SLYTHERIN QUEEN (draco malfoy...

Oleh itsyagirlhaha

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"He hurt you, Draco...and its ok to cry about it. Expressing your feelings doesn't make you weak---it makes y... Lebih Banyak

the first day
chapter 4- Pansy Parkinson
chapter 5-the stupid, stupid skirt
chapter 6- the ball
chapter 8: driving draco wild
chapter 9: Saving Pansy
chapter 10-Blaise is punished
chapter 11: a day with Malfoy
chapter 12- Dress Shopping with Draco
eve, the slytherin queen

chapter 7: Blaise...Zabini

57 3 0
Oleh itsyagirlhaha

Eve's pov:

"WEASLEBERRY!" I shouted, running to his side quickly.

I scooched myself beside of him, cuddling my body up against his, "What's happened?"

His head remained inside his hands as he groaned and muffled a few words.

I shook my head, "I didn't hear you?" I informed, "-can you repeat that?"

He lay silent for a moment then his body began to shift.

He slowly looked up at me, glancing around at a few of the nearby students watching.

"Weasleberry!" I gasped, scooting myself so close I was practically on top of him. I traced his black eye with my finger, causing him to flinch and wince in pain...I hurriedly removed my finger.

I couldn't help but clench my teeth in anger, "Who did this to you, Ron?"

Ron's pov:

I knew she was mad as soon as I heard her say my real name...but I couldn't tell her why I have a black eye could I? Well...I might as well tell you-

I had been waiting for Mangle outside the door for nearly two minutes, but the smell of food had wafted out of the dining hall and had found its way right to my nose.

I realized how terribly hungry I was and my legs just began to lead me into the mind screaming NO NO...but my body carried on.

I ended up stuffing my face with some of Harry's food, but that was when the three of us overheard Blaise going on about Cedric and Eve smogging in the bathroom.

I could've sworn that my heart beat right out of my chest! But it was, in fact, still intact to my body...but that was when I realized, I had to do something!

I wasn't the only one who heard, Cedric was making his way over to Zabini...a horribly cruel look plastered on his face.

Eve's pov:

Ron is apparently talking to himself, but I'm hearing all of this! Once I find out what happened...Zabini is going to get whooped.

Ron's pov:

Anyways, I decided to approach Zabini carefully, just being nice and all.

"Hey...Zabini..." I said, quite timidly, "Can you tell me about the whole Cedric and Eve thing?"

Blaise looked at me cautiously and looked me over, "Fair enough, Weaslebee...come here-" he motioned for me to join him and a few other Slytherin boys who were all crowded around him at a table. I smiled sheepishly and pushed past a few of the boys to take a seat beside Blaise. He started going on and on about how Draco was talking about Eve and Cedric kissing in the bathroom stall.

Zabini was interrupted my an angry Cedric pulling his wand out on him, which is why I stepped in between them and put my hands up.

"Boys! Boys!" I yelled, looking at them both, "Let's be rational here..."

Cedric squinted evilly at Blaise, "Stop spreading lies, Zabini, especially when the girl won't even go near you!" he put his wand somewhere inside his robes.

Zabini chuckled, "Stupid little Hufflepuff...why don't you ask her tomorrow who's the better kisser...thataway she'll have another guy to compare yours too!"

He looked behind him as the student crowds cackled, which made him grin.

Cedric huffed...but I swung. That Zabini got a right hook right into the side of his lopsided's lopsided now.

Eve's pov:

"Weasleberry!" I yelled, embracing him in a massive hug and then plunging my lips into his cheek.

He blushed as he laughed and looked at me once I released him, "What was that for?"

"For Zabini," I grinned as he placed his hand over where I had kissed, rubbing it gently.

He smiled, confused...but went along with it.

"But that still doesn't explain how you got-" I pointed to his eye, "-that."

He put his hand up to his eyelid, "After I knocked out Zabini...he came back with with his left hook, and knocked out my eye...I tackled him to the floor and beat his head into the floor but man that little Slytherin is strong." He said, shoving a chocolate frog into his mouth. He had pulled it out of his pocket...gross.

I jumped up and dusted myself off, "Thank you for telling me, Weasleberry...I'm afraid I have business to attend to now."

Ron scrambled to his feet and followed after me as I entered the crowded dining hall.

People were walking everywhere, blocking my path...but as I entered they all seemed to separate and stare as a hush fell over the crowd.

Weasleberry followed me quickly, everyone taking notice of his huge black and blue eye.

I spotted Zabini's head amongst the crowd and walked over to a huge group of boys, pushing them all aside as I made my way to the tall creepo.

As I walked towards him, all eyes on me, Blaise's buddy tapped him on the shoulder, which made him look behind him.

He made a face as he turned around, but then saw me and changed it into a wide, toothy grin.

"Well...if it isn't smogger and blackie over here-" he chuckled, motioning his fingers towards Weasleberry.

I was surprised.

I stared at Zabini's black and purple face...and burst out laughing...I hadn't seen the damage that Ron had done to poor Zabini.

 "Jesus, got 'em good!!"

Zabini's face went white as his eyes darted towards Ron in fury, then returned his gaze back to me giving him a fist bump.

Weasleberry held in his laughter, fearing another fight with Blaise would happen.

The boys behind him began giggling like schoolgirls.

"Oh hush up! You're the one making looovvveeee in the bathroom with sweet lil' cute is that, Eve?"

I clenched my teeth together, "Wasn't it you who wanted my looveeeee yesterday, Blaise?" I asked, "Oh ya, but turns out you can't make love if you don't have a-"


 The boys began crying of laughter, reminiscing the scene of yesterday's Zabini accident.

"Two hours in the hospital wing because a little girl couldn't keep herself together...haha very funny!" he admitted.

Goyle cried out wheezing, "Zabini! You're the one who was wanting to make looovvveeee-"

He was shut up by Zabini's punch to the throat, sending him choking and falling to the ground. Blaise eyed him in disgust, "Zip it, Goyle!"

Crab pushed through some boys and leaned over his buddy, sending Blaise an evil glance.

"What's wrong, Crabby? Don't have Malfoy to protect you now?" Blaise laughed, turning back around to face me.

I shivered from his furious eyes.

"The purpose of my visit is actually very important you see..." I said, inching closer to him, he began backing away in fear, "What? Afraid we're going to repeat yesterday?" I chuckled, "-sorry but you're out of luck...I don't want my knee up your prepubescent parts today, Zabini-"

The whole crowd, including Weasleberry, burst with childish laughter...making everyone erupt with embarrassement for Blaise.

He looked around in utter humiliation, then stormed closer to me with his hand raised in anger.


I cowered as his hand raised above my head. Time seemed to go in slow-motion...


Time was back on track, ya'll!

A familiar voice shouted from across the dining hall.

Everyone turned their heads in anticipation to see who it was, who happened to be right on time...


Zabini clenched his jaw and looked down at me in fear, eyeing me like a victim to his murder.

"Malfoy...did you hear what she said to me?!" he shouted, lowering his hand.

I relaxed my muscles, and stood up straight again. I let out my held-up breath.

"Actually I heard what you said, Blaise..." Draco informed, I could feel his presence walk up behind me. He stood quite taller than I looked up into the ceiling and saw Malfoy standing confidently behind me. He sent me a reassuring glance as he continued.

"And I told you to keep your grimy hands off of her...and what did I say I would do to you, Blaise?" Malfoy asked, his face strained.

The crowd went dull.

"Or okdslufkdll me-" Blaise murmered.

"OR WHAT?!" Malfoy yelled, grabbing my waist this time and squeezing me tightly, showing Blaise what he would never have.

Blaise, noticing his hands slythering around my waist, clenched his jaw tightly and returned his gaze to Draco's eyes.

"-OR YOU'LL KILL ME, MALFOY!" Blaise erupted, looking around at the stares of his classmates.

"That's what I thought I said..." he moved me over a bit to squeeze through and then walked over to Blaise...and although he wasn't much taller than him...he seemed to tower over him.

"You'd better listen next time, Zabini..." he leaned towards his ear, "...or I'll actually do it."

He leaned back out and looked him over, scoffing as he returned his body over to me.

"Eve-" Draco looked down on me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders playfully, "-could you give us the pleasure?" he smirked.

I giggled, eyeing Blaise laughingly, "I couldn't be happier to do so, Malfoy."

Blaise looked at us in confusion as I walked right up to that stupid freak and gave him a good, hearty punch to the nose...but you didn't think that was all...did you?

Draco's pov:

I stopped that stupid boy right before he hit Eve. Don't get me wrong, that girl can fend for herself...but Zabini...he's my problem.

Ron's pov:

Me and Eve are running at full speed, but I can barely keep my wits together. Laughter is pouring out of us like lemonade out of a new pitcher...speaking of lemonade.

STOP! Nevermind that lemonade bit...

After Eve punched Zabini's nose, he laughed right in her face...although his eyes did glaze with tears.

"Sorry, Zabini-" she apologized quickly.

He smirked sarcastically at her, hastily glancing up at Malfoy, "It's ok, can repay me by allowing me to escort you to Autumn Ball," he smiled as Draco's body tensed.

Eve stood is disgust, "Sure, Zabini-" she agreed, leaving the group stunned. Blaise smiled up at Malfoy whos eyes were slim with hatred. She looked back at Draco and grinned at him for reassurance.

She looked back at Blaise and smiled, hurriedly pulling down his loose trousers, "...and are you going to wear polka-dotted underwear or are you going to switch it up and wear stripes?" she laughed.

The rest of the room congratulated her with laughter as they all wheezed in joy.

"Huh?" Zabini looked down to see his pants completely tore off of his body and his green and black polka-dotted underwear was show to nearly the whole school.

He covered himself in embarrassment, running out of the room in humiliation.

Everyone watched and giggled as he waddled out of the room.

Draco smiled as she walked back over to him, giving him a friendly high-five.

"Thanks for sticking up for me out there," she smiled.

Eve's pov:

"Thanks for sticking up for me out there," I smiled.

He smirked back and rolled his eyes sarcastically, "Ya, ya-"

"No really, Malfoy-" she giggled, "...I'm impressed."

Draco's pov:

My lungs must have collapsed, or something and I feel like I'm going to that normal?

"Well, I'm impressed can handle yourself well," I said wittingly.

She grinned, making those violet eyes shine bright.

"Well, Malfoy...I guess I'll be heading to Charms now...because I actually am going today," she laughed.

She began walking off.

"Wait!" I grabbed her slim little wrist and pulled her closer, "You owe me now, Eve Mangleberry..." I smirked, "...and I know just how you can repay me."

Eve's pov:

Malfoy just asked me to the Autumn Ball...and I said yes???

That blood-sucking, two-timer deserves to be locked up in the belly of a giant toad! But he did really come through for me's the least I could do.

"One last thing, Malfoy-" I said, inching closer to him.

"And what is that?" he smiled, looking down at me and holding my wrist rather did I tell him he was cutting my freaking circulation off??!!

"You gonna wear those green undies or maybe-"

He looked down in fear, but I began to giggle outrageously. The stupid Slytherin really fell for my stunt. That's what I get for being such a good actress, I suppose.

He hid a smile.

"Oh shut up, Eve-" he snapped...but I knew he was happy.

I began backing away, "Or what?" I laughed, "-you'll kill me?!" 

Our eyes still locked in a playful gaze and him still smirking, relentlessly. I grabbed Ron's wrist as I began backing away. My eyes widened as Malfoy began stepping closer.

I laughed merrily as Draco chased us out of the dining hall, Ron by my side, laughing ferociously.

Ron's pov:

I led the way as Eve and I rushed down the corridor, our hands linked together. I looked back over at her to see her laughing without a single care. I led her to a hiding spot I used during the first was a small closet that was nearly completely dark. 

We were a whole hallway in front of Malfoy...there was no way he was going to see us.

We slipped into the closet as I allowed her to go in before I closed the door.

We tried to contain our giggles as we heard Malfoy running up the hallway.

"EVE??" he shouted...I could tell he was smiling just by the way he spoke it. No one has been able to make Draco Malfoy smile like that.

She let out a snicker...signaling out hiding spot.

"OH-" Draco said, his voice becoming closer.

"I hope the two of you aren't hiding in this measly closet...please do not make me come in there in that filth!" 

"Still Draco-" I whispered.

Eve broke the silence with comedic laughter, leading Malfoy right into the closet, shutting the door behind him.

"No one told me the closet was this dark..." he said nervously.

"Scared of the dark, are you, Malfoy?" I teased, crawling towards the exit.

"No...of course not-" he babbled.

"AHHH!!" he yelled, not even moments after. 

Eve burst out with her sweet little laugh.

"Maybe you are scared of the dark-" she laughed.

I slipped out of the closet, unnoticed. Enough of the whole Eve and Draco business for me during one day.

Eve's pov:

I couldn't see where that bright-headed boy was at, so I squinted tirelessly.

"Malfoy?" I asked, leaning up from my seat on the floor.


I jumped and reached out to grab him, thank goodness.

"You scared the daylight out of me!" I hollered, gasping for air.

"I don't see how...there is no daylight to begin with in here...where did Weasley take us, anyway?" he asked.

"I haven't a clue," I admitted as I looked around at the darkness, " I just followed him in here..." 

Draco sighed, but I could feel him make his way beside of me. Suddenly, a wave of pine trees, peppermint, and Dior cologne swept over me.

He crept himself closer to me.

"Are you actually afraid of the dark, Malfoy?" I asked.

"NO!" he hollered, scooting a tiny bit closer, "Of course not."

"You're kidding, right?" I said, feeling the ceiling for a string of some sorts...once I found one, I pulled it ungraciously, flicking on a bright light.

"Perfect!" I said, glancing over at Draco who was huddled up, in a very scared position.

"You're embarrassing, Malfoy," I laughed.

He glanced at me, "Oh ya? Well you-"

He paused to think, "I have nothing," he sighed and leaned his head back onto the wall. His blond locks were misplaced from running and his eyes glimmered with excitement.

I looked over and glanced at him, curiously...who really was Draco Malfoy?

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