Chapter 31

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Sloan stands on her marker and looks down at the desk, flipping through a book when the director calls Action. She hears Jensen and Jared walk into the room but doesn't turn around. 

"What'd Cas want?" She asks as she continues to flip through the pages. The men say nothing and Sloan shakes her head in amusement. "Guys, I know you're there. You're not as quiet as you think."

"Justice." Jared says, his voice soft with an underlying tone of urgency, one you would use if you were about to give someone bad news. When Sloan hears his voice, she stops midway through turning a page and turns around, letting the page fall where it wants as she takes in the faces of the men in front of her. 

"What's wrong?" She asks, looking between the two. "What'd Cas say?" 

"Sammy, give us a minute." Jensen says to Jared, who nods and walks out of the door to the 'study', standing behind the camera. 

"Dad?" Sloan asks. "Dad, what's going on?"

"Can said the demon that killed your aunt and caused the plane crash is after you." He says quietly, looking anywhere but at the girl. 

"What?" She asks in shock. "The demon?" She says slowly. "Is after me?" Jensen nods and looks at her. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's lure him in and kill this son of a bitch." She says, walking towards the door Jared had just walked through. 

Jensen grabs Sloan's forearm as she moves to pass him, stopping her, leaving her standing right beside him. Sloan looks down at his hand before looking up at him, their green eyes clashing as Jensen looks down at her. 

"We can't do that." He says. Sloan furrows her brow in confusion. 

"Why not?" She asks. 

"Sammy and I are going to find him." He tells her. "You're staying here with Bobby." 

"The hell I am." Sloan says angrily, ripping her arm from his grip and taking a few steps back. "This demon is after me and you just expect me to sit back while you and Uncle Sam go after him?" She asks rhetorically before shaking her head, moving to walk forward again. "Not a chance." Jensen grips her shoulders and holds her in front of him. 

"You're not going." He says lowly. "You're staying here with Bobby where I know you're safe." 

"How am I safe here, Dad?" Sloan asks, stepping back and watching as Jensen's hands fall to his sides. "How am I safer here than I would be out there? A demon could to me just as easily in here as it can out there! That demon is after me-"

"Exactly!" Jensen yells, cutting Sloan off as he takes a step forward, his hands waving about as he speaks. "He's after you! So why the hell would I let you walk right to it so it can kill you?!" 

"You can't stop me." Sloan tells him, shaking her head as Misha silenty steps up behind her. 

"Yes I can." Jensen says, looking over her shoulder. Sloan turns around and sees Misha standing there. He raises two fingers and puts them to her forehead. Sloan falls limply, Jensen catching her just before she can hit the floor. "Sorry, sweetheart." He mutters as he picks her up bridal style and walks off camera. 

"Cut!" Robert yells. "Perfect!" Jensen sets Sloan on her feet and she gives him a small smile. 

"Only one take." She says. "That hasn't happened since I started on the show." Jensen gives her a tight smile in return. 

Sloan walks over to the table of snacks and grabs a water bottle. She sits down to open it before standing back up, taking long sips of it, knowing she'll be doing a lot of yelling in the next few scenes. 

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