Promise to never love

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Chapter- 29
3rd person pov

(Police was searching the area around the cottage to find if there is any more weapons or other dangerous stuff)

NK got up from the floor, with limp to walk with difficulty due to his injured leg and sat down on the chair with his head between his hands.

He laughs through his tears, the laugh reflecting his defeat while the tears is unintelligible. The tears flowing painfully by the curve of his lips which has deep cuts from all the punches thrown at his face. He looks up to Arnav with still hateful eyes "demon?me? Let's guess when i became one. Was it the time when you and your family decided to accept me just for the sake of emberesment Or was it the time when i saw nothing but hatered and pity in your family's eyes."

"Hatered? Pity? We accepted you as one of our family member and di, she thinks of you as her own brother but you are such a treacherous person to even notice her and everyone's love for you." Arnav helps khusi to stand properly.

"Love? You say love? You and your family always had problems with me, my choices, my way of living life. Everyone looked down upon me. why?Just because I don't share the Same blood line so you all can't even trust me, thinking i will bring disgress to your family. Brother you say? A sister who throws out her brother from his rightful property? Is it sisterly Love?You can't fool me Arnav Singh Raizada, this Nand Kishore is not that 5 years old child anymore whom you can brainwash with you fake love"NK stares at his now unfolded hands, if given the chance he would have killed someone.

Khusi glances in between Arnav and Nk in confusion. Half of their talks not making any sense in her view. Taniya just looking anywhere but khusi's face, even though she was feeling the same complexity like khusi. Rahul on the other hand standing between two police constables, looking down at the handcuffs with a blank face and completely ignoring all the drama around him.

Khusi once again takes a glance at Arnav who is still mentioning a passive face but his eyes looks lost somewhere in the past.

Twenty years ago
Arnav-7 years old
Anjali-10 years old
Nk- 5 years old

Arnav's pov

As a kid seeing your mother who always covered her sadness under the veil of a bright simle, crying like a child and screaming at the same time is the most disheartening scene which anyone could imagine which is yet playing right infront of me.

Standing infront of the slightly open door of my mother's room, i can hear all the arguments, accusations, screaming of my family.

My long lost dad has finally came back to us. It should have been the happiest moment for everyone right, only if he came alone and not with his new son.

I saw my mom being upset over her husband's sudden intentional missing yet hoping her husband to come back home oneday though she never expressed her feelings loudly.

Today is an exception, she let out all her feelings. I had no interest in all these arguments, i just wanted my mother to cut all the ties with this man who made her cry, i can't see my mother like this.

Naniji beside my howling mother, is telling her son in law to explain what made him do this. Though i was only seven years old but i was not dumb to not understand that man putting all the blames on my mother saying she was a bad wife and couldn't take care of her husband.

Then an unexpected thing happened, my mom placed a strong slap on his face and the sound was loud enough for even a dead man to hear.

I knew he deserves way back when I came to realized his hatered for my sister just because she has a problem with her leg, insulting my mother because she was not as educated as him, trying to manipulate me against them. He used to come and go from our lifes just like a Strom but the last time he went only to come after a one long year with this suprise to throw on my mother's dignity.

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