Run with ME! (Haiji Kiyose X...

By YukoZuo

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A 3rd year Health Science's student who enrolled in Kansei University have living her normal life quite the s... More

Morning Jog
Track and Field Club
New Sparks
Her Past
Future Job
Honest Confession
My Story
Training Camp
A Little Bit Different
Another Chance
Ouji Conquered Time!
Win and Then...?
The Beginning
The Middle (Part 1)
The Middle (Part 2)
The Ending
After Story
The Match and The Deal
Nira's Story
Bonus (Part 1)
Bonus (Part 2)
Married Arc (Part 1)
Married Arc (Part 2)

First Training

418 18 5
By YukoZuo

Rubbing my eyes hazily, I chew the nothingness in my mouth. Looking around to check on the twin who had the same sleepy air around them, I start to yawn. My gaze shifts upwards to the dark sky. My half-lidded eyes then travel to search for the cause of why I was summoned here early in the morning. Couldn't find him, I got up from crouching on the ground and walked to Ouji-senpai. His slouching and frail form never go unnoticed by me.

"Ouji-senpai...why do I have to be here too?", I asked lazily as my finger tugged on his white shirt. He turned to me with his lazy expression.

"(Y/N)-san, once you're in the grasp of the's too late for you to run away", he answered as he shivered at the thought of Haiji's demonic figure. My face changed to blue at his answers.

"D-does this mean... I have gotten myself into t-trouble, Ouji-senpai?", my expression turned to horror as I remembered my agreement I made to Haiji before. Ouji nodded. My jaw dropped in an instant. "If I run away now, I can still make it right?", my eyes glance to my parked scooter near the corner.

"Thats...I don't think so...", he pointed to a presence behind me. I turn around slowly to meet the face of the cause of my beauty sleep.

"Good morning, (Y/N)-san. Are you ready for your first training?", Haiji asked with a grin. Feeling the intense aura he's giving off, I don't think running away is an option...

"O-oh Haiji-san, it's an early morning greeting huh? I never expected that I would be joining you guys practicing though...hehe", I tried to make it sound less rejecting by twisting my replies.

"Of course you are, you don't have class until noon right? That's what you told me yesterday. To make up for your deal before! Also, you already agreed to see us reach the top of Hakone so of course you need to join us. Experience is the best method to study right, (Y/N)-san?", he reasoned out, completely leaving me no more chance to rebut.

"Yes...", a low groan escaped my lips. He nodded with a smile.

"Okay, now that everyone is here except Yuki. Let's start with the same track as before!", Haiji announced as all the remaining guys lined up including me. Though, I don't see Kakeru here. Then, off we go to the river in Tamagawa by jogging.

Before I continue with the current scene, let me tell you the story of how I got involved in their practice. Let's rewind the time back to where Haiji and I was about to go to the shop which was his next stop, continuing our journey from the university.


To put it simply, I suddenly got a message from the Manga Club to help with some stuff in the clubroom. So, I apologized to Haiji and said I would make up for our deal today. Haiji went on ahead and we bid goodbye for the day. As we already exchanged numbers, he once asked me when are my free days for this week. I told him I am free on Wednesday with one class at noon. Then, his reply is 'come to Aotake at 5 a.m. This is to make up for your deal the other day. I will be expecting you'. Shocked by his message, stating 5 a.m. got me filled up with questions. Being the impatient person I am, I end up riding with my scooter to Aotake the night before. I also wanted to give his clothes back along the way as I might forget to do it later. That is what I had in mind, asking for his explanation and returning his clothes back. That's all but, things just had to change as humans are bound to fate. After Haiji explained that they have started their early morning practice by jogging to Tamagawa and tomorrow's the second day. With the reason for my declaration on watching him achieving his goal the other day, I did try to reason with him but he ended up giving me a full lecture about not giving up in life. Some literature student he is... I am irritated, super irritated that I went to search for Ouji's room for some spirit-recovery session. The moment I open Ouji's room, I am beyond amazed for any words. All my irritation went away in an instant as I scanned the towers of manga perfectly organized in the room.

"O-Ouji-senpai! Excuse me for intruding but can I come inside to this honorable room of yours?", I humbly asked him while bowing down. Ouji gave me an okay and I started admiring all the collections of Ouji's manga. Even his bed is surrounded by manga! Then, with sparkling eyes full of admiration, Ouji let me read some of his manga that I've never got to read before all night. Being the dumb manga lover I am, I lost track of the time and did the un-womanly thing. I accidentally fell asleep while reading the manga in Ouji's room. Then, when I was woken up by Haiji, I just realized I had spent the night there. Still feeling drowsy, I got dragged by Haiji from the who-knows-whose-room I slept in to the outside. Slowly, my memories from the previous night came back and I remembered about their morning practice. I thought he already gave up on the sleeping me but I guess Haiji never will...


Keeping my normal pace of jogging with Nico-chan Senpai ahead of me only for a metre, I jog up beside him. He noticed my presence as he glanced slightly at me.

"How's your sleep yesterday (Y/N)? It was a surprise when I saw Haiji carried you to his room", Nico-chan Senpai said. My face turned to shock at his words.

"Ack, he did? Uwah! I am ashamed with myself...", I sighed in disappointment. "I'll just add my gratitude towards him at this rate... Then, where did he sleep yesterday?", I asked, a little concern of his welfare.

"Hmm... he went to Shindou's room since his room is the most decent one", he answered.

"Thanks for answering me, Nico-chan Senpai. Also, I'm glad that you've stopped smoking. Hang in there! Then, I'm going to slow down a bit. Bye-bye, Nico-chan Senpai!", giving him a pat on the shoulder and went back to jogging behind him.

"How did-", he was about to ask when I already slowed down my pace and now far away from him.


Letting out a big sigh, I wiggle my hand to loose some stiffness. My mind is not ready for this sudden exercise so I've been feeling a bit lack of anticipation. Feeling a presence coming up behind me, I turn my head to the side to see a smiling Shindou.

"What's wrong (Y/N)-san? You look kind of low-spirited", he asked concerned.

"No, I'm just kind of not ready for this morning so... Never mind about me, I'm sorry for troubling you yesterday. I didn't realize at all when I dozed off. When I woke up, I'm in a different room already with Haiji's voice booming to wake me up...", I apologized with one hand in an apologising gesture.

"Hahaha, don't worry about us (Y/N)-san. We were surprised when you fell asleep in Ouji's room. It was around 12 p.m. so we don't know what to do. We don't even know your address and to wake you up in the late night is kind of bad. You were sleeping so soundly though", Shindou chuckled when he recalled the previous event. I frowned at his chuckling.

"I'm seriously sorry, I promise to treat you to something Shindou-san. Now, excuse me first. I need some time to cool myself off. I feel kind of guilty too when I'm with you longer than this. Then, meet you later", I excused myself by slowing down. He nodded and waved before continuing his jogging.

"Urghh... I must've be tired from studying that day. Nii-san must be worried by now...", I gazed upon the brightening sky.


"(Y/N)-san!!", a light voice called from behind followed by footsteps that seemed to come from two people. Soon, one of the twins passed me and kept his distance close to me. While the other one behind me. The position is red, me, and blue.

"(Y/N)-san, it's nice to meet a young woman like you early in the morning! I feel a bit happy right, Jo-", the blue one was about to ask the red one but I stopped him.

"Stop! Umm, let me guess first", my finger automatically tapped on my head whenever I'm thinking. In about three seconds, I try to guess out my answer though they don't get a clue what I'm guessing for. "The red one is Joji and the blue one is Jota. Am I right?", I asked. Now they finally understand the situation.

"Correct!", the twin exclaimed. I praise myself silently. I've been trying hard to distinguish between these two twins and now I finally succeed. Smiling smugly, I decided to ask them a question.

"I've been wondering before but... what made you two agree to join Haiji-san? You guys were all sleepy before though", I said.

"At first we didn't intend to join at all but...", Jota trailed off.

"Haiji-san said that if we join him...", Joji continued on.

"Women are going to like an athlete like us!", they both said with a pleasing smile. I rolled my eyes momentarily at how easy Haiji influenced them. But, a smirk came up when I thought how clever he is to manage dragging all these boys.

"What do you think (Y/N)-san?", Joji asked. I glance back slightly at him.

"Do you think what Haiji-san said is true?", Jota glanced back at me for a second.

"Well...athletes in marathons do attract women but you need to work hard on it. Because, women like hard working men!", I tried to insert some encouraging words to lift their spirits up even though the reality is a lot harder. They seem to like my answer that they both picked some speed up and left me behind.

"We'll work hard (Y/N)-san!!", that was what they said before running off. I sweat dropped at their quick enthusiasm.

"what a lively bunch of kid huhh... High school's graduates are still so full of youth~ Completely different from me though heh...", a sad smile formed on my lips as I think back how my life has changed after graduating high school. No matter how many times I tried to get myself up, the sparks that has always shining brightly in my heart no longer lit.


It was supposed to be the day where I should boast about my achievement in the regional competition to my parents though it's always my mom that would be there. The moment I heard a knock on the door, my heart leaped in excitement. Rushing to the door to greet my mom, all I saw was two men in police uniform. No words can describe how complex my feelings are at that time. The news about my parents' accident reached my relatives and their funeral was held that night. I didn't shed any tears that night, my eyes felt so dry I wanted the day to end quickly and go to sleep. That was also the day I met my step brother whom I never knew existed before. While my relatives from both my parents' sides ask what I'm about to do about my living from now, he's the only one that started to tell stories about him and mom. Starting from that day, I've decided to live with him instead of other relatives. Some relatives opposed my decision but since I'm turning 18 soon, I have the authority to decide my own life. And my step brother also still has a legal relation with mom so there's nothing wrong involving the laws. I thought this is the only hardship I have to pass through, but there's one other reason that made my sparks completely gone...


A pat on my shoulder wakes me up from the momentary memories playing in my mind. I turn to see a worried looking Musa with King behind him.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)-san? You were spacing out and about to turn the wrong way...", Musa pointed to the opposite way that I was about to go.

"Eh? Did I?", my head whipped around between the right and left conjunction ahead. They both sighed.

"Good thing King-san saw you or we might lose you by now. Please be careful, (Y/N)-san", Musa said worriedly. I chuckled at his kind personality.

"Ahahah... I understand, Musa-san. Thanks for stopping me too, King-san", I smiled at them.

"E-err, you should take it slow if you feel tired... (Y-Y/N)-san", King stuttered as he averted his eyes from mine.

"I got it! Now, you guys should continue on. I'm going to take a short break", I said then waved with a reassuring smile. They were hesitant to go at first but I urged them and they finally continued jogging again, leaving me alone.

The smile on my face slowly dropped as I sigh lowly. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I shake my head to scold myself for remembering the past. Leaning on the lamp post to rest my aching feet. Seems like jogging in this cheap slip-on shoe is a bad idea...

"I even forgot to wear socks. Ahh... I didn't prepare for this kind of thing too. This is a mess...", I muttered as I checked on my reddening feet. It didn't bled but there's still the pain. But, when I thought of how excited Haiji's face when he finally got his ten members to run, my lips lifted upwards. "He is too confident that I can't help but tag along with him!", a light chuckle escaped my lips. Then, a ragged breathing of someone approaching picked my attention. I lift up my head to see the two familiar figures. I sweat drop when I see how exhausted and unstable Ouji is. Haiji beside him steadily jogging in slow pace, keeping on giving him encouraging words. He can collapse anytime by now... Hang in there Ouji-senpai...

Haiji noticed me and I waved a bit. Slipping on my shoe, I wait until they are close enough and start walking ahead.

"That's not good (Y/N)-san, you must jog properly not walking", Haiji scolded from behind.

"I did jog but, I can't anymore. It's been way too long since I last jog on weekdays. Was it three or four years ago? Well, it was in the past anyway. I'm not up for morning practice anymore", I said nonchalantly.

"Is that so? Then, I'm glad to wake you up this morning. It's your first step in finding your new sparks!", he replied happily. My heart stopped beating for a second there when he mentioned 'sparks'. Did he seriously going to show me one? Regaining my composure back, I clear up my throat.

"Ah, that reminds me. Thanks for last night, I guess... though I don't know if I should thank you because it's your fault that I end up sleeping. If I didn't get so irritated, I wouldn't search for Ouji-senpai's room!", I puffed out my cheeks as my arm crossed against my chest.

"Hmm...if I remember it correctly, you were enjoying your time in Ouji's room to the point your hands won't let go of the manga you're reading even in your sleep. It was so tough to carry you down the stairs too. Ah, there's also that time when you said something in your sleep. Was it 'don't let darkness defeat you' or 'I will destroy your fake dignity'?", Haiji intentionally used a loud voice when saying the sentence.

"AAAHHHHH!! Slow down your voice a bit, Haiji-san! Also, I have never sleep-talking before. And are you saying that my weight is bad?!", I finally turn my head around while stomping my way ahead. His grin widened when he finally got to see my fuming face. My eyes twitch as I see his satisfied smiling face. "Hmph! I'm going on ahead", with that I stomp away, leaving the smug Haiji and the almost-dead Ouji. "I can't believe I'm being teased by someone I met a few days ago! Urgh, I'm so angry I want to swim!", I shout out to myself along the path of the green hill. Realizing what I just said, my pace became slower.

Swim? Did I just said swim?

I shake my head in denial at my own thought. No, that just came out on a whim. There's no way...

I want to swim

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