Havoc โ”โ” The Originals

By salemshouse

446K 11K 1K

( ๐‡๐€๐•๐Ž๐‚ ) you say witch like it's a bad thing. ยฉsalemshouse klaus mikaelson More

- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐Ž๐๐„
i. the originals
ii. add another coffin
iii. what could be
iv. you are all class
v. discovery
vi. an old foe
vii. to new orleans
viii. dead girl walking
x. down one sibling
xi. is peace an option
xii. a visit from the dead
xiii. from cradle to grave
xiv. until we meet again
- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐“๐–๐Ž
xv. enemies' blood
xvi. the witch mother
xvii. two abominations, one stone
xviii. the hybrid and the heretic
xix. a phantom
xx. restraint is a funny thing
xxi. the special moments are vibrant
xxii. the rest just fades away
xxiii. family is power
xxiv. wedding day
xxv. the mikaelson sisters
xxvi. wild beauty, wild magic
xxvii. st. james infirmary
xxviii. say goodbye to the last of your children
- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐„
xxix. one by friend, one by foe, one by family
xxx. cool kids club
xxxi. another day, another weapon
xxxi. happy thanksgiving
xxxii. have yourself a merry little christmas
xxxiii. death, she doesn't give a damn
xxxvi. a pale horse
xxxvii. there's a salvatore in town
xxxviii. say goodbye
xxxix. methamphetamine country
xl. the devil comes here and sighs
xli. cullen mikaelson
xlii. dead, dead, dead
xliii. the fall of the mikaelsons
- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐…๐Ž๐”๐‘
xliv. gather up the killers
xlv. the city that hates us
xlvi. daddy dearest
xlvii. the hollow is coming
xlviii. i don't want to kill you, i want to be you
xlix. a hidden serpent
l. enough
li. the ancestors are back
lii. everything dies
liii. returned to flesh and blood
liv. a spirit that won't be broken
lv. the end of always and forever
lvi. to be continued
- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐…๐ˆ๐•๐„
lvii. where you left your heart
lviii. even though i hate you i love you
lix. freak filth crossbreed
lx. rostock, germany
lxi. a traitor among us
lxii. chambre de chasse
lxiii. a trip down memory lane
lxiv. i'll always be with you
lxv. a release
lxvi. you may both kiss the bride
lxvii. mystic falls
lxviii. the first turn
lxix. family is our greatest strength

ix. witch and werewolf business

8.3K 224 7
By salemshouse

       "WHAT'S GOING ON?" Cullen questions, coming out of her bedroom for the first time that day. The added stress of impending motherhood and morning sickness did not mix well.

Elijah turns to Cullen, surprised to see her. "Rebekah is not answering her calls."

"You worried about whoever killed those daywalkers still being out there?" Cullen questions. While she may not be the busiest person in the family they still kept her updated. And with the Harvest ritual not working they knew someone must of taken the power for themselves, only furthering the fear in the Quarter.

"Frankly, I'm worried that she had something to do with this. She's very displeased with Niklaus, perhaps even conspiring with others." Elijah explains, turning around only to see Thierry sitting by himself. "With others. Thierry, is it?"

Cullen doesn't hesitate to follow after Elijah. "That's right." Thierry responds, confusion and a hint of fear lacing his voice.

"My sister is rather fond of you. Strange, she's not typically drawn to unremarkable men. Would you care to explain your sudden magnetism?" Elijah exclaims.

"I don't know what you're-" Thierry is not able to finish his sentence as Elijah grabs ahold of him, holding him by his neck.

"You can either tell me what you know, or I can distribute tiny pieces of you throughout the Quarter." Elijah threatens.

"She asked me to keep an eye out on witch stuff." Thierry struggles out, trying to breath through Elijah's grip. "I found something, and when I showed her, we were jumped by some guy. He desiccated her with his touch."

Elijah's grip tightens on the man. "Like a coward, you left her."

"What was I supposed to do, fight some warlock that took out an Original?" Thierry questions.

"Where was this, exactly?" Cullen speaks up, worried for Rebekah.

"The docks, warehouse 57." Thierry tells them. "I was just doing what she asked. You cannot tell Klaus about this."

"I shall take that into consideration." Elijah mumbles after throwing Thierry into the nearest wall. He begins to take off when Cullen stops him.

"I'm coming with you." Cullen states.

Elijah stops, turning back to the pregnant witch. "No. Stay here. The compound is safe."

"Rebekah is in trouble. I'm going." Cullen tells him.

Elijah stares at the woman for a moment before finally nodding. "Do not leave my sight. Understand?" Cullen nods in response and with that the two take off.


"Rebekah." Elijah calls as they enter the warehouse. Cullen's eyes widen when she sees Rebekah lying in a circle of salt, the same as the other two vampires who were killed. They run towards the blonde, hoping to help her, but they are both stopped by an invisible barrier.

"What's happening?" Cullen questions as she places her hand the barrier. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't get through it.

"Some kind of boundary spell. Someone is channeling her. Typically, it's a lethal process, but because she's an Original, she can't die. Instead, she's an endless source of power." Elijah explains.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Cullen glances between Elijah and Rebekah.

"We have to get her out of there." Elijah turns to Cullen. Pulling out his phone he dials Sophie's number, hoping with the help of a New Orleans witch they could figure out how to save Rebekah.

"What is it?" Sophie questions.

"Rebekah is being channeled." Elijah begins, putting Sophie on speaker phone. "We cannot enter the circle. There's some kind of confinement spell... If I can't remove her, we can't break the link."

"It's a convoluted spell. It's like a witch's recipe. You can spoil the balance by adding a more potent ingredient. A mystical binding agent. I don't know, volcanic ash, rock salt... anything up to and including eye of newt." Sophie tells them.

Elijah is quiet for a moment before he glances towards Cullen. "What about the blood of a witch?"

"Do you have the blood of a witch?" Sophie questions. Elijah doesn't answer her, hanging up so they can work on getting Rebekah out.

"I need a favor." Elijah begins. "The blood of not only a witch, but two witches, one being a New Orlean's witch should easily break the barrier."

Cullen nods, walking closer to the circle. Gently, Elijah bites into her wrist allowing the blood of two witches land onto the circle and destroy it.

Elijah hurries past Cullen, kneeling down next to his sister. Quickly, he picks her up and speeds out of the circle effetely ending the power of whoever was channeling her. With Rebekah in tow, Elijah grabs ahold of Cullen rushing them back to the compound and away from the witch business.


The next morning came and oddly enough Cullen felt fine, of course that was until she walked down stairs and saw a dead body laying in the courtyard. "Can I get anything, brother? A magnifying glass? A pipe, perhaps?" Klaus questions sarcastically as Elijah examines the dead body.

"You have a theory you'd like to share with us, Niklaus?" Elijah drawls.

"Back in the day, the witches wanted to send a threat, they'd just kill a chicken and leave it on your doorstep." Marcel speaks up.

"It's rather a large and ominous chicken, wouldn't you say?" Elijah remarks.

"Papa Tunde defeated Rebekah with ease, almost got the two of us as well. If he was supposed to be the prize fighter, why leave him for dead in our front yard?" Klaus exclaims. Before any of them can respond Rebekah enters the compound.

"Well, don't you look cheery. Listen to this-- A girl literally exploded from a grave today as Sabine was giving a tour of the city of the dead. It was Monique Deveraux." Rebekah states causing Cullen's eyes to widen.

"What?" Klaus questions.

"The tourists thought it was part of the show, but the witches are celebrating like it's some kind of bloody miracle." Rebekah mutters.

"Maybe it is. They think that all hope is lost, but now suddenly a Harvest girl is resurrected. This is how we're gonna get Davina back." Marcel begins. "Kill the witch who took her place."

"Could one of them be Celeste?" Cullen speaks up causing the attention to turn to her. "I mean that's possible right? Maybe that's why Davina had been drawing her."

"First, Papa Tunde returns to settle old scores." Klaus points to the body before turning to Elijah. "Now your murdered lover is back. This isn't witches attacking vampires. They're declaring war on us."


"I thought I was gonna have to drag you to the plantation kicking and screaming." Rebekah comments as the two women get out of the car.

"It's easier to just go along with it." Cullen sighs causing Rebekah to laugh slightly.

"So what's on the agenda for tonight?" Rebekah questions.

"Well." Cullen begins, looking anywhere but Rebekah.

"Cullen." Rebekah drawls. "What have you done?"

"I've been talking to Hayley." Cullen tells her.

"Of course." Rebekah smirks. "Every red-blooded American werewolf will be a bundle of fur and sharp teeth tonight, whilst her cursed Crescent Clan will be–"

"Human." Cullen finishes. "But only for a few hours, and they won't be again until the next full moon, so... I may of told her she could host a party for her family here. Tonight."

"Who the bloody hell is that?" Rebekah questions as a man exits the house.

Cullen turns to the man. "Kegs out back, alright?"

"Yup." The man nods.

"Right. It appears you weren't gonna wait for me to grant you permission to throw a kegger." Rebekah exclaims.

"Listen, you all want me safe? Fine. I'll do as I'm told. I'll play damsel in the glass tower." Cullen tells her. "But at least let me be a bit helpful. We're giving Hayley a chance to finally meet her family. You've got to see the good in that?"

"You know what I say about family. They are overrated." Rebekah rolls her eyes, shaking her head at the witch. "And that includes you."

"Aw." Cullen smiles. "I love you too, Rebekah."


"This is crazy." Cullen mumbles as she looks around at all the dancing people. The backyard was lit up, filled with smiling people.

"Yes, I am glad these wolves are having fun." Rebekah remarks.

"C'mon, Rebekah." Cullen begins, a growing smile appearing on her face as she grabs ahold of Rebekah's hands. "Dance with me." The brunette practically drags the vampire from her seat. Once they are both up Cullen starts jumping around, a full smile on her face. When she notices Rebekah standing still, she groans. "Rebekah come on."

"Cullen." Rebekah pouts like a child.

"Not much longer and I will be so big I won't be able to move." Cullen exclaims. "I'm going to enjoy my freedom now and you can either join me or you can sit and watch." Rebekah is silent for a moment as she squints at the witch. Finally she nods, letting a bright smile appear on her face as well as the girls begin dancing.


A hour of dancing had caused Cullen to grow tired as she decided to take a break in the house. "Hayley." Cullen calls out, thinking maybe that's where the other woman was since she hadn't seen her outside.

"Cullen!" Hayley exclaims, a smile on her face as she turns the corner. "Thank you so much for tonight."

"It's no problem, really." Cullen shakes her head. "I'm happy we could help you find your family."

Before Hayley can respond the doors in the house slam shut.

"What's going on?" An unfamiliar man questions, coming around the same corner Hayley just had.

"I don't know." Cullen mumbles, attempting to use her magic to open the door. "My magic's not working."

"Call Rebekah." Hayley calls, trying to pry the doors open with her enhanced strength. Cullen nods going to grab her phone when she freezes, reading the messages that Elijah had sent telling her they needed to leave the plantation as soon as possible.

"Hayley, we have to find Rebekah." Cullen says. "I was just with her, but she could be anywhere now." The trio moves towards the front door, Cullen placing her hand on the handle when a fire suddenly sparks in front of the door. "It's a spell. They're trapping us inside." More fires begin to spark in the house as they look for an exit. All windows and doors had now been spelled shut and it was getting harder to breathe by the minute.

"We have to get out of here." Hayley declares. The trio let out gasps as a fire grows in the room they're in. The fire and smoke begin to be too much as Cullen falls to the ground. A loud noise catches her attention as Elijah speeds into the room, getting in through one of the windows. Within seconds Cullen feels herself being placed on cold ground, Hayley besides her.

"Where's Rebekah?" Elijah questions.

"I don't know." Cullen coughs, trying to get fresh air into her lungs. "I was with her a minute ago, but then she went off with some guy."


Cullen sighs as she enters her bedroom, a hand on her stomach as she thinks about what could have happened to her and her child if Elijah hadn't gotten there soon enough. Elijah hadn't been able to find Rebekah only causing Cullen to stress even more and she knew all of it wasn't good for the baby but she couldn't help it. A loud noise coming from downstairs causes the witch to exit her room. "Elijah." Cullen calls as she watches Elijah throw two vampires across the room in order to get to Marcel.

"Klaus threw one of his classic temper tantrums, snapped my neck, tried to take on a coven of witches by himself. He got dropped. I don't know where he is or how to find him." Marcel explains to Elijah.

"They also have Rebekah." Elijah states before turning to the other vampires in the room. "Every one of you will help me to find them. I'm gonna kill them all."

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