Can You Keep A Secret? (Compl...

By LJRwrites

668K 28.1K 2.1K

Aria has been cordially invited to the wedding of the century . According to her mom . Her older sister is fi... More

i - wedding kerfuffle
ii - it's a match ...sort of
iii - a.c. wells
iv - brunch
v - the reveal
vi - just a slight adjustment
vii - dinner party for the wells
viii - reunion
ix - uncertainty
x - trip
xi - dinner
xii - show me around
xiii - what now?
xiv - pov's
xv - out in the countryside
xvi - impromptu
xvii - saturday
xviii - no distractions
xix - after
xx - apology
xxi - warren
xxii - in the light
xxiii - three brothers
xxiv - alex
xxv - the week
xxvi - unexpected visitor
xxvii - the one
xxviii - hard truths
xix - day one
xxx - day two
xxxi - bachelorette night
xxxii - always been
xxxiii - after the kiss
xxxiv - wedding day
xxxv - may i have this dance
xxxvi - i care for you
xxxvii - confession
xxxviii - embrace
xxxix - official date
xl - office
xli - normal
xlii - psycho
xliii - caught
xliv - something new
xlv - plans
xlvii - under the stars
xlviii - welcome home
xlix - family
L - epilogue
*New Story*

xlvi - recovery

7.2K 348 9
By LJRwrites


I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't witness it myself . The power of love definitely can be transcendent for some . Trip's transformation is not just obvious with how he handles and sees situations but the physical qualities on him has changed . He looks happier, brighter , and if you could believe it, more handsome .

Without being prompted , he began visiting local senior homes and sitting with the elderly . He'd listen to them talk, read to them or dance with the lines of women who were more than excited to be in the arms of a young strapping man . From there he started visiting local animal shelters, he branched out and volunteered his time to the people who have been forgotten.  Something he was way too used to .

Even his family noticed the change . At first they were skeptical but with the constant visits with Warren and Alex. And then his sisters, his parents began to see him every other day. The broken family was coming together slowly but the healing was already taking place . I knew that Sonja was keeping him in line . The family embraced her the way I knew they would .

I told him last week that he was a free man and that we could introduce him to the public again . He said to me , "I don't care about them . I only care about the people closest to me ." He truly was a changed man. So celebrate my lift of his appointments and him doing normal people things again, we all went to visit him at his home .

"I don't know why he didn't want to drive into the city," Warren complains .

"He's going to lock everything up in the house before he comes back. It's his last hurrah," I explain.

"I get it . I'm very proud of how far he's come along."

"I think we all are . Have you guys discussed what he'd like to do when he comes back?" I asked.

"He wanted to do more charitable work . Start a foundation for the forgotten ," Warren tells me.

"That's amazing! I would help him raise awareness for it," I say like a proud mother.

"Talk to him about it . He only asked us to help with the capital and from there he'll do the rest . He's actually a genius, you know?" Warren states.

"Oh , I know . It's a shame it wasn't nurtured the way it should have ," I say .

"My father wanted him to work with us but was happy when Trip told him of his plans. He doesn't want to make a huge deal out of it, just wants to get to helping people right away," Warren says as we pull into the drive .

It looked like we were the first to get there as Sonja came out of the house to greet us , "hey , we're in the back. He's throwing on the patties," she waves us over .

I hugged Sonja , "You look wonderful," I tell her.

"I feel great, also, Trip and I wanted to ask you something," she says , Warren and I exchanged glances .

We got to the back and sat on the couches near the grill, "So Sonja said you guys want to ask me a question," I dove right in.

"Right," Trip says as he greets us.

The two of them were standing next to each other and he begins , "As you know, we have been with each other for a couple months now . And I don't have anything set up yet, is it okay of I stayed with you for awhile?"

"That's all? Of course ! " I say as I stand to hug them both , "you're family I wouldn't leave you out."

The rest of the members showed up and we all had a good dinner . The weather was perfect so we decided to stay outside.  Florence's baby bump had grown and both her and Mick were absolutely in heaven . Her divorce was quick and Greg left town shortly after the papers were finalized . And even shortly after that , both Florence and Mick went to the courthouse to get married. They didn't want to wait and decided to do a bigger party down the line .

Everyone had someone, except for Alex. After dinner he had gotten up and walked further out , away from the house . I looked over at Warren and told him I'd be right back. "Hey!"

He jumped a little , "sorry I wasn't expecting you to sneak up on me like as ninja," he says.

"What's on your mind?" I ask him as I stand right next to him.

"Life," he says.

"What about it? Are you about to get sentimental or philosophical with me?" I ask.

He curls his lips into a smile while looking at me as he tilts his head, "no, not the boring stuff."

I giggle , "so , what's got you looking down?"

He turns to face me , "just reflecting on my past , looking at my present and wondering about my future."

"Anything you want to share?" I poke.

He winces , and part of my heart hurt because I know that part of his pain involves me . Having me around constantly and us still being friendly probably hasn't helped but what can I do? I'm with his brother and we see each other a lot because they live together.

"I just keep wondering, the what ifs," he admits.

"And wondering the what ifs is the easiest way to drive yourself crazy. We're in the present," I remind him.

"I know," he gives me a quick smile, "I wish I did things differently."

"I think at some point in our lives, we all do."

"Yeah , but if I had my head together better , I would've tried harder with you," he confesses.

"Alex..." I say.

"I know, I'm trying Ar. I'm trying to sort these feelings out . It's not as bad as it was in the beginning. I think , I just want that . The kind of love that doesn't require assurance because it's something that's proven and known," he tells me  .

"And you'll get that . I hear you've been kept busy lately, that must help?" She asks.

"Yeah, but the moment I get back to my place and I see the two of you," he says , "I feel like I'm missing that."

I want to change the subject because I know it isn't easy. "How are things with Jasmine? Is she as amazing as I've heard about?"

Then his eyes lit up , "she makes my job easier . Obviously, she's been in the business for awhile and aside from Warren, Jasmine's been a tremendous wealth of information."

"It helps that she's a sweetheart too," I add, trying to see if there's more.

"Well yeah, on days that things get hectic, she gives me a pep talk," he then smiles at a memory, "one time I was freaking out and I couldn't stop blabbering . She walked over to me and slapped me."

I gasped , "no way," I said.

"Serious, it hurt like hell too . I was mad that she did it at first but then the look she was giving me made me more scared. After that , I got my act together," he recounts.

I've talked to Jasmine a few times and from how she describes her work relationship is that she's basically his boss . I told her that I  believe it since she's been working in the industry far longer . She's aired her grievances to me a few times, saying that Alex is great but she gets a little annoyed with him from time to time . I kept it to myself , but I think that annoyance is really attraction . At one point she asked if she can come work for me. I would have stolen her in an instant but she has become his lifesaver .

"I thought you adapted quickly to the job?" I bring it back a little bit.

"Well, when it was slow. But then things picked up and major contracts were coming through," he told me.

"I totally get it. Hold onto Jasmine . She'll get you to safety," I smile . He doesn't realize that he's slowly fallen out of love with me and just only yearns for the motions of a relationship. Warren and I had talked about this not too long ago.

We had been eating dinner together and Warren caught Alex sighing at us when we were holding hands at the table . He was going to say something but I stopped him. I understood and didn't want a fight to happen over a desire someone doesn't have control of.

"I will," he says.

"Alex, she's out there . You just don't realize it yet . And you deserve someone who is just as wonderful as you are . You deserve that soul scorching love that will fulfill every desire you have . And honestly,  I think that love is a lot closer than you realize . You just need time to figure out what you want for yourself. And I mean, figure out what makes you happy and whole that doesn't require another person. Once you figure that out and embrace it , that love will appear and you won't even know what to do with yourself."

He gives me another hug , "thank you Ar. Warren is one hell of a lucky man."

I smirk, "I'm one hell of a lucky woman."

We headed back towards the family and Warren held onto me as soon as I was by his side again . We sat around the firepit and raised our cups of soda , "To Trip!"

To which Trip raised his cup , "To family. To love!"

"Here here," we all cheer.

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