The Class Agreement

Від smooonie

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After disappearing for the rest of her senior year, Nova is an enigma most people don't want to mess with. S... Більше

In Athena's Eyes: "Trophy Family"
End Note

In Athena's Eyes: "Nova Is"

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Від smooonie

My back was supported against the headboard of our bed. My lesson plan notes on my lap long forgotten as I realized a few minutes into "studying" them that my daydreams were successful in seducing me. The black pen placed between my index and middle finger now just an accomplice for fidgeting.

I held my left hand out for a quick moment, eyeing the beautiful diamond ring on my finger.

I remained on the same set of notes for about five minutes before I could actually get myself to focus on the words I wrote down in front of me. I only got through a few more pages when a heavy and muscular arm much to my liking slouched over my thighs, almost wrapping around them.

I glanced at my sleeping fiancé, who slept like a rock, whose gorgeous face was smothered in her pillow. Her complete backside in full view as her freshly trimmed hair was flipped out of her face.

She loved to keep her hair at shoulder length though it was capable of growing much longer.

She groaned softly. I watched as her sculpted back rose and fell with each breath she took. I hummed softly to myself, sticking the tip of the pen between my lips.

I outlined the muscles with my eyes, studying and remembering each crevice and dip of the tight skin I've fancied beyond my wildest dreams. My nails loved to dig, mark, and scratch into that perfect back. I loved to grab her broad shoulders and feel along them.

I had fallen in love with watching her work out. The endless grunts and strained noises were more than enough to get a girl going. The sweat that collected around her body, sometimes dripping from her chin or sliding down her abs, made her look even more edible.

My eyes traveled down her spine and to her lifted and toned rump — covered by her tight polyester blend white briefs — that I liked to grab, pinch, and slap playfully every now and then.

She began to stir more in her sleep eventually turning on her back. Her arm that was once draped over my thighs now crossed under her head. Here's where my view really peaked.

Nova is big, especially for a woman. She towered over me in height and in her general size that's gradually progressed over the years. Being just an incomparable 5'4" to her 5'10" authoritarian stature made me swoon internally since the first time I laid my eyes on her.

I never imagined myself with someone so physically — and emotionally — strong. I found abs and things of the sort so mundane on the male anatomy until I saw it on a woman. My woman. Somehow she's always maintained the perfect amount of muscle.

I couldn't believe she was a high school student when we first met. Even though she looked mean and unjust with her resting bitch face and eyebrow scar she was anything but.

I enjoyed these quiet mornings, fulfilled by her resting body next to me, the sun rays slipping through the cracks of our blinds. Sometimes we didn't get this luxury because I was usually out of the house before she even woke up.

Her light snores filled the air as she laid on her back — which didn't last long on most occasions. She's told me more than once sleeping on her back has become more uncomfortable as her chest had grown heavier.

Her stomach dipped in deep then inflated back up. Her stout lips puffy and pouty. The tip of her nose slightly red from rubbing it against the pillow earlier. Her jaw so sharp and so strong — one of my favorite places to sit. Her nipples now hardening, catching the new breeze of the central air conditioning that turned back on.

I bit the tip of my pen, taking in her perfect features. My handsome and painfully gorgeous girlfriend was a sight.

Her abs that were beyond solid to the touch, looked incredibly soft right now. The V-cut where her obliques met her pelvis is carved into her skin like marble. The definition of her entire body was one many yearned over. I swear she was molded by the old master sculptors themselves.

Those fitness conversations with my friends, hers, and random people sometimes would last forever.

"Do you meal prep?"

"How often do you work out?"

"What protein powder do you buy?"

"How much do you charge to train?"

"How much do you lift?"

Then there were the women that thought she was a male whenever her hair was tied up and her breasts weren't showing through her shirt as much. And the gay women who wanted at her like a fresh piece of steak.

Sometimes it was tiresome and aggravating when everyone wanted a taste of your girlfriend turning wife, but Nova always had a way of dealing with it respectfully so I couldn't complain too much. It's not like I didn't get hit on an insane amount.

Her perfect body was on display for just my eyes to feast on. The want between my legs made itself known. I smirked to myself.

It wouldn't be the first time I woke my lover up to satiate my selfish needs, but this time I wasn't going to. Nova wasn't exactly a morning person and with her very last semester being grueling, she was in need of rest.

Today was her day off from studying and her part-time job. I wanted her to enjoy the day as much as possible even if it meant sleeping half of it away. She wasn't the most lively spirit whenever she was forced out of sleep either.

Her already heavy brows would get even heavier upon waking up grumpy and sometimes even upset. Her stubbornness when it came down to drinking an espresso shot or two was reminiscent of a child not wanting to take a nap but did I enjoy the sight of her unnerved whenever it happened.

I drank from that tall glass of attitude. The way her face and jaw tightened in frustration. Her annoyance clear in her posture and the way she curled her fists by her sides. It was sexy. Always so incredibly sexy.

Nova is different. So different from the women and men I've taken a liking to back in my younger days. Her identity is different along with her thought process, which I appreciated. It was rewarding, like having a cold drink after working in the sun all day.

I wasn't the perfect girlfriend, absolutely not. My flaws taking a larger stand on some days, screaming and shouting to the world that I was beyond imperfect, but those striking green eyes never faltered. They never made me feel less than desired and most importantly, they never judged me.

Each day I had found something new that I loved about her. This new habit she developed with folding her arms across her chest whenever I said something mildly ridiculous always made me chuckle. Or the way she slouched over, competitive and zoned in, when playing video games with Tommy, ultimately winning or losing.

I remember a time when smiling for her was a little hard. Going through so much at a young age will do that to you — harden you in ways you may not notice. Her smile was intoxicating, packing more than enough arrows to shoot straight through my heart every time. And I could never get enough of it.

Her being my student was the ultimate test of temptation. A test that I failed rather quickly. It didn't help that she was so attractive, charming — still is — and mature.

How could I not delve into a treat so well baked and up for grabs? It was like waving my favorite dessert in my face and telling me I couldn't have a single taste. Lord knows that wasn't fair and my sweet tooth always got the better of me.

But of course, I bit off way more than I could chew and became addicted.

A small moan brought me out of my reverie. I focused, catching the slight jerk and twitch that traveled up her body. She was dreaming, breathing heavier now. Her eyelids fluttering.

I hummed softly, the want between my legs now a soft push and pull, watching her sleep peacefully.

I put the pen down, gently dropping it on my nightstand along with my papers.

I rolled over to Nova, sliding my leg over her hips and running my hand over her collar bones. Her soft skin against my fingertips was something I treasured with my entire being. It was home to me. Familiar, welcoming. The knicks, callouses, and light scarring on her hands and knuckles against me was something I needed to feel daily.

The scar on her forearm that still made me a little uneasy even three years later — a grave symbol that reminded me of the night I almost lost her.

All of this was her, in all her rawness uncovered. I loved it. I loved her.

I placed a soft kiss on her cheekbone. Her lips twitched into a small smile. I cradled the other side of her face now, feeling the warmth in her cheek against my palm. If there was one thing I loved about sleeping with Nova, it was the fact that she radiated so much heat. It was beyond useful at night.

"I love you so, so much," I whispered.

Her eyes fluttered, a smirk now developing on her face. To my surprise she responded to me, her voice deep and husky with sleep, "I love you too."

I smiled, my heart is filled with so much love for this woman, "Did I wake you?"

She hummed and smiled, a dorky sleepy smile, "No ..."

"You were dreaming," I mentioned. My thumb stroking her cheekbone.

"I don't need to dream anymore with you by my side."

My heart melted in my chest. I smiled at the cheesy statement that was all too true for me too. There was no longer a need to dream when everything I ever wanted was right under me.

She closed her eyes again, turning her face to kiss a portion my palm.

"You should go back to sleep. It's still early you know," I said softly.

She turned her face back to me, cracking her green eyes back open, "Is it now?"

"You know it's early."

"Going over your notes?"

I hummed, "Mhmm. Trying to prepare for next Monday."

She took a breath before turning on her side and wrapping an arm around my waist. She smushed her face in between my breasts through the long dip of my nightgown. I laughed, brushing some of her hair out of her face.

Her voice was muffled against my skin, her hot breath traveling down my sternum, "You can continue with your notes now."

I kissed her head, "This position really isn't ideal for that my love."

Her hand slid around my thigh, lifting my nightgown up an inch or two, "It is for something else."

I smirked, "You're tired, go back to sleep, sleepyhead. You couldn't keep up with me right now if you tried."

She mumbled something I couldn't make out. Her body was getting heavier, which meant she was in fact falling back asleep. She was fighting it though, mumbling God knows what in my chest.

Nova is a fighter. As noble, courageous, loyal, daring, and as reckless as any fighter would be. Yes, she fought things as simple as her own sleep.

She never really liked to give up or submit, but I admired her endurance. Her resiliency. Her determination to get things done. To never back down without a fight. It was inspiring and motivating.

She's everything I ever needed in my life and I felt so lucky to have her all to myself.

A small snore made me realize she was sound asleep again. Her arms wrapped around me, feeling like warm weighted blankets. I decided going back to sleep with her wouldn't hurt a single bit. It's not like I was concentrating very hard on my notes anyway.


I hummed, smelling the several glorious scents of different seasonings and cooking food as I sat in my recliner placed in the corner of our living room with my notes on my lap.

I was surrounded by my favorite growing house plants and candles. My black tea with honey and lemon placed beside me on the mini table.

I remember asking Nova if we could make a "zen zone" somewhere in our place. It was more for her than it was for me, but she was so enthusiastic about getting it set up so I could enjoy it too that she bought the house plants and recliner herself.

The area isn't finished yet, but I love it. And it was one of my favorite places to sit down and relax.

Nova is an excellent lover. Dare I say perfect. She's always so patient, understanding, attentive, and spontaneous. Even though our schedules were so jampacked she never failed to surprise me with something. Whether it was a gift or romantic date, it was always so well thought out.

And our sex was nothing short of intimate, sweet, and passionate. I had expressed to her just how much I enjoyed her utterly relentless intensity during sex — productive emotion — I called it. It was an excellent way to work off the excess aggression she tended to build up throughout her weeks and oh did I benefit from her selfless cravings and high octane emotion.

Her control over disorder had gotten infinitely better with therapy — constant sex — and being able to identify how she was feeling in those crucial moments where she was teetering between exploding and staying calm. The patience she's practiced with herself and even others ... it was a complete 180.

From my peripheral, I saw her walking toward me. I looked up, her torso and arms shaped so nicely in her grey compression long sleeve shirt. Her hair is tied back into her normal low ponytail and her loose black house joggers are hanging off her hips ever so slightly. Her green eyes were fixated on me, her lips in a soft smile. I was supposed to be excited about the plate of food she was carrying in her hand, but ... I may have been distracted — again.

She looked so proud handing me her homemade Lo Mein, "Dinner is served, baby."

I took the plate carefully, eager to taste it, "Oooh, this looks good. I'm excited."

"Tell me what you think?"

"Oh of course," I replied setting my notes on the mini table with my other hand.

She waited for me to take my first bite and wow was it perfect. I moaned softly, a grin creeping on my face. Food made me happy. And food that my future wife made with all her love and passion to excel was euphoric.

"So good," I chewed. "You nailed it."

She beamed brightly, her jaw flexing, "Guess I'm becoming a pro."

"Don't get cocky, I'm still a better cook. Always will be," I winked.

"Someone's feeling threatened. You better watch out Frost, there's a new chef in town."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Get your plate dork so we can eat together."

We ate dinner together in comfortable silence. Our day consisted of shopping around and running small errands together. It was one of my favorite bouts of quality time together. I loved getting errands done while she drove me around and accompanied me everywhere. I always made the joke about her being the perfect arm candy, but she knew it was true.

Soon I was forced back in bed, a warm and hard body pressing me into the soft comforter. Strong lips were devouring my mouth with need. I was pinned by Nova's body.

Her heavy thighs and pelvis slowly grinding against mine made it very clear she wanted to have her way with me tonight and for that, I was so excited. We finally had a night to wind down. A moment to catch up with our needs.

She quickly lowered the thin straps of my new nightgown down my shoulders. My breasts popping into her sight and capturing her attention immediately.

"I see dinner did nothing for your appetite," I murmured. She ignored me, taking my nipple into her mouth and rolling her tongue over it.

I moaned, my stomach fluttering. I wrapped my legs around her waist, taking the deepest breath I could to steady myself.

She let go of my breast, kissing up my chest to my ear, "I always have room for dessert."

"Okay, that's hot," I responded.

She chuckled against my neck, placing a soft kiss under my earlobe, "You're hot."

I yanked her shirt up her stomach, tugging at it for her to take it off. She disposed of it, pulling it off her head in a quick movement. I watched her muscles twitch lightly, her entire torso looking so ridiculously good. I wanted at that chest with a burning passion.

She pressed her body back down against me and I think I moaned due to the rawness of her body heat without the barrier of her shirt this time. I was already aching for her to hammer me into bliss.

Sometimes I forced her to skip the foreplay because I was too excited. She never protested against it, but if there was one thing that got Nova going, it was exploring my body.

Sucking my breasts, kissing my stomach and neck, littering me with soft bruises from her fingertips digging in too hard in certain areas, biting my sides, teasing my thighs. It was rare she started sex without giving her maximum attention to my body.

She kissed me softly, nipping at my lips here and there and moaning into my mouth. I groaned, the wetness between my legs now pooling extremely fast.

Nova is astounding — in every way. The way we connect and complement each other. The way she makes my body react to the simplest touches. How she so effortlessly made me fall in love with her. The way my soul always ignites when she's around.

This is all so intense and amazing. It brought tears to my eyes. Our relationship has blossomed so preciously, with the upmost care in the world — I was sure of it.

She's the love of my life.

How did I get so damn lucky?

So blessed with the greatest gift of love? Real love. True love — and I'm getting married to her soon. Was it even possible for a human to be this perfect inside and out? All of it was beautifully overwhelming and I couldn't—

"Babe?" She breathed quietly. "Are you okay? You're crying."

I slid my hands around to her back, to her shoulder blades, and hiding my face in her shoulder. She gently pressed the side of her face against my temple, giving me a moment.

I pressed a hard kiss to her shoulder, trying my best to get ahold of myself, "I'm ... fine."

I felt her back rising and sinking gently, each breath she took steady and firm under my hands, "We don't have to tonight,"

I almost whimpered at the horrible suggestion. I wanted nothing more than to get lost in her, to feel her hands on my most sensitive areas and to be at her mercy.

"No," I said simply. "I want you tonight."

She didn't say anything back. Not right away. She rested on top of me, her face in my neck. Her breath was warm on my skin and the stillness of this quiet night did nothing to stop my flow of tears.

I hugged her tighter, pressing my nose against her shoulder, "I love you and I'm sorry for being such a cry baby. I'm just so happy with you."

She lifted her head slowly, forcing my face to meet hers. Her emerald are eyes deep and dark, but extra soft at the moment, making me swoon even harder for her.

I brushed a stray strand of hair behind her right ear before she leaned in and kissed me. She drew back, nuzzling my nose a bit, "You're everything to me."

"You're gonna make cry mooore," I whined with more tears in my eyes.

She chuckled, "This wedding should be interesting then."

"I'm gonna be such a mess," I sniffled.

She laughed and began kissing me again, settling me down in a few seconds.

Nova is everything I've ever wished for. Dreamed of. Craved. Everything I've ever wanted in a lover, a best friend. A soulmate.

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