the hotel instead of with her?" Sloan asks as the two near his mother's house. 

"I was going to but I wanted to be close by in case you needed me." He says. Sloan gives him a small, grateful smile before turning back to her window. 

The car pulls up in front of an apartment building fifteen minutes later. Sloan steps out and looks up and down the street before following Sebastian into the building and to an elevator. Sloan pulls on the end of her empty sleeve nervously as Sebastian gets his keys out of his pocket. He glances over to the girl when he hears Bandit whine quietly.

"Sloan, you'll be fine. There's no reason to be nervous." He assures her. She nods and gives him a tight smile. "It's just going to be me, you, and my mom. There's no other guys here and she knows that you might not be completely comfortable with being touched and I told her all the trigger words and topics. You have nothing to be afraid of." Sloan takes a deep breath and nods. Sebastian holds up his right hand, balled up in a fist, and gives her a smile. "Ești în siguranță, soră mică." Sloan smiles and taps the side of her fist against his. "Ready?" (You're safe, little sister.)

"Ready." Sebastian lowers his fist and slides his key in the door, unlocking it and pushing the door open. He lets Sloan and Bandit in first before stepping in himself. 

"Mom?" The older actor calls. "Mom, we're here!" An older blonde woman rounds the corner from the kitchen. She smiles widely when she sees her son in front of the door, the blonde girl standing slightly behind him now. The woman quickly crosses the living room and wraps her son in a tight hug. 

"Oh, I missed you!" She says, stepping back slightly to look up at him.

"I missed you too, Mom." He says, laughing slightly as he ducks his head to press a kiss to the top of his mother's head. The woman pulls back and smiles at the teenager.

"You must be Sloan." She says, taking a few steps towards the teenager, keeping her distance so she doesn't make the girl uncomfortable. "I've heard so much about you. Sebastian cares about you a great deal." Sloan smiles as she looks at the man she considers to be her older brother. 

"You've done a great job raising him, ma'am. He's been such a big help to me the past few months." She says. "It's so great to finally meet you, Ms. Orlovschi." Sloan holds out her hand and the woman takes it in both of hers, smiling warmly at the girl.

"Call me Georgeta." Sloan smiles and nods as the woman pats her hand once before letting go. "Now, you make yourself comfortable. Dinner is almost ready." 

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Sloan asks. The woman shakes her head. 

"Thank you for offering, dear, but I can handle it." She insists. Sloan smiles and looks around the room as Georgeta disappears back to the kitchen. Her eyes find the piano in the corner and she walks over to it, running her fingers over the keys lightly before looking over her shoulder at Sebastian. 

"Do you play?" 

"Not as well as my mom." He says. "She was a pianist when we moved to Vienna from Romania." Sloan nods and looks back down at the keys. Sebastian smiles slightly as he picks up on what she wants but is afraid to ask. "You can play it if you want.  She won't mind. And I've never heard you play." She gives him a smile before sitting on the bench and lightly touches a few keys, the notes resonating through the room. 

The random notes suddenly turn to a beautiful melody. Sebastian turns from the window he was looking out of and raises a brow at the teen, smiling at the sight in front of him. Sloan's eyes had slipped shut and a small smile graces her face as she plays, allowing the music to move through her and fill her, making her feel at peace for the first time in a long time. The older actor takes his phone out of his pocket and takes a picture of the girl. 

Half an hour later, the three are seated at the table eating quietly. "What was that song you were playing earlier?" Sebastian asks during a lull in conversation. Sloan looks up from her plate where she was pushing food around. 

"Oh, um, I don't know yet." She says, putting her fork down and running her hand through her hair. "It's just something that I've been working on for about a week. I don't really have much but the music and a few lines." 

"Well it sounded beautiful, dear." Georgeta tells the teen, getting a small smile in return. 

The next morning, Sloan's been up for over two hours when her alarm goes off at six. She slides out of the bed with a heavy sigh and goes through her routine of getting ready for the day. She had just gotten her jumpsuit pulled up and slipped her arm through the sleeve when there's a knock on her door. She places the other sleeve on her shoulder as she walks to the door, opening it to reveal Sebastian. 

"Morning." He greets, holding up two coffee cups. "Can I come in?" Sloan nods and steps out of the way, letting him in before closing the door. 

"Do you mind, uh..." She stops, glancing at the floor before taking a deep breath and looking back up. "Can you tie this for me?" She gestures to the belt on her romper. Sebastian nods and steps forward.

"Tell me if you get uncomfortable and I'll go find Scarlett." He tells her, getting a nod in response. Sloan holds her breath as Sebastian ties the belt in a knot as fast as he can before stepping back, sensing her rising anxiety at his close proximity. He gives her a smile and holds out his fist. "That's the closest you've let any male be since you got home from the hospital." He says. Sloan gives him a small smile and taps her fist against his. 

"I feel ridiculous. That shouldn't be such a big deal." She says. Sebastian shakes his head. 

"Sloan, you've just been through something no one can even imagine. To be honest, if I were you, I probably wouldn't've even left my bed yet. You're doing much better than you think and much better than I would be." He tells her. "Baby steps, Sloan. You'll get back to normal eventually." 

"What if I don't?" She asks. "What if I'm stuck like this forever? What if I never get over it?" 

"You're not going to get over it." He says. "This isn't something you get over. It will be with you forever, but you'll eventually not be so afraid anymore. Like the shooting. When I first met you after the shooting, you were terrified of everything. But in time, you got stronger and you weren't so afraid. Just a few months ago, you wouldn't even have been sitting here talking to me. You're already getting stronger. Just don't rush it, and you'll be back to your old self in no time." Sloan gives him a grateful smile as she sips her coffee.

Once the two have finished their coffees, Sebastian pulls Sloan's hair into a high ponytail and she applies natural makeup before sliding her locket over her head and working the ring that Grayson gave her at the premier onto her ring finger. She steps into the boots she wore the night before and Sebastian helps her into the brown leather jacket she stole from her dad's closet before she left, immediately feeling safe as the fabric envelopes her, the smell of her dad's cologne still lingering faintly on the jacket. 

"Ready?" Sebastian asks. Sloan clips Bandit's leash to his vest and nods, grabbing her phone and wallet before walking out of the room with the older actor. 

"So, if you couldn't tie the belt yourself, why did you wear an outfit that has one?" Sebastian asks as they ride the elevator to the lobby. 

"Oh, um," She hesitates, looking down at her shoes before she looks back up at him. "I figured I'd feel safer in this. Rompers are harder to get off." Sebastian nods, his chest aching at the fact that that's the thought she put into her outfits now. 

"Sloan!" Sloan turns around when she hears the female voice, followed by quick footsteps. Scarlett comes to a stop in front of Sloan and smiles widely at her. "It's so good to see you! I'm so glad you're here! How are you?" 

"I'm okay." Sloan says, nodding slightly with her words. "I'm getting better." 

"Is it okay if I hug you?" 

"Yeah. I, uh, I don't really let any guys touch me yet but, yeah, you can hug me if you want." She tells her. "Just make sure you don't sneak up on me and hug me from behind." Scarlett nods, making a mental note of the information as she wraps her arms tightly around the girl. 

"You have no idea how worried we've all been about you." She says. Sloan smiles as Scarlett steps back, the Russos joining the three at that time. 

"It's good to have you back, Sloan." Joe tells her. 

"It's good to be back, sir." She says with a smile. 

"We wanted to talk to you about your interview." Anthony tells her. "You were originally going to have a female interviewer for all of your interviews on the tour. But the woman who was supposed to interview you today had a family emergency and the only person they could get on such a short notice is a guy." Sloan takes a breath and nods. "Will you be okay to do the interview or would you like to wait until the next one?" 

"I'll be okay." She tells him. "I'll have Bandit and Sebastian will be there in case Bandit can't calm me down if I start to panic." 

"Are you sure?" Joe asks. "It's not a problem if you don't want to do this one, Sloan. We don't want you to push yourself." Sloan shakes her head. 

"I appreciate that. But I'm okay." She says. The two nod and Sebastian and Sloan walk to the room they're interview will be held in. 

"Are you sure about this, Sloan?" He asks. 

"Yeah." She says. "Can't be afraid forever, right? I've gotta get used to be around men again." Sebastian sighs but nods anyway. 

An hour later, Sloan is seated on the right of Sebastian, who was between her and Anthony Mackie. The door opens and a tall man with dark hair enters the room. The three actors stand and he holds his hand out to Anthony. 

"Good morning." He greets with a smile, moving on to shake Sebastian's hand. "I'm Jack." He holds his hand out to Sloan and she eyes it for a moment before deciding to just go with a polite wave. 

"Sloan." She says. "I'm sorry. I don't really do the whole handshake thing. Kinda a germaphobe." Jack nods, but Sloan can tell he knows the real reason. 

"Right. That's okay." He says with a kind smile. "Lets get started, then, shall we?" 

"So we've asked fans of the movie to send in some questions they have for you guys and picked a few to ask." Jack says half an hour into the interview. "Some of them are for everyone and some are for a certain person. Ready?" The three nod and he looks at the first question on the notecards in his hand. "Who, out of the three of you, is the most like their character?" 

"Sloan." The two males say immediately. Sloan laughs slightly, and Sebastian can't help but notice that the sound gets more forced the longer the interview goes. 

"Me, I guess." She says. 

"Why do you think that is?" Jack asks. 

"She's able to bring an experience to her character that neither of us can." Anthony says, gesturing between himself and Sebastian. Sloan looks at her lap, trying not to think about the experiences he's referring to. "She has a certain perspective and understand of her character than no one else is able to have." 

"She's also got this amazing ability to completely push herself down and really become her character." Sebastian adds, sensing how uncomfortable Sloan was becoming. "It's like as soon as that camera turns on, there is no Sloan Ackles. It's just Alexia Barnes. And we've both been able to see her film for Supernatural and it's the same way there. There's no Sloan, it's just Justice Winchester." 

"That's a talent that very few actors really possess." Jack states, looking to Sloan. "You haven't been acting for that long. How have you been able to master what many actors who have been doing this for years can't?" 

"I grew up watching my dad. He's able to do the same thing. When the camera starts rolling, he becomes Dean Winchester. I've been watching him at work since I was a little girl so everything that I learned and everything that I do on camera comes from him." She explains. "Seeing him be able to become his character made me realize that, in order to be the best that I can be, I have to be able to do the same, which made me push myself until I was able to do it. Which, can actually get my dad and I both in trouble sometimes if we get too into our character and just can't shake that mindset." 

"This one is for the guys." Jack says, picking up the next card. "Who, other than Grayson Padalecki, is Sloan's best friend?" 

"Me." Sebastian says immediately, Anthony nodding in agreement. "We're practically siblings. It's definitely me." 


"I'll neither confirm or deny." She says simply, holding her hand up in surrender. 

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