Chapter 37

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A month later, Jensen was leaning in the doorway of Sloan's room with his arms crossed over his chest, watching her pack her suitcase. She had convinced him that she was okay enough to go on the press tour for Marvel. She wasn't sure if she really was okay or if she had just gotten so good at pretending to be that she was starting to believe it herself. 

Sloan felt guilty for what she did to Grayson. It was never her intention to hurt him, but she just couldn't be around him without thinking back to that night three months ago. The night he almost died because of her. She knew he deserved someone who could let him touch them, someone who could love him the way he needed to be loved. And he would never admit it, but Sloan knew he wanted that too. 

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Jensen asks as Sloan zips the suitcase. She sighs and turns to him. 

"I'm sure, Dad." She says. "It'll be fine. I'll only be gone two months and I'll be with Sebastian the whole time. He knows what I need and how to calm me down if Bandit can't. And I've been promised female interviewers and I won't be alone in a room with any males other than Sebastian without another female. I'll be fine." 

"Alright." He says with a sigh, taking the bag from her and carrying it downstairs. Sloan takes one last look around her room before following him. 

"Be safe." Danneel says, meeting the pair at the door. Sloan gives her a smile and nods. 

"I'll call when I land." She tells her mom, picking up her book bag. Danneel helps Sloan fasten the straps and gives her one last smile before gently pushing her out the door with her dad. 

An hour and a half later, Sloan's plane is being boarded. She stands and lets out a shaky breath, her grip on Bandit's leash tightening slightly. "Hey." Jensen says, making her look up at him. "You're gonna do great." Sloan gives him a small smile and nods. "Call me when you land." 

"I will." She assures him. 

"I love you, warrior." 

"I love you, too, Daddy." Jensen wants to pull her into a tight hug and hold her to him, never letting go. It takes every muscle in his body to keep him from doing just that. Sloan gives him another smile before she walks to the gate and boards the plane. 

Sloan takes a deep breath when the plane lands in New York a couple hours later. Bandit, sensing the girl's distress, whines at her feet, lifting his head from his paws. Sloan runs her fingers through his fur a few times before standing. She puts the book bag on her shoulders before taking hold of Bandit's leash and leading him off the plane. 

After picking her bag up from baggage claim, Sloan finds Sebastian waiting at the front with his driver. He gives the teen a smile and takes her suitcase from her, sliding it into the trunk. 

"How are you?" He asks as the two slide into the backseat, Bandit laying on the floorboard at Sloan's feet. 

"I'm good." She says, nodding slightly. Sebastian gives her a look. 

"How are you?" He repeats. Sloan sighs. 

"I'm getting better." She says before taking a shaky breath. "Um, I have bad days and I have good days. Some times I have more bad days than good." 

"And what's today? A bad or good day?" Sloan tilts her head from side to side. 

"Neither? Both?" She questions. "I don't know. It's not great but it's not bad." 

"Well it's something." Sloan nods slightly, looking out her window and biting her lip. "What's wrong?" Sloan turns from the window, raising a brow at the older actor. 

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