GHOST - Five Hargreeves X Umb...

By abluejayyyy

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Violet rarely speaks, so when you find yourself hearing her voice, you either cherish it or start running. Be... More

the Ghost
Other Umbrella Academy books!
acad edits on insta
trailer thing here!
new five story
new five story
new book !
the thing with sorrow
just a reminder
fanart of Vi + 5
- Part 2 -


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By abluejayyyy


Everything quickly became far too much for Violet to handle.

The sounds, the feeling, the sight of everything.

Five blinked her to her room and attempted to suppress his concern as she turned away from him and curled into the corner of her bed, wrapping her arms around herself and closing her eyes, headphones secure over her ears. If she opened her eyes she'd just stare at the blood beneath her nails and probably cry.

Five left her alone for some time to decompress.

She had gotten up three times separately to keep scrubbing at her sisters blood on her skin, wearing down the layers until it stung and turned red raw. She would lie down again, trying to ignore the feeling and the sight, then have to get up again and try harder.

The horrific sight at the cabin had shaken her. The violence of it, the body across the kitchen that she could only bare a single glance at. The sharp objects, the blood, the wrecked interior.

Standing in the mess, the blood soaking into the dark wood, the fabric of the torn rug, her sisters pretty clothes. It was like a tornado had torn through the house.

The eye Five had carried around no longer mattered.

He tried getting her to talk, bless him. He really did.

The world apparently wasn't ending, the eye matched Harold Jenkins, her sister would be fine and Violet took it all in but could not bring herself to get up.

She stared at the wall of her bedroom, curled up in her bed, bundled in Five's old jumper and trying to silence out every little disturbance of a tiny sound so she could breathe again.

Sleep had overtaken her exhausted mind quickly, but she didn't rest easily. Her thoughts were racing and she kept questioning things. She didn't know where Vanya was, she didn't know if the end of the world truly had stopped, she didn't know anything, much less how to process her own emotions and it was tearing her apart.

At some point during the evening Five had left a margarita on her nightstand, knowing she probably wouldn't drink it but offering it up anyways, because if the apocalypse truly was stopped, then fuck it.

Drowned in self hate and restless, she slept through it, a bitter taste on her tongue - up until the feeling of the whole house quaking made her jolt up.

Something akin to dust fell on her face and she looked up, eyebrows pinching together at the huge crack in the cieling.

Her heart raced as she pushed herself up and felt the ground rumbling. Quickly she ripped her headphones off and the sound of the house caving in on itself met her ears.

Violet shot out of bed with a noise of distress, something akin to an earthquake sending tremors up her legs as she struggled to make it to the door without stumbling.

Without thinking she cloaked herself and ran.

She sprinted down the halls wondering were everyone was and what was happening, parts of the cieling and walls falling around her. Her heart jumped into her throat as she followed the sound of frantic voices down towards the foyer.

Klaus dragged a half concuous Diego towards the exit and she blanched, realising something as Klaus muttered to him about what about Vanya.

Diego blearily spotted her. "Violet, come on-"

Vanya was here?

He indicated to the door but she was stuck, stone falling around her and through her. She hesitated before spinning and darted back inside, down the halls, searching for one person in a panic despite Klauses shouts of bewilderment.

Debris fell through her, sending an uncomfortable chill down her spine and as she rounded the corner, she almost bumped into someone.

Violet stepped back and froze.

Standing in front of her was the person she had been searching for, fearful something terrible had happened, knowing she had no powers to protect herself with-

But when she looked up into her sisters eyes, she faltered.

Because this was very different.

Her eyes were a stark white and she glanced stoically down at her.

Everything went still around them, or maybe it was some illusion, or maybe she was in shock.

The air around her sister was warped in some way and only then did she realise what was really happening. That Vanya was the centre of it all.

Violet tried to speak. Say her name.

But the words died in her throat, like always.

The ground they stood on shook violently and she stared up at her sister wide eyed, not fearful, but in shock.

She closed her eyes, lips trembling. Her words were small. "Vanya..."

Her faint whisper nearly died out over the sound of the house shattering around them. 

Vanya looked at her sister and said nothing. She just turned slowly around.

A wave of invisible energy pushed Violet back away from the woman, strong but careful enough to cause no real harm.

She gaped at the sight, watching Vanya walk the other way without a care for herself or what she was causing.

The cieling creaked and Violet took the prompt to run as fast as she could, phasing through the walls until she stumbled outside and felt the hot air on her skin. She span and stared at the house, backing away as it crumbled to ruins before her eyes.

Her heart was racing as she thought about her sister. She had to have gotten out safely, surely? If she had powers to cause the destruction, she had to be able to withstand it.

Violet remained transparent, trying to forget the haunting feeling of debris and bricks falling through her as she backed away. The chill it brought on made her feel strange.

The phrase 'like someone walking over my grave' came to mind, and unnerving chills racked her body. She tried to ignore it.

Despite her sisters dangerous capabilities, Violet only wanted to know if she was alright. She didn't care about anything else because it was Vanya.

She snapped out of it and turned to the others coming together, checking over everyone.

What caughthe attention was the sight of Klaus holding back a tearful Diego as he looked at the flames.

She cautiously approached, going unnoticed by everyone, it seemed, until she heard what Klaus was saying.

"She's gone." He told him, holding him by the shoulders. "There was nothing we could have done-"

Violet felt her heart crack as she watched her usually so stony brother sob into Klauses shoulder as he held him, regret flashing on his sorrow filled face.

She scanned the group with a heavy heart and counted them all in her head.

Panic struck her as she stared up at the second story window that shattered above them, flames taking over and licking up the outside wall, smoke billowing out. A deeper part of the house collapsed and they had to back away from the dust and smoke.

"Where's mom?"

Klaus snapped his eyes open at the sound of his sisters broken voice, his heart stuttering at the rare sound.

Diego wiped a hand down his face as they both looked at her, hearts broken for a second time.

Her eyes were doe like and glossy, her sleeve covered hands bundled at her collar as she fought to keep her emotions at bay.

As soon as their crestfallen expressions met hers, the dam broke. She silently let the tears fall, her shoulders shaking with the effort to keep her sobs at bay.

"Come here," Diego extended his arm to her automatically, trying to keep his composure in front of her.

But when Violet automatically and without even thinking buried her face in his shoulder and let him hold her, he knew he wouldn't be able to.

She was letting Diego hug her, and she felt sick, but it wasn't because of that - the overwhelming grief for her mother being gone had taken over everything in her mind. Every insecurity, every little fear, drowning it all beneath a wave of sadness she couldn't escape.

Klaus cleared his throat and had to look away to keep his resolve, eyes watery, and patted Diego on the shoulder. He met his brothers shocked eyes.

The girl was so caught up in the pain of losing the one person who ever really felt like a parent that she didn't quite register that she was allowing someone physical contact, and it wasn't Five.

(She had no way of knowing, but Diego would go on to cherish that moment for the rest of his life.)

Eventually she had to pull away, shrinking back from his arm when she became too hot and upset and had to cloak herself into transparency, bundling her sleeve up at her mouth to cover part of her blotchy face from everyone's view.

She barely zoned back into what Five was saying in time to register it.

"Guys, Vanya causes the apocalypse." Five revealed, clutching one of the newspapers in hand. 

They all barrelled into a mix of questions and resolute silence.

Violet mulled over her thoughts and tucked herself between Diego and Klaus, still transparent.

Vanya was powerful, she saw that now. She'd been treated awfully her entire life, made to believe she was nothing, lied to, and now she had discovered her powers and barely knew how to control them - it made perfect sense now. The bottled up emotions, the unfairness she was treated with - discovering tremendous abilities that had been hidden for years, it was no wonder she could cause the end of everything!

Violet stared up at the half crumbled building that used to be her home. Even if it never really felt like one, it had still been a big part of her life. She didn't know how to feel.

With an aching heart, she followed the others as they wrre forced to disperse, police search helicopters beginning to close in on the area.

As the sirens grew impossibly loud and the lights hurt her eyes, Violet clung to Five's side and switched to invisibility, keeping a tight hold of his sleeve so he knew where she was.

Once inside, she remained invisible purely because she felt more comfortable without peoples eyes on her, and out in public she couldn't exactly take her ghost form, could she? Well, not unless she wanted to freak some people out and get even more stares.

Not to mention it allowed her time to grieve her mother without the feeling of eyes on her.

Violet sat beside Five, slouched in on herself with her hair falling into her face, elbows on her knees. Subconciously her hand rubbed at the sore spot on her chest below her left collarbone. She was the furthest from the others and the boy next to her only knew with confidence that she was still there because he could hear her rapidly tapping her foot out of nerves.

If it bothered him he didn't mention it.

If it bothered him ever he wouldn't dare anyways.

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