Chapter 18

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They pull up to the hotel just before seven. Sloan throws her door open after saying a hurried thank you to Sebastian. 

"Sloan!" He calls as she and Bandit are halfway to the door. Sloan turns around and looks at him questioningly. "What time's the concert." 

"Tonight's starts at 11." She says. "Tomorrow's is at 9 AM." The actor nods and Sloan runs into the backdoor. Sloan races down the hallway to the green room, where she sees everyone hanging out. They all look at her as she enters the room. 

"I know. I'm late." She says as Grayson opens his mouth to speak. "We still have plenty of time, though. Karaoke doesn't start until 9:30."

"Let's go." He says. Sloan nods and falls him to the door and down the hall that leads to the side entrances of the stage. 

Rob's band takes their places at their instruments as Grayson picks up his guitar and turns his mic on before putting in his ear-ins. Sloan puts her own in before putting her mic around her head, clipping the pack to the back of her waistband and turning it on. 

"Can y'all hear me?" She asks the guys in the sound booth located in the back of the room, who give her a thumbs up. "Perfect." 

The group uses the full two hours they have, the doors opening at 9:00 to let people in. Sloan turns her mic off and walks off the stage, running back to the green room. She takes the device off her head and unclips the pack, placing them on the coffee table before running to the door, stopping halfway when she realizes she doesn't know her room number or have the key. She curses under her breath before walking back over to Jensen. 

"What's my room number?" She asks him. 

"513." He says, handing her the key. She takes it and runs back to the door, opening it and running to the elevator.

When Sloan gets into her room, she opens the bag her dad packed and placed on the bed, pulling out a black tube top and pair of black and white striped shorts. She takes off the sweatpants and shirt, realizing for the first time that she forgot to return the arm and chip. Sloan quickly sends a text to Joe Russo to let him know before tossing her phone on the bed. She slips into the clothes and leaves the belt around the shorts untied for the time being. She grabs a pair of grey heeled boots before slipping out of the converse. She puts a gold ring on her middle finger and grabs a necklace that has an angel wing on the end. She goes into the bathroom and sees that her hair and makeup are still in perfect condition before grabbing her shoes from the bed and running back to the elevator. 

Sloan runs back to the green room, her socked feet allowing her to slide to a stop next to the sofa where Jensen and Jared are sitting, the two of them looking at her with raised brows. Panting, Sloan flops down on the arm of the couch and pulls her shoes on, her prosthetic allowing her to tie the shoes, her belt, and put her necklace on, three things she hasn't been able to do in three months. 

"What's with the arm?" Jensen asks, looking at the metal contraption, hearing the slight whirring of gears as she ties her shoes. 

"I forgot to take it off." She tells him. 

"Woah!" Grayson exclaims as he enters the room, moving over to Sloan and running his fingers down the arm. "That this is badass. Does it move?" Sloan nods and moves the arm around, clenching and unclenching the fist, making Grayson's eyes widen. "Awesome." He breathes. 

"It's basically a regular arm just metal and detachable." She says. 

"How does it work?" Jared asks, looking over the arm as well. 

"This." Sloan says, turning and pointing to the chip on the back of her neck. "It measures brain waves or something. I wasn't really listening when they explained it to me." Sloan moves to plop down on the couch between the two adults. She leans back against Jensen's arm and places her feet in Jared's lap, making him shoot her a dirty look.

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