Replaced by a devil (IPKKND...

By chirripingbirds

165K 7K 496

Khushi is a bubbly , fun loving girl who has a fiancee Nand kishore (Nk) whom she loves because of his honest... More

picture perfect
why it feels different
devil in disguise ( part-1)
devil in disguise (part-2)
contract or a scam
Lard governer (part-1)
lard governor ( part-2)
salty love
pag phera ceremony
Manorama who?
who will sleep on the floor?
The bangle girl
Never call khusi 'idiot'
good for nothing
seal the deal
call me sir
coffee date
past (part-1)
past (part-2)
confusion confusion
you look beautiful
jealousy or ego
kidnapped (dark reveal part-1)
kidnapped (dark reveal part-2)
Escaped (Dark reveal part-3)
Promise to never love
second chance?
Be my boss
The devil's Heart
heart break or pride break
confidence or stubbornness?
Lost and exhausted
A great beginning or a good ending?
A date to remember
A Date to remember (part-2)
For eternity (The end)

Trusting again is hard

3.7K 176 15
By chirripingbirds

Chapter- 30
Arnav pov

The day of cremation was the only time when Nk hugged me and cried, after that our relationship turns out to be hostile.
Soon we started seeing in him the behaviour which was molded by that man. No matter how much di or Nanji doted on him with love, he always acted like a victim. We thought his behaviour will get better with time.

But the teenage NK's personality was way worse. Drinking, partying and spending money like it grows on trees.

When the family started taking the charge of his day to day activities, he became more rebellious.He wanted to open a art studio and moved in that apartment. but we knew it was one of his excuse to just get away from us and do whatever he wants.

I promised him that he can go wherever he wants only if he works under me and earn money for his own studio. The situation jumped out of the frying pan into fire. He was furious assuming that i wanted him to be my slave and lower his image infront of his friends. he spread numerous rumours about my personality being a womanizer and what not at the office. He didn't stop there, he stood as low as stealing money From his own house.

I found out eventually and our family gave him fake threads that they will take his name out of the property documents. We knew money was his weak point, the only reason he was tolerating us especially me. He never saw me as his brother because i was the only one who was strict to him from the start. He failed to understand us whenever we did something for his own good rather he believed we were trying to keep him under our thumb.

NK tried hiding his rotten personality under the shadow of us being forcing him to do whatever we want just because he doesn't want to follow my foot steps and the rivliary in his heart was out in the sun.

After introducing khusi to us his personality visibly took a three sixty degree turn, even Mamji couldn't deny that.

We had no idea the seed of antagonist inside him was still growing in his head.

Present day
Third person pov

Arnav gestures towards the constable and he hands over a document in Arnav's hand and he throws it at Nk's face.

"Are you sure you planned all these because of hatred and not out of greed? This documents speaks otherwise. As for family, we were just faking that we will disown you for your own sake but your head can't think pass of step family. Everytime we stopped  you from doing something wrong, you always opposed us as if we are your enemy.  The problem lies within you for what you are going to pay now"

Nk gazed at the piece of paper infront of him wondering how the hell it landed on Arnav's hands.  He flipped the pages just to be sure and Turned his gaze to Arnav with a blank face.

"How did you get this? How did you know about that secret locker?" NK gulped, sweats dripping from his face.

"Your secret cave was not something I couldn't reach. The document says if me or my wife gets accused of being in an illegitimate affair or we divorce eachother within three months all the property will be transfered under your name. I can see what you did there and the evidence is right here with handcuffs on his hands. i was fool to believe that even though you never liked me but in your heart you do believe in us " Arnav clinches his hand showing frustration.
"but one think i don't understand how you managed to get each of our signature on it"

Suddenly the frustration in Nk's eyes changes into glory, his lips curving into a smirk as he opens his mouth to speak
"I can't believe you would say this, i thought your smart enough to get this better. Today even  you bowed down to my smartness. I used you as i wanted, you did what i made you do, you thought of khusi the way i wanted you  through Rahul. If not for this stupid khusi i would have been successful so taking all of your dumb family's signature was eas- "

"Cunning fox, you don't have neither a brain nor dignity to use it in a right path so calling you this is only fair. I gave nothing but pain to someone i should have treasured just because of you so you deserve whatever is going to happen to you" Arnav was no longer interested to listen to his rambling.what is done is done, screatching the old scars will be of no use.

"We searched the area but found nothing" the police man announces after stepping in between the heated argument.

" You can take him with you for all i care"
The police officer takes him into his custody. Arnav holds khusi by her waist as they make their way to his car, she was to weak to walk without a support.

After making sure khusi is comfortable in her seat, Arnav was closing the car door when Taniya's hand stopped him.
Khusi turns her face in the other side while Aranv stares at Taniya with confusion.

"Khusi i know what i did is unforgivable but i can't deny the fact you saved me today. I don't know how will i face your family after this, maybe you all will hate me. If i were you, i w-ould d-o the same-"
Her voice got stuck inside her throat while her face get swapped away by all the tears.

Khusi opens the door completely loosing her paitence "I don't think like you, i don't change so easily. I would have done what i did to save you and me even if there was somebody else in place of you. It would be great if you don't stepped your foot in my family, forgiving you is not impossible but  trusting you again is"
Khusi shuts the door in her face, closing her eyes she sits lifelessly on the seat to find some peace.

The drive to shantivan was quite, both of them lost in their thoughts.
Khusi was thinking how her life changed into the most chaotic jungle with snakes.
Arnav's mind still not wrapping around the fact that his blindness for his brother and hatered for cheaters destroyed his sense of right or wrong.

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