Havoc โ”โ” The Originals

By salemshouse

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( ๐‡๐€๐•๐Ž๐‚ ) you say witch like it's a bad thing. ยฉsalemshouse klaus mikaelson More

- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐Ž๐๐„
i. the originals
ii. add another coffin
iii. what could be
iv. you are all class
v. discovery
vii. to new orleans
viii. dead girl walking
ix. witch and werewolf business
x. down one sibling
xi. is peace an option
xii. a visit from the dead
xiii. from cradle to grave
xiv. until we meet again
- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐“๐–๐Ž
xv. enemies' blood
xvi. the witch mother
xvii. two abominations, one stone
xviii. the hybrid and the heretic
xix. a phantom
xx. restraint is a funny thing
xxi. the special moments are vibrant
xxii. the rest just fades away
xxiii. family is power
xxiv. wedding day
xxv. the mikaelson sisters
xxvi. wild beauty, wild magic
xxvii. st. james infirmary
xxviii. say goodbye to the last of your children
- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐„
xxix. one by friend, one by foe, one by family
xxx. cool kids club
xxxi. another day, another weapon
xxxi. happy thanksgiving
xxxii. have yourself a merry little christmas
xxxiii. death, she doesn't give a damn
xxxvi. a pale horse
xxxvii. there's a salvatore in town
xxxviii. say goodbye
xxxix. methamphetamine country
xl. the devil comes here and sighs
xli. cullen mikaelson
xlii. dead, dead, dead
xliii. the fall of the mikaelsons
- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐…๐Ž๐”๐‘
xliv. gather up the killers
xlv. the city that hates us
xlvi. daddy dearest
xlvii. the hollow is coming
xlviii. i don't want to kill you, i want to be you
xlix. a hidden serpent
l. enough
li. the ancestors are back
lii. everything dies
liii. returned to flesh and blood
liv. a spirit that won't be broken
lv. the end of always and forever
lvi. to be continued
- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐…๐ˆ๐•๐„
lvii. where you left your heart
lviii. even though i hate you i love you
lix. freak filth crossbreed
lx. rostock, germany
lxi. a traitor among us
lxii. chambre de chasse
lxiii. a trip down memory lane
lxiv. i'll always be with you
lxv. a release
lxvi. you may both kiss the bride
lxvii. mystic falls
lxviii. the first turn
lxix. family is our greatest strength

vi. an old foe

10K 276 63
By salemshouse

"WHAT THE HELL?" Cullen whispers when she wakes up to the feeling of a car driving down a bumpy road. The last thing she remembered was going out into the backyard after Marcel left and then everything went black. If the zip tie wrapped around her wrists was any indication, she would've guessed she'd been kidnapped. Using her feet she shatters the glass window in the back, but before she can escape the car comes to a screeching halt.

Cullen lets out a groan as she goes to kick her attacker. The man fights against her, but whatever he knocked her out with must have weakened her magic because he's able to easily overpower her. "Who the hell are you?" Cullen screams, trying to get away from the man.

"You don't know me, Cullen." The man stops his struggle. "But I'm one of the many enemies Klaus has and if I were I would get used to this."

"Let me go." Cullen continues to yell.

"Shut up." The man snaps, picking Cullen up and throwing her over his shoulder.

It's morning by the time they reach their destination and the man sets Cullen down onto what looks like a small rundown shack. "What is this place?" Cullen questions, looking around. She could tell they were in the Bayou, but she didn't know where.

"The armpit of Louisiana." The man replies, pulling out a knife.

Cullen leans back slightly, trying to put some distance between her and him. "What are you going to do with that?"

"Depends on you." The man moves forward, beginning to cut the restraints around her ankles. "My name is Tyler by the way."

"Tyler." Cullen tests the name on her lips. "Why did you kidnap me?"

"You'll know soon enough." Tyler states as another man walks into the clearing. "This is Dwayne. Dwayne, get her inside."

With nothing to defend herself Cullen allows Dwayne to drag her into the shack. Once inside she's pushed to sit by a fire stove where Dwayne ties her to the item so she can't escape. "Whatever you think you're doing, you should know that the whole Original family has made some sort of pact, or something, to keep me and the baby safe. So, if you hurt me, they'll kill you." Cullen speaks up as Tyler enters the room.

"I'm not afraid to die." Tyler states, setting a bag down on the ground before turning to Dwayne. "You ready for this?"

"Let's do it." Dwayne nods.

Cullen's eyes widen when she sees Tyler pull a syringe out of the bag. "What are you doing?" Her question goes ignored as Dwayne moves towards her, holding her down. "Tyler, please don't. Please."

"Klaus destroyed everything good in my life." Tyler yells, bending down in front of Cullen. "So, I'm gonna take away the thing he wants most."

"No, please. Please, don't." Cullen cries out, struggling to get away from the two men. Tyler grabs ahold of the girl, jamming the needle into her stomach as she lets out a scream. Once Tyler steps away from her, Cullen places her hand on her stomach watching with wide eyes as Tyler injects her blood into Dwayne before snapping his neck.

"Don't get all judgey." Tyler comments as he begins to move Dwayne's dead body. "Dwayne knew what he was getting into. He volunteered."

"For you to kill him?" Cullen questions.

"Dwayne is a werewolf who died with your blood in his system. The same blood you share with your hybrid baby." Tyler explains.

Cullen wasn't stupid. She had heard rumors about Klaus's attempts to turn werewolves into hybrids through the witch community and she was given even more information about it through Rebekah. "You're trying to turn him into a hybrid? That's impossible."

"I've been running with wolf packs all over the country. One of them was tight with a witch. She had nightmare visions about your baby and how Klaus could use its blood to make an army of hybrid slaves." Tyler continues.

"I am sick of these witches and their premonitions about my baby." Cullen states, an underlying anger evident in her voice. "I'm a witch. I would know if my baby was going to bring death to my kind. It's just a baby."

"Maybe." Tyler shrugs, pulling a knife out of his bag. "Maybe not. That's where Dwayne comes in. You see, he was happy to be the test case. If you haven't noticed, these people don't have much to live for. They'd all welcome the chance to become the superior species. Trouble is, all hybrids are sired to Klaus. They follow his every move. No way I let that happen."

"How can you be so sure Klaus knows what the baby's blood will do?" Cullen questions, genuinely curious to know if Klaus knew what the baby's blood could do.

"What do you think?" Tyler questions, his eyebrows raised. "Klaus Mikaelson, killer of men, women and puppies, all of a sudden wants to be a daddy? Or, he's got an ulterior motive. Hybrids can walk in the sun. Their bite is lethal to vampires. They'll take over New Orleans by the end of the week. And you know what's going to stop Klaus then? Nothing." Before Cullen can respond Dwayne shoots up, violently gasping. "You're gonna have to feed on her."

"What?" Cullen yells. "No." Since she was currently powerless she really had no say when Tyler walked over to her, knife in hand. Quickly cutting her neck he steps back to watch Dwayne.

"Do it." Tyler encourages.

"No. No." Cullen screams as Dwayne runs over to her, latching onto her neck.

"Dwayne-easy." Tyler commands as Dwayne pulls away, a crazy look in his eyes. Cullen watches with wide eyes as Dwayne stumbles out of the building, Tyler following behind him. Finally alone Cullen lunges for the knife laying on the ground, the one Tyler had cut her with. Grabbing ahold of it, Cullen moves to cut the restraints connecting her to the fire stove. "It worked." Tyler announces, re-entering the shack. "He's a hybrid. If Klaus gets a hold of you, if he gets that kid? He wins."

"Then let me go." Cullen tries to persuade. "I'll run. I'll cloak myself and the baby and Klaus will never find us."

"He'll find you." Tyler moves closer to her, his hybrid features showing. "He'll take your kid away, and he'll make more hybrid monsters. Slaves who do everything he says."

"Tyler, whatever you're thinking of doing, there has to be another way." Cullen states. "Please." Before Tyler can get closer Cullen lunges forward, stabbing him in the leg.

"That was stupid." Tyler snaps, ripping the knife out of his leg.

"Get away from her." Dwayne suddenly says, making hi presences known.

"What do you care?" Tyler questions, spinning around to face the newly created hybrid.

"I said, get away." Dwayne raises his voice.

"You got what you wanted, now get lost." Tyler commands, pointing towards the door.

"Dwayne, he's gonna kill me." Cullen exclaims, hoping what she was thinking was correct and instead of being sired to Klaus the hybrid was sired to her. "And he's gonna kill you, too. He said that hybrids are too dangerous to live! You need to stop him!"

"Shut up." Tyler yells, spinning towards Cullen. With his back turned Dwayne is able to easily grab ahold of him, throwing him across the room. With the two men distracted Cullen takes off, running out of the shack and into the woods. With the knife in one hand Cullen tries to quiet her breathing as she hides behind a tree. A sudden branch snapping causes her heart to jump as she raises the knife in the air, ready to attack. When she reveals herself she stops mid-way noticing that Tyler was in fact not standing in front of her, but instead a woman.

"Are you okay?" The woman questions. "I heard screaming."

"No." Cullen shakes her head. "We need to go."

"Go? Go where?" The woman frowns, but follows Cullen none the less.

"There's someone after me." Cullen explains. "We can't stay here." Just as Cullen and the mystery woman go to hide behind another tree Cullen notices a familiar face. "Elijah." The pregnant woman breathes out, practically jumping into the man's arms.

"Cullen." Elijah greets. "Here I thought you were in danger. And who might you be?"

"I'm Hayley." The mystery woman introduces herself. "I heard her, Cullen, screaming. I thought she needed help."

Cullen stands back a bit watching the two interact. Even with everything going on she let a small smile slip onto her face at the two's obvious attraction towards each other. "Hayley." Cullen speaks up. "Is there anything we can do to repay you?"

"Repay me?" Hayley shakes her head. "I didn't do anything."

"You came to Cullen's aid." Elijah agrees. "There must be something we can do to repay the favor."

"My family." Hayley finally says after a moment. "I'm trying to find them. Last thing I heard about them was that someone forced them all out to the Bayou."

"Marcel." Elijah nods. "We will see to it that the search for your family is made a bit easier."

"Thank you." Hayley breathes out, slightly shocked at the man's words.

Elijah nods, casting one last glance at Hayley before turning to Cullen. "I believe it is time to go home."

"Elijah." Cullen stops him. "There's something you need to know about the baby."


"There you are." Klaus greets as Cullen, Elijah, and Hayley walk back to the shack. "I see you've picked up a stray along the way."

"Niklaus." Elijah berates his brother.

"Cullen." Klaus continues, ignore Elijah. "Perhaps you could shed some light on the situation. This appears to be a hybrid."

"His name was Dwayne." Cullen states, watching as Klaus kicks the man's body to the ground.

"Well, whoever it was, I didn't sire him. Any idea how that's possible?" Klaus questions.

Before Cullen can respond Elijah beats her to it. "Tyler Lockwood brought Cullen here to test a theory. That the blood of her child could be used to sire hybrids. He claims that you knew that. Furthermore, that you intended to use this knowledge to build an army."

"And, of course, you assume it's true. I mean, why else would I show interest in my own flesh and blood? A heartbroken little crybaby points his finger at me, and my own brother falls in line, eager to believe it. How quickly you believe the worst." Klaus glares at Elijah.

"Oh, spare me your indignation. When have you ever demonstrated any kind of concern towards Cullen or her child, beyond your own selfish pursuits?" Elijah exclaims. "And what was it you once said to me? 'Every king needs an heir.'"

Klaus tilts his head to the side as if he's examining Elijah. "My big brother. So, you doubt my intentions? Well, I can't say I'm surprised, standing next to the noble Elijah, how can I be anything but the lesser brother? A liar, a manipulator, a bastard? That's all I am to you, isn't it? And Rebekah. No doubt my child will as well."

"Klaus." Cullen tries to speak up, noticing how much Elijah's words had truly affected him.

"We've said all that needs to be said." Klaus interrupts her. "I'll play the role I've been given." Before Cullen can even blink Klaus speeds over to Elijah, biting into his neck. Both Hayley and Cullen let out gasps as they watch the scene unfold.

Klaus pulls away, watching as Elijah drops to the ground before glancing towards Cullen. "Sweet, darling Cullen. You will be coming with me. Your new friend can stay here and tend to dear Elijah." Cullen doesn't have time to argue with him as he grabs ahold of her before speeding away.


Hours later and Cullen refused to speak to Klaus which only soured his mood further. "I thought you were leaving us." Klaus suddenly speaks causing Cullen to look up from her book only to see Rebekah entering the living room.

"We both know this family can barely function without me." Rebekah comments. "Where is Elijah?"

"Klaus bit him and left him in the Bayou." Cullen exclaims, slamming her book shut.

"What?" Rebekah's eyes widen as she turns to her brother.

"Elijah and I had a bit of a row. You know our brother tends to not believe me. So, one thing led to another, and I bit him, left him and I'm sure what will be one of his lady friends stranded in the swamp." Klaus explains, a bitter smile on his face.

"Daggering, biting, deserting. Does your wickedness ever end?" Rebekah questions, looking like she's on the edge of tears.

"My 'wickedness' is self-preservation. And I wouldn't have to go to such lengths were I not presented on all sides with ignorance and treachery. Now that Elijah's abandoned me, I'll be needing you in my plot against Marcel." Klaus points towards his sister. "Don't expect to be leaving town anytime soon."

"Why should I help you, after what you did to Elijah?" Rebekah bites back.

"You're my family. Besides, who better to spy on Marcel than the girl he so clearly loves?" Klaus smirks. "You can tell me all his secrets. Like, how did he find us here? Huh, any idea about that, little sister?"

"How should I know why Marcel does what he does?" Rebekah exclaims.

"You think I don't know about your engineered run-ins all over the Quarter?" Klaus glares at his sister. "I know you've had private chats with him. Just tell me what secrets he's confided to you. Is he plotting against me?"

Rebekah leans forward, trying to show that she wasn't afraid of Klaus. "My poor brother, so paranoid. Marcel knows nothing. He's not plotting against you, he simply thinks you're in a quarrel in need of making up."

Klaus sighs. "Perhaps we will. After all you know I'm capable of forgiving those who disappoint me. As soon as they've seen the error of their ways... and suffered for them. You'd do well to remember that."

"You never let me forget." Rebekah whispers once Klaus walks away. With nothing left to say she walks away as well, leaving Cullen alone to think about everything she had learned the past couple days. What Cullen had yet to learn though was things were just getting started.

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