By Shrutiiiii14

635K 23.7K 4.2K

(MPREG story!!) Tharn Suppasit a great professor as well as a secret mafia, while type kanawut student fell i... More

00: Prologue
01: Our lives.
02: You!
03: Huh?
04: The choice is your baby!
05: What's with the blood!
06: Sharing what was hidden
07: You are in the Lion's den pup
08: Enjoying each moment
09: Aaargghhhhh!!!!!
10: Envious
11: Persuade?
12: Uneasy
13: Regret
14: Surprise
15: Yes! (18+)
16: This can't be! (18+)
17: No!
18: You've got to be punished.
19: Let it out (18+)
20: Nightfall
21: Crack of dawn
22: Types secret
23: You'll be thrown out soon
💮 Invitation💮
24: Our Special Day
25: The ring (18+)
26: All Puzzled
27: Caught
💮 Announcement 💮
28: Clearing the air
29: Wet Dream
30: How dare you (18+)
32: That day isn't far
👉🏻About Me 👈🏻
33: The reverse game
35: Troubles
36: First Kicks?
37: Hey there!
-Authors note-
38: Diapers??
39: Epilogue
-Author's Note-
Extra: Bathing?
Extra: Catch them (18+)
💮 Announcement💮

31: Dealing like a pro

10K 431 155
By Shrutiiiii14

Small update..happy reading 😊😊

"Type!" Phana yelled.

Type was going away from the mansion. Phana ran fast and caught him by his wrist.

"Stop running, it's not good for the baby!" Phana stopped him.

"Let go!"

"Where are you going?"

"Far away."



"I know type, you are hurt but you are hurting yourself more by doing this."


"Trust me, let's get back home."

"Can we go somewhere to get fresh air?" Type asked phana.

"Umm..well okay."

Type nodded and followed pha.


Meanwhile at the mansion...

All the people were all shocked to see tharn's behavior. They didn't expect tharn to do something like this.

"Tharn, what was that?" Drake asked.

"Long story." Tharn answered him back.

"Has type done anything wrong?" Panit asked.

"I'm not in the mood. Let's talk some other day."


With that tharn got to his room with tears in his eyes. Yeah, what he did was unforgivable but he had to do it. It was all for types safety. As he got to the room he slammed his door shut. Tee on the other hand was trying to call type but it was unreachable.

Drake and panit thought something was fishy but they kept silent. They knew tharn wouldn't hurt anyone unless it's needed. Emma on the other hand was enjoying every moment. She was overjoyed when tharn slapped type. That's what she wanted desperately. She smirked evilly and got to the room too.

As tharn got to his room, he went straight to the shower. Quickly discarding all the clothes, he placed him under the shower. The hot water dripped and bounced from his skin. Tharn knew, he needed this. He knew he couldn't hit type but he had to do it somehow for types safety. Tears streamed down his eyes and mixed with the shower water. The thing which he was hurt more was his husband being pregnant. He knew type will never forgive him. His mind was flooded with thoughts of his mom being the culprit. He couldn't believe his beloved mom had killed his husband's parents. It tore him into two.

Why mom?? Why??

How can you cheat on the family?

How can you be a murderer!!

I never thought you would go to this extent!

Because of you, I let my love go away from me!

He is hurt! It's all because of you!

I will never forgive you!!


It was 10:30 in the night where type and phana were sitting on the beach sand looking at the beautiful sea. It was peaceful and that was all type wanted to the present. Phana was sad for type as he had to go through this traumatic drama. He knew all this was not good for him as well as the child in his womb, but it was all for their both safety. He couldn't explain type, how hard and painful it was for tharn to slap him. From the time they had reached the place type kept his mouth shut. He knew the younger was hurt.



"I think it's pretty late, We should get back home."


"Talk something na."

"I'm hurt phana."

"I know type but we have to get home."

Type nodded and phana smiled.

They both stood up and got home. The house was completely silent. Drake, panit were waiting for the two to arrive whereas tharn was crying in his room and Emma was sleeping soundly. Tee was too in the living room waiting for his brother's arrival. While getting back phana quickly messaged tharn and drake. Tharn felt relieved when he saw phana's message.

Soon the two got home. Everyone was happy to see both of them. They quickly rushed to them. Type had his head hung as he kept silent when the family members bombarded them with multiple questions. Phana shook his head.

"Type..are you okay?" Tee asked.

Type nodded.

" must be tired right? Go get some sleep." Panit said.

Type nodded again.

"I'll take him to his room." Phana interrupted them.

"Okay." Said drake as he smiled.

The two walked to tharn's room. Phana knocked on tharn door.

Quickly wiping those tears away, he ran to answer the door. His face lit as he smiled when he saw his baby standing before him with his head hung. Not thinking twice tharn quickly hugged his husband. Type said nothing and just let tharn do what he wanted. Tharn needed types scent. Tharn pulled back after sometime when he felt type not hugging him back. He eyed type with sad eyes. Phana signed him. Tharn nodded.

"Let's get in baby." Tharn said as held types hand. Type on the other hand slapped tharn's hand away from him and walked into the room without saying a word. Pha sighed.

"Give him some time tharn."

Tharn nodded.

"Meet me after he is asleep". Phana said


With that phana took his leave and tharn closed the door shut. He got in to see type came out of the bathroom and slipped inside the covers. He smiled sadly. Type had no idea of pain tharn was feeling at the present. Sighing tharn walked to the bed and sleep beside his husband. Type as back facing as he cried silently. Tharn who was just beside him heard type sniffing. Fresh tears escaped through his eye too.

This is all because of you mom!

It was midnight when tharn slipped out of the covers. He peeped on types side to see whether the younger was asleep or no? He smiled when he saw type sleeping peacefully. Giving a small peek on types forehead he got up. Without making a noise he slowly went to the door. Opening it silently he crawled out of the room to walk to phana's room.

Tharn knocked on phana's door. A few minutes later the door opened. Tharn silently got in to hug pha tightly and cry again.

"I told you I couldn't do that!" Tharn cried.

"Shh! You did great tharn. Don't cry."

"But it hurts! It really hurts!" He sobbed.

"I know tharn, but we are doing all this for type's safety right?"

Tharn nodded as he kept on crying.

"I can't believe our mom did that!"

"I was shocked too tharn, But we can't hide the reality right?"

"..." Tharn said nothing but cry.

Phana let tharn cry and get the pain out. A few minutes later tharn stopped crying.

"Feeling better?"

Tharn nodded. Phana smiled.

"Okay, Then we have to keep doing all of this." Phana said.

"I can't! I'm hurt seeing type in this condition."

"I know tharn. You want him and our family members to get hurt?"

"No, But there might be another way to tackle mom right?"

"No, There isn't. We just have got this one."

Tharn sighed.

"We'll soon catch her."

Tharn nodded.

"Remember do not do anything which would make mom suspicious about your behavior."


"Now go and sleep. Let' talk tomorrow about this. You are tired aren't you?" Tharn nodded.

"Good night."

Phana nodded and tharn got to his room.

"I hope everything will be okay." Phana sighed.



The previous day...

Type and Emma were in Emma's room. Emma was clearing the air for type while Tharn, tee, drake,panit were in the living room playing some video games.

Not noticing type for a long time, tharn excused himself to walk to his room.
When tharn got to his room he didn't found type in the room. Sighing he thought of changing his clothes into comfortable ones. He got to their closet to grab his clothes. While picking, he suspected a paper in types clothes compartment. Grabbing the paper, he eyed it. He unfolded it to see something written on it. Another object he suspected was a blue stoned ring. Being all confused tharn decide to read it. His eyes went wide when he read the letter.

The ring?

Wait! This ring is the same as my mom's!

When he put all the things together his eyes bulged out of the sockets. He started breathing unevenly.


This can't be!

How can she?

All the things started playing chain reaction in his head. Tharn needed to calm his mind. Quickly slamming the letter and the ring on his working table, he got to the bathroom to wash his face. While tharn was inside the bathroom, phana got tharn's room.

He was confused when he saw the door was unlocked. Getting in he eyed the room. He went to the balcony to see if tharn was there but no, so he didn't suspect anyone to be there too.

Sighing, he was about to get out of the room when he saw the letter and the ring on the working table. His eyes widen when he saw his mom's ring on tharn's working table. Grabbing the letter he read it. His blood boiled when he read it. Quickly he got out of the room to walk straight to his mom's room. He was about to knock on the door when he heard type was already there having the conversation on the same topic which contained the matter in the letter.

When type got out of the room that took him to his room to clear his doubt. (Chapter no 30) where phana and type decided not to share anything with tharn, not being aware that tharn had read the letter before.


The same night tharn acted normal and didn't let type be suspicious of him. After their night routine they both sleep.

A few minutes later when type was asleep, tharn got to phana's room. He decided to share the things about the letter.

"Phana, I have something important to discuss with you."


Tharn told everyone about the matter contained in the letter. Phana's eyes widen when he heard tharn knew everything about it. Sighing he had no other option but to tell tharn the truth. Tharn almost got a heart attack when he heard his mom's history. He never in a million years thought his mom would do something like that.

"So, type knew everything about this?"

"Hmm...and we both had decided to let you know a bit later about this."

Tharn sighed.

"So, what are we gonna do about it?"

Just then something clicked into
Phana's mind.

"Tharn, How about this?"


"As I have said earlier we will act the way we were acting in front of type. Meaning you will act normal and behave that you don't know anything about this." Tharn raised his eyebrow.


"And you will take mom's side."
Tharn's eyes widen.

"What! NO!"

"Tharn we have to do this."

"Why? I mean we can just go and catch her right now."

"No! We can't do that."


"Because it will be easier for us to catch poom with the help of Emma as we came to know now that our mom is the one who is helping poom."

"If we catch her, poom will try hard to make her escape from our hands. So you should take mom's side and eye each thing she does when she is left alone and report to me. It would be easier for us to catch mom as well as poom at the same time."

Tharn nodded.

"But by doing this, don't you think, type will get away from me?"

"Yeah, He will but we will let him know about this later."

"Why? I mean why can't we let him know now?"

"Because he is pregnant. He will overthink this. Sometimes due to his mood swings, I fear he won't let out plan in front of her."

Tharn nodded in understatement.


"So, I'm taking mom's side."


Phana nodded.

"So we'll talk about this later, I mean tomorrow."

Phana nodded.


The next day evening....

Before the dinner, Emma had a conversation with tharn.

"Tharn, I have something to share with you."

They both were in Emma's room.

"Yeah?" Tharn acted all normal and did not burst on Emma.

"Well, your husband is blaming me as a murderer who killed his parents!"

Tharn fake acted to be angry.


Emma nodded.

"How?? I mean..."

"He wants to throw me out from this house and for that, he is blaming me as the culprit."

"How dare he???"

Emma fake cried.

"Wait! I'll talk to him."

Emma nodded.

As soon as tharn got out of the room, he called phana. Phana was shocked when he heard what tharn share with him.

"How can one be so shameless?" He thought to himself.

"Well, I have to see type now."

"Tharn wait."


"You are gonna create a scene."

Tharn was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone will be at the dining table in the evening. You have to come there all fuming and slap type."

Tharn's eyes widen.

"What!! NO! I'm not going to do that!"

"Tharn you have to. You have to act that you are on her side."

"Yeah, I know, but slapping type?"

" will make Emma trust you more all believing that you are with her and not type."

Tharn gulped.

"But my baby will be hurt."

"I know but for his safety, we have to do this. We'll convince him somehow,
And yeah, Slap him a bit softly okay?"

(But by mistake tharn slapped him a bit hard)


"Tharn you can do it! If you won't do this and directly blame Emma I fear she would hurt type while the other family members."

"Umm..okay, But you have to help me too to convince him "

"Hmm..i will gladly."


Tharn shivered when he thought of slapping type.


#End of the flashback.

To be continued
31 August
(2301 words)

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