soulmark | e. mikaelson

ะ’ั–ะด merylinnemrys

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๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฅ๐จ๐ ๐ฎ๐ž
๐€๐‚๐“ ๐Ÿ | Drowning
๐Ÿ | The First Day of School
๐Ÿ | Oh, Brother
๐Ÿ‘ | 8,14,22
๐Ÿ’ | Amber
๐Ÿ” | Bree's Bar
๐Ÿ• | The Tomb
๐Ÿ– | Trick or Treat
๐Ÿ— | Dear Diary
๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ | Gone Girl
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ | Your Love got Me Psycho
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ | Give me a Day
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘ | Kat caught your tongue?
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’ | The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐๐ž | Elijah
๐€๐‚๐“ ๐Ÿ | Drift
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“ | A Tale from the Soul
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ” | Starlight
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ• |The Lockwolves
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ– | Liar, Liar
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ— | Blue days
๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ | The Big Picture made of a Thousand Pixels
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ| All the ones I care i.
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ| All the ones I care ii.
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ | If only I could slap my mom
rewrite snippet

๐Ÿ“ | The Supernatural

866 35 4
ะ’ั–ะด merylinnemrys

Nothing was better than a pair of black lace underwear.

Or at least, that's what Caroline kept on telling her as she scrubbed through cars. Just listen to the music , Aly told herself. She had demanded on using her Ipod for the speakers. At least now Aly could act like a stripper with Poker Face playing in the background. Besides, dancing around made her momentarily lose her exhaustion from having little to no sleep that night. She had spent the night staring at Elena's ceiling. Aly could hardly even remember if she's slept at all, much less if she had another dream.

Thankfully, she didn't receive any bruising from Damon's rough handling yesterday, so she looked perfectly fine whilst wearing the bikini. Aly didn't dare text him or Stefan, fearing the worst. She looked forward to her meet up with Sheila Bennett later that day, hoping that she'll be able to explain everything that's been going on.

Caroline groaned next to her, wiping her forehead. "We should have planned a dance." She said, "Like in Bring it On."

"You want us to dance while washing cars?"

"What?" Caroline scoffed, "Have you never watched Bring it On?"

Caroline seemed to have forgotten that she practically forced Aly, Elena, and Bonnie to watch Bring it On before the start of High School. "Of course I've watched Bring it On ?" said Aly, "That's the one with Spiderman's girlfriend, right?" Caroline hummed, "I don't remember that part, I think you mean The House Bunny ."

"Didn't Bring it On have a sexy car wash scene?'


Disappointed, Caroline resumed working on the lancer.

On the side, Aly spots Elena talking to Matt, completely oblivious that her Stefan's brother was some sort of- witch? Was that it? Pursing her lips, Aly also made a mental note to have a nice long talk with her sister. The thought of Stefan harassing Elena the same way Damon did to her left an uneasy feeling on her stomach. She also didn't know if Stefan was anything like him- or he even was! Without even noticing, her eyes dropped to the marking on her wrist, giving it a rub, she sighed.

Aly's eyes sought after Bonnie. Feeling disappointed that her friend had basically dropped her off. Bonnie hasn't replied to any of her texts or calls. It left a bad taste on her mouth.

Her mood became worse when a too-familiar jeep rolled up on to the wash. Caroline shot her a look. Tyler Lockwood has finally arrived, practically screaming his arrival with his loud-ass speakers. He's probably here to ruin everyone's time by acting like a dick. Avoiding his car and presence, she walked over to another car.

It turns out Tyler doesn't know how to take a hint, because he directly walked towards her. Aly wasn't worried about that, however, she was more concerned over the fact that he carried a bundle of red Dahlias and a basket filled with snacks. Aly gaped.


"I'm sorry," he begged. "I really am."

Aly took a step back, alarmed. People around watched expectantly, Caroline and Elena huddled together- and they were both sending her looks. Aly wasn't sure if they were of encouragement or warning. Hell, even Bonnie was paying attention! Aly caught her eye, and for a moment of truce, she shook her head. "Listen, Tyler-"

"I feel like shit for what happened." he said. He handed her the flowers. Bewildered, Aly took them. (They were also rather pretty) "I really didn't mean to hit you like that," he explained. "It was an accident, I swear."

Aly grimaced, her mind flashing back to the football game. Ready to decline his declaration, and also wondering what pushed him over to actually apologize. She opened her mouth to speak-

"You don't have to say anything." He rushed, "Just, here."  He placed the basket on the trunk of the car she was working on. A little awed, she held a dahlia up to take a closer look. "Where did you find these?"

"I knew they were your favorite," he explained, "It looks like they still are." He eyed the way she held them. "Do you need help with that car?" he asked, jerking his head to the SUV behind her. Aly shook her head. "Don't think too much of it." He gestured to the basket. "It's an apology. I didn't mean to hurt you- especially hit you. It really was an accident." 

Aly sighed. "I know. But you still hurt Jeremy, you told me you'll watch over him." 

"I'm sorry for that too," he said, grimacing. "I just saw him with Vicki and I-" 

"Yeah." Alyssandra nodded, a pinched expression on her face. "You and your temper." she said, "I'm sorry too." she admitted, "Friends?" Tyler stared straight at her, searching for something. Aly wonders if he'll find it. 

"Friends." He gave her a small pat on the shoulder. "My mom got the flowers, by the way," he said. "I'll see you around."

Aly watched as he began helping the cheerleaders, feeling slightly surprised as he did. How different would things have been if she had actually given him a shot? Maybe they'd still be as close as they were, maybe they'd be worse. Aly painfully remembers the sweet Tyler that she had grown up with, who didn't hide his affection behind an asshole attitude. It was almost funny, how a single summer can change everything. Then again , she thought, she was the one who cut him off.

Her thoughts were broken off when she spotted a fire start near one of the cars. She moved quickly, grabbing a bucket of water to stop it before it catches. It didn't stop anything. The car next to her, a blue sedan, bursted into flames. Aly tumbled back, gasping. But as quickly as it started it stopped.

A pair of arms grabbed her, drawing her back from the remains of the car. Aly gaped and whipped around. It was Stefan. "What-"

"Are you okay?" he asked. Aly caught Bonnie's eye behind him. Her friend stepped back, a clearly frightened look on her face. She ran.

"Y-yeah." Aly stammered, pushing him back. "Bonnie wait!"

Stefan caught her waist and spun her around. He shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea."

Aly pushed him back again, roughly this time. She glowered. "I don't like being manhandled." she snapped. Quietly, she adds, "I don't know what your or Damon's deal is. But I know that something" she struggled to find the right word, " unnatural is going on. I want you to leave Elena and I out of it, understand?"

Stefan looked at their sides, Aly guessed it was to spot if Elena was around. Luckily, she was nowhere near on sight. He took something from his pocket, a silver bracelet. He offers it to her. "Wear this," he said quietly. "It should protect you."

Aly narrowed her eyes, trying to catch on quickly. "How can a bracelet protect me?" she asked, "What- what does it do? Are you a witch?" Whatever Damon was, Stefan was as well. It was the only reason she could think of why he would leave as well.

Stefan stepped back, looking surprised. "How much do you know?" he asked. Judging by his shocked look, Aly had to guess that it was a lot but not enough.

"How much are you willing to tell me?" Aly grabbed the bracelet from his hand, she specifically fastened it to her Elijah wrist. There was a distinct flowery smell that came from it. Stefan doesn't seem to take notice of the writing. Ergo, he- "You're not a witch." she said confidently. "What are you?"

"If you see Damon, stay away from him." He deflected. "and- and me. We'll stay away from you two." Two meant Elena. "You'll both be safe. I promise. You don't have to worry about Damon and I anymore. We're leaving Mystic Falls." He made a move to walk away.

"Wait-" she said, caught him by the arm. Elena's face flashed through her mind, all of the progress she's had since the beginning of school gone along with the guy that started it. Despite everything, she couldn't just let Elena's source of happiness go away. Not right now, when Aly hardly knew how to cheer her up.

"There's something else." She scrambled her thoughts for an excuse. "Something odd has been going on- with me. Nobody's telling me anything and I'm just so confused."

Stefan frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I think it's magic." Aly confessed, "I'm not sure how or why but I think- I think it's related to magic."

"You can go to Sheila Bennett, she's a witch and I'm sure she can help you."

Aly stared and tried to digest the information. She took a deep breath, eyeing the bracelet, her Elijah wrist. She could choose to not believe it, continue her life as normal and forget about Damon, Sheila, and even Stefan since he seemed to be tied into this or she could accept it. She could accept that magic was real and somehow she was roped into it.

"I tried going to Sheila," Aly admitted to him, "She told me to ask my family but Jenna doesn't know anything. She can't even see-" Stefan didn't notice the writing either. "I just want to know what's going on. I don't know who else to go to if Sheila turns me down again."

"I can't Aly." he answered softly, prying her hand off him. He gave her a sympathetic look, walking away once more.

"I've been having dreams of you, Damon, and Katherine!" she called out. It seemed to have frozen him into place. "Dressed in Victorian-era clothes -I don't know- You lived in one of the abandoned manors near town!"

He whipped around so fast it shocked her. "How long have you been having those dreams?" Aly had obviously struck a chord, judging by the look on his face. 

"Since school started. Stefan-" Aly couldn't help it, she felt her face heat up but she didn't want to cry. She thought of the restless nights she's had, the strange dreams she dreamt of, the confusion she felt every time upon waking up. Aly just wanted answers from anyone at this point. It didn't matter if a fairy, or a centaur, or a troll came up to her.

If Stefan knew anything...

He had to. He was two of the only people who had actually starred in any of her dreams. Besides herself. "Stefan, please."

"It's Damon." he answered harshly, "Just wear the bracelet, it should protect you from any sort of dream from now on." he swallowed, "I'm sorry, Aly."

~ soulmark ~

"And are you sure your Aunt Jenna doesn't know anything? John Gilbert?"

Aly shook her head, taking a large gup from her hot cup of choco. Truth is, she didn't really like her Uncle John. She was pretty sure nobody in her family did. He had always tried to win her over as a child, but all attempts felt odd and creepy. She much preferred her Aunt rather than him, in fact, Aly was even glad that she had won the custody battle between the two relatives.

Sheila sighed, taking a seat on the couch. She shot her a look. "Are you sure you asked?"

"Yes." She lied.

Aly had so many questions. She watched as Sheila took out a very old looking leather-bound book. Though as she opened it, Aly was quick to realize that it was a journal. She sat up a little straighter, she knew a relic when she saw one.

"This is a Grimoire ." Sheila explained, she opened up its contents as Aly leaned in. "Now, a witch family may have hundreds and hundreds of these- all the way to the very first witch in a family. A grimoire is a lot like a diary. It's where witches write their spells, rituals, representative of their legacy. This one, right here, is mine."

"Like the Gilbert journals?"

"No." Sheila shot that down quickly. "In all of Mystic Falls history, there has never been any account of a Gilbert Witch. The Summers, however, are a fairly new family that's moved here to Mystic Falls a few decades ago."

Aly blinked. "You think I'm a witch from my Mom's side?" she said slowly.

Sheila eyed her, "You may be." she answered. "I've known you since you were a child, Alyssandra. Frankly, I've never seen any sign like I have with Bonnie."

"What kind of sign?" she couldn't help but ask, "Like- psychicness? Guesswork?"

"Bonnie is a special case." Sheila explained, "She has always been quite a psychic. However, most witches, when still little, perform the smallest acts of magic such as bringing flowers or plants back to life. Plenty would call it having a green thumb."

Aly frowned, leaning back. She thought of her childhood. She had always liked the camping trips their family would set up. She also had loved going to the lake house every winter. But she wasn't sure if that's what Grams meant. She had never been into botany when growing up. "Wait so- witches, magic is genetic?" she asked.

"Magic comes through bloodlines." Sheila corrected, as though there was a difference. Aly frowned. "Tell me, Alice, have you ever experienced something different? Out of norm? Have you ever done something you could never have explained?"

"I'm not sure." she answered, fiddling with her fingers. "There's this-" she pointed at her Elijah wrist. Sheila's eyes glanced at it and Aly briefly caught her grimace a little. But it was too quick for her to be sure. "There's also these weird dreams I've been having." Aly sighed. "To be honest, I haven't been getting any sleep because of them."

"You've mentioned it." Sheila acknowledged, tilting her head. "What kind of dreams?"

"Like I'm this different person? I've been dreaming of people, and events, I suppose. People chasing me, and they all want something. They all want the same thing."

"And what is that?"

Aly pursed her lips, looking away from the intense look on Sheila's face. "My blood." Terrifying was barely the word for it. But since her first dream she had become almost desensitized with the prospect. "It's not always about my blood though." Aly admitted, "Sometimes it's just me- living? Having fun, crying over something, experiencing. Sometimes it's just feelings. "

"And where are you in these dreams?" Sheila took a while to respond. "Are you an onlooker on the side? Or have you become this character."

Aly shook her head. "It's me." she answered, "Well, it's me or Elena. I'd get these brief looks in the mirror and I see my face. I'm just- they feel so real. But it's a different name all the time. Tatia, Aramia, Katerina." She let out an estranged sigh, running a hand through her hair. "Or Katherine, I think, I'm pretty sure they're one and the same."

Sheila held up a hand. Aly takes note that her stoic face has returned its grandmotherly features, "You've been dreaming of all of these women?" she asked softly.

"I have." Aly nodded, "Is it- is it, witchy ?"

Sheila gave her another look. "It may be." Sheila agreed, "But we can't say for sure until we check." She took out a candle, placing it in the middle of the table. Aly leaned forward in anticipation. " Incendia! " Aly gasped as the candle lit up, she gaped, looking at the candle then back at Sheila. The elderly woman gave her a smile, the first one she received since she came in.

"Oh my god." Aly let out a giggly laugh. Talking about magic was one thing, but seeing it?! Experiencing it? It blew her mind. It was like a dream come true, her Hogwarts fantasy realized. "Is that- did that really happen?"

Sheila chuckled, "Yes it did." she answered, blowing the candle out. "Now I want you to try it. Repeat after me, Incendia."

"Incendia." Aly followed with a clear voice. Sheila nodded in affirmation.

"Now focus on the candle," she instructed, "Picture it with a bright hot flame. Don't force it out."

Aly took a deep breath, staring at the candle intently. Closing her eyes, she pictured the wick lighting up, she can almost see the way the flames were licking the air. "Incendia."

Nothing happened.

Sitting up a little straighter, Aly repeated herself. Again, nothing happened. She frowned.

"It can take some time." Sheila explained gently. "It might take a while for us to figure it out, but we will, Alyssandra. Even then. I'm sure we can find an explanation for everything other than being a witch."

"Right." she nodded dumbly, wondering what exactly she did wrong. Perhaps she said it the wrong way, or maybe there was something else. She asked Sheila if she could repeat the spell, and Aly critically watched her as she did. "Has Bonnie tried any of this?"

Sheila's expression became closed off once more, much to Alyssandra's disappointment. "I'm afraid Bonnie isn't as open to the idea. She's having a harder time opening up to me about it." The words unlike you weren't said, but judging by her look, Aly thought Sheila would have preferred it if she were talking to her granddaughter instead.

"Do you think Elena could be- could be experiencing what I have been as well?"

"It's possible." Sheila agreed, "But I think it would be wiser if she were to come to you instead. Has she mentioned anything?"

"No." Aly was quick to respond. Elena hasn't mentioned anything, she was far off busy with Stefan and their will they/won't they relationship. "Why shouldn't I ask her?"

Sheila gave her a grave look. "Magic is dangerous. With each spell comes consequences, nature forever demands balance." She explained, Aly listened intently. "There are other forces out there that rely on nature's magic. Dangerous forces. There are people out there, Alyssandra," Sheila held her hands, "who would use terrible means for terrible causes. You must understand that."

"I understand."

"You must!" She exclaimed, slightly shocking Aly. Sheila's look suddenly saddened. "Which is why it's better if you keep this and our future meetings in secret. You mustn't tell anyone, not even your family." Aly opened her mouth to protest but Sheila beat her to it. "People aren't going to 'might' hurt you for this, Alyssandra. They will. I don't know how you have magic, or why you have that writing on your wrist. But there are people out there that will find you to hurt you."

For what? Aly thought. A shiver went up her spine, the nightmares she had flashed through her mind. Throat tight and dry, she nodded. If Sheila was so set on it, she wouldn't question it. Not when Aly had reasons to believe it. Not when somebody had already attacked her.


Damon did something, didn't he? Or he was going to do something. Aly had to tell her. Rushing, Aly explained to Sheila what happened during the Founder's Ball. She watched as Sheila became more and more worried as she spoke. Aly told her that he attacked her in the woods- all for a piece of jewelry she found at the Lockwood Mansion.

"Where is he now?" Sheila demanded, "Do you know where he is?"

Aly shook her head. "Nobody has heard of him. I saw Stefan earlier today, but he told me that Damon wasn't going to hurt me anymore- anyone, anymore. He also gave me this," Aly pointed to the bracelet she was wearing. "I don't know what it is."

Sheila quickly inspected it. "It will keep you safe." she confirmed. "Stay away from the Salvatores, Alys, you and Elena. They mean nothing but trouble."

Aly tried to light a candle for some time before letting her frustration overtake her. She ended up reading the Grimoire Sheila had let her borrow. Most of them were spells, rituals, that Sheila studied over. Aly tried to read it through as Sheila read her own book, a romance novel, much to her amusement. It quickly turned into disappointment when Aly found nothing about dreams in the grimoire Sheila owned, maybe she had more?

Politely, Aly asked if she did. Sheila shook her head and denied that she had anything about it.

Aly had the biggest feeling that she was lying. But why would she?

~ soulmark ~

"Vicki's gone missing."

Aly glanced over to her brother from her laptop, trying her best to feign shock. That girl goes missing at least once a week. "Did Matt call?" she asked, closing her tabs. She could read more about magic some other time. "Where'd you get that from?"

Jeremy looked ready to head outside. On one side, she felt glad that her brother told her something he was distraught about, on the other, she was beginning to think that Vicki was worrying him too much. By acting like herself. "Matt did call." he said, "He asked me if she was here, she's been missing for two days now."

"Two days?" she echoed, following him out. "Wait, Jer! Has anyone called the cops?"

Jeremy scoffed, shaking his head. "Do you really think the cops give a shit?" he demanded, "They're not going to because Vicki's just another lowlife crackhead."

"Well what are we supposed to do?" she ran up in front of him, holding her hands up to stop him. "How are we even going to find her? Where was she last?"

"I don't know, okay?" Frustrated, Jeremy scowled. He attempted to call Vicki's number again to no avail. "I'm heading to the Grill."

"I'm coming with you."

"I don't want your help." He snapped.

"Well you're not the one who needs it." Aly snapped right back, she couldn't help but scowl slightly. Vicki was the one missing again, Aly understood that her brother was concerned, his little sorry self, however, was not needed nor wanted right now. "I'm calling some people."


"Two days Jeremy!" She exclaimed, heading to their Aunt Jenna's SUV, luckily Logan had picked her up. Aly sent Matt a few texts, telling him that she's asked some people from the station (along with Sheriff Forbes) that Vicki has gone missing, again . For good measure, she called in a few favors. "Now, where to?"

Jeremy watched as her phone began to light up with notifications, his gaze softened as he gave her a thankful look. "The Mystic Grill- her last shift was a couple of days ago."

Sheriff Forbes was already in the Mystic Grill when they arrived. She talked to a distraught Matt, both looks on their faces screamed bad news. Aly gave her brother a glance, letting his arm go as he rushed towards them. It didn't take long for his face to fall as well, Aly's heart wrenched.

"We still don't know where she is." The Sheriff explained, "But we were able to identify the other bodies from the crime scene."

Aly felt her stomach momentarily lurch, bodies ? Plural. "Next time, whenever someone goes missing, I don't care who it is, you call, alright?" Matt nodded, downcast. "Thank you. Now please, Aly, Jeremy I think it's best if you two head home."

"We can help."

They can't, but her brother needed it to keep a sane mind. "Is there a search party?" Aly asked, "We'll be happy to join."

"Thank you, but we'll take it from here."

"But we can't just stay here!" Jeremy protested. Matt actually held him back, giving him a pat. Her brother gave him a disgusted glare, "You're just giving up?!"

Liz gave Aly a small nod, thanking her one more time before she walked away. Aly watched as Jeremy and Matt argued, or more like Jeremy kept on rounding up on Matt. But Aly was familiar with the look on Matt's eyes, he had given up. Probably not because he didn't care, but because Vicki was just, well, Vicki.

Even Aly acknowledged how sad that was. The poor girl needed help a long, long time ago. Aly didn't want to think that her help-window had come and passed, she may not have liked her at all that much, but she was still sympathetic.

"She's still out there." She told them firmly. "But it's already late, Jer. If there's someone out there killing people and doing crazy shit then we'll do more harm than good by staying out."

Jeremy was ready to protest once more, but luckily Matt had the same idea as her. "Your sister's right Jeremy. I-" He gave her a look, "You should listen to her. Listening is all that's there to prevent things like this from happening."

Jeremy scoffed, Aly wasn't surprised when he walked out of the bar. "We'll find her, Matt." Aly gave him a reassuring pat. "I'm going to help him look."

Matt nodded stiffly. "Thanks."

Change has come to Mystic Falls, Aly knew it. More people have died in that month than the entirety of last year. Aly's stomach churned, she didn't dare think that the Salvatores had any to do with it. It did match up, however... The time of the attacks only began when Stefan and Damon came to town... But Zach would never let that happen, would he?

Jeremy was already gone when Aly went outside, she quickly took her phone out to call him, getting angrier and angrier when he refused to pick up. "Fucking-" She sent him angry texts, all demanding him to get home. Aly also sent a text message to Elena to keep an eye on him. She whipped around to look for him, nothing.

Aly pressed her hands against her eyes, willing herself to calm down. One day Jeremy's hero-complex was going to get the best of him. But Aly knew he wasn't going to stop until Vicki was found.

Aly would have to find her first, then.

Buckling her seat belt, Aly's eyes settled to her phone once more. It wouldn't hurt to call Zach if he knew anything of Vicki's whereabouts, right? Aly hesitated, her hand drifting just a little above her phone. Her decision was instantly made when Elena texted her that she was currently at the Salvatores. Fuck it. Aly dialed Zach's number as she drove.  

" What brought you on call, Alys? " Much to her relief, Aly was glad to hear Zach's voice on the other side of the phone.

Aly quickly made up an excuse. "Hi, yeah, Stefan told me this story the other day about a thesis your parents made."

" I'm really sorry Alys but now isn't the time."

"Oh gosh." She made a turn, "I'm really sorry too but it's just that I have this paper due tomorrow and it's such a good reference I couldn't pass it up."

Granted, Aly had never gone to the boarding house this late, but Zach was lenient enough to lend her materials whenever she asked. That was before his weird nephews were in Mystic Falls, though.

Aly wracked her brain, what was she expecting to see upon arriving? Vicki's dead body? Is it even safe to go there?

" I could come over by tomorrow morning. " Zach sounded rushed. "I'm not home- Aly-"

His line went dead. Aly's throat quickly dried. She re-called him a total of three times with still no answer. Aly was about to call the Sheriff when a man popped out of the road. Aly gasped, hitting the breaks immediately. He instantly disappeared.

Aly instantly knew who it was. There was only one person she knew who did that. She cursed herself, regretting her decision on heading to the Salvatore's. Except this proves it, right? The Salvatores were behind the attacks. Damon, at least, was.

Opening her car door was a stupid idea, Aly had enough of those that day, so she didn't do it. Damon was proven to have super strength. He could teleport as well, that, or he was incredibly fast. What was stopping him from attacking her right then and there? Aly quickly made a u-turn, hand going to her phone once more. She needed to- needed to call the sheriff-

Aly had no evidence. Nothing except her words, not to mention the Salvatores were such a wealthy and influential family in the council, even more so than the Gilberts. Gritting her teeth, Aly dialed up Sheriff Forbes, hoping that her words were enough for at least an investigation.

Her car made an instant screech as she swerved. Aly gasped, tensing up as the car rocked. Thankfully it didn't topple over.

"Hello, Sheriff Forbes speaking. "

Damon wrenched open the car door, grabbed her phone, threw it away, and pinned her against her seat all in one second. She heaved, scrambling against him.

"Hello, witchy." He snarled, "Do you know how much trouble you've landed on me today?"

Aly glared at him with a strength she didn't know she had. Damon flashed to pick up her phone. Aly made a move to scream but he quickly clamped her back down, putting her in a chokehold.

"You're going to tell the good cop that you dialed her by accident and you didn't notice." He hissed. Her mind flashed back to earlier that day, so much for safety, Stefan . Damon slowly brought her phone closer to her.

"Oh my god Ms. Forbes!" Aly had to square her jaw to keep her teeth from clattering. "My phone dialed you up by accident, I was driving and I didn't notice."

" Oh, heavens. " Liz' voice sounded so relieved it almost made Aly cry. "I thought something had happened. "

Aly took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"Well be careful. The killer's still out there, it's best if you get home. "

Damon shut her phone and threw it away once more. "Good job." He mocked. "Sad to say I was beginning to like you."

It was almost pitch black, the road to the Salvatore Boarding house was secluded and dark. Aly didn't have to look around to realize that nobody would see or notice if Damon kills her right then and there.

Refusing to show fear, Aly glared at him. "What are you going to do to me?"

"You really shouldn't have told Grandma Witch anything." He tsked, tightening his hold on her neck. Aly shivered, clawing his hand. "I needed her to do something very very important. A favor for a favor, if you will. But since you graciously told her about me." Damon's face contorted right in front of her, his eyes were turning red, veins grew and protruded against his skin, his front canines turned into fangs. "I'm putting in on a rain check."  Damon hissed and lunged towards her neck.


Aly screamed as her throat cut open, she tried to push him off once more, eyes wide as he was suddenly blasted away. The last thing she saw was Damon's confused scary face before her world faded into black.

Edited: December 2,2020

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The Vampire Diaries Imagines ะ’ั–ะด JJ <3


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Includes: Damon Salvatore Stefan Salvatore Klaus Mikaelson Elijah Mikaelson Kai Parker *Requests Closed*
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