Chapter 16

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A week later, Sloan stands in front of her open closet doors, staring at all her clothes, unsure of what to wear for this. After twenty minutes, she sighs and looks down at the floor before lifting her head again. 

"Daddy!" She yells as sound as she can, smirking when she hears Jensen's footsteps pounding up the stairs just before he bursts through her door, almost face planting on the floor, looking around the room worriedly as he tries to find out what made her scream.

"What's wrong?" He asks when he doesn't see anything that caused her to scream. 

"I don't know what to wear." She tells him, gesturing to her closet. "I've never done an interview on live TV before. I don't know what to wear."

"You screamed because you didn't know what to wear?" He asks, unamused. Sloan nods. "Sloan, you scared me to death. I though something was wrong!" 

"Something is wrong." She insists. "I don't know what to wear!"

"So what do you want me to do?" He asks.

"Help me?" She asks, looking up at him hopefully. "Mom's not here to help and you've done like a million of these. Tell me what to wear."

"Fine." He sighs, sitting on her bed. "You want to look nice, so no t-shirts or shorts. But, you don't want to look too formal and you want to feel comfortable but still look nice." Sloan nods. 

"Great." She says sarcastically. "No t-shirts or shorts. There goes most of my clothes." 

"See, it's getting narrowed down." Jensen says with a smirk. 

"Should I wear a dress?" 

"That would probably be best." He nods. Sloan groans and turns back to her closet. 

"Most of them are too formal and the others are for warmer weather and it's the middle of December." She says. Jensen shrugs. 

"So? Wear a jacket." He says like it fixes everything. Which, to be fair, it does. But not for Sloan. 

"Then you would have to pin the sleeve so it doesn't dangle and it'll probably be warm there so I'll have to take it off." She explains, thinking through every possible factor. Jensen shrugs again, still not seeing the issue. 

"So? I'm not seeing any problems we can't fix." He says. 

"Most of the dresses I have, you would't want me to wear on national television." She informs him, rolling her eyes at his confused look. "They're either too short for your approval or that show a little too much up top and you definitely don't want that." 

"How do you know I won't approve of them?" He asks, crossing his arms. 

"Because you're a little over protective when it comes to stuff like this." She tells him. "If it were up to you, all my dresses would be long-sleeved, and go from my neck to my ankles."

"Hey, it's my job to keep the boys away from you." He tells her. 

"You're no help." Sloan says, pulling him off the bed and shoving him out of the room just as there's a knock on the door. "Go answer the door and let me figure out what I'm going to wear." 

Sloan closes the door and locks it, turning back to the closet. She pulls out a few dresses and lays them out on the bed. She stares at them, trying to determine which one is best for the interview. After a few minutes, there's a knock on Sloan's door, making her groan and roll her eyes in annoyance as she moves to it.

"Dad, I told you to leave me alone." She says, opening the door to reveal Gen on the other side. "You're not my dad." 

"Nope. Much prettier." She says, making Sloan laugh. "I heard you can't find out what to wear and I'm here to help." Sloan smiles and wraps her arm around the woman in a hug. 

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