Chapter 19

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Sloan wakes up the next morning at six AM, her alarm blaring Asia's Heat of the moment. She groans and pulls herself out of bed, knowing that she needs to shower and eat breakfast before she and Grayson start practicing. She finds the hotel stationary and writes a quick note for Jensen so he doesn't freak out when he wakes up. 


Going downstairs to eat breakfast and rehearse. Thanks for letting me stay in here last night. 

Love you!

Sloan- 06:00

Sloan places the note on her pillow so she knew Jensen would see it before grabbing her key and going back to her room, her dog faithfully following her. Sloan lets herself into her room and grabs her bag, dragging it and herself to the bathroom to take a quick shower that wakes her up slightly. 

She dries off, leaving her hair to air dry, before grabbing a red v-neck romper. She attempts to tie the strings with her hand but fails with a sigh. She hears the door open to her room and her heart rate quickens as she remembers what she found last night. She opens the door a crack before holding the fabric of the romper to her chest.

"Dad?" She calls out, hoping it was just Jensen. 

"Nope." Another familiar voice says. "Just Jared." 

"For once in your life, you have perfect timing." She calls back. "Can you help me?" Jared goes into the bathroom and ties the straps in a bow on the back of her neck. "How'd you get in here?" Sloan asks as she walks over to the bed, pulling on a pair of black heeled boots. 

"Your dad gave me his key." Jared tells her. "Grayson wanted me to make sure you were awake."

Sloan rolls her eyes as she stands and pulls on a light blue denim jacket, knowing that she'll probably be cold when she's not on stage. She turns to Jared and he pins the left sleeve before she walks back to the bathroom and applies some light makeup.

"Your brother needs to lighten up." She tells the man as she returns to the room. "I mean, being related to you, you'd think he'd be a little more relaxed." Jared chuckles and Sloan puts Bandit's vest on him before they leave the room. 

"He was until he met you." Jared says and Sloan rolls her eyes, shoving him into the wall lightly as they walk to the elevator. He just laughs and they ride down to the green room silently.

They walk into the green room to see breakfast stuff lined up on the counter. She walks over and looks at the food before finally deciding on just a cup of coffee, choosing to wait until after practice to eat. She fills the paper cup and walks over to Grayson, plopping down on the couch next to him, making some of the hot liquid splash over the edge of the cup and onto her leg.

"Son of a bitch!" She exclaims as she places the cup on the coffee table in front of her as Grayson laughs. She turns her head quickly, purposely hitting him in the face with her wet hair. She stands up and grabs a napkin from the counter, wiping the coffee off of her leg.

Sloan sits back down and drinks her coffee, waiting for Grayson to finish eating. When he finally finishes, the two join the band onstage. Sloan grabs her mic and wraps it around her head before grabbing her ear-ins and putting them in. She turns the mic on and makes sure the sound guys could hear her before they start going through all the songs for today's set.

By the time the two finished, there was still an hour and a half before the concert. Sloan turns off her mic and the two walk into the green room. She sees Jensen on the couch with Rob and Rich and walks over to them, sitting on the floor in front of her father, leaning her head on his knee. 

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