Chapter 41

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The group is back in Vancouver a week later. Sloan and Grayson sit and watch as Jensen and Jared go through a scene, sitting in their old spot by the door. Sloan yawns as she pulls her blanket tighter around her shoulders and rests her head on Grayson's shoulder. He wraps his arm mourned her shoulders and rubs her arm, placing a kiss to her head. 

"Why don't you take a nap before it's time to go?" He asks. Sloan shakes her head and he sighs. "Baby, you've been working all day. It's passed midnight and you're exhausted. You need to get some rest." 

"I'm fine." She insists. "Besides, this is my favorite part of the day." She looks back at the two actors in front of her and continues to watch as they goof around a bit before getting back to work. 

It's after two AM when they leave the set.Sloan is beyond exhausted as Grayson helps her into the SUV. She rests her head on Jensen's shoulder and closes her eyes for a brief second, just wanting to give them a short rest, quickly falling asleep. 

When they arrive at the house, Jensen carefully slides out of the car before reaching in and picking Sloan up, carrying her into the house and up the stairs. He pushes her partially closed door open with her foot and steps inside the bedroom, gently laying her down on the bed, causing her to stir. She slowly opens her eyes and looks up at him, giving him a small, sleepy smile. 

"Hey, half-pint." Jensen whispers, giving her a smile. "Are you hungry?" Sloan shakes her head. "Are you sure? You haven't eaten since lunch. I can make you a sandwich if you want." Sloan shakes her head again. 

"I'm okay. I'm not hungry." She says. "And whatever I eat will get thrown up again in an hour so there's no point." 

"Alright." Jensen leans forward and plants a kiss to her forehead. "Come get me if you need anything." Sloan nods and Jensen kisses her head again. "Goodnight, half-pint. I love you." 

"I love you more, Daddy." She says tiredly. Jensen gives her a smile before walking out, closing the door behind him. 

When Grayson gets ready for bed an hour later, he quietly walks through the dark, silent house and opens Sloan's door. He walks across the room and plants a gentle kiss to her forehead and whispers an almost silent "I love you" to her before walking out. He slides into his bed and lies awake, staring at the ceiling for what feels like forever.

Sloan hears cries through the monitor and groans. She rolls over to wake up Grayson and ask him to get the baby but she finds his side of the bed already empty. Sighing, Sloan stands up and walks down the hall to the nursery. 

She reaches out to turn the door knob, furrowing her brow and pulling her hand back when she feels something wet and warm. Her eyes widen when she sees the red substance on her hand before quickly looking around her, seeing the red patches on the floor and smeared bloody handprints on the wall. 

Sloan quickly pushes the door open and finds Grayson on the ground, blood pouring from a stab wound in his abdomen. She looks to the crib and sees the silouhette of a man standing in front of it with a small bundle in his arms.

"Who are you?" She asks. "How did you get in here?" 

"Shh." The man says, putting a finger to his lips. "You'll wake the baby." Sloan feels her blood run cold when she hears the familiar voice. 

"No. You're dead." She whispers. "I killed you." 

"Did you?" David asks, turning around. He pulls out a gun and shoots her in the abdomen. Sloan falls to the ground, her hand covering the wound in her stomach as she watches David walk out of the room with her baby in his arms before everything goes black. 

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