Supercorp one-shots

By The_Phantom6

118K 3.5K 661

A journey between Kara and Lena, from complete strangers, to 'best friends', to a couple and to a married cou... More

It's always been you
A true love story...
Happy Birthday Lena!
I never got the chance
The life she once lost
Put a little love in your heart
We fall in love 3 times
A little help from my 'twin'
"God complex"
Little bundle of joy
Silver age of heroism
Don't touch her...
She's perfect
10 letters to Kara
What's a soulmate?
What was she like?
A Day at the beach
Family is not perfect
Quantum Entanglement
Our secret...
Catch me
I will join you one day
Approval and blessing
The way we were
It's a curse and blessing
Their only legacy
Sweet but cold
A soulmate would love their soulmate no matter what
Bite me...
Bite me...Part 2
Fight for our love?
Fight for our love? Part 2
From whom is that...HICKEY!?
When she loved me
A little glimpse
Back home...
Back home...2
Rewrite the stars
Changing the future
Unexpected genius
Unexpected talents
Late? 2
Parkour! 2
A letter to Lena
Die for you...
Die for you...2
She'd die for her too...
The long lost kitten
The long lost kitten 2
The long lost kitten 3
Jealousy fits you darling
It's about time
Your care is what I fell for
What would her life be?
What would her life be? 2
It's the jealousy for me
Blue gems
I want you back...
Home is here
Home is here 2


1.4K 40 7
By The_Phantom6

Lena's pov

I can't get out of bed...I feel pain, only pain since I lost her. I remember everything in detail, how I lost her...I've seen how the life out of her once sapphire eyes have been drained out. I remember holding her lifeless body and crying in pain, grief and anger. I remember her last words...'I love you Lena' and her soft, weak smile before she left me...Before she left everyone and this world.

Everything that belonged to her was still in place: Her clothes are still in 'our closet'. Her computer was still on the coffee table. Her spare glasses were still on the night stand. Her shoes were still in front of the door. Her supposed-to-be dinner was still in the fridge...Her spare supersuit was in the laundry room for drying. And when I look at anything that was her's, I can't hold back my tears...I just want her back and feel her soft kisses, hugs, smell and touch.

I wonder how my angel doing up there in Rao's light. I wonder if she's watching me and everyone else. I'm sure she has become an angel...She was always my sweet angel. I wonder if she is finally at peace...I think she is. Kara has given her life to the world and protected it like it was her home...It was her home...And I remember her saying, that if she dies protecting the world she would be at peace.

I just wish that I would have more time with her. I wish I could marry her, have kids and grow old with her. I wish I could see her bright smile again, the smile that lit up a whole room. I wish to cuddle with her and that she would hold me in her arms, where I felt the safest. I wish I could hear her laugh and hear her cheesy pick up lines...I wish that she would return to me.

I was still in bed, wearing Kara's shirt and sweatpants. My hair is greasy and the apartment that Kara and me once shared was a mess. I took a break being a CEO and let Sam deal with L-Corp for the meantime. Alex had to take a break being director of the DEO, because she couldn't work without her sister and Lucy took over...Kara was the heart of the family and without her, we are all lost. James is getting impatient at work, Nia can't go as Dreamer without her mentor and idol, Brainy can't think straight, J'onn is blaming himself for not being there in time and I was heartbroken.

As I wandered through my thoughts, I felt how my eyes got heavy and fell asleep on the bed. I hugged Kara's pillow tight and drifted into a peaceful sleep...I haven't slept for days. I was dreaming something peaceful and happy...I was with Kara on a picnic and we were laughing, cuddling, kissing and at the end stargazing...But the dream felt so real, like I could feel everything.

I suddenly got woken up by a knock on the door. At first I ignored it, what ever it is it can wait. Again, a knock and it really annoyed me. So I forced myself up and walked over the door. As I swing the door open, there was nobody but a small white box on the floor. I was so confused and debated if I should pick up the tiny box...Maybe there's a bomb in it. What felt like a war through my mind, I picked up the box and opened it slowly. What I saw inside mad my heart warm. Inside was a beautiful silver band ring, with a light pink lotus flower. Tears started to fill my eyes, as I looked at the ring...This was the ring I really loved that I saw in Japan, my first vacation with Kara. But I haven't told her anything about it, did she read my mind? When I inspected the ring carefully, I saw an 'I love you' carved in Kryptonian on the band...That's when I felt my heart pound out of my chest. Is Kara really here?

When I looked around the apartment, everything was cleaned up. Books are back on the shelves, the pillows were on the sofa, the dishes were clean, shoes were in the shoe closet...I couldn't even see a single crumb of dust. "Kara?" I whispered softly and felt how tears flowed down my cheeks...I was so happy. I slipped the ring on my finger and then I felt something...I felt a hand on my cheek. I could feel I wasn't alone in the apartment. A part of me was freaked out, but the other part felt safe. I couldn't move out of my tracks, the hand that was on my cheek felt so real. Desperately I was looking around, but I couldn't see anybody...I couldn't see her.

When I couldn't find anything, I closed my eyes and enjoyed that familiar feeling on my cheek. I knew it was her, I knew how her touch felt like...soft, warm and gentle. I started to imagine that Kara was standing in front of me, with a warm smile on her face and crashed our lips together. The kiss was soft and filled with love...I've missed her kisses so much. When we broke the kiss all I could do was smile, with teary eyes. "I love you too." I said and saw how Kara's smile got even brighter. She held me by my waist, while my arms were around her strong shoulders. I got lost in her ocean eyes and I knew she got lost in mine...I really wish I could see her eyes in real life. We both enjoyed the moment, till she kissed me again. Kara then looked at me after we broke apart and I knew her facial expression well...She had to go. Slowly she broke our embrace and stepped back. Then I saw how a beautiful pair of white, feathered wings appeared on her back. Kara took my hand with the ring on it and gave a gentle kiss, then gave me a warm smile and flew into Rao's light.

My eyes opened and I was in the living room, in the exact same spot. I started to look around and then noticed a glowing, white feather on the ground. I picked it up and that's when I knew it was real, Kara was really here. "My angel..." I whispered and held the feather on my heart.

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