Chapter 29

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The next three months were packed with a lot of excitement. Sloan and Grayson got a record deal and some of their songs had been on the radio. Sloan had gone back to filming for Supernatural and Captain America, which was wrapping at the end of the week. Sloan and Grayson had been nominated for Best New Artist in the CMA Awards and were given performance time during the awards show. 

Now, Sloan's back in Cleveland where she's been for the past week, having filmed all the scenes she was needed for on Supernatural so she could catch up with her work for Marvel after her long absence. Sloan sighs as she opens her phone and looks at the picture on her lock screen. It was a picture of Jared, Grayson, Jensen, and herself at the last convention. Danneel had taken it when the teens crashed the males' panel and the three were all laughing about something, wide smiles on all of their faces. 

Are you busy? She texts Jared, knowing Jensen was busy all day filming and wouldn't have many breaks, but not sure about him. Before she gets a response, there's a knock on her door. 

"Sloan, let's go!" Sebastian yells through the door. Sloan sighs and turns her phone off before walking to the door and opening it. 

"C'mon, Bandit." She says, making the dog jump off of the couch and follow the actors across the parking lot. 

"How you holdin' up, kid?" He asks as they walk to hair and makeup. 

"I'm fine." She says. "I mean, it's gonna be hard to not have my family here for my birthday, but I have you guys, so I'll be okay." 

"You could always ask for the day off and go to Vancouver." He tells her. Sloan shakes her head. 

"I've had too many days off." She says. "And it's only one birthday, there'll be more. Besides, I don't really feel like celebrating this year." Sloan hears him sigh and sees him look at his phone out of the corner of her eye. She knows he's texting Jensen, who had asked Sebastian to keep an eye on the girl, but she doesn't say anything. 

Sloan finishes her scenes five hours later and tiredly walks into her trailer, locking the door and going into the bedroom, collapsing onto her bed. She hears her phone vibrate across the trailer but ignores it, not feeling like getting off of her bed. Fifteen minutes later, there's a knock on her door and Sloan opens it, letting Chris in. 

"What's going on?" She asks, seeing the hard expression on his face. 

"I don't know. Joe got a call from your dad. He and Jared have been trying to get a hold of you." He tells her. "Joe said it sounded urgent." Sloan furrows her brows and goes to the kitchen, grabbing her phone from the table. She looks down to see that there are multiple missed calls from both men. 

"What the hell?" She mutters. The two walk out of the trailer with the dog to find Joe and let him know that Sloan's going to call Jensen. As they walk down the row of trailers, Sloan's phone rings and she looks down to see Jared's name light up the screen. She quickly answers and puts the phone to her ear. "Hello?" 

"Sloan? Oh, thank God!" He breathes in relief. "We've been trying to get a hold of you for the past three hours!" 

"Sorry, I was filming and didn't have my phone on me." She says, her brow furrowed as the two walk around the set. "Jar, what's going on?" 

"Is that Sloan?" She hears Jensen's voice faintly ask. There's shuffling over the phone before his voice reaches Sloan's ears. "Sloan?" 

"Dad, what's going on?" She asks. 

"I got a call this morning. David escaped." Sloan stops in her tracks from shock, nearly dropping her phone. Chris stops as well and looks down at the girl. 

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