♜♖The Tempest ♖♜【Arknights x...

By J4SZX18

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[[HIATUS NOTICE]] - On temporary Hiatus, the author currently focusing on other books, will come back updatin... More

Operation 0-0: The Tempest of Rhodes Island
Operation 0-1: The Savior
LC0-1: Blazing Urges (Blaze) [Lemon🍋]
Operation 1-1: A Day in Tempest's Life
Operation 2-1: Oh Great Lungmen
Operation 2-2: Catching Up with Her
Operator Files Additions: Tempest
LC2-1: Then, and Now (Ch'en) [Lemon🍋]
Operation 2-3: Tempest's Power
Operation 2-4: Mild Trouble at Rhodes Island
Operation 2-5: Remnants
Operation 3-1: Again
Operation 3-2: Arising Challenges
*ANNOUNCEMENT* - Tempest's Harem Episodes
Operation 3-3: Clashes
EPW-1: For the Bloodline (Pramanix💞)
Operation 3-4: Ambition, Catastrophe
Operation 3-5: Storm Incarnate
Operation 3-6: His Psycho Girl
LC3-1: You're Mine, Mine Alone (W) [Lemon🍋]
EPW-2: One Crazy Lupo (Lappland💞)
EPW-3: True Genuine Feelings (Skadi💕🍋)
Operation 4-1: Rage
Operation 4-2: The Wintry Death
❄️🎄 Angelina's Christmas🎄❄️
Operation 4-3: Vortex
Operation 4-4: I am...
Operation 4-5: Trust
Operation 4-6: Yelena, I'm sorry...
Operation 5-1: Face of Battle
Operation 5-2: Truths Untold
Operation 5-3: Twisted
Operation 5-4: Flurry of Emotions
Operation 5-5: Winter's Fade
Operation 5-6: Heartbeat
Operation 6: I will always be with you... Yelena...

Operator Files: Tempest

7.9K 140 63
By J4SZX18

Image of Tempest during his first official meeting with Chief Wei, one year after being a Rhodes Island operator.

Basic Info:

[Code Name] - Tempest
[Gender] - Male
[Combat Experience] - 4 years
[Place of Birth] - Undisclosed
[Date of Birth] - January 3
[Race] - Undisclosed
[Height] - 180cm
[Infection Status] - Infection confirmed by medical examination, no physical signs of Originium crystals.

Physical Exam:

[Physical Strength] - Outstanding
[Mobility] - Excellent
[Physical Resilience] - Excellent
[Tactical Acumen] - Outstanding
[Combat Skill] -Outstanding
[Originium Arts Assimilation] -  █ █


Tempest's real identity is unknown except to Hellagur, his background is a graduate of the Royal Victorian Guard School with numerous achievements and high marks. Anything before his time in the academy is unknown. He is the founder of the ISA (Infected Sanctuary for the Abandoned) and is a top operator at Rhodes Island. He is known to gather dozens of infected individuals for testing and treatment at the facilities before personally escorting them to a secluded forest base located in  █ █ █ . Tempest provides tactical execution, covert ops, espionage, and intelligence acquisition for Rhodes Island.

Clinical Analysis:

Imaging tests for this operator shows an unusual cascading outline of internal organs with semi-invisible yet pulsating dark spots. Unusually high concentration of Originium particles were present in his circulation, indicating signs of infection and confirming him as infected at this stage.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 37%

█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.01u/L

█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

"Tempest is a godsend to Rhodes Island, he singlehandedly saved hundreds of infected lives while giving them protection through his group the ISA. It doesn't matter where he came from, just know that he's here to save more and more infected. Believe me, for I know how hard he worked to get to where he is now."

-Hellagur, Azazel Clinic Active Manager

"Working with him is uhh, something like a sword and shield I guess....not that great of an analogy. Like when he's paired up with me, we make a good duo who quickly clears operations! We're best buds! but he might not show it openly though.......what's my relationship with him? Uhh, ehh...n-no i'm not blushing!"

-Blaze, Elite Operator

"Way back during our times in Victoria, he's the only one I'd openly acknowledge. Such a shame that I couldn't beat him even once in our spars. But at least I have something to be proud, it's that I have taken something from him.....w-what you ask? I-I am not o-obliged to t-tell you!"

-Ch'en, Head of the LGD

Archive File 1:
Tempest is an unusually very busy guy. Operators can see him in the health facilities mingling with the infected patients whenever he's on break. It's to say that Tempest will casually open up whenever he interacts with them. Although his time allocated for the infected might be valiant, but spending more than twelve hours in his schedule just for them is a very big strain to his wellbeing. Medic operators scold him daily to take a break for himself, to which he complies as to not agitate them.

"We are very grateful for his drive to help and make the patients fill at ease despite the dread. But I swear, if he doesn't start thinking for his health, who knows how much grief everyone will bear if he dies of overworking." -Kal'tsit

Archive File 2:
Tempest is well-liked by every operator he's ever interacted with. When he's idling by in the cafeteria or resting in the hangars, his expression is quite intimidating to see. But once you start a conversation with him, he eases up and transforms his blunt face into a very soft and attractive one. The male operators think that he's a fun guy to hang out with during off-duties. He would play along with their antics and provide opinions to their delusional questions. But for the female operators, let's say that he's a target to them all. Everyday, they would ask him out or take him for dinners, though he would usually decline, but if he sees the situation fit and if the girls are desperate, he will go along. Tempest knows all the rooms of every female operator who has successfully asked him out.

"Nii-chan is super cool! Seeing him train and fight the dummies is super fun to watch! He even took me to one of his operations, I get to see him beat many bad guys! Though i'm sad that he gets dragged of by many women during some of our playtimes. They keep asking him to spend the night in their rooms to 'sleep' with them. Anyway, all I know is, Nii-chan is the best for everyone!" -Ifrit

Archive File 3:
Regarding Tempest's past, is strictly confidential. The logs don't mention anything about it, it's all blank and empty. Some questioned him about it, but he waved it off and showed no concern towards the topic. Only one interaction recorded mentioning his origins only gives a sliver of information regarding his past.

"...not again. It's better to focus on the present and future. I made a promise to them, and I will fulfill their wills.....who are they? I'll leave it up to you to imagine." -Tempest

Archive File 4:
Witness operators report that they have seen Tempest talk to a few Reunion infected during operations, and some of those infected are surprisingly taken back to Rhodes Island for treatment. They apparently have shown trust towards Tempest and Tempest alone. And after their treatments, they were last seen boarding a dropship heading towards the base of the ISA. Only a few of the elite operators have went to the ISA base, and they all mentioned that it's a very nice place secluded from the terrors of Catastrophes and civilization. Tempest mentioned that he received this as a fief from Chief Wei of Lungmen, under a secret pact that he made with the head. So Tempest has established close relations to him.

Archive File 5:
[Information Redacted]

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