Chapter 35

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Three weeks. For three weeks, Sloan has been beaten, sliced, stabbed, and raped. As much as she tried to fight it, Sloan could feel herself slowly giving up. After all, who was there to fight for anyway? Her boyfriend is dead, David told her Jensen was dead, Danneel has her parents and JJ, Jared and Gen have each other and Tom. None of them need her. 

At the end of everyday, after David's raped her, he leaves the house and doesn't return until the next morning, hungover. Sloan gave up hope of being saved a long time ago, but last night she promised herself it was the last time he ever did anything to her. 

For a week, David hasn't bothered restraining her when he's finished with her, knowing she's too weak to even think about running. So, Sloan's been laying in a heap on the dirt floor, only being tied up when David returns to torture her some more.

Sloan lies on the floor and waits for the sound of the front door locking and David's car pulling away before she lifts herself up on shaky legs and stumbles her way to the door. Sloan practically crawls up the stairs before stumbling her way through the house, looking for anything she can use to protect herself.

Sloan stumbles into the bedroom and finds a shotgun by the bed. She grabs it and ensures that it's loaded before stumbling back downstairs and slumping against the pole, hiding the gun behind her back. Sloan finds herself drifting to sleep, unable to stop herself due to the exhaustion that's built up the last few weeks. 

Sloan wakes up early the next morning to the sound of the front door slamming, followed by heavy footsteps above her. Sloan grabs the gun and prepares herself as she listens to David's footsteps coming down the stairs. She pulls herself to her feet and turns so she's facing the door, leaning slightly against the pole for supports, knowing she only has one shot at freedom.

"Honey, I'm h-" David comes to a halt when he sees the gun in her hand. He chuckles and shakes his head. "Little girls shouldn't play with daddy's guns." He steps forward and Sloan raises the gun. 

"Don't move!" She tells him. 

"Sloan, what are you doing?" He asks, his voice dripping in amusement. 

"I told you." She says before pulling the trigger, the bullet finding its way to David's kneecap, making him fall to the floor. Sloan stumbles over to him until she's standing over him. "I'm gonna kill you." She places the barrel of the gun to his chest and fires again, this time, the blood splattering up and hitting her in the face, covering it with specks of his blood. 

Sloan stumbles up the stairs and to the landline in the kitchen. She takes the phone off the receiver and quickly dials 911. "911, what's your emergency?" A male voice answers. 

"Help me." She says weakly, her energy fading. 

"We're gonna help you." He says calmly. "What's your name, sweetheart?" Sloan feels herself shudder at the nickname before the phone falls from her hand as she falls to the floor, only faintly being able to hear the operator calling out to her before everything fades into black.

Jensen sits on the couch in his and his wife's hotel room, staring down at the baby sleeping in his lap. He thinks back to when Sloan was JJ's age, how clueless he was when he brought her home, how he's still clueless to this day. He looks up as the door opens and Jared rushes in. 

"What's going on?" He asks, only feeling a small amount of hope in his chest. It's been three weeks since his daughter went missing and he's begun to give up hope that he'd ever get her back. 

"They think they found her." He says, making Jensen's eyes snap up from the baby on his legs.

"What?" He asks, his voice barely above a whisper. 

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