
By _Ephemeral_Dream

57.5K 4.4K 1.6K

Kim V is one of the most successful men in South Korea. He buries himself in work, neglecting his husband, Ki... More

Kim Taehyung


2.1K 175 67
By _Ephemeral_Dream

Taehyung stops and takes a sip from his water bottle. He frowns as he sees how long they've still got to go. He hands the bottle to Seokjin who takes it right away. He looks at the sun. If they don't hurry up, it's a possibility they won't make it back down in time.

Ready to continue their hike up the mountain, he glances over to Seokjin. Jin looks tired and out of breath but when he catches Taehyung's gaze, stands straighter with his shoulders straight.

Taehyung takes Seokjin's hand, "Let's rest for a bit." He leads Seokjin off the pathway and they go into the forest. Not too far away as Taehyung makes sure the path is still in sight.

He sits down on the forest floor and Seokjin sits besides him. "Your hand is cold," Taehyung notices. He brings Seokjin's hand up to his mouth and blows on it, doing his best to warm it up.

He does this until Seokjin's hand is warm. "Okay, the other one." He holds Seokjin's warm hand tightly, not wanting Seokjin's hand to be cold again. Seokjin gives his other hand to Taehyung, who works right away with warming it up.

Taehyung decided that they should go hiking. So, they packed some food and water and up the mountain they go. Not to mention, it's cold due to the autumn air.

"Done. All warm." He holds both of Seokjin's hands, rubbing them softly.

Seokjin removes his right hand, brushing Taehyung's fringes out of his eyes. "How do you manage to stay warm still?" Taehyung shrugs and continues playing with Seokjin's hand.

They're currently sitting on fallen leaves. The trees are partially filled with brown, orange, red, or yellow leaves. More dead leaves are falling off as winter is right around the corner.

He smiles at Jin who's fingertips are still gracing his forehead. Without warning, he pushes Seokjin down. Seokjin yelps as his back hits the forest floor. Taehyung follows suit and lies beside Seokjin. "What was that for?" Seokjin pouts but, Taehyung's eyes are looking up. Seokjin looks up as well.

"Isn't it pretty?" Taehyung asks. They're looking up at the clear blue sky through the autumn tree branches.

Seokjin nods and scoots closer to Taehyung. "It is."

Looking up at the sky, he remembers the time. He gets up. "Let's get going." He offers Seokjin a hand which Seokjin takes. Together, the two continue their way up the mountain.

They chatter as they ascend higher. Soon, they reach the place Taehyung wants to show Seokjin. He grabs Seokjin's hand and runs to the field of wheat. Taehyung's mouth is parted in a smile. This is one of his favorite places to visit in the whole wide world.

"This is what you wanted to show me?" Seokjin asks looking between the endless wheat around them. Taehyung nods excitedly. "Wheat?"

Taehyung shakes his head. He spreads both of his arms and spins around. "Flowers." Seokjin smiles softly as he continues spinning, though not catching on yet. He stops and grabs Seokjin's hands. "Right now it's just wheat. However, in the spring and summer it's all flowers."

"Really?" Seokjin asks with a smile.

"All of it. Purple." Taehyung beams. He feels so happy to share this place with Seokjin. "Can I bring you here when it's summer?" He wants Seokjin to see when the flowers are in full bloom.

"I'd love to come again with you," Seokjin tells the very happy Taehyung.

Taehyung swings his and Seokjin's connected hands. "It's like a purple ocean. I can't wait for summer to come."

Seokjin chuckles, "Me too."



Seokjin turns to Taehyung. "What's wrong?"

"The sun," Taehyung points to the setting sun. "We won't make it down before dark." He shouldn't have played around for so long.

"That means . ." Seokjin looks at the forest. "We'll have to sleep here."

They continue walking until it's dark. Taehyung could sense Seokjin's fear, though he's hiding it. He wraps an arm around Seokjin's waist. "Don't worry. I'm here to protect you. Wolves or bear, I'll fight them off with my bare hands." Seokjin giggles softly and that makes him feel better.

They settle under a tree by the pathway. Taehyung takes off the backpack he's carrying. He and Seokjin already ate when they were in the fields. He did his best to prepare for anything that could happen.

He takes out a blanket and leans against the tree, next to Seokjin. He pulls the blanket around them both, snuggling close to Seokjin. Seokjin searches for his hand and holds it. He squeezes it and smiles at Seokjin.

"Are you not at all scared?" Seokjin asks him.

"No. Not at all. I believe that nothing bad will happen because we haven't done anything bad." He leans closer to Seokjin. "Unless you did something," he jokes to lighten up the mood.

Seokjin pushes him lightly then rests his head on Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung rests his head on top of Seokjin's. "If something finds us, don't worry. I'll get eaten first," Taehyung tells Seokjin.

"How do you know that?" Seokjin asks doubtfully.

"Because they'll eat you for dessert," he says seriously.

Seokjin is already sleepy. "How comforting," he mumbles. Taehyung rubs Seokjin's knuckles in a soothing manner.

Both closes their eyes and sleep is to come. "You're very brave, V," Seokjin whispers. Taehyung feels his chest get warmer. "You're also very selfless."

'I am?' Taehyung thinks. He stays quiet though as Seokjin is already breathing softly on his shoulder. He lets his own eyes flutter close.

When he awakes, Seokjin is still asleep. He looks at the time on his almost dead phone. It's almost time for his shift. He bites his lip as he contemplates what to do. He pulls the blanket off of Jin and puts it back in the backpack.

He puts the backpack on Seokjin. Then, he shakes Seokjin lightly. Seokjin yawns and squints at him, still tired. Taehyung chuckles at how cute he is. "Good morning, Sleepyhead."

Seokjin doesn't even care about the name calling and goes back to closing his eyes. "If you're still tired, get on my back," Taehyung suggest to Jin. Seokjin nods right away.

With Seokjin on his back, Taehyung makes his way down the mountain. He chuckles whenever Seokjin snores a little too loud.


"We made a good amount today," Seokjin tells him as he looks through his wallet. They just came home from a day of chocolate selling. It was fun.

Taehyung closes the door and peeks over Seokjin's shoulder. "That's because your chocolate is so yummy." Seokjin is counting the money by the counter. Taehyung puts both hands on the counter, caging him in. He rests his chin on Seokjin's shoulder.

"As much as I agree with you, I also have to give it to you. You were really good at talking to the customers," Seokjin puts the money back in his wallet and turns around. Taehyung's face is right by his.

"But your samples were what made them buy it," Taehyung says and slowly steps back. Seokjin's shoulders slumps and he wonders why. "I'm gonna go shower." He turns on his heels and heads for the shower. Steps light as the day's events replay in his head.

He finishes showering and goes to their bedroom with a towel wrapped around his neck. Seokjin is fixing the blankets on the bed. The pillows, sheets, and blankets aren't gray anymore. Instead it's a royal blue. Simple but blue.

"I hope you don't mind it. I saw this set at the store and it was on sale. A brighter color wouldn't be so bad," Seokjin tells him. He goes to Taehyung's side and pulls the towel off. He dries Taehyung's hair as Taehyung looks at the new set.

He's had his gray set ever since he moved in. However, the new color makes the room brighter and livelier. "I like it," he says.

Seokjin smiles and continues drying his hair. "I knew you would." He pulls Taehyung to their bed. "Can I tell you something?" Seokjin asks him nervously, still drying his hair.

"Of course." Seokjin stops drying his hair and goes over to the towel hanger, hanging the towel. "I know you already hate Jimin so I wasn't sure if I should tell you this." Taehyung freezes. Jimin? The Park Jimin that he saw hanging out with Jin a couple times. Park Jimin who is a rival of V. Therefore, in suspect of hurting V.

Seokjin comes back to the bed, sitting next to him. Taehyung does his best to keep his composure. He's really curious though. Could this piece of information go to why V is in a coma?

He holds Seokjin's hand. "You can tell me anything."


"Y-you're breaking up with me?" Jimin's eyes are filled with tears as he looks into his boyfriend's eyes.

Seokjin bites his lips and blinks away his tears. "Yes, I am." He pulls his hand from Jimin's grip. He turns around, keeping his composure. Jimin grabs his wrist and pulls him into an embrace. Seokjin struggles against him and tries to push him away.

"You belong with me," Jimin mumbles into his hair. "That's what you told me, Seokjin." Seokjin bites his lip hard, remembering his words clear as day.

He clenches his fist and with all his might, pushes Jimin away. "That's in the past," he manages to say without his voice cracking. He turns around again.

"Seokjin," Jimin cries out and tries to grab his hand. However, he yanks his hand away. "Seokjin, don't do this." Seokjin could feel the tears in his eyes as Jimin pulls him into an embrace from behind. "I love you, Seokjin," Jimin says desperately.

Seokjin feels a tear roll down his cheek as he turns around to face Jimin. He wipes Jimin's tears. "Don't anymore." He wills himself to not cry. "Don't love me anymore." With that, he pushes Jimin. He turns and run. Runs all the way to his car. He lets his tears finally fall as he drives away. Further and further away from his lover.

He cries and cries for the rest of the day. The very next day, he goes to his graduation. Just two days ago, he felt so happy because he was finally going to be done with college. He even made plans to move in with Jimin. That dream is shattered.

Seokjin was in such high spirits until he received the news from his parents. He was going to be marrying this random guy name V. He didn't even really put up a fight. He couldn't.

His parents had already made a deal with V's parents. He never introduce them to Jimin. He knows they wouldn't have approved anyways. Since Jimin's parents' company is a threat to their company.

He does his best to smile as his parents take pictures of him. He didn't tell Jimin that he's going to marry someone. If Jimin knew, he'll try to find a way out of it. Seokjin knows it won't be possible. It'll just be a hopeless fight.

He'd rather just leave Jimin in the dark. He'll find out eventually. The wedding of Kim V and Kim Seokjin. That'll be everywhere.

Another reason he didn't disobey is because he feels like he owes his parents so much. Originally, he is supposed to take over the company. However, after showing a strong desire to own a restaurant, his dad let him go. His parents were so happy when he agreed to marry V.

A couple of months pass and he never saw Jimin or V. Instead, focusing on his restaurant. His constant memories of Jimin faded away. Then, he met with V to take the wedding photos. His thoughts of Jimin completely disappeared.

He gets married to V. Then, at a party with V, Jimin comes up to him. He feels happy to know that Jimin is still alive and doing well. He tells Seokjin that he knows Seokjin isn't happy with V. That it was just an arranged marriage. That he still loves Seokjin.

Seokjin goes to the restroom and he cries because what Jimin said is true. V doesn't care for him. Since then, Jimin's been popping up at his restaurant.


Jimin and Seokjin used to be lovers. That first party he held, when he found Seokjin in the bathroom, it was because of Jimin. Those times he would see Jimin at Seokjin's restaurant.

That's why Jimin seems fishy and why he makes Taehyung feel uneasy. He's trying to win Seokjin back. Seokjin looks at him with sad and scared eyes. Taehyung wraps an arm around Seokjin's waist, making Seokjin lean against his chest.

He smiles softly. Seokjin confiding with him about Jimin just makes him realize how much he cares about Seokjin and the possibility that Seokjin cares about him just as much. "I don't care about Jimin. He's in the past. I'm more interested in the present."

He's shocked about Seokjin and Jimin's relationship. That doesn't thwart his feelings for Jin, though. He caresses Seokjin's cheek and looks into his eyes. "V," Seokjin's eyes are watery. "You're too good for me." A tear escapes.

Taehyung's befuddled at Seokjin's reaction. He quickly wipes Seokjin's tear. "I thought you were going to get angry or sad. Then, you'll start ignoring me like you did when we first got m-married," Seokjin hiccups and some more tears escape.

Taehyung cups both of his cheeks, wiping away the new tears. "I will never ignore you." He never thought he would make Seokjin cry. He never intends to either. He presses his forehead against Seokjin's. "I'm not too good for you. You're too good for me." Seokjin's glossy eyes stare back at him.

He wraps his arms around Seokjin, enveloping him in a hug. Seokjin wraps his arms around Taehyung too. They hug in silence for a bit until Seokjin pulls away. He stopped crying but, his cheeks are a bit pink.

Taehyung brushes Seokjin's hair away from his eyes. "Don't cry anymore. It'll make me worry," he says in a soothing voice.

Seokjin nods and takes hold of Taehyung's hand that was touching his hair. "Let's go to sleep. You have work tomorrow."

Taehyung pouts and hugs him again. "I also have you." Nonetheless, he pulls away and they get in bed. Of course, with Taehyung cuddling Seokjin.

Morning arrives too fast for Taehyung's liking. Usually Seokjin would still be asleep when he leaves. This time however, he's up and making breakfast. Taehyung yawns as he eats the food Seokjin cooks. "You know you don't have to make me breakfast. I can make it myself." Seokjin already cooks for him whenever he comes home.

"I like cooking for you," Seokjin smiles. Taehyung smiles back and continues eating. He finishes and heads for the door. Seokjin follows him and tugs at his sleeve. He turns around and Seokjin wipes the corner of his mouth with a napkin. "Bye, V."

"Bye, Jin," Taehyung smiles and drags himself out of the apartment. He looks back and Seokjin waves at him. He chuckles and waves back.


"Your fingers are so long," Seokjin comments as he fondles with Taehyung's right hand. They're in bed and the only light source is coming from Taehyung's phone, which is in his left hand. "I wish my fingers are like yours."

Taehyung's watching a movie on his phone, however he has an ear for Jin too. "Your fingers are fine." He keeps his eyes on his phone as he holds Seokjin's hand. "They're cute."

Seokjin doesn't seem convince. "But they're crooked." He wiggles his fingers and compares them to Taehyung's.

Taehyung turns off his phone and holds both of Seokjin's hands. "Stop hating on your fingers. It's making me sad since I like them," Taehyung complains. He can't see Seokjin's face now that his phone's off.

He brings both of his hands up to his lips and presses a quick kiss on his fingers. "Don't hate on your fingers anymore," Taehyung tells Seokjin who he still can't see clearly. He's glad that it's dark because he could feel a flush on his face from kissing Jin's hands.

Seokjin buries his face in Taehyung's chest. "You always say stuff like that," he mumbles.

"That's because I mean it," Taehyung wraps his arm around Seokjin. Again, he has this feeling. It makes him feel all warm and giddy. His stomach is all fluttery. "So, don't hate on them. Okay?"

"Okay," Seokjin squeaks.

"Jin?" Taehyung asks Seokjin who still has his face buried in his chest. "Can I," he licks his dry lips. "Can I know how you and Jimin got together?" He wonders how the two met. He doesn't know much about Jimin, just that V doesn't like him.

"You want to?" Seokjin asks unsurely.

"Yeah, I do." Taehyung wants to know how much Jimin loves Seokjin because as it looks like, he still does. "If you're comfortable with telling me." Seokjin pulls away slightly, making Taehyung worry that he got upset.

"There was a trip to this place. Anyone could go and the university was paying for it so, I went," Seokjin takes in a deep breath.


"Aren't you going?"

Seokjin presses his lips together in contemplation. "I'm kind of tired," he says as he looks up at the ceiling. The hotel room is very nice so he wants to just eat and watch a movie. They just arrived an hour ago and can rest for the rest of the day.

"Come on," his friend tries again. "It'll be fun. Everyone will be there." Seokjin sits up and grabs the remote control. "Please, Seokjin. Please," his friend pleads.

Seokjin sighs as his friend stands in front of the t.v. "Fine," he breathes out. His friend smiles widely and pulls him up. Apparently, everyone was hanging out at the hotel's pool.

Seokjin didn't bring swimming trunks or anything to swim in. He makes himself comfortable at the snack bar, conversing with a few classmates. "Hey," someone slides into the stool next to him.

"Hey," Seokjin smiles politely back, not giving much attention to the newcomer.

"Hi, Jimin. I thought you wanted to swim, instead of hanging out with us party poopers," his friend quotes Jimin's words. Jimin laughs loudly and playfully pushes him.

"Why aren't you swimming, Seokjin?" Jimin turns to him with a bright eye smile.

"I didn't bring any swimming trunks," Seokjin tells him, wanting to just return to his orders of fries. He knew Jimin since high school, through news articles and his parents' grumbling about the Parks. They never actually met each other until college. They have a class together this semester.

Someone else at the snack bar ask Jimin about something and Jimin's attention is shifted elsewhere. Seokjin snacks on his fries, thankful for the change and return to his conversation with his friends earlier.

It's not like he hates or dislike Jimin. He just doesn't want to become acquaintances or friends with the guy. In a way, they're rivals because of their parents. To make things simpler, he'll just keep his distance from Jimin.

To Seokjin's dismay, Jimin doesn't return to the pool. Whenever Jimin seems to start a conversation with him, someone else would interject. Seokjin is perfectly fine with that. Distance. Distance.

Noticing the time, he excuses himself. He goes back to his hotel room, reaching into his pocket for his card key. He enters the hotel room, excited to lie in bed and watch a movie.

He turns the t.v. on to an action movie. He recognizes the Hollywood actor so, he gets comfortable. Setting his pillows up nicely and adjusting the temperature of the room to his liking.

However, not twenty minutes in, he gets thirsty. For some reason, he did not order a single drink when at the snack bar. According to his memory, there's a vending machine down the hall.

He turns off the t.v. and slip into the hotel's slippers. He rushes to the machine, quickly deciding which drink he wants. He sprints back to his room, only to jiggle the door handle.

He forgot his card key. He pouts as he tries the handle again. He doesn't want to go back to the pool and ask his friend for the key since he's only in pajamas and slippers. "Got locked out?"

He turns to the voice. "Yep," he sighs.

Jimin's laughter rings through the hall. "Unlike you, I didn't forget." He reaches into his pocket and freezes. He smiles nervously at Seokjin as he searches his other pocket. Seokjin raises a brow. "Actually, I'm just like you."

Seokjin sits down on the ground, leaning against the door. "Might as well get comfortable," he tells Jimin who's room is across his. Jimin follows his lead and sits down too. He pulls out his phone while Seokjin sits with nothing to do.

Seokjin looks at the bottle of soda in his hand. He opens it and takes a couple of sips, eyeing Jimin. He never actually looked at him since he wanted to avoid conversation as much as possible.

He's pretty good-looking. When not smiling, his eyes are smoldering. His face is long and his jawline is sharp. His forehead is always making an appearance due to his habit of running his hand through his hair. Another attractive feature is his lips. Not as plump as Seokjin's, but still so full.

Abruptly, Jimin adverts his eyes up at Seokjin, causing him to choke on the soda in his mouth. Jimin goes to his side and pats his back. "Woah. What startled you so much you started choking?"

'You,' Seokjin thinks. He wipes his mouth and his eyes flicker to Jimin's eyes. Calm and soft. Jimin removes his hand and leans against the door, eyes still on Seokjin. Seokjin looks ahead and takes a sip of the soda.

He could feel Jimin's gaze on him. "Do you want to take a sip?" He offers the soda to Jimin. Jimin takes it and gulps down some of it. He hands it back to Seokjin. "I said take a sip, not finish half of it," Seokjin mumbles.

Jimin bubbles with laughter. He tilts his head at Seokjin. "Out of curiosity, do you not like me?"

Seokjin's eyes widen, shook at the sudden accusation. "I was just kidding about the soda," he says blinking.

Jimin smiles and shakes his head. "Not the soda. Just in general."

"No . ." Seokjin says carefully. He doesn't hate Jimin.

"Really?" Jimin crosses his arms. "You always give me short responses when I talk to you." Seokjin blushes at his notice. "Or how you never look directly at me."

"I don't do that . ." Seokjin denies. Jimin raises a brow. "Okay, maybe I do that sometimes. I just think it'll be weird to become friends since our parents don't really like each other." Hate would be the right word.

"Well," Jimin looks down at the ground. "We're not our parents." He runs a hand through his hair and looks back up at Seokjin. "So, can we not hate each other?"

Seokjin takes a sip from his soda, then hands it to Jimin. Since when was he his parents. He's foolish for letting their parents' history come between them. "You're right. Let's not hate each other." Jimin smiles at his answer and takes a sip of the soda.

Hours pass and none of their roommates comes. "You dance?" Seokjin looks at Jimin in disbelief. "Nah, that can't be."

Jimin laughs. "Yeah, I do contemporary."

Seokjin's eyes bulge, making Jimin laugh even more. "But, you're so little and short." Seokjin giggles, imagining him dance and looking like a toddler. "I guess I can see hip hop but, contemporary." He squints at Jimin trying to see him dance in such a beautiful way.

Jimin doesn't seem offended at all and continues laughing. "Just wait until one of my performances. You'll take back what you said."

Seokjin laughs and looks down. He never thought he would be so comfortable around Jimin and in such short time too. It's a shame their parents hate each other. "You know, you're a pretty fun guy," Seokjin says and raises his head. Not just fun.

Jimin's staring directly at him with this different look in his eyes. Seokjin stares back. Then, Jimin scoots closer to him. Seokjin's breath hitches as their shoulders touch. Still making eye contact, Jimin connects their lips. Seokjin's eyes widen as Jimin's closes.

The kiss isn't long and Jimin pulls away first, eyes dreamy. "I think you had too much soda to drink," Seokjin says quietly.

Jimin cups his cheek. "No, I didn't." He leans forward and closes the distance between them again. Seokjin's eyes flutter shut and he kisses back. This kiss is more intimate as their lips move against each other slowly.


"Wow," Taehyung breathes. "Jimin is quite a charmer." It's hard to imagine Jimin like so. Since all the times Taehyung encounter him, he seems harsh and cool.

Seokjin holds Taehyung's hand. "You're charming," he says softly.

"Oh," Taehyung bites back his smile. "Really?"

"Yes. Very." Seokjin rubs his knuckles. "Can I know about one of your past relationships?"

Taehyung never really had a serious relationship. "I never dated anyone seriously," he tells Seokjin with a tint of embarrassment. Sure he's had crushes but never confessed. Or he hung with someone for a while but, it never escalated into a relationship. "Although, there is someone I like and still do."

"There is?" Seokjin sounds almost worried.

"Yes, he's very handsome and adorable." Seokjin stays quiet and Taehyung feels kind of bad. "He makes me really happy and I want to make him happy as well. Wanna know his name?" Taehyung grins mischievously.

Seokjin doesn't say anything. Taehyung bites his bottom lip and tilts Seokjin's chin up. "Kim Seok-Jin."

Seokjin sits up, "Why did you play with me like that?"

"I didn't play with you," Taehyung sits up as well. "You thought I was playing." He scoots closer to Seokjin and snakes his arms around his waist. "I wasn't though."

"Handsome and adorable?" Seokjin says while rubbing his chin. "Those words do fit me." Taehyung erupts in laughter, surprised at Seokjin's confidence. "You're handsome and adorable too," Seokjin says subtlety.

In a playful voice Taehyung asks, "More than Jimin?"

"Of course," Seokjin says earnestly. Taehyung's playful smile melts away. "More than anyone else." Taehyung smiles, enamored.

"Even you?" He whispers deeply. Seokjin inhales, causing Taehyung to giggle.

"The same as me," Seokjin says. Seokjin's ears are probably pink right now. Something Taehyung finds endearing.

"Jin," Taehyung starts. "Can I give you a cheek kiss?" He blushes at his request.

"A cheek kiss?" Seokjin says in a tender voice. "Uh, sure." Taehyung bites his bottom lip, nervous. He brings his face forward and presses his cheek against Seokjin's. A cheek kiss with their cheeks kissing each other. Seokjin's cheek is softer than silk.

He pulls away after a moment. "When you said cheek kiss, I thought. ." Seokjin trails off. Taehyung blinks innocently. What he did is a cheek kiss. "Never mind." Taehyung presses his cheek to Seokjin's again.

He could feel Seokjin smile, making him smile too. This is nice. Taehyung doesn't want this moment to end. He wants to continue being with Jin. Wants to continue making Jin happy. "Let's create more beautiful moments together," he says to Jin.

Seokjin turns his head to look at Taehyung. "I'd like that."

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