♜♖The Tempest ♖♜【Arknights x...

By J4SZX18

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[[HIATUS NOTICE]] - On temporary Hiatus, the author currently focusing on other books, will come back updatin... More

Operation 0-0: The Tempest of Rhodes Island
Operator Files: Tempest
LC0-1: Blazing Urges (Blaze) [Lemon🍋]
Operation 1-1: A Day in Tempest's Life
Operation 2-1: Oh Great Lungmen
Operation 2-2: Catching Up with Her
Operator Files Additions: Tempest
LC2-1: Then, and Now (Ch'en) [Lemon🍋]
Operation 2-3: Tempest's Power
Operation 2-4: Mild Trouble at Rhodes Island
Operation 2-5: Remnants
Operation 3-1: Again
Operation 3-2: Arising Challenges
*ANNOUNCEMENT* - Tempest's Harem Episodes
Operation 3-3: Clashes
EPW-1: For the Bloodline (Pramanix💞)
Operation 3-4: Ambition, Catastrophe
Operation 3-5: Storm Incarnate
Operation 3-6: His Psycho Girl
LC3-1: You're Mine, Mine Alone (W) [Lemon🍋]
EPW-2: One Crazy Lupo (Lappland💞)
EPW-3: True Genuine Feelings (Skadi💕🍋)
Operation 4-1: Rage
Operation 4-2: The Wintry Death
❄️🎄 Angelina's Christmas🎄❄️
Operation 4-3: Vortex
Operation 4-4: I am...
Operation 4-5: Trust
Operation 4-6: Yelena, I'm sorry...
Operation 5-1: Face of Battle
Operation 5-2: Truths Untold
Operation 5-3: Twisted
Operation 5-4: Flurry of Emotions
Operation 5-5: Winter's Fade
Operation 5-6: Heartbeat
Operation 6: I will always be with you... Yelena...

Operation 0-1: The Savior

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By J4SZX18

The time is ticking as a couple of Rhodes Island squads are preparing themselves for a full scale rescue operation in Chernobog. The medics are packing their gear, defenders brushing their shields, guards sharpening their swords, and the leaders finalizing their plan.

"That's the basic groundwork for this operation. We get Dr. Fumi out of there before the catastrophe hits. Hopefully we can do this smoothly, Ursus government doesn't take us that well so we better be prepared for anything." A man geared up named Ace relays to his fellow leaders.

"We'll rendezvous with the main group if we lose communications, is that alright with you Doberman?" A kuranta defender known as Nearl said to her colleague.

"That is for the best." Doberman replied. "We'll depart in ten minutes, and remember, we have to complete this mission. Dr. Fumi is our number one priority and is a valuable asset to Rhodes Island. Amiya here can support that statement."

A cautus girl then puffs her ears as the looks on to them with determination.

"Right, once we recover Dr. Fumi, she can give us the commands we need to help aid our escape." Amiya said.

As they all agreed on their goal, Ace looked a bit tense.

"...shouldn't Tempest be with us on this important operation?" Ace perked up.

"He worked for three straight days without rest, so Dr. Kal'tsit ordered him to rest up for the remaining week." Amiya informed.

"Shame, him with us could guarantee our mission's success." Doberman huffed out.

"Give him a break, he's done a tremendous amount of work already. Maybe he might catch up with us soon." Nearl assured.

"No use talking about him now, we have an operation to do." Ace said as he loads his rifle.

"Right." They all replied as the rest of the operators load into the airships.



In a dim room, on a flax bed lined with the most comfortable cotton fabric, is a figure sleeping soundly laying while the afternoon light shines through his curtains.

The figure shakes a little bit as he removes the blanket over his body completely showing his black tank top and boxer shorts.


He scratches his head and checks the clock to see it's red outlines indicating 5:52 pm. He then looks around to see his room. His room consisted of a standard cambrian style furnishing with a sleek grey and white color theme, his furniture taming a lungmen look to it, his bathroom, and his dining counter.

He stands up and stretches before ambling towards his dresser to clothe himself in his usual uniform. He looks over to a mirror as his deep red eyes meet with his reflection.

His looks fits like a model, his expression looking blank but not aloof. He grabs his wrapped sword near his bedpost and puts on his transceiver as he makes his way towards the door.

The door slides open automatically as he comes face to face with a woman standing on a wall opposite of him. Her feline ears paired with her dark blue hair and her tall stature clearly giving away her identity.

"Looks like you just got up Tempest." She says with a tad bit of surprise.

"Yes, slept enough to be able to deploy again." He replies. "More importantly, how long have you been standing there Blaze?"

"I just got here thirty minutes ago. Dr. Kal'tsit told me that you would wake up at this time so she ordered to make sure you don't jump back into work right after you woke up." She said sternly.

Tempest sighs and starts walking towards the halls, with Blaze at his side.

"...are you seriously going to follow me wherever I go?" He exasperated. "I know how to limit myself you know."

"Sorry Tempest, doctors orders." She puffs. "And also to make sure the other female operators won't get the jump on you." Blaze playfully adds.

"Right.." He dismisses.

"You won't be getting rid of me that easily~ Especially since we've worked together for three years now." She reminisces as she skips ahead of him. "Yet you never called me senpai, even once." She pouts.

"You may have more experience than me, but skill makes up for it."  He sways his sword. 

"Mou!" She huffs.

Tempest chuckles as Blaze punches his arm in irritation.

"Anyway, where are we going actually? This path leads to the upper deck." Blaze asks him.

"Precisely, I need to cool off. With you and your arts around, i'd be sweating profusely." He smirks as her.

"...you're a brute." She looks at him with scorn.

"I am, a brute whom you gave your heart to." He adds as they reach the upper deck that oversees the outside scenery. Although Blaze was blushing madly over his comment.

Tempest leans on a railing as he sees the nomadic city of Chernobog in the horizon. Various memories flood his mind, mostly of his exploits in saving a bunch of ragged infected crawling in the streets due to the horrid treatment of the Ursus government.

He clenches his fist on the bar, thinking that he could've done more to save them.

"Something on your mind?" Blaze interrupts his thoughts. 

He looks to his left to see her looking at him with worry.

"Yeah, just thinking that I could've done more." He sighs.

"Again with that negativity, you've done the most good here Tempest. Hundreds of infected lives are saved because of you." She pats his back.

"But there are still more out there, suffering, waiting for a miracle. And I'm standing here not being able to reach out to them."

"Tempest, not-"

"Not all people can be saved, I know." He replies in grim. "Again and again, that sentence still stings me hard. I'm not a naive guy Blaze, I know that what I can do is limited. And it's better than being unable to do anything."

"That's why we joined Rhodes Island." She puts her hand over his. "Because we know that there is still hope for the infected. There may not be a cure for the Oripathy, but every progress we make is another step in achieving our goal."

Blaze took his hand and and assures him, Tempest could only widen his eyes as he then smiles over his partner's compassion.

"..Thanks Blaze.." He said in gratitude.

"Looks like you owe me now for cheering you up." She grins at him as Tempest chuckles.

"Alright fine, name it." He lends an ear.

"One crazy night~" She said suggestively. "And I want it now." She then brushed her hand across his chest and slid it down.

"Are you sure about that?" Tempest sweats while looking at a heated Blaze.

"One hundred percent sure." She closed the distance between them as she smashed her lips on his.

It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. Tempest had his hand rested behind Blazes head, his thumb caressing her rosy cheek as their breaths mingled. She ran her fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of his heart against her chest.

They both pull apart as they had a look of lust, craving for each others touch.

"The other girls will be jealous you know." He said.

"Who cares, I know I'll win you in the end." She drags Y/N towards the entrance back to the quarters. "Come on, I can't wait to get in bed!" But before they could enter...


Tempest's transceiver starts beeping making them both stop. He reaches for the button as he answers the incoming call.

"Speak." He said frankly.

'Tempest, are you rested enough?' The voice in the comms sounded stern.

"Up and ready Dr. Kaltsit." He replies.

'Good, I need you to go assist Amiya in her rescue operation for Dr. Fumi in Chernobog. I've lost contact with them recently so you might go in blind.' Kal'tsit informs him.

"I'm guessing that I should leave immediately, because I can clearly see the dark clouds forming." He said as he looks into the distance, massive dark clouds enveloping Chernobog.

'Right, I need you there as soon as possible. Bring back the rest of the squad along with Dr. Fumi safely.'

"Roger that."

'And Tempest....come back alive.' Her tone sounded worried.

"I will." He cuts off the line as he looks at an annoyed Blaze. "Looks like our crazy night will be pushed back."

"Ugh, when will you be back from your mission?" She asks him, her voice sounding annoyed.

"I'll be back in five hours. Let's save our night next-"

"I'll wait for you when you get back." She cuts him off and enters back into the quarters. "Good luck on the operation, I'll be waiting~" Blaze then disappears from his sight.

Tempest looks over to see the dark clouds enveloping the city of Chernobog. With a clenched fist, he makes his way to the hangars.

"Well then, time to head out."



"E-Everyone, don't give up!" Amiya exclaimed as the rest of her squad, or what remains of their squad, runs dreadfully. "We're almost at the rendezvous point!"

Despite the high numbers that they had when they started the operation, it all dwindled down as Reunion decided to take advantage of the catastrophe to plunder Chernobog as their own. Many lives were lost, including Ace's. They stay close to each other, desperately holding on to the glimmer of hope that they will survive after successfully rescuing the now memory-ridden Dr. Fumi.

"Don't let them escape! Kill every last one of them!" One of the Reunion operators yelled as they chase down the last of the forces of Rhodes Island.

"Turn right!" Doberman yelled as her squad followed, only to reach a dead end as a massive rock blocks their way. "Dammit! It's blocked!"

They try to turn back but Reunion was closing in the distance,

"T-Theres no way left to go.." Dr. Fumi said in despair.

The other operators felt down in despair, there was no other way left to escape. The operation has come to a halt, or has possibly failed.

As they were about to make their last stand, a strong force of wind then started blowing against the Reunion group.

"What the heck? Where did this windstorm come from?!"

"Windstorm?....could it be!"

The realization hit them, the unnatural appearance of a windstorm is a sign that can only mean one thing...

"Tempest is here!"

And with the shout of his name, the entire Reunion platoon trembled.

The Rhodes Island operators heard the name, and their hope was found, a miracle has been bestowed.

"Tempest has come for backup!" A defender yelled.

"We're saved!" A caster exclaimed.

As the windstorm dies down, there in the middle of the two groups reveals a man with a sword on his hip, his coat flailing as the symbol of a rook displays on his sleeve signifying his affiliation. It was Rhode's Islands strongest operator.

"T-The Tempest of Rhodes Island!" A Reunion member gasped.

Tempest gazes onto the forces of Reunion, his intimidating eyes glowing red as his arts were on standby, ready to go off at any moment. He looks back to his colleagues as he assures them with only a small smile, and that smile was a sign that everything is going to be alright.

"Listen well," He looks back at Reunion. "I may not know what you're reasons are for joining Reunion, but I know that you are there out of desperation. The uninfected has mistreated you for a very long time, and I sympathize with your pain. But I am here for only one thing, please drop your weapons and come with me. And I promise you that I will give you a life you truly deserve, a life of freedom, a life free from discrimination, a life of peace, a life you all need." He stretches his free hand to the baffled Reunion. "I promise you, no more bloodshed. You can finally live normal lives, just come with me, and you will be safe, I pledge that your life will be in good hands."

The Reunion forces was in shock, for they already know what that meant. He's done it before, and he's doing it again. Many are unbelieving of his words, he's their enemy, why would they trust him.

But for those who listened closely to him, they followed his words. They drop their weapons as they walk forward to Tempest who was wearing a genuine smile. Reunion looked at their comrades in shock, while Rhodes Island looked in awe at their elite operator's act.

Out of the hundred Reunion operatives, twelve decided to follow Tempest.

"A-Are you sure that we'll be safe?" A sarkaz woman asked with desperation.

"Will we finally have normal lives?" An elafian male too.

"I promise with my life, you will live in sanctuary." Tempest reassures them as he welcomed them. "Get behind me, I will deal with those who chose poorly."

Tempest unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards the rest of Reunion, the winds started picking up speed as he activated his arts.

"I hold no grudge against you all, but you leave me no choice for the safety of those who sought freedom, and for the protection of my colleagues. I will give you all a quick and painless death, it's the least I can do to free you from this endless cycle of hate between the infected and the uninfected."

"Don't f*ck with us! Kill him!" Reunion forces started charging towards Tempest.

Tempest then raised his sword as a violent windstorm gathers above him. And with a swing downwards, the gale swallowed the Reunion forces in a single sweep.

The winds then dispersed and revealed countless dead bodies on the floor, having numerous fatal cuts littered on their lifeless bodies.

"Just a single swing was able to wipe-out their forces?!" Nearl said with shock.

"Just how powerful is his arts?!" The ex-Reunion members said with awe.

Tempest then kneels on the ground and puts both of his hands together, grieving.

"I pray that you will find peace.."

He then stood back up and rejoins Rhodes Island.

"Good job out there Tempest." Doberman praised him as he only nods.

"More importantly.." He scouts their forces as his mood dropped. "...Ace didn't make it didn't he."

His comment made Amiya and the others look down, confirming his suspicion.

"...never thought he would die today." He said in sadness. 

"Tempest.." Amiya said with worry.

"He died protecting us all. Because of what he did, we were able to save Dr. Fumi." Doberman reported.

Tempest looks at a puzzled Dr. Fumi, he walks up to her and bows.

"Good to see you again Fumi-sensei. I'm glad you made it out alive." He smiled at her, perfectly negating his previous sad emotions.

"U-Uhh, y-yeah." She stutters as Tempest looks at her with confusion.

"Uhm, Tempest, the doctor has amnesia." Amiya said.

"I-I see." He shakes his head. "Well, looks like we'll start over. I'm Tempest, elite operator as well as your right-hand man. Nice to meet you again Dr. Fumi." He smiles at her making the doctor blush.

"L-Likewise." She adjusts her coat.

"Since everything's resolved, let's head back to base." Nearl said.

The rest of them head back as Tempest escorts the ex-Reunion members back to Rhodes Island with them.



Inside the medical department bay, Kal'tsit is currently performing a full body check on Tempest just as he arrived back from the rescue operation. The scanners performed the executions as his check-up was now complete.

"The screens show no changes in your body and organ linings, health is at a nominal state, looks like you're fine this time Tempest." Kal'tsit reports as Tempest goes near her while putting on his coat.

"I see, that's good." He then locks eyes with her as he stares intently.

"The infected you brought back are fine. They're currently receiving treatment as we speak." She assures him.

"Thank you doctor, anything else you want me to do?" 

"Rest up for the rest of the week. You'll be back in active duty once we arrive in Lungmen next week." She informs him.

'Lungmen huh, guess i'll be seeing her again after three years.' He thoughts. "Alright, I'll head back to my room then." Just as he was about to leave the room, he then felt a tug on his sleeve. "Hmm?"

"Hold on a second." Kal'tsit said as she quickly pecks Tempest on the lips. "Thanks for your hard work." She smiles at him with a lightly flushed face.

"Thanks, I guess.." He shakes his head as he exits out.

Kal'tsit then eyed back to the monitors and says to herself.

"One day Y/N, you'll reciprocate this feelings of mine."



On his way back to his quarters, Tempest occasionally greets his fellow operators. He bumped fists with Noir Corne, greeted an aloof Ptilopsis, and was able to dodge a very playful Ifrit who was calling out his name.

He was even able to meet the new recruits, mainly Eyjafjalla who was searching for the women's quarters. Thought talking to her was a bit of a problem since she couldn't hear very well.

Finally reaching the door to his quarters, he first checks his watch to see the it was already 11:21 pm.

'Surely Blaze got bored and went back to her room.' He thought to himself.

As the door slides open, he sees a half naked Blaze eagerly looking at him from his bed.

'Or maybe not.'

He then enters the room and took off his coat and sword. 

"You really did wait for me huh." He said as he strips into his white undershirt and boxer shorts.

"Of course I did, and being horny while waiting for you only made me want you more." She eagerly moves her legs as she bites her lips.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting." He then joins her in bed as they instinctively kiss each other out of love and lust.

They both knew it was coming, and they couldn't hold themselves back anymore. Blaze has been craving him for many hours now, and she was now a feline in heat, her animalistic urges kicking in.

They both part for air taking in shallow breaths as their eyes stare at each other, Tempest looking at Blaze like a lover, Blaze looking at Tempest like a mate. She then gestures his eyes to her hands as she seductively grazes her hands over her toned and fit figure. 

"Let's get this crazy night started Tempest~" She licks her lips making Tempest feel turned on, making his nether region rock hard.

'Well, time to make her lose her mind'

▌│█║▌║▌║ To be continued... ║▌║▌║█│▌

A/N: I have a very huge thing for Blaze, she's just too damn hot! Also, lemons are only written in separate chapters, in consideration for those who don't like lemons. Look below on where to go next.

Lemon Scene = "LC0-1: Blazing Urges (Blaze) [Lemon]"

Next Story Chapter = "Operation 1-1: A Day in Tempest's Life"

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