For eternity (The end)

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Third person pov

Entering the compound she looks up at the building from where the balcony of the apartment could be seen.

Generally whenever she gets late,the other person would stand there happily weaving at her to ensure she doesn't feel scared if the compound is empty.

On seeing the balcony empty, she puts her hand on her chin thinking what is happening.

Nevertheless she steps inside the building and into the lift where Mr. Mehra stood at the corner smiling at her.

"Long time no see Miss khusi!" Mr. Mehra greets her with a tight lip smile and delightful eyes. One of those weird expression you give when you know something the other person doesn't know and try to hide it.

Khusi raised her eyebrow in perplexity but choose to not to ask anything since hundred of different thoughts are running inside her mind already so she greets him back.

"Everything alright?" The man ask noticing the girl is biting her nails and looking down blankly at the floor.

She stops bitting her nails immediately getting a bit emberessed not understanding from where she picked up this bad habit. She realised the man was looking at her waiting for an answer "yes! Everything is fine"she gives him an assuring smile while walking out of the lift.

She presses the door bell, no one opened the door.She rang the door bell once again still no answer.
She Sticks her ears to the door if she could hear anything from outside. She couldn't hear anything, assuming he is not at home.

Weird! She came here many times before but something like this never happened. The person himself invited her and now he is not here.

Khusi trys calling the number, what if something came up and he had to go. Still he should have informed her before leaving.

Khusi ran her fingers through her hairs before the call ended because no one received it.

"Tsk! What's going on with this boy" disappointed spread across her face and she decides to leave.

Before she could turn, the door suddenly opened.

"You! You were inside? What took you so much time to open the door? And why is there no light inside?" She asked all at once in one breath as she tries to look over the boy's shoulders.

"Calm down! I can't answer so many questions all at once" Touching the back of his neck, he looks behind him as if he is unsure whether or not to take her inside.
"Hey! Everything alright?" Khusi questions him getting sceptical.

"Of-course,what makes you think something is wrong " He adds an awkward laugh making khusi more doubtful.

Ignoring his desperate effort to act normal, she walked inside the dark hall room. Before she could turn on the lights, a hand came rushing and grabbed her hand.

"What the- what are you doing? Why are you acting so weird?" Her wide eyes piercing into his.

"Don't turn the lights on, it's not working" He Nervously glances at her but not making a direct eye contact.

"Oh really? Ok-kh let me try it once" Khusi directs her hands towards the switch.

"I told you it's not working"Reluctantly stopping her hands from pressing the switch.

"Let me"she shouts,freeing her hands from his grip.

"Don't!" He locks her hands once again.

These continued for a while when suddenly the boy looses his balance while trying to hold her hands resulting into them falling down on the floor.

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