The Last Kingdom- Preferences...

By Turn0fftheC1tylights

64.2K 481 10

We are all obsessed with the show and wanted to do a collection of shorts for the actors and characters. Requ... More

How you meet (Characters)
How you meet (actors)
Your age gap (characters)
Your age gap (actors)
They confess their feelings for you (actors)
Their favourite thing about you (characters)
Their favourite thing about you (actors)
What they give you of theirs and why (characters)
What they give you of theirs and why (actors)
Your favourite thing about them (characters)
Your favourite thing about them (actors)
How you sleep (characters)
How you sleep (actors)
The songs that reflects your relationship (characters)
The song that reflects your relationship (actors)
Ragnar- Imagine 1.1
Ragnar- Imagine 1.2
Arnas- Imagine 1.1
Arnas- Imagine 1.2
The nickname they call you (characters)
The nickname they call you (actors)
Cnut- Imagine 1.0
Your *first time* with them (characters)
Your *first time* with them (actors)
Mark- Imagine 1.0
Their favourite place to kiss you (characters)
Their favourite place to kiss you (actors)
Where they propose to you (characters)
Sihtric- Imagine 1.0
Where they propose to you (actors)
Arnas- Imagine 2.0
~Erik Catch-up~
~Christian Catch-up~
Erik- Imagine 1.0
If they do/ what is their kink (chatacters)
If they do/ what is their kink (actors)
Alex- Imagine 1.0
Your Playlist for them (Uhtred)
Your Playlist for them (Finan)
Your Playlist for them (Shitric)
Your Playlist For Them (Osferth)
Your Playlist for them (Ragnar)
Your Playlist for them (Cnut)
Your playlist for them (Brida)
Ragnar Imagine- 2.0
Finan Imagine- 1.0
How many kids you have (characters)
Arnas Imagine- 3.0
Erik Imagine- 2.0
Your kid's names (Characters)
How many kids you have (actors)
Your kid's names (actors)
You wedding dress (characters)
Your wedding dress (actors)
When you get married (characters)
Erik Imagine- 3.0
Erik Imagine- 3.1
Catch up- book series!
Ragnar Imagine- 1.2 (book series)
Erik Imagine- 4.0
~Siegfried Catchup~
Siegfried Imagine- 1.0
Cnut imagine- 2.0
~Sigtryggr catchup: tv series~
Season 5- my thoughts on it
~Sigtryggr catchup: book series~

They confesses their feelings for you (characters)

2.3K 16 0
By Turn0fftheC1tylights

"Uhtred," I called, running after him as he headed out of camp. My long hair flowed freely as I hadn't had time to tie it up yet but I needed to speak to Uhtred. "Why are you avoiding me?" I asked, sternly.
"I am not avoiding you." He stated, blindingly before continuing walking away. I rolled my eyes at him and ran to get ahead of him, putting my hand out to his shoulder to make him stop. He looked into my eyes and I gave him a pleading look.
"If I have done something that has offended you, please just tell me. I hate to see you avoiding me at all costs." I huffed. He looked around to the camp and observed my brother, who was busy talking to Finan.
"This way." He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the way into the woods until we were far enough from camp that you couldn't see it. I gave him a strange look before he pressed me against the tree and put his lips to mine. We kissed roughly for a moment before he pulled away.
"I didn't want to stay away from you." He explained. "I just knew I wouldn't be able to restrain myself from doing that for much longer." He confessed. I grabbed his neck and dragged his lips back to mine.
"Let's hope to the Gods that my brother doesn't find us." I breathed.

"Lady, you're back." Finan smiled as I walked into the barn holding ale and food. The other three gave me hopeful smiles as I handed them each a cup and plate.
"Of course I am, Lord." I gave the Irishman a gentle smile. I handed him his share of what I had brought before making my way from the barn and beginning the walk back to my father's house. If I was caught coming out here to see the travellers, I would be in trouble, I though.
"Lady, please," I heard a voice call from behind me, "wait." I turned around to be greeted to the sight of Finan, catching up to me. "This is our last night here." He stated plainly.
"I know, Lord." My voice was glum. I dropped my head only for a pair of calloused hands to grab my cheeks, brining my head back up to face the soft look of the man in front of me.
"Come with me." He shot me a begging look. The breath caught in my lungs and I shook my head. "Lady- Y/N- please come with me." He begged again.
"Finan, I-" I struggled to find any words.
"Can you not see the way I look at you? 'Cuz I see the way ya' look at me." He ran his thumb over my cheek bone. "I look at you with eyes I would never look at anyone else with because I feel something for you that I can't explain. And- and it's not easy for me to ask you and I know it's selfish that I want to take you from this life where you have everything to one where you will have nothing but my love but I have to ask for my own sanity." He took a deep breath. A tear pricked my eye and I smiled up at the tall man in front of me.
"How could I refuse you, Lord?" I smiled. "I fell for your smile the moment I saw it first."

    I saw my best friend, Sihtric, sat down on a stump, minding his own business and though it the perfect opportunity to get him back for the joke he pulled on me the week earlier. I snuck up behind him before throwing my arms around him.
    I startled him badly. He fell off the stump, causing me to fall with him and land directly on top of him.
    "What in the name of the Gods, Y/N." He cursed. I laughed at his expression and made no attempt to move. "That's not funny."
    "Next time, don't put frogs in my bed." I teased, still laughing. He crossed his arms and pouted, all while I was still laughing.
    Suddenly, I felt a pair of lips touch mine and I snapped out of my laughing to find Sihtric kissing me. I kissed back.
     "Sihtric-" I breathed out as he broke away. There was a smirk embedded on his face.
    "At least it's shut you up." He said before kissing me again.

    "Lady," a voice behind me called and I turned around to see Osferth standing on the other side of the bar, "may I talk to you?" He asked, quietly. I gave him a sweet smile.
    "Mother, I am going to see a friend. I shall not be gone long." I called as I made my way over to the young soldier. He took my arm as we began to stroll.
    "What was it you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked, curiously. He stopped and flashed me a nervous smile.
   "Umm, the thing is Y/N," he began, stuttering over his words, "the thing is that I, Umm." He played with the sleeve of his shirt, nervously.
    "Oh for Christ's sake." An Irish accent chimes in. A man I knew as Finan approached Osferth from behind and clasped his hand on the boy's shoulder's.  "What the poor lad is trying to tell ya' is that he's madly in love wi'cha." The man flashed me a cheeky grin before walking away, leaving the blonde in front of me blushing.
    "Good." I smiled. I placed a soft kiss on his cheek before taking his arm and beginning to walk back towards my mother's bar.

   "Here." I smiled, entering the cell where the Dane sat. He looked up to me and smiled, welcoming me into the tiny room. "I though you might be cold down here so I brought you some furs." I explained. He stood up from the wooden slat of a bed, his height towering over me, and took the furs from my hand.
    "Thank you, Y/N. You are very kind." He spoke, his accent thick in his voice. He laid them down where he slept before taking a seat where he had been before. I gave him a soft smile before I turned to leave. "Wait." He called, making me stop in my tracks and turn to face him. "Will you," he paused, "stay with me for a while?" He asked, almost shyly.
    "Of course, Lord. I do enjoy your stories." I quickly made my way to sit next to him on the bed turned to face him.
    "You should not call me Lord, my name is Ragnar." He smirked. Over the last months he had been held in my father's prison cell, I had gotten very close to him, often sneaking into his cell at night to talk to him and, every time, still, he would correct me.
    "I am sorry, Ragnar. I promise I do try." I said, softly. He pushed a loose strand of my hair behind me ear, making me blush.
    "You are very beautiful when you blush." He said. At this, I blush a darker shade of red.
    "You should not say such things, Lor- Ragnar." I corrected myself. He flashed his icy blue eyes at mine.
    "Do you not like it when I call you such things, Y/N?" He asked as he smiled, his hand gliding across my cheek, gently. The breath trapped itself in my lungs.
    "I do, Lord. Too much." I confessed. He gave me a soft smile.
    "Do you trust me?" He asked.
    "Of course." I replied, honestly. At that, he smiled.
    "Then close your eyes." He instructed. I took a deep breath and let my eyes close. There was breath against my cheek and the pleasant roughness of his unshaven jaw against mine before a pair of lips fell to mine. He kissed me, keeping the tempo slow and let his hands fall on my waist with such gentleness that he made it seem like I would break if he touched me any harder. After a pleasant minute, he pulled away, leaving my eyes to flutter open and meet his. "Did you like that?" He smirked. I was speechless.
    "Ragnar," I breathed, a blush lining my cheeks, "if it means nothing to you, I pray you tell me now." He shook his head as if he was almost offended.
    "Y/N, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He confessed. "You are intelligent and kind and brave," he motioned to the cell we were currently in, "and you do not see the world and me the same way others do. I never though I could truly love a woman- let alone a Saxon woman- but you have shown me that I can."
    "Ragnar, you are not an animal like people say you are. You are a sweet and kind man whom I have already given my heart to in a way I could give to no other man. We may be different in ways that don't matter but I am willing to change if it mean I could be yours." I shut my eyed, expecting him to be laughing at me, having being joking with me but he was silent. I peeled my eyes open to see him giving me the kindest smile I have ever seen on a person before he slowly leaned in to kiss me again.

    "Y/N." My father's voice caught me as he entered our family's tent. I was sat with my mother, doing needle work while my younger brothers were playing. "You have been summoned by our Lord." My mother's jaw dropped. I gave my father a confused stare as he dragged me to my feet. "He has summoned you now." He prompted, hurrying with me out of the tent and across the camp towards Cnut's tent.
I entered to be greeted by the Lord, resting on his bed while looking at two young boys, who were playing near to a fire. Once he noticed me standing there, he gave me a soft greeting.
"Y/N." He smiled getting up from his seat, towering over me as he did so. I was one of the smaller girls in the camp, despite my parents both being tall. Though many of the boys my age had learned not to underestimate that fact.
"These are my sons." The ginger man motioned to the two identical boys playing by the fire. "The young Cnut and Esgar."
"They look just like you." I remarked. Both of the boys looked over me me and I gave them a soft smile and waved. There was a laugh from the man next to me and I quickly straightened myself out. "Forgive me, Lord. Children are my weakness."
"It's quite alright." He smiled. "Family is too my weakness." He explained, happily. He sat back down on his bed and faced me. "I summoned you here today to tell you that I have chose you to be my wife." I was stunned. I couldn't talk and barely managed to utter out the words, 'your wife' before not being able to speak again. "Yes, my wife." He said, making sure I had understood him. "You would be my woman both publicly and privately," I blushed at what he was insinuating, "and fulfil all the tasks that come with being a wife." He explained, getting off his bed and pacing over towards his sons. "I will treat you with respect and kindness." I went to speak but he cut me off, "But I am a fair man and, ultimately, I will not force you into marriage with me. If you do not accept my offer, you can go back to your family and continue with your day." He looked directly into my eyes. "The choice is yours." He stated.
I gave him a soft smile and stepped forward to where he was standing. I crept up onto my tip-toes and planted a kiss on the side of his cheek.
"I do happily accept your offer, Lord." I said. "I shall never understand why you would choose me but, if you have then I will not dispute it." I placed my hand upon his. "I shall serve you well as a wife and to your sons whatever you shall bid me be." I breathed. He placed his hand upon my cheek and looked down into my eyes.
"Allow me to steal a kiss?" He asked, hopefully. I gave him an agreeing smile and he lowered his lips until they touched mine. He broke away soon after, afraid he wouldn't be able to control himself if he didn't. There was a small yawn from behind us and we both turned around to face the two small children on the furs, the younger on, Esgar, tiredly yawning.
"Boys, it must be your bedtime." Cnut grinned. The two boys nodded and began to make their way over to their father. The older one stopped.
"Father, will you tell us another one of your stories?" He asked. Their father sighed and laughed.
"I am afraid I am all out of stories for your little ears." At this, the two young boys frowned.
"Did you hear the story about the boy who fought Thor himself?" I jumped in, making the boys' eyes light up. I took both of their hands and, followed by their father, lead them into the room where they slept, thinking of the beginning of the tale.

     "No, Y/N!" The brunette examined, frustratedly. I looked to her, getting equally as frustrated and threw the axe down to the ground.
   "What the hell, Brida!" I yelled, loosing my temper finally. "We have been doing this for hours and every time you tell me I'm not good enough! I'm doing it the exact same way you are!" I screamed.
   "Do it again, Y/N." She demanded, picking up the axe. She held it out to me and I angrily snapped it from her hand and launched it into the tree, embedding it deeply.
    "There. Happy." I snarled. I shot her an angry look before beginning to storm way back in the direction of camp.
    "Oh well excuse me for not wanting to loose you, Y/N." She yelled from behind me. I stopped. "Excuse me for wanting to make sure you are the best you can be in battle so that I ont have to worry about loosing you." She cried, a hint of anger still in her voice. "Excuse me for wanting to protect the only person I have left in this world to love."

    I straightened out my belt as I prepared to enter the council room. I had been summoned by Lady Aethelflead, the new Lady of Mercia as she was preparing to choose her new guards. We had been friends growing up and only she knew my secret. This worried me but I hid my anxiety behind a friendly smile.
   "Lady." I greeted as I bowed at the steps of her throne.
   "Lord Y/N." She greeted back, a hint of a smile on her face. It still made her laugh calling me that- as she knew I was really a woman in disguise. "I have made my decision to appoint you as my chief guard and right hand man."
   "Thank you, Lady." I said, gratefully. She gave me a smirk.
    "Walk with me, Lord for we have much to discuss."  She held out her hand for me to take and I kissed the top of her hand before allowing her to take my arm as we walked out of her court room.
    "You chief guard, eh?" I smirked. She gave me a playful laugh. "I feel privileged." I smirked. 
    "You should." She turned to face me. "You get a nice comfy bed."
    "Is that your bed, my Lady." I smirked. I turned around to make sure nobody was around before I stole a kiss from her. "Just to make sure nobody tries to kill you while you sleep, of course." I gave her a wink.
    "No but it will be easier to sneak you into my room." She gave me a devilish smirk. "After all, who better to look out for me than the *man* I love?" She emphasised man, making me laugh.
     "And who better to look out for than the woman I love?" I smirked against her lips.

     "Lady Y/N, I hope you are well." Edward greeted, awkwardly as he took my arm. We began our walk through his palace courtyard.
   "Yes, thank you my Lord, I am well. How have you been since we last met?" I asked. We talked formally for a while as we were escorted around. "How is your sister, Lord. I hear she is the Lady of Mercia." I asked, missing my old friend. We talk more about formal affairs until it was time for us to return to our rooms to change for dinner.
    "Well, Lady, I shall bid you well until this evening." The young man gave me a kind smile. I curtsied to him, allowing him to get close enough to me to whisper, "Wear the purple dress, you look beautiful in it." He smirked.
   I arrived at dinner behind my mother and father, wearing the purple dress Edward had told me too. I drifted my eyes across to him as I walked to my seat, giving him a sweet smile. Luckily, we were sat opposite each other.
   "Lady Y/N, you look very lovely." Edward complimented me, making me blush.
   "Thank you, Lord." I giggled, taking my seat. "You have grown much since we last met." I smiled, beginning to eat. Our parents were talking amongst themselves, leaving us to just talk to each other.
    "So have you, Lady- into a beautiful young woman, I mean." At this, I blushed. His mother shot me a careful yet encouraging look before she turned back towards my mother. Edward and I both tried not to laugh and decided to eat in silence. At the end of the meal, we both stood up and he took my arm and lead me from the dining room as far as he was allowed to.
    "I guess this is Goodnight, Lady." He smiled. He took my hand and kissed the top of it, like a gentle man. There was a strange feeling in my palm and, as he dropped my hand, I realised he had slipped a note into my hand. I smirked.
    "Goodnight, Lord." I giggled before I headed into my room. As soon as the door closed, I pulled the note out and read it: "Y/N, I know it is not proper which is the reason I have had to write this down but I must tell you that I love you. I am so looking forward to the day we are married just to i can kiss you."

    "Lady," I called, running to catch up with the the girl in front of me, "do you mind if I walk with you?" I asked, politely. She gave me a soft smile and accepted my arm when I held it out for her. "You look well, Lady." I observed. She let out a soft laugh.
    "I am, thank you. How have you been, Y/N? How is your mother?" She questioned.
    "My mother," I paused, "she passed a few months back." I said to her, her face turning sour.
   "Oh, Y/N I am so sorry." She gave me a delicate look and placed her hand to my shoulder. "I didn't know."
    "It's okay." I insisted, leading my friend on. We had strolled down to the river in Mercia, just past a meadow full of flowers. There was nobody around and we took a seat on the river bank, just a few miles away from the den we built as children with our brothers.
    "It's funny, isn't it." She stated, out of the blue. I gave her a questioning look. "How time can change things." She took a breath. "I mean, you and I have been friends since we were children."
   "Now look is the world has changed since then." I added, thinking back to when we were children. She let out a breath.
    "So many years we spent apart." She placed her hand on top of mine, still looking n away into the meadow. "So much time we both spent, miserable and lonely."
   "I never loved- after you." I confessed, drawing her attention to me. "My son, yes, I love him but his father, I did not. No man, I ever have. No other being, I could. You, Eadith, will always have my heart."
    "And you, mine, Y/N."

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