Chapter 40

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A month later, the group is in LA for another convention. Grayson looks to Sloan's hotel room door when it opens, finding himself on his feet in no time, his right arm stretched out in front of him. Jensen stops in his track as he finds the barrel of his own gun pointing at him. He grabs the gun from the teen and glares at him, quickly putting the safety on, releasing the loading clip, and unloading the chamber. 

"I gave you this for emergencies, kid. Not for you to just blindly aim at whoever comes through the door. And definitely for you to walk around with it when the chamber's hot." Jensen says, pressing the handle of the gun into the boy's chest slightly. "And you sure as hell better not be running around this hotel room with a loaded gun when my daughter's in the same room." Grayson looks down with a slight sigh. "You know better than, Grayson. I taught you better than that. What the hell were you thinkin'?" 

"I don't know." Grayson admits. "I just- Sloan's already been through so much, I just don't want anything else to happen to her. Ever since she's gotten back from the press tour, it's like every instinct to protect her has been dialed to eleven. And now with the baby." Grayson sighs and shakes his head. "I just can't let anything happen. To either of them." 

"I understand all that Grayson. And I appreciate you wanting to look out for them. But I also know that you've been through a lot, too. And I know that you're probably a little messed up from everything that's happened, especially that night in New York." Jensen says. "You might think that no one's noticed, but we have." Grayson looks down. "I'll leave this with you but you've got to start using your brain. If you want to protect Sloan and that baby, you need to remember everything that you've been taught, you can't use carry a hot gun around because it makes you feel better." Grayson nods and looks up, taking the gun from Jensen and reloading it, flipping the safety on. 

"Thank you." Jensen nods. 

"Where is Sloan, anyway?" 

"She's still asleep." He says, gesturing to the closed door of the bedroom. "She was up most of the night. Between the baby making her sick and her nightmares, it's a miracle she got any sleep at all." Jensen nods, looking at the doors with a pained expression. "She'll probably be up soon and then she's gonna head down to the gym." 

"The gym?" Jensen asks, looking back at the boy with a furrowed brow.

"She said she wants to keep in shape and start training for the next movie. I tried telling her she's in great shape and she can start training after the baby's born, but she says the more she exercises now, the easier it'll be to lose the baby weight and get back in shape in time to start filming." He says, shaking his head slightly. "I think she just needs a distraction from everything." Jensen shakes his head slightly with a sigh. 

"Maybe she just a distraction for now. But you keep an eye on her, make sure she's not doing anything that could cause more harm than good." Grayson nods once. 

"I always do." He says. Jensen pats his shoulder before leaving. Grayson looks down at the gun in his hand before sitting back down on the couch, setting the gun on the end table. 

Sloan walks out an hour later, dressed in leggings and a black tank top. She walks up to Grayson, coming to a stop behind him. She wraps her arm around his shoulders and plants a kid to the top of his head. 

"Mornin'." He greets, kissing the back of her hand.

"Morning." Sloan moves around the couch and sits next to him, tucking her legs beneath her. "What are your plans today?" 

"I might go down to the gym with you." He says. Sloan nods and rests her head on his shoulder. Grayson places a kiss to her head as his hand moves to rest on her small bump. "How's the little one this morning?" 

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