Whispers Of Memories

By fariya_siddiqui

28.2K 1.5K 348

"Memories: a recollection one cannot get rid of even after losing them" _____________________________ "Why yo... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.

Chapter 25.

397 32 7
By fariya_siddiqui


Enjoy reading❤

It was darkness all around and she was running through it as if her life depends on it. She didn't knew when and how she end up her but right now all she wanted is to get away from here, as soon as possible. Her tear stained face was covered with dirt and shoot but she cared the less.

Her heart was beating erratically and lungs were blazing on fire. She felt blood oozing from her head. A sharp wave of pain arising in her back spreading all over her body, making her legs go numb but despite all she ran before it'll be too late.

Glancing ahead across the seas of trees she found a pathway. She pushed her feet a little harder in order to reach their. Her legs stopped immediately as soon as she felt the plane surface of road beneath her.

In that split moment she felt something flashing to her side almost blinding her. And she could be able to register what was happening she felt herself flying and touching the hard surface with a loud thud.

Her eyes shot open as she laid one her bed gasping for air furiously. Sitting up on the bed she looked around herself only then she realised that it was a dream.

She felt loss of breath as if she had ran a marathon. Wiping the sweat beats from her forehead she looked at the wall clock which was striking past midnight.

Her mind started getting occupied by glimpse of the dream. It wasn't first time for her having such dreams more like nightmares. But it really doesn't feels like a dream she feels like she is a part of it.

Gulping down her dried throat she pushed the duvet beside and made her way to the out. She wanted something to drink to moisten her dry throat.

After roaming in the huge house she finally found the kitchen it the extreme right corner. Reaching forward to the refrigerator she pulled the door open and after talking the bottle she gulp the cold water down to her dried throat.

Putting the bottle back to the refrigerator she closed its door but a frown appeared on her forehead when she felt someone's presence behind her. She went stiff when the person seemed coming closer to her.

Turning around Naina got startled as she came face to face with the person standing right behind her. Her eyes went shut as the glass she was holding in her hand slipped and kissed the floor with a loud piercing sound, which was enough to broke the heavy silence around them.

Kunal stood there dumbstruck looking at Naina who was standing before him with eyes shut tightly. Slowly very slowly a smile made it's way to his lips when he finally able to comprehend the situation.

He felt like laughing looking at her. Saying that he was happy seeing her there would be an understatement. He felt ecstatic looking at the person he wanted the most but expected the least at the moment.

He came back home after a long and tiring day in office and was going towards his room to get some sleep when he heard some shuffle inside the kitchen. But he never expected Naina to be there.

Seriously God has very different and unique way of fulfilling one's wish.

He thought.

After some moments Naina peeled her eyes of only to find Kunal in front of her. She felt relieved unexpectedly. Wiping the sweat from her face Naina looked her and there in order to hid her embarrassment.

"I..I..was.." She stuttered which Kunal for some reasons found adorable.

"I am sorry...I didn't mean..to" He frowned when she apologized as it should be him apologizing for startling her. But he soon realized that she was apologizing for breaking the jar as she stoop to collect the broken pieces of glass.

"You don't have to do this...let it be." Kunal also mirrored her action.

"It was a mistake...I will clear it." She said while picking the glass hurriedly.

"Let it be Naina..You're going to hurt yo..."  Kunal was cut off by Naina light hiss as the damage was already done. Naina pulled her hand back suddenly when a sharp corner of the broken glass pierce through her skin.

"Naina...I have already told you." Kunal seemed frustrated," Now let me see."

Reaching out his hand he pulled her to himself careful enough with the pieces. Naina tried to pull her hand away from him but it was of no use as his grip was firm.

Turning on the tap he placed his finger under the running water and then carefully bandaged the cut which was thankfully not that deep.

"You should be more careful..." Kunal said looking at her who was bitting her lip in nervousness and nodded on his statement.

"By the way what were you doing here at this hour!?" He asked placing the remaining this back to the first aid box.

"I was..I wanted some fresh air.." She reasoned.

"At this hour!?" Kunal raised his eyebrows but Naina kept quiet as she wasn't sure whether she should tell him about the nightmare or not.

"Then this isn't the best place to find your required stuff." He said not getting any answer from her.

"Yeah but I don't no the place properly." Naina said looking downward.

"What an irony..the owner of the place is saying that she don't know it properly." Kunal said smiling sadly making Naina look at him.

"Whatever it is...then please bless me with the honor of making you acquainted with this place again M'Lady" He said slightly bowing in front of her making Naina smile lightly.

"No it's okay...you must be tired. May be another time." Naina denied as don't want to bother him.

"I am okay with it. Besides I am not sleepy at all." He faked as he only knows how much he wanted to hit the bed at that but he could happily put his comfort on stalk when it comes to Naina.

And also he was getting to spend sometime with his Naina after so many time then it wasn't any loss. Sleep can wait.

He thought.

Naina agreed on his insistence as she moved forward with him entering into the huge lawn which she had seen from her bedroom's balcony.

They both strolled to the wooden chair and table placed in between the lawn and settled down there comfortably. Naina instantly felt her nerves calming down when the cold with hit her skin.

For some moments there was awkward silence between when Naina heard Kunal saying," You seriously don't remember anything from past!?"

He asked he was having hard times in believing that Naina is no more able to remember anything from her past.

Naina averted her gaze which was enough for him to get the answer. A strong wave of pain erupted in his heart glancing into her eyes. There was something in eyes which he was never expecting to see in them.


She wasn't able to recognize him and it was breaking his heart into pieces. But he kept quiet as he knew that the pain she has gone through is much more than his.

She wasn't able to recognize him and it was breaking his heart into pieces. But he kept quiet as he knew that the pain she has gone through is much more than his.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. But it's very strange that once best buddies who never let a single chance to make fun of one another go is now sitting awkwardly silent with eachother." Kunal spoke making Naina smile dejectedly.

"It's fate you know... which makes people do things which they never thought of doing." She said taking a large breath in.

A thick silence again fell between them pushing both of them into the ocean of their thoughts. Kunal gaze went at Naina and that was it for him. In that moment he vowed that whatever it takes he will never let anything bad happened to her again.

He wanted to snatch the pained look from her face away and for that he could do anything to everything.

"Whatever it is I am glad that you are back home safely and I can't thank God less." Kunal said pulling her out of her musings.

"It's a relief that you're back Naina!!. This home doesn't feels like home without you. So what if you don't remember anything about us. We will make our memories again. I just want you to be us!! Safe, secure and happy. Nothing matters to me more."

Naina just smiled not able to make it with words. She was glad that her family loves her and she wasn't someone who was abandoned or the victim of some cruelty.

She just have to hold on to the person who loves her and supports her and move forward in her life. And hope for the best.

Only if she had an idea.

They both kept talking for a while about random stuffs but decided to retire to bed when Naina yawned for third time.

"You are sleepy!!" Kunal said looking at her tired face.

"Little bit." She answered putting her hands on her mouth.

"Okay then...we will continue this discussion later." He stood up smiling at her which was reciprocated by her.

Moving from the man she smiled to herself and started walking towards the house feeling light after a long time.

Striding towards the stairs she made her way to her room but her step halted when he heard Kunal voice.

"Naina!!" She turned on her heels to face him raising her eyebrows.

"Good Night." He said with a broad smile plastered on his face which made her shook her head at him before whispering 'You too'.

Coming inside her room she again went to the bed but this time it wasn't that awkward as she felt a sense of security washing over her after the small chit chat with Kunal.

She drifted back into dreamless slumber oblivion of the fact that her life is going to fall into pits of destruction.


"Hey Anisha, you're here that to this early...Is everything okay!?"

As soon as Anisha entered into the living area of Mehra's mansion she heard a very worried voice of Anita. She turned to look at the lady who was a while ago having her morning coffee but now looking at her with worry evident on her face.

"Yeah Aunty. I am fine....By the Good morning." Anisha held her hand which was placed on her shoulder assuring Anita that she was okay.

"Then what's the reason of your arrival in the early morning." Anita wasn't convinced as she knew them too well.

"Nothing's wrong. I just want to have my breakfast with you guys." She said both making their way to the couch present in the center of the hall.

"That's a very good idea. It has been so long I haven't got time to talk to you properly." Anita said pouring tea for her and Anisha only smiled on her sweet gesture.

Anita started talking about something to her but she wasn't at paying attention on it at all. As the main motive of her arrival is something else. She kept changing her position frequently not knowing what to do.

Nodding at something Anita told her she glanced towards the stairs. Her uneasiness wasn't got unnoticed by Anita and when she looked towards the stairs she comprehended the reason of her arrival.

"It's already time for breakfast. Anisha dear why don't you go check on Virat as I am serving the breakfast on the table." Anita addressed her taking her off guard.

"Huh..Me!?" Anisha asked confused.

"Yeah.. hurry up. Otherwise the food will get cold." She said ushering her towards the stairs.

Standing there Anisha thought for a moment but climbed the stairs shrugging as it was good opportunity for her to talk to Virat.

Anita looked at her retreating form from her periphery and bit her lip to hide her smile.

Reaching at his doorstep Anisha knocked the door but didn't got any answer. Frowning she pushed the door open only to find it empty making her frown grew deeper.

Thinking that he might have left she moved out of the room but stopped when his phone started ringing. Reaching forward she took the phone in her hand and the very moment the call got disconnected.

She was about to move back after placing the phone back onto the night stand but stopped in mid way. Her heart skipped a beat as she pulled the half open drawer fully.

Kneeling down on the floor she picked up the photographs from the drawer glancing them with amusement. The drawer was filled with her photographs and too clicked with her knowledge.

She frowned looking at the photographs that Naina clicked into mall when they were gone for the shopping that day. She shooked her head mentally making a note to confront Naina about it.

She was engrossed in those pictures when she heard someone clearing their throat making her jump on her place. Glancing over her shoulder she found Virat standing in his trouser with a towel on his shoulder.

"It's bad manners to barge into someone's room and looking at their personal stuffs without their permission." Virat said coming in front of her.

"As if taking someone's photographs without their knowledge is a good thing." Anisha retorted pointing towards the photographs, narrowing her eyes at him.

"I don't know how they came here." Virat said as if he hadn't any idea where the photographs came from making Anisha roll her eyes.

"Really.!?" She asked mocking him at which he nodded and tried to take them back from her.

"Ahan ahn...They're not yours it means I might have forget them here. So now I am taking it back with me. Thanks for preserving them." She said putting them back to her making his eyes go wide in horror.

"No, you can't." He said more like shouted.

"Why can't I?? After all they are my pictures!" She raised her eyebrows.

"I think Mom is calling you." Virat said trying to distract her mind from them.

"No she's not." Anisha said bitting her lips to hide her smile.

On the other hand Virat was looking for the opportunity to take the pictures back when he realised that Anisha was at his place and talking to him after a long time.

"By the way!! What is the reason behind your early morning arrival!?" Virat asked and noticed the change of expression on her face.

"Yeah...actually...aren't you going to office!?" She asked looking at his attire.

"For your kind information Miss Anisha Vadhera it's Sunday today."

"Ohh" She nodded.

"Now speak up...don't create suspense." Virat said somewhat irritated. For some unknown reason his heart beating onto a different tune seeing her in his room early in the morning.

"Actually I wanna talk to you about something." She said looking downwards it was then he realised that it's something serious. Anisha wasn't a silent person.

"Go on ...I am listening." Virat encouraged her.

"Bhai didn't came home yesterday." She said and looked into his eyes who was already gazing at her.

"You didn't called him!?" He asked getting worried.

"Yes, but he said that he wasn't coming home as it was so much work in office." Anisha answered.

"Thank God!! you know, you scared me Anisha." Virat sighed in relief.

"He wasn't at office yesterday." She again added making Virat still at his position.

"Ahh..Anisha stop saying things in bits and pieces tell me clearly what do you want to say!?" He asked getting irritated by this conversation.

He looked at her with the same irritated look but his eyes widen when a big fat tears rolled down from her eyes. And the next moment she started crying hysterically. Her shoulder shooking as her sobs grew louder.

"Hey..Anisha I didn't mean that. I am sorry you can go on with the conversation. I was just joking." He said making her sit down on the bed kneeling down in front of her.

"What happened!? Please tell me...Only then I will be able to help you." He said cupping her cheeks in both his hands making her cry harder.

Next moment his eyes widen when she leaned forward and wrapped her hands around his neck.

"Bhai lied to me Virat... he said that he was working but he wasn't. He was not even at...office yesterday. I called his assistant.... he told me that he was gone to our old house and left....office long time before." She said in between her hiccups.

"Please do something Virat I can't see him like that." Anisha added hugging him close to her heart. Her sobs disturbing her words every now and then.

Virat pulled her closer when he was finally able to understand what she was trying to tell him. Abhay was her only support and right now he wasn't in his right state of mind. And it was affecting Anisha badly.

He felt anger bubbling up inside him, he knows Abhay was behaving like a brat these days but he didn't knew that he wasn't paying attention to any other things in his life.

He tried to talk him that he was unnecessarily exaggerating thing but every time he dodges the topic easily. But now situation is getting out of hand and he have to talk to him for knock some sense in him.

After some moments he pulled away when Anisha's sobs died down. Cupping her tear stained face in his hands he rubbed his thumb on her cheeks.

"It's okay, I will talk to him. Now stop crying like a baby." He said the last part teasingly making Anisha hit his hand playfully.

Smiling lightly she wiped the tears away from the back of her hands. Glancing up she found him staring at making her raise her eyebrows questiongly.

Virat shooked his head and extended his hands towards her which made Anisha bit her inner lips, thoughtfully. He knew that she was also attracted towards him but he also knows that like his brother she also wasn't good at showing her emotions.

Sighing lightly he pulled his hand back to his side but stopped in midway when Anisha took hold on it. He was taken aback by her action as he wasn't expecting it. But nonetheless it was happening and he was more than happy for it.

He looked at her as if trying to figure out what was going in her mind but she looked away pulling him downstairs.


Leaning onto the railing of the small balcony Abhay kept gazing the beautiful view of the setting sun which was spreading its orange glow all over the sky.

But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, setting sun means ending. Ending of the enchanting times, ending of beautiful memories and ending always brought pain.

And he feels the same pain rising in his chest whenever he thoughts of the person who caused it. He knows that he is being selfish here but he can't help it.

He hates separation. It hurts him the most and may be that's the reason he never let  anyone come close to him. Because he don't have the courage to loose someone.

Sighing dejectedly he entered inside the eerily silent house which was daunting into the darkness but he didn't bother to switch on the lights.

Glancing around the room Abhay felt his heart ache at the familiar sight of his home.
Tears started blurring his vision as he felt his mind drifting into the moments of past.

"Ohh...baby don't cry mamma is coming. Mamma please come fast she is not listening to me...." Ten years old Abhay shouted when the little Anisha didn't stopped crying even after his so many efforts.

"Coming...just two minutes dear." Came his mother's voice who was making bottle of milk for baby Anisha.

"There are so many things here can't you just play with them....instead of nagging me." Abhay asked looking at two years old Anisha making her cry harder.

"Ahhh...stop it. If you're hungry then go and tell mamma. Crying isn't going to help you." He said hitting his head when his eyes fell in his mother.

"Why are you shouting at her!? You should have tried to calm her." Maya said rocking Anisha back and forth in her lap and putting the feeder in mouth. Only then she went silent.

"I tried so much but she wasn't listening to me.." Abhay huffed sitting on the couch putting his hands on his cheeks.

"What happened!?" Asked Anil who has just entered inside the house from work.

"I don't want a sister she's very irritating...please exchange her from a boy atleast I can do a cycle race with him. She isn't even know how to walk properly." He said sitting in his father's lap.

"But you told us to bring a baby girl for you.!?" His father asked hiding his smile at his son's antics.

"Yes but I didn't knew that girls could be this irritating." He said pouting.

"That's very bad Abhi...She's your sister you aren't supposed to say such things for her." Maya said patting Anisha's back but she wasn't in the mood of sleep.

"But she cries so much I don't like cry baby." Abhay wasn't ready to get convince.

"You were also a cry baby when you were at her age." His father reasoned making him pout.

"Okay fine. But tell her not to cry...I hate it when she cries." Abhay snorted.

"Fine Anisha tell you're brother that you won't bother him." His father said taking Anisha in his lap making her lean forward and kiss her brother's cheeks giving him a toothy grin.

Abhay aslo smiled watching his sister smiling and kissed her back on her cheeks.

"That's my boy!!" Maya said hugging Abhay  and smiling at him.

A tear rolled down his cheeks reminiscing the memories if his past. He was so happy and contented back then. Everything was perfect. There wasn't any problem.

Everyone was happy. He was happy with his small family but destiny has its own ways.

His musings got distributed by his phone's ring which he received after wiping the tears from his face.

Barely saying two or three words Abhay disconnected the call and went out throwing a last glance at the house leaving it in pools of darkness and silence.

Assalamoalikum everyone.

Hope you all are doing well.

Here is the next update.

I hope you guys liked it.

Please let me know your views on it.

And don't forget to vote⭐ and comment✏ on the chapter.

Thanks for reading😘😘

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