The Class Agreement

By smooonie

1M 39.9K 17.3K

After disappearing for the rest of her senior year, Nova is an enigma most people don't want to mess with. S... More

In Athena's Eyes: "Nova Is"
In Athena's Eyes: "Trophy Family"
End Note


16.9K 621 540
By smooonie

The pool couldn't have been a better idea for several reasons. It was also just a little uncomfortable because there were kids and other adults around us. I'm not sure why I thought the pool was going to be empty.

It didn't help that Athena was wearing a bright yellow two-piece bathing suit that didn't leave much to the imagination. My eyes were eating her up from all angles. Her body is just magnetic.

I wore a short pair of navy blue swimming trunks and a spare black sports bra. I didn't like normal bathing suit tops. I always thought they looked weird on me. My hair was tied in a high bun while Athena's left her's loose.

Athena held onto me in the water like I was the last thing she knew. Her arms were draped around my shoulders as we carelessly floated off to several different ends of the pool.

We floated and talked about nothing and everything. We kissed — our first real kiss — in a public place such as this. It was no surprise that there came the many funny glances and weird looks, but it didn't bother me. Normally it would, but with Athena being so unbothered and calm, it calmed me down too. Sedating me to the point where all I wanted to do was make an even bigger show so those nosy people could continue staring.

When I actually got the chance to swim, it was beyond refreshing. Feeling my shoulders and arms twinge with an ache was my favorite feeling. The resistance of the water and the sun extra hot today was just right.

Today — this weekend — was just perfect.

The sun was starting to set and the temperature was beginning to drop a few degrees. Athena dragged me out of the pool along with our stuff and we proceeded to have a wonderful dinner and get ready for the rest of the night.

She seemed super excited that we were finally going to a club together. I knew she was probably going to pull out her best outfit for the night so I had to pull out mine — despite the fact that it is my birthday and I probably should look the part.

After a shower together — that was full of teasing, kissing, and embracing each other — we got ready.

Athena's outfit was just unfair. Her hair was in that messy elegant bun that I loved so much with the perfect amount of her long strands hanging from the sides. She replaced her studs with ones that were shinier and more expensive looking.

Her red dress was what she called a "Split Side Cami dress" was tight to her body, leaving no curve unseen. The straps were very thin — very easy to rip. The black choker she had around her neck made me fantasize about my own hands being around them. She looked like a movie star ready to walk the red carpet.

I pulled out the best shirt I packed. A long sleeve black satin dress shirt that fit my torso beautifully. It was a little snug around my shoulders and arms, but it just added to the effect I was going for. My fresh black jeans fit great along with my dress shoes.

I didn't have any idea what to do with my hair so I let it air-dry into its soft waves. The finishing touch was my favorite least used cologne. My mother had bought this for me the year before we found out she was sick. I've barely used it since — only for very special occasions.

Athena took a good look at me, then smirked.

"Good?" I said. "I can't really pull off a red dress so ..."

She ran her hands up my chest and pulled me in for a chaste kiss, "You look so good. I love the way you fill out this shirt."

I smiled, "Thanks."

"This may as well be your red dress," She chuckled. "Are you ready?"

"I am."

"Good. Let's have a fun night."

I nodded, "I'm gonna put your I.D. and cash in my wallet okay? This way you don't have to carry anything."

"Please do."

When we were officially ready we left the hotel, her arm wrapped in mine. As we walked the strip toward the club, we noticed more and more people. From a short distance, you could hear the music from the club. It was named "Harley's Cafe" and the line to get in was a little long. We eventually got inside and Athena was in awe.

She gasped, "It's way fancier than I thought,"

"It's beautiful and it looks clean. Well until you look at the dance floor," I said while looking back at the herd of people dry humping each other.

"Okay, well that's never not gonna be a thing. Especially in a gay club," She laughed.

Athena tugged me over to the bar. It had a beautiful setup that had to be a bitch to clean by the end of the night.

There seemed to be a lot of girls sitting at this bar and a few guys. There was only one brown leather stool vacant. Of course, being the gentlemen I am, I let Athena take the seat.

"Are you sure?" She asked. "I can stand."

"What? No, go ahead. I mean you're in heels. You should preserve the condition of your feet."

She held the end of her dress and slowly sat down, getting comfortable, "I'll have you know there's gel padding in here so my feet won't hurt."

I squeezed next to her, standing while leaning against the bar, "Wow ... that's really smart. Why don't all women do that?"

"Because most of us wear heels for show," She answered. "Can you pass me my I.D. and bank card?"

"Of course," I quickly pulled my wallet out of my pocket, opening it and taking out both cards. I really wasn't planning on drinking tonight, but I know Athena is dying to have a drink with me.

I handed her the glossy card. She took it from my fingers, "I don't wanna get drunk. Just a little buzzed, maybe."

"Nova, it's your birthday."

I shook my head, "I should be fine with two drinks. Just two."

She pouted, but then agreed, "Fine. I won't get drunk either. I do want to have more than a piece of my mind and bodily functions by the end of the night."

My eyes quickly ran up and down her body as she crossed a leg over the other. So fucking sexy. Her attention diverted to one of the many bartenders behind the counter.

"Hi, I'm starting a tab. Two Malibu Sunsets, please,"

"Coming right up,"

"You are just ridiculously beautiful," I whispered in her ear.

She grinned, turning her head just slightly, "I get that a lot. You'll have to do better than that."

"Ooh-ho," I laughed, "So we're playing that game, huh?"

She didn't say anything back. A simple shrug of her smooth and soft looking shoulder said it all.

I smirked, enjoying this, "So are you single?"


"What's a girl have to do to find out?"

Two light pink orangish drinks were placed in front of her.

"Thank you," She said to the bartender. Both of them had a cherry placed on top of the ice cubes. "And to answer your question, I don't give my attention to just anyone. You have to work for it."

I grabbed the glass closest to me, picking it up and holding it before my lips, "I can work for it alright."

She picked up her glass and glanced at me, "Can you?"

As soon as I was going to respond, a girl in a crop top and jeans came up to me. Her hair was in a ponytail and I'd be lying if I said she wasn't attractive. She was probably around Athena's height, looking up at me with dark brown hopeful eyes.

"Hi, you're extremely sexy and I was wondering if you'd like to dance with me?"

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry I—"

"She's occupied for the night," Athena said coldly. "Sorry."

This girl was bold. Too bold. Because she didn't back down or walk away after that statement, "Do you own her?"

Athena narrowed her eyes on the girl, "What does it look like?"

The girl rolled her eyes and walked away. My blood ran cold for a few seconds — at least I didn't have to break up a fight.

"Um, sorry ... about that," I said.

Athena turned away and I could tell she was a little annoyed, "You have nothing to be sorry about. You look good. It happens."

She began sipping out of the glass. I cleared my throat and did the same. I was surprisingly pleased with how this tasted. It was fruity, with a hint of coconut and familiar alcohol I couldn't put my finger on.

"This is great," I took another sip. "What's in here?"

"Rum," Athena answered. Her tone was still heavy.

I moved in closer to her, "Hey, you okay?

She nodded, "I'm fine."

She was jealous. It was painted all over her face and you could see it creeping its way through her posture. I couldn't blame her. But Athena being jealous? Over me? My pride was full to the brim now.

No one in this club stood a chance against Athena.

I took a quick swig of my drink, sighing softly and taking a peek at Athena, "You know, the only girl I have my eyes on tonight ... I'm trying to win her heart. Any tips?"

From the corner of my eye, I saw her look at me. I took another go at my drink.

"What if you already have her heart?" She asked.

I swallowed and wiped the corners of my mouth, "Then maybe I should ask her to be my girlfriend already even though a future between us isn't promised."

Silence. Only for a few moments.

I wanted to be with Athena. I wanted her to claim me as her's. And I wanted to claim her as mine. This wasn't the drink speaking either. I was still completely sober.

My previous fears of not being ready for another relationship long gone now.

"You really think that'd be a good idea?" She asked. "Wouldn't you both just get hurt?"

"Eh, I've come to accept that. Plus, I think she's the only girl I want to be hurt by. No one else deserves that privilege," I swirled the remaining liquid in my glass before killing the rest. "I like to think I've been through worse, so I'll take my chances."

I placed the empty glass in front of Athena. She was only halfway done with her's. She finally cracked a smile at me.

"No being upset on my birthday," I said while giving her a kiss on her cheek. "Also, don't babysit your drink."

She laughed, "Babysit my drink? Sweetheart, you can't even hold your liquor. Don't worry about me."

Athena ended her tab on our last drink. I was a little buzzed and she knew it, which resulted in her laughing at me and teasing me about it. But I felt good. I felt handsome and worthy of all her beauty wrapped around my arm, her heat clinging close to my body.

Her teasing grazes and flirtatious comments. The way she ignored the stares of other women who were hawking her from a distance. Her eyes were on me during all of it and I never felt so confident. She seemed to enjoy the way I gracefully handled a few girls that came up to me. I managed to politely reject them without causing any other problems for the night.

The only thing there was left to do was dance. So I lead Athena into the crowd, her hand practically clutching around my bicep.

The music was insanely good and when Athena turned around and pressed her backside against my body I almost went rigid. She swayed her hips back and forth to the music. I did my best to follow along with her without getting overly worked up.

And holy shit was that hard.

The only thing I could picture was her on top of me in bed moving like this. I cradled her in my arms, my face resting in her neck. I heard her laugh get lost in the music.

She became provocative pretty fast, turning around, bending over and letting me get a good look at her ass, grinding against me when my brain finally allowed me to grip her hips. Her movement was flawless, smooth, and so sexy.

Soon she turned around to face me again, her arms coming up to circle my shoulders as we continued to move the music. My arms wrapped around the small of her back. We locked eyes and my heart may or may not have stopped in my chest. She's a goddess and no one can convince me otherwise. I wanted to get lost in her completely.

But knowing me, I probably already am.

Her lips ghosted mine, our noses touching. She was the missing puzzle piece in my arms.

"Be my girlfriend," I said. "Be my girlfriend right now."

"Nova ..."


"Nova I don't want to hurt you ... and I don't want to be hurt either,"

"Just be with me. We'll worry about everything else later."

She stared at me for what felt like several years, not saying anything back.

Please don't reject me. Don't reject us.

She nodded, almost looking scared, "I'll be with you."

"Finally," I whispered and leaned in to capture her lips and kiss her deeply.

Athena Frost was finally mine.


That dress — that damn red dress. The way it felt against my hands. The way it smelled, her scent all over it, drove me crazy. It made the nerves in my body twinge with desire.

She was straddling me, tugging at the collar of my shirt. I let her waist go in an attempt to get some buttons undone. The strap-on Athena surprised me with — I had no idea she brought it along with us — was beside me.

I finally got my shirt off, tossing it somewhere. Athena yanked the hair in the back of my head and forced my head up. She kissed me roughly, stealing my breath.

Soon her dress was dipping beneath her breasts. I quickly capitalized on that, taking a soft nipple into my mouth and feeling it peak. A shiver ran through her body as I sucked and nibbled away. The wet heat between my legs already announcing itself in my briefs.

She heaved, "God, fuck me already — I don't care,"

Usually, I'd spend time caressing and kissing all over Athena's body, but there was a serious urgency tonight. One that we both succumbed into very quickly.

I mean, she just became my girlfriend. On my birthday.

She got off of me, allowing me to pull off my jeans and quickly put on the extension. I barely had time to really adjust myself because Athena pushed me with her full force back onto the bed. I landed on my back, Athena hiking her dress up over her waist with her heels still on.

She didn't waste any time and I've never seen her so impatient and needy before. She waddled over me, grabbing it and sinking down on my pelvis almost immediately.

She gasped beautifully, her cotton dress scrunched up on her stomach. I reached for her hips, loving the way she looked on top of me. She leaned over, bracing her hands on my chest. She slowly began grinding, her hips gyrating back and forth.

My eyes were stuck watching her, all of her. The way her boobs bounced up and down a little, the way she threw her head back and exposed the skin of her neck. The soft skin an excellent place for the warm lighting to rest on. God, I wish I could feel her like this.

She was moaning softly, my eyes closing only for a few moments to really listen to how her voice switched tones. When I opened my eyes again she was staring down at me, her jaw slack and her eyes completely blown out.

"Feels good?" I asked softly, wrapping my arms around her.

She nodded, shivering for a moment, "You feel amazing."

I smirked and dug my feet into the bed holding her tighter. I was preparing my legs and hips for the wild ride I was ready to take her on. She rested her forehead against mine, breathing heavily, preparing herself.

I began slowly, my hips lifting up to push the toy further inside of her, my feet and legs propelling me up. My arms locked around her. She moaned against my lips, her breath swirling around me, making the air thin. I bottomed out slowly, getting her accustomed to the stretch I knew she was feeling inch by inch.

"You're so considerate," She chuckled lightly. "Getting me ready?"

I smirked, "Can't be too impatient now."

She raked her teeth over her bottom lip and closed her eyes as I pushed upward again. I spoke again, just to really drive her crazy, "Slow and steady wins the race."

"Oh — you're — evil—" She muttered.

She kissed me lazily. I picked up the pace, moving up and down. She moaned again, barely kissing me at this point. I could already hear how wet she was and fuck was that music to my ears.

"Harder," She almost whined. "Please,"

I gave her one good thrust upward. She gasped and dug her nails into my shoulders. I smirked. I wasn't going to give her what she wanted so soon.

"No," I whispered, bottoming out and staying still.

Her eyebrows knitted in frustration, she sank back down on it herself, "Nova,"

I stuck my tongue out and dragged it on the side of her neck. My teeth sank in on a tender spot, making her groan. She began moving again. Her hips picking up and dropping onto me.

I continued to kiss around her neck, my hands sliding down to the warm and soft skin of her ass. She was bouncing now, having a little too much fun. The sounds she was making at the back of her throat were strained and I knew she would be approaching her orgasm soon moving like this.

I quickly flipped us over, Athena completely lost on the way down. The toy slipped out, the few seconds of vertigo eventually fading away as she looked up at me. I slid her dress down her hips and legs, popping it off — finally.

She looked pissed.

I began to slide her heels off, kissing the top of her feet while doing so.

"I'm sorry, were you getting close?" I asked teasingly while dropping the last heel to the ground.

"If you don't fuck me I'll do it myself," She said firmly.

She threw her hands down to her vagina, but I grabbed her wrists halfway and pinned them above her head. Her reaction was priceless.

Big brown eyes glazed over with a sheet of lust and puffy lips just an inch apart from each other. She was breathing through her mouth, her soft breath reaching the edges of my chin. Somehow she still looked annoyed and so perfect.

"You won't be doing anything yourself," I responded.

Her lips twitched into a frown, "Nova, please." She attempted moving her arms but failed. She was in my grip. Safe and secured.

I smirked, "You know better than that."

Before she could do or say anything else, I leaned in and kissed her. She pushed her hips upward and I felt the extension move with her. She grunted against my mouth, struggling to get any form of contact.

"Be a good girl and you'll get what you want," I said softly.

She sighed and squeezed her eyes shut. I was bathing in the amount of control I had over her at the moment. My girlfriend was lying under me, trapped and begging for me to take her.

My girlfriend. Athena Frost. My Government turned Economics teacher. The woman who slowly crept inside my heart and began to live in it.

I watched her with such admiration. Suddenly something in me changed and I no longer wanted to tease her or plow into her roughly. I wanted to rock her to her orgasm in the sweetest way possible. I wanted her to be able to enjoy it with a piece of mind.

I let go of her wrists and quickly lined myself up with her slick entrance. She opened her eyes and quickly looked down between us. I pushed in slowly, her arms coming around my shoulders. She sighed, picking up her legs and wrapping them around my waist.

I kissed her lips gently while slowly thrusting inside of her. She whimpered now, tangling her hands in my hair and fisting large pieces between her fingers.

The way her tongue slithered in my mouth made me moan right along with her. We found our rhythm quickly, the slick sounds and soft pants filling the air back up. I wanted her to forget her name and replace it with mine. I wanted her to only remember me. I wanted to wipe away her past lover's faces and her memories. Replace it all with me.

She clawed at my back, the stinging doing all but making me hiss, "Right there,"

"Perfect," She purred when I adjusted my hips.

It didn't take long for Athena to crumble under me. She didn't know what to do with her hands and they were all over the place. My hair, my back, my sides, my ass, anywhere she could possibly put them, it was there.

My muscles were slowly beginning to burn. The slower movements allowed me to feel it more. If I was going faster it wouldn't feel this stretched out.

I pushed deeper and the shimmer of Athena's sweat at the base of her neck and the pool I felt between our bellies made everything more erotic. I knew I gave off an insane amount of heat. I almost felt bad being this stuck on her body. I was sweating all over her.

"I'm so close," She gasped when I went in deep again. "Yes, yes, yes,"

I slowed down, even more, pulling out and slamming back in now. Each time our skin smacked against each other, a moan was cut short or turned into a soft whine.

Our eyes were focused on each other. The way her eyes began to sink lower and lower each time I slammed inside was the sexiest thing I've witnessed in a long time. Her cheeks were tinted red and her beautiful full lips looked swollen.

I watched her eyes rolled back. Her legs even unwrapped from my waist. Her arms held onto me and with one last slam forward, her orgasm came crashing down on her like a large wave. I kissed parts of her mouth then kissed all over her face as she gasped for air, her body locking up. It was a beautiful feeling, feeling her muscles twitch and spasm under her skin.

She quickly settled down, taking slow breaths.

"Fucking hell," She huffed. "I really needed that."

I smirked, giving her a soft kiss under her ear lobe, "I've been needing you since forever."

She chuckled softly, "And how I hope your thirst is quenched."

"Oh not even close," I muttered while quickly sitting up. I threaded my arms through her knees and planted my hands on the bed close to her waist, giving me an insane amount of leverage, pinning her knees to her chest.

She was shocked and not ready for the sudden change of positions, "N-Nova,"

The hunger hit me full force again. She's my girlfriend. My girlfriend who has a secret strength kink and who loved to be handled roughly.

Don't think I didn't notice the last time we had sex, beautiful.

I smirked, her face flushed below me, "Better hold on, I'm not gonna be so nice this time."

She quickly latched onto the backs of my arms, bracing herself for what she knew was coming.

I started slow. Letting her adjust for a few moments before letting the primal lust swimming in body consume me and when it did, it was earth-shattering.

Athena could barely breathe with the way I was sabotaging her. The way my hips pounded against her and made such filthy noises — her voice was practically cracking at this point, her screams bouncing off the walls.

Her nails were digging deep into my arms. My sweat was dripping down my back and stomach. The harness was beginning to push back on all the right spots, but that wasn't important right now.

I was surprised how well she was taking this — how this didn't hurt because it looked liked it did. She rested her legs on my shoulders now, throwing her head back and her body drawing up like a bow. Oh, she was so close again, I could see it roaring through her.

I watched the extension slam into her repeatedly. It's a wonderful sight, one that was impossible to look away from. I rocked her back and forth viciously. Her mouth hung open, but no sound was coming out.  

It wasn't until my final thrusts that she wailed. It gave me goosebumps as her knees turned inward, her legs now smothering my face and neck.

I slowly pulled out, her entire body shaking. She covered her vagina while gasping for air. The toy remained hanging in the air.

"Are you alright?" I asked softly.

She nodded, panting. Her hair was a mess, "I-I need a — moment,"

"Of course,"

A knock on the door made my head snap.

"Mrs. and Mrs. Frost?" I heard from behind the door.

I bolted off the bed, realizing I was only in my briefs and sports bra — with a now creamy wet strap-on still strapped to my pelvis. I was also extremely wet. My hair was damp, my stomach was a waterfall and my briefs felt glued to me.

I snatched a towel from the bathroom and wrapped it around my hips, unlocking the door to the guy who stands behind the front desk.

"Um," His eyes dropped down and back up, his facial expression making me look down too.

The fucking strap-on makes me look like I have a huge boner.

"I'm so sorry," I said quickly while trying to hide the fake erection better.

"No issue — um, we've had several complaints about the noise coming from this room ..."

"Oh, shit. Sorry. Um, there's no more noise now," I said while glancing back at Athena who was now burying herself under the sheets. "I'm really sorry about that."

This was so awkward.

"No problem at all then — anymore. Perfect timing I guess, have a good rest of your night Mrs. Frost."

"Yup, you too."

I shut the door, dropping the towel and looking back at the outline of a body under the sheets. I put my hands on my hips, taking a deep breath, "Real nice, Athena. Real nice."

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