One {Mark Sloan}

By Alteate

513K 14.2K 996

"Every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities... More

The Push
My Only Family
Staying Alive
Prom Queen
What I Am
Planting a Seed
Death Wish
The Feeling Of Suffocation
The Chief of Surgery
The Past
Daphnie Miller
The right decision
The Man
Reyansh Deo
Time After Time
Intern Exam
The Date
Hangout Spot
Drunk Mark
Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty
Meet the Fosters
Miss Grumpy
A Change is Gonna Come
Happy Birthday
Big Boys
Downfall Of Arrogance
To Die Or Not To Die
Hurricane Amelia
Sane Advice
The Art Of Lookin'
Bridal Fights
Pushy And Rude
Daddy Issues
Without You
Turning A New Page
The Birthday Party
New Rules
Like Me Better
Begin Again
Everything Has Changed
Mark and Ren
Still on My Brain
Happy Ending
Come Together
Slipping into Darkness
Stand By Me
The People That We Love
Let Us Move On
Should I Or Should I Not?
Hell Of A Life
This Wedding Day
An Authors Note
Agree To Disagree
Author's Note
Future Nostalgia
Cold As Ice
Gone Too Soon
Wrong Call

Mama Shepherd

5.3K 172 24
By Alteate

Renee was at the nurses' station updating her charts, she was in a good mood that day, she and Mark have been taking things slow and it felt like she was in New York back again, the stolen glances and the secret smiles were given to one another, it was very much like New York except they had decided to not tell anyone about the little thing they had going on. Mark and Renee had decided to go one a nice little date a little away from the city and she had to admit, she had missed their dates. Their dates used to be fun, hot and the end of the date usually meant sex at the apartment or getting drunk and going to sleep, usually, it would be the first one. However, Renee had decided on a no sex term as they had just gotten together and she needed a little more time to trust him again. 

"How much do you know about Derek's mother?" Renee looked at Meredith who was wearing an alarmingly high ponytail. 

"What with the ponytail?"

"Derek's mother coming in town and Izzie insisted that mothers love this sort of look," Meredith grimaced.

"That looks painful," Ren commented.

"It is,"

"Mrs Shepherd's coming? It's been a while since I met her,"

"How is she?"

"She's different," Meredith's face fell.

"But I don't think you'll have much of a problem. Mrs Shepherd didn't like Addison and you're the opposite of Addison. Just keep in mind that she's strict and intimidating at first, she melts after some time,"

Mark had been avoiding Mrs Shepherd ever since he saw her with Derek that morning, he couldn't face her she always had some sort of sixth sense for catching Mark's guilt and he feared for his life if she'd found out that he was getting back together with Renee. 


"Mrs Shepherd."

"You've been avoiding me,"


"You have that same guilty look on your face as you did - when you were 10 years old and you put Derek's favourite frog into the microwave,"

"I never pressed 'start.'"

"What's going on?"

"I am getting back together with Renee,"

"That's great, Derek didn't tell me anything earlier,"

"That's because he doesn't know. I am hoping it would stay that way, I don't need him punching me again,"

Renee was on her daily rounds with her residents and Avan, they had just finished checking on their last patient when she was greeted by Mrs Shepherd who immediately hugged her and held her face. It was something Mrs Shepherd had done for the last few years, she would hold Renee's face in her palms and check how she was doing and while Renee appreciated she could see her residents and Avan laughed with their hands covering their smiles.

"Go, complete the charts," Renee said as she grabbed Mrs Shepherd's hands and pulled them down.

"How are you?" Mrs Shepherd asked Renee as they walked towards the coffee counter.

"Great, a little tired," 

"Yeah, kids will do that to you,"

"Did you meet Meredith?" Renee asked her.

"Yes, she's honest and loves Derek. She seems better than Addison anyways," Mrs Shepherd laughed.

"I could never forgive her for what she did with you and Derek,"

"What about Mark? You forgave him,"

"It took time to even forgive Mark but he seemed very regretfully or guilty for what he did,"

"He asked if we could get back together again," Renee said.

"What did you say?"

"I need to know that I can trust him again,"

"Seems fair, just give me call if he ever pulls shit like earlier again. I'll be here the next minute to give him a beating on the booty,"

Renee was walking out of the hospital with Ilaria in her arms when she saw Derek sitting on one of the benches alone, she had heard about the patient who was going to be executed in the next five days. The patient was on the list for P.D.R and if she had heard correctly, the patient had murdered five women, dealing with criminals had been always hard for Derek as he had watched his dad getting shot while he and Amelia watched it happened. Sighing she walked towards him, his eyes were rimmed red and were glossy, Renee grabbed his hand as Derek broke down and leaned against her.

"I can't do this, treat everybody the same, he doesn't deserve the same treatment as the others,"

"We took the Hippocratic Oath,"

"I know but my father's scene of getting shot just keeps playing in my head,"

"He's karma's getting back at him," Renee answered as she laid her head on Derek's shoulder.

"I am sorry, Ren. I know that I should've been there for you and I am truly sorry and I don't deserve to be her godfather,"

"Emotional blackmail had always been your forte,"

"I am sorry,"

"I am planning on adopting this thing," Renee said as Derek looked up.

"That's a good decision,"

"Mark asked me to get back together," Renee said quietly.

"Ren..I hope you didn't get back together. I can't bear seeing you like that again,"



Renee and Mark smiled at each other, they had been doing that a lot nowadays, Derek still didn't know about them and they liked keeping it that way, the only person who knew was Callie who figured everything by just seeing their faces.

"So, I was hoping that we could you know have a date night tonight, just you and me and the bathtub," he whispered.

"Bathtub, you and me, naked, wet and slathered with soap?" Renee raised an eyebrow as she watched his eyes lit up, she knew he was already thinking all the things they could do and it took a snap of fingers to bring him back from his train of dirty thoughts.


"I have to think about it,"

"Oh come on, don't torture me like that, Ren, I am getting horny. I might just do it myself," Mark whispered as Renee turned to look at him completely. She could see the challenging look in his eyes and the smirk on his face made him look very smug, so Renee answered him with her own smirk;

"Do it yourself? Go ahead, I permit you,"

The interns usually had a lot of work to do and were usually busy but this particular group of interns were incompetent and useless, they had spent almost all of their time on gossips and rumours which always went around in Seattle Grace. So Renee wasn't surprised when she found some of the interns leaning in with their ears on the door listening what's going on inside.

"People sleeping or ... why do I bother asking?"

"This is ridiculous. I need to sleep."

"Oh, my god!" Someone from inside the on-call room screamed.

"That's not a good noise. That's bad noise. That's a really bad noise," The interns scrambled to run but stopped when they ran into Renee who raised an eyebrow, the eye contact between and the interns was enough to make her interns run in the opposite direction. After rolling her eyes, she stared at the door, she was pretty sure who was inside and what they were doing but by the scream, they were hurt. With a deep breath, she entered the room and closed the door behind her, to no one's surprise, Mark was inside, his face scrunched in pain, his eyes were closed as he clenched the sheet which was covering him.

"What happened?" Renee asked as Mark looked at her.

"I know....since we're not doing anything....and I might have squeezed too hard," Mark whimpered in pain but Renee had a hard time keeping her mouth straight.

"Oh you poor thing," Renee said as she brushed a few hairs out of his face.

"Don't laugh. I am in a lot of pain, page Torres,"

"Yes, I'll page Callie, right away,"

Mark Sloan was less than happy when he found out that Owen Hunt aka the butcher was called to treat his broken penis and Ren found it difficult to keep a straight face when Owen suggested to do surgery or it could lead to permanent damage. 

"He'll have the surgery, wouldn't want permanent damage now do we, Mark?"

So, here they were after the surgery in Mark's room after his surgery with Callie standing outside guarding the room for them, it was like their med-school when they would sneak into each other's apartments to spend some time with each other. Of course, they weren't dating at the time but still, this was the same feeling.

"If you've come to make fun of me and my broken penis, don't, I have had a hard day already,"

"Well, I was hoping we could have some pizza and watch some TV but I guess I'll leave,"

"This blackmailing, it works for you doesn't it?" he narrowed his eyes. Renee smiled as she walked towards his bed and sat down beside him leaning her head on his shoulder, he rolled his eyes as he pressed a kiss to her lips and moved a little to make room.

"You're one hell of a character, Mark Sloan,"

Mark pressed a kiss to Renee's cheek as he entered her apartment, his hands were filled with takeout food which was probably enough for more than two people, she gave him a smile and took the bags out of his hands before setting them on the table. She watched as Mark picked up Ilaria and pressed a kiss to her head and watched as he played with her, it was different seeing him like this, he had so easily taken over as a parenting figure and it was mesmerizing to see him like that. He was still recovering from the surgery he had but seemed to be in a much better condition now but Renee still liked to bring it up whenever they would engage know, some making out and more.

They still weren't sure whether or not to tell Derek as they knew he wouldn't be happy about them getting back together and sometimes, publicising a relationship would do more harm than it could do good. Ren and Mark, they were still getting adjusted to being back together with each other, it had been quite a few years since they had been together since they have slept in the same bed or even kissed each other. It was new but at the same time, it wasn't.

"Mark, I need to talk to you," Ren said as she looked over at him.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I am planning on adopting Ilaria,"

"That's great,"

"I know," she smiled.

"So, how long does this process take?"

"It usually takes months, so it's a long process,"

"How do they think about us getting back together?" he asked.

"I don't think it would matter as much. Are you having doubts regarding somethings?"

"No, just the future. What happens if we decided to get married, do I become her stepfather or I don't get say in her parenting?"

"Are you saying you want to adopt her with me?" Renee raised an eyebrow.

"Not right now but in the future I would like to take part in her parenting decisions, as a family, you know,"

"Look at you, so caring," Renee smiled as she placed a kiss on his lips.

"If we get married, you can apply for second parent adoption,"

The Adoption Process was known to excruciating and long, there were so many forms which needed to be filled, so much paperwork to complete and so many parenting sessions to attend and she still needed to select if she wanted to do everything on your own or hire an agency who'd do most of the work. She had been sitting in front of the computer as she took notes and wrote down all the steps which needed to be done, she pushed her hair back and looked up to see Ben, who had just stepped out of Richard's cabin.

"Mr Sheilds," Renee called out as Ben turned to look around.

"Dr Foster?"

"I need some advice. How much do you know about the adoption process?"

"Adoption, well.....I am guessing you're adopting your foster daughter?" Renee nodded.

"I would suggest going to an agency, it makes the workload less and also more efficient. Just make sure you provide them with all the paperwork, including medical costs, your foster licence, um....2 letters from your closest people to give to the agency and your background check will be done even thoroughly. I think your best bet will be an agency, Dr Foster,"

"It's going to be a long process, isn't it?"

"I am afraid so but the result will be beautiful,"

Derek found Renee in the attendings' lounge all by herself, her eyes closed as she laid on the couch with her hand on her forehead, he slowly proceeded and crouched in front of her as gave her a little shake to wake her up. He had to be cautious, Renee was known for throwing things at people when they wake her from her naps and he didn't his face or hair to be the target of her vase throwing.

"Ren, hey" Derek whispered.

"What Derek?!" Renee asked.

"I want to show you something," Derek said as he brought out a small velvet box from his pocket.

"You're proposing to Meredith," Renee exclaimed.

"Yes," Derek said with a smile on his face.

"I am happy. How are you going to propose?"

"I have not yet decided but I'll let you know," Derek said with a smile as he closed the box and placed it in his pocket.

"I have great news as well.....Derek, can you do me a favour?"


"I need a letter of recommendation for Ilaria's adoption, I was hoping you'd write it, you being the godfather and all,"

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