Beautiful Snow๐Ÿ’™

By QueenScoria

102K 3.1K 763

Sakusa x OC After moving back to Tokyo from America, Miyuki Shimotsuki tries her out for the Girls Volleyball... More

Ch.1 Her Eyes
Ch.2 Behind the Mask
Ch.3 Her teammates
Ch. 4 Her Hair
Ch.5 Shipping
Ch.6 Don't Touch ME!
Ch.7 Y U Lookin' At Me?
Ch.8 A Little Motivation
Ch.9 A Practice Match??
Ch.10 Signals
Ch.11 Ace Mode
Ch.12 Setter Mode
Ch.13 Libero Mode
Ch.14 Icebreakersโ”
Ch.15 Tobi-kun!!
Ch.16 My Answers
Ch.17 Texting
Ch.18 1st year Drama
Ch.19 Seika's Idol
Ch.20 The Sage Woman
Ch.21 First Date
Ch.22 See U Again
Ch.23 Debut
Ch.24 Foreign Ace
Ch.25 The Cat, The Owl, The Weasel
Ch.26 Boundaries
Ch.27 Support
Ch.28 Cat eyes vs Mine
Ch.29 I Will Play For U
Ch.30 The Aces of Itachiyama
Ch.31 I'll NEVER Say Anything Out Of Pity
Ch.32 Stage 1 ๐Ÿ’ž
Ch.33 โš ๏ธto Fangirls!โš ๏ธ
A/N Back 2 School
Ch.34 Promise
Ch.35 Official Ace Couple
Ch.36 Catfight!!
Ch.38 Round 1
Ch.39 Free Time
Ch.40๐ŸŒธHotel's Garden๐ŸŒธ
Ch.41 Vixens vs Bitches
Ch.42 Hello Vixens
Ch.43 Competitive & Proud
Ch.44 Umeboshi
Miyuki Shimotsuki
Ch.45 Championship
Ch.46 Miyuki's New Rival
Ch.47 Awarding The Lost
Ch.48 My Tr๐Ÿ’žphy
Ch.49 To The ๐Ÿฆ… Nest
Ch.50 Libero Triangle
Ch.51 New Feelsโฃ๏ธ
Ch.52 Pressure & Pain
Ch.53 Pessimistic Boyfriend
Ch.54 Choices & Deals
Ch.55 Friendly Advice
Ch.56 XOXO
Ch.57 Qualifiers
Ch.58 First Snow
Ch.59 Black Frost
Sakusa's Siblings
Ch. 60 Mistletoe๐Ÿ’
Ch.61 Karasu vs Inari
Ch.62 Avalancheโ„๏ธ
Ch.63 Our Spring's In A โ„๏ธVeil
Ch.64 Melting
Ch.65 Jarring Aftermath
Ch.66 To Stage 3 ๐Ÿ’•
Ch.67 New season๐Ÿ’”
Mrs. Black Jackal

Ch.37 Oh? Twins....

1.2K 42 18
By QueenScoria

*Chizue got suspended after Miyuki told her side of the story. But the dean's and author's decision, she's suspended for doing club activities till the time being, detention for a month after school, and keeping a 6ft or more away from Miyuki*


*Not much info about this one on where it's located and when it is so let's just, so....let's make it like only the Spring High*

*Instead of just June 30th, the new schedule for this Interhigh Nationals is approved by me: Author.*

Interhigh Schedule (Men's/Women's)
June 30th: Round 1&2
July 1st: Round 3&Quarter Finals
July 2nd: Semi Finals
July 3rd: Finals

Normal POV

Itachiyama, arriving at the famous gymnasium of Osaka. Where they host professional games against other countries or V.league teams. 

The Boys and Girls waited in the lobby where other teams and schools decided to wait for the doors to open up. They sat near a corner which is perfect for Sakusa since he is now standing with his jacket over his shoulders, hands in front of his jersey, mask on, leaning back, and just giving off a gloomy. While everyone either went to the bathroom, hang out with other players from other schools, or just chilled down on the couches or carpet.

Miyuki went over to Sakusa who was actually watching her put on her volleyball shoes. She was wearing her tracksuit like the other girls. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Wanna come?" Miyuki asked as he looks around them. He felt disgusted by the sight of many people crowding the lobby. He hated being this early. But he didn't want other people from other schools to look at his girlfriend. 

"I'll come." He finally decided as he stands up to his normal height. Miyuki smiled underneath her mask. "You can show me where it is since I've never been here before." She walked next to him, more like leading him through people to the hallways. 

"Right." Sakusa mutters softly, remembering that this is Miyuki's first tournament that's away from Tokyo. 

As they approached the girls bathroom, Sakusa walked into the Boys bathroom to wash his hands. Thank God no one was in here. He didn't want to keep on glaring at boys who rub their hands on their clothes or shakes it freely after washing their hands. 

He only wanted to be there next to Miyuki before their game. Most likely, they won't be able to see each other during the tournament since the Girls are playing in a different gym close by. They booked a hotel not far from the gymnasium but they were on different floors. To Sakusa's dismay. So Miyuki and him would have to text each other and probably might see each other as the tournament goes on. 

Miyuki comes out of the bathroom and waited near the near that's in front of the bathrooms. She stared at her fingers and touches them softly, they are even more colder from washing hands but Miyuki loves the smell of certain soaps. 

She was too busy in her thoughts as she didn't notice a guy next to her. Miyuki casually looks up to be towered by a blonde guy dressed in a red tracksuit. 

"Hello." the blonde guy waves, giving her a friendly smile. 

"Hi." Miyuki nods and replies softly. 

"I couldn't help but notice you're wearing Itachiyama colors." The blonde comments as he stared into her eyes, making her a bit uncomfortable. She notice a slight accent since he was speaking a bit different then Sakusa. "May I ask your name Icy Blue?" She raised an eyebrow. Icy Blue? Is he talking about my eyes? 

"Watashi wa Shimotsuki Miyuki." She nods to him. "2nd year Wing Spiker." The guy tilts his head and closed his eyes, putting his hands on his hips. 

"What a beautiful name." He grins as he held out his hand. "My name's~~"

"Miya Atsumu..." Miyuki and Atsumu looks to see Sakusa glaring at him, his fists were clenched as Miyuki slides away from Atsumu and goes by Sakusa who didn't hesitant to pull her close, under his jacket by her shoulder. "What's your business here with my girlfriend?" Sakusa's glare did not leave Atsumu's face as he smiles. 

"Omi-kun! Long time no see!" Miyuki looks up to see Sakusa's gaze not leaving him. 

"Omi-kun??" She  murmurs but Atsumu heard. 

"And you got a girlfriend before me??" Atsumu whines. "How in the world did your germaphobic self get a girl before me." Miyuki smiled underneath her mask because his acting was a little funny to her. 

"Because I didn't dye my hair dirty piss blonde." Sakusa nonchalantly bite back which made Miyuki laugh a little which an irk mark appears on Atsumu's forehead.

"My hair is fine. Shimotsuki-chan would agree right?" He looks to me as I nodded. 

"First impression was okay with you I guess." Miyuki responded politely whihc made Atsumu even more delighted to become friends with her but not Sakusa would brought her more closer to his jersey. 

"Oh come on, Omi-kun." Atsumu figured it out as he spreads his hands out. "I wouldn't steal your girlfriend. I'm more curious on how you to met. I'm curious if you have to spray her before doing lovey-dovey stuff, right?" 

Miyuki looks away and blushed as Sakusa knits his eyebrows even more so. Then a voice broke out and slapped Atsumu on the back of the head. 

"Stop pestering people, Tsumu." Miyuki studies the guy with gray hair as Atsumu rubbed the back of his head. 

"Oh, Twins." Miyuki states calmly which surprised Atsumu but the gray haired guy was calm. 

"Shimotsuki-chan, how'd you know?" 

"She's not stupid like you." Sakusa chimed in as Osamu nods to that. 

"Shut it!" Atsumu hissed at his brother. "Omi-kun, I did not ask you." 

"Well, I don't want you to ask her. It's obvious you 2 are well-known." Sakusa then nods to Osamu which he returns. He then takes Miyuki's hand instead and started to walk away from them. Miyuki was in confusion but waved politely before catching up to her boyfriend. 

"Bye Shimotsuki-chan!!" Atsumu waves before turning to his brother. "You had to hit me like that."

"Why cannot?" Osamu shrugs before turning away from his twin. 

"Geez, you and Omi-kun are so rude!" Atsumu complains as he puts his hands behind his head, thinking about Miyuki while going back to their team. 

"And he even got a girlfriend before me." 

"I know." 


"I saw them walking together before going in the bathroom. God, you're dumb."

"Geez! Not dumb enough to turn a pretty girl down in 4th grade. I mean come on, Samu. Kimika-chan was awesome in 4th grade. How can you turn her down? She's more prettier than her sisters and teammates? And she used to give you onigiris and not me, that was a total bonus." 

"That was 4th grade, Tsumu." Osamu sighs as his brother kept on pestering about it ever since Kimika's recovery. "Why would I come into her life now? I'm not a knight and shinning armor like you who just acts all flirty in front of your fangirls." 

"Oh shut it." Atsumu rolls his eyes. 

"Then, drop it." Osamu's eyes darkened and Atsumu felt it as he sighs. 

"Fine." Atsumu scoffs. They walked in silence as their teammates were outside, feeling the breeze since the lobby was too crowded. 

"Hey Samu?"


"Have you seen that girl before?" 

"No, she lives in Tokyo not Hyogo." Osamu gave his brother a bored expression. "She gives a different vibe though." 

"You felt that too, right?" Atsumu asked. "Her Japanese is a bit off. Like she just pointed out that we're twins in English." 

"Maybe she's better at English than you are." Osamu shrugs. 

"What you mean?!" An irk mark appears on his forehead again. "You suck at English!! Give me my lunch box back! I know you've ate half of it already!!! Samu!!" 


"What's that other twin's name, Kiyoomi?" Miyuki asked as they walked back to the team. They decided to walk with their hands in their pockets as Sakusa raised an eyebrow. 

"Huh? You want to know his name? Why? I think knowing one twin is enough." He mutters, still annoyed with Atsumu talking to Miyuki.

"Well, that gray looking one looks kinda chill. He seems more mature." Miyuki pointed out. That boy reminded her of Keiji-kun and Zume-kun. She didn't see Keiji-kun around so they might be somewhere in the large lobby since Itachiyama stayed in the corner. 

"Yeah. That's Osamu. They're both from Inarizaki." Sakusa answered since he thinks it wouldn't be such a deal. 

"Which prefecture??" Miyuki asked, curiously. 


"Cool." Miyuki said before Aratani and Komori waved them over. 

"We're going to go to the Gym's lockers." Aratani announces as Miyuki grabbed her bag. 

"We're going to the lockers as well, Sakusa. Better hurry or else the cleanest locker is gone." Komori teased as Sakusa glared at him before placing his masked mouth on top of Miyuki's bangs. Giving a quick peck and a "Good Luck" before walking fast to the Boys' Locker room. Komori laughs as he waves bye to Aratani before catching up to Sakusa. 

"Ooh!!" Aratani giggles as Miyuki blushed while walking to the other Gym. 

"It's normal okay..." Miyuki touched her bangs as Aratani nudges her playfully. 

"Normal? Wow. You should do something too, Miyuki."

"I do." 

"Oh really? Like what?" 

"Uh..." Miyuki thinks and then blushed. "Just some cuddling and hand holding, here and there." She walks ahead, knowing that Aratani is jumping around and squealing in public where other teams, boys and girls, were looking at her weird. 

Her mind drifted off to the twins and how Atsumu called Kiyoomi. Omi-kun...Should I call him a nickname too? 

I mean nothing can be good enough like his nickname for me. I kinda suck at nicknames to be honest. I might call him Kiyo then since Miya Atsumu calls him Omi-kun. I wonder if the twins have one 2 so my tongue won't get twisted with their names. Twins with similar name structures are really cool. I wish I can have twins. Maybe one can actually dye their hair blue like me. 

Miyuki remembered Sakusa talking about kids once. In her mind, she didn't really want to have kids right now since her goal of following her Father's footsteps. She planned on naming one of her sons after her Father at least. She sometimes wish she had siblings. Like an older brother that plays volleyball with her. A protective brother that looked the same as their Father. Just so she can hug him all the time. She did missed her Father. Almost every time before a volleyball match. But she wouldn't let those feelings bring her down. 

Miyuki was so into her thoughts and didn't realize that Aratani led her to the Locker room in the gym. Aratani knew she was thinking about some stuff so she let her be. It was kinda cute though because her blush was still there. But Miyuki didn't know that. 

All Miyuki did was looked up at the spectators section and a memory flashed by. 


"Yuki look!!" Her Mother held her 3 year old self and points to the court. The 3 year old self's eyes sparkled. 


He went up as his head was over the Men's net. He slams the ball straight down and scoring a point.


"Nice kill!!"


Her Father cheers as he high-fives his teammates before going to the service line. He saw his wife and then his daughter who's bouncing on her mother to cheer louder than the crowd. He smiles and waves at them before bouncing the ball.

The 3 year old self can see the back of her Father. The Number 24. For the day of their Birthdays. As the whistle blows, he tosses it high before jumping in the air and spiking the ball to the other side of the net.


Miyuki smiles to herself before turning to the doors of the locker room as Aratani went ahead, not knowing she wasn't behind her. 

It's good to be back here, Father. I still remember you playing somehow. 

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