𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑡π‘ͺ𝑬𝑺𝑺 azula

By annephobic

120K 4.4K 746

❝I LOVE YOU, PRINCESS.❞ Kira said softly to Azula, her blue eyes meeting her amber ones. She was able to read... More



6.4K 232 74
By annephobic

Growing Pains


Kira watched as Azula did a few acrobatic tricks in awe until she fell. Kira rushed over to the girl quickly, looking at Ty Lee as she began to do the same thing, but with a little bit of extra moves, sticking the landing. Kira held a hand out to Azula. Blushing from embarrassment, she took Kira's hand, standing up quickly before pushing Ty Lee down and laughing. "Azula!" Ty Lee and Kira called as Kira helped up the girl in pink.

Hearing footsteps approach, Kira looked up to see Queen Ursa and Prince Zuko. Smiling, Kira looked over at Mai who was blushing. "Watch this." Azula whispered to Ty Lee and Kira before running over to her mother and Zuko. "Mom, can you make Zuko play with us? We need equal teams to play a game." Azula said, pretending to be innocent.

Zuko glared at Azula before holding onto the railing beside him. "I am not cartwheeling, Azula." Zuko stated. Kira assumes it's because he was a boy. Boys tended to assume only girls were allowed to learn gymnastics. In reality, gymnastics can be a great benefit when fighting battles. Kira was learning from Ty Lee since she wasn't allowed to join gymnastics. She was hoping it would help her with some cool water bending attack tactics when she was older.

Azula huffed as she crossed her arms. "You won't have to, cartwheeling's not a game, dumb-dumb." Kira could hear the eye roll Azula added onto that statement as she went to stand next to her princess. At this time, Kira wasn't just there to help her learn water bending techniques, but she was also there to be a handmaiden.

Zuko's eyes widened at Azula's comment. Dumb-dumb. Who does she think she is? "I don't care, I don't want to play with you." Zuko told Azula, making it clear that he wasn't interested. He knew it wasn't just a little game Azula was playing.

Azula sighed, putting on a sad face. "We are brother and sister. It's important for us to spend time together. Don't you think so, mom?" Azula sent a hopeful look to her mother. Though, Kira and Azula knew this might be a long shot since Ursa typically sided with Zuko on things.

However, they were surprised by her response. "Yes, darling, I think it's a good idea to play with your sister." Ursa smiled, ruffling Zuko's hair. "Go on, now, just for a little while. May I borrow Kira for a second? Before the game?" Ursa asked Azula who nodded reluctantly. For some reason, she hated, even at a young age, when Kira left her side. It made her feel very lonely.

Kira went to Ursa as Zuko and Azula headed towards the water fountain. "They're treating you right? I don't want them treating you bad just because you're from the water tribe." Ursa stayed, looking down at the young girl. She hated that Ozai wouldn't just return the poor child to her home. Instead, in a way, she made Kira a slave. She couldn't leave Azula's side and had to be Azula's servant. However, it seemed that Azula treated far better than that. Azula wanted her to be free and independent. Azula wanted her to be her friend.

Kira gave a grin. "Yes, ma'am. Azula even let me play in her room yesterday. We are friends, I think. Ty Lee is really nice and says I am really pretty. She is too! Mai is super shy but super kind to me. I think it's like you said... We don't see nation or tribe, yet. But, I hope they don't see me like water tribe scum." Kira said in disgust.

Ursa placed a kind hand on Kira's shoulder. "The people of the Water Tribes are strong. They are not scum. Never think that way of yourself. I know Azula never will." Ursa said before ushering the girl off.

Kira ran to Azula, grinning as Azula hugged her. "Okay," Azula picked an apple, "Here's the way it goes. Now what you do is try knock the apple off the other person's head, like this." Azula placed the apple on Mai's head, fire bending the apple off of Mai, but instead the apple caught on fire. Zuko gasped in shock as Mai screamed. Quickly, she ran to her, pushing her in the fountain right before Kira could douse the flames. This caused Azula to laugh loudly. "See, I told you it would work." Azula said confidently.

Ty Lee grinned, pointing at Mai and Zuko. "Aw, they're so cute together." Ty Lee stated with a teasing smile ofn her lips, looking at Mai. Zuko rushes away as Mai stood up. "You two are such- Ugh!" Mai yelled as Kira bended the water out of her clothes.

Quickly, Kira followed Zuko. "I was just coming to get you. Uncle Iroh went us a letter from the war front. You're soaking wet." Ursa watched as Zuko stormed passed her.

Zuko looked at her with a frustrated look. "Girls are crazy!" Zuko exclaimed as he threw his hands up into the air. He almost reached the door when Kira stopped him. He looked at her in shock as she began water bending the water from his clothes. "Oh.. uh... thanks, Kira." Zuko said before turning and walking inside.


Ursa called Zuko and Azula into the room to read their Uncle's letter. Azula grabbed ahold of Kira's hand, pulling her into the room too, excitedly. "Alright, kids. Are you ready?" Ursa began to unroll the scroll making both Zuko and Azula cheer excitedly. "If the city is as magnificent as its wall, Ba Sing Senmudt be something to behold. I hope you all may see it some day. If we don't burn it to the ground, first. Until then, enjoy these gifts." Ursa said as the kids, minus Kira, ran to the men holding the gifts. "For Zuko, a pearl dagger from the general who surrendered when we broke through the outer wall. Note the inscription and the superior craftsmanship." Ursa read, looking at Zuko.

Zuko admired the dagger for a moment before taking its case off. "Never give up without a fight." Zuko read the inscription off the dagger to his mother, Kira, and Azula. He was incredibly happy with his dagger.

Ursa smiled at Zuko before she continued to read the letter. "For Azula, a new friend. She wears the latest fashions for Earth Kingdom girls." Azula looked upset as she picked up a doll. While Zuko was happy about his gift, Azula was very upset with hers. She hated dolls.

Azula sighed making a gagging noise. "Finally, for Kira, a water bending scroll. I hope this helps you learn more techniques." Kira looked surprised before running to the men and grabbing her gift happily before showing Azula excitedly. She never got gifts, so she was very happy.

Azula smiled before looking away from Kira and to her mother. "If Uncle doesn't make it back from war, then dad would be next in line to be Fire Lord, wouldn't he?" Azula questioned.

Ursa looked upset at her daughter's question as Zuko ran around the room, playing with his knife. "Azula, we don't speak that way. It would be awful if Uncle Iroh didn't return. And besides, Fire Lord Azulon is a picture of health." Ursa finished.

Zuko stopped playing with his knife, looking at Azula. "How would you like it if cousin Lu Ten wanted Dad to die?" Zuko questioned his sister before hanging off the back of his mother's chair.

Azula shrugged before crossing her arms. "I still think our dad would make a much better Fire Lord than His Royal Tea-Loving Kooky-Ness." Azula stated before setting her doll on fire. Kira's eyes widened as she moved to hide behind Zuko slightly, who put a protective arm around her.


Azula, Zuko, and kira were laughing as Ursa received another letter from Iroh. A tear slipped down Ursa's cheek as Zuko approached his mother. "Iroh has lost his son. Your cousin, Lu Ten, did not survive the battle." Zuko looked at his mother in shock as Azula frowned. Kira gently placed Zuko into a small, comforting hug, to which he hugged back.


Zuko and Kira were messing around, pretending to fight. Kira, who made a dull ice dagger pretended to jab Zuko who groaned and fell back. Azula watched on jealously. "Zuko, you waste all your time playing with knives, you're not even good. Only Kira is." Azula stated.

Zuko looked at his sister angrily as he blushed. "Put an apple on your head and we'll find out how good I am." Zuko challenged, sticking a fist up at his sister. He hated when she was mean to him. Especially in front of Kira. Just like Azula and Ty Lee, there was a time Zuko had a crush on Kira too. A crush that made Azula mad because Kira wasn't Zuko's friend, she was her friend.

Aula rolled her eyes before getting up. "By the way, Uncle's coming home." Azula said, approaching her brother. Gently, she took Kira's hand, pulling her close to her instead of near her disgusting brother, Zuko. She didn't want Kira to get cooties after all.

Zuko lowered his fist, frowning. He was confused. "Does that mean we won the war?" Zuko questioned. Wasn't wars supposed to last longer than the amount of time his uncle was there? What if his uncle was coming back injured? Zuko decided he just wanted the war to be won and his uncle to be safe.

Azula looked at her brother angrily. "No, it means Uncle's a quitter and a loser." Azula stated simply as she began to walk away. She smirked, knowing the last part would get to Zuko. He was always so fun and easy to tease.

Zuko looked at his sister in shock as Kira began following Azula. "What are you talking about? Uncle's not a quitter." Zuko defended his uncle. His uncle was always so kind to him and his mother. Zuko wasn't about to let Azula bully the man just like she bullied him all the time. It wasn't right.

Azula laugher sligjtly, swinging around a pillar. "Oh, yes he is. He found out his son died and he just fell apart. A real general would stay and burn Ba Sing Se to the ground. Not lose the battle and come home crying." She smirked at her brother before leaning on the pillar. Kira watched Azula. Would Azula really not care if Kira i'm got hurt? Kira wasn't family, so her life didn't matter as much.

Zuko glared at his sister, clenching his fists til his knuckles went white. "How do you know what he should do? He's probably just sad his only kid is gone. Forever." Zuko cared deeply for his cousin and knew he didn't feel the pain his uncle felt.

"I agree with Zuko." Kira spoke up as she looked at Azula nervously. Azula glared, but looked away. "I just feel like... if I lost you, Princess Azula... I would be very sad. You're my best friend."

Before Azula could respond, Ursa walked into the room. "Your father has requested an audience with Fire Lord Azulon. Best clothes, hurry up." Ursa said making Zuko race out of the room. He was always the quickest to listen to his mother's wishes.

Azula scoffed slightly, walking slower. "'Fire Lord Azulon.' Can't you just call him 'grandfather?' He's not exactly the powerful Fire Lord he used to be. Someone will probably end up taking his place soon." Azula commented, looking up at her mother, not caring about how mean her comment sounded.

Ursa looked at her daughter disappointedly. "Young Lady. Not another word." Azula, now upset, ran away from her mother, causing Kira to run after her. Yet, she still heard Ursa as she left. "What is wrong with that child?" Kira heard Azula's father speaking the same way. Kira didn't say anything, but thought if maybe Ursa spent more time with Azula, she would be more compassionate.

Kira helped Azula, but wasn't allowed in the same room with the Fire Lord. However, she waited outside for Azula and Zuko. She watched Ursa leave, but didn't see the two siblings for awhile before Zuko ran out. When she did, she had Kira go to Zuko's room with her.  "Dad's going to kill you." Azula sung as she opened Zuko's door. "Really, he is." Azula smirked, making Kira's heart pound and feel like it dropped.

Zuko rolled his eyes at his sister. "Ha, ha, Azula, nice try." Zuko said as he sat in bed. Azula was a liar and he did not trust her. However, Kira could tell when Azula was lying or not, and right now, she wasn't lying, and that frightened her.

Azula laughed softly before shrugging at her brother. Then, she moved closer to his bed. "Fine, don't believe me. But, I heard everything. Grandfather said Dad's punishment should fit his crime. 'You must know the pain of losing a firstborn son by sacrificing your own.'" Azula pretended to do her grandfather's voice as she moved to the edge of Azula's bed.

Zuko's heart was now racing. Was she lying? She must be. "Liar." He stared upset. He couldn't believe her. He just couldn't. Zuko knee his mother never would let this happen. Possibly, his father wouldn't either. Would he?

Azula sighed, looking at Zuko. "I'm only telling you for your own good... I know! Maybe you could find a nice Earth Kingdom family to adopt you like we basically did with Kira." Azula teased, glancing behind her to see a hurt expression of Kira's face. She frowned for a moment but smirked at her brother.

Zuko closed his eyes for a moment to breathe. "Stop it, you're lying. Dad would never do that to me." Zuko stayed. It was in a way that seemed like he was convincing himself more than anything as he gripped the sheets in his hands.

A voice made Zuko sit up straight. "Your father would never do what to you?" Ursa questioned as she placed a hand on Kira's shoulder before walking into the room with an angry look on her face since it was clear Azula was messing with her brother. "What is going on here?" Ursa questioned.

Azula looked at her mother innocently as she sat if Zuko's bed. "I don't know." Azula said, not wanting to tell her mother what she just heard.

Ursa grabbed Azula by her arm, pulling her off Zuko's bed, gently. "It's time for a talk." Ursa said in a tone that was opposite than the way her actions were. But, she'd never purposely hurt her child. Ever. She then took Azula out of the room, having Kira stay with Zuko.

Kira approached Zuko as he clutched his sheets. "Azula always lies, Azula always lies." He chanted to himself. He was hurting very badly. Azula knew what she was doing.

Crawling into bed, Kira placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder before hugging him. "Zuko, it will all be okay. I'm sure she is just trying to be mean to you." Kira stated making Zuko nod as he held onto the water bender tightly. He was still very fearful.

That night was the last night Kira ever saw Ursa. From then on, until Zuko was thirteen, it was just Fire Lord Ozai, Azula, Zuko, and Kira. Kira now being accepted by Ozai more since Azula took a liking to the Water Tribe girl. So, now Kira was allowed more rights than anyone from any other element or nation was allowed. He didn't care about fairness. Only himself and his daughter's success.

But, Kira knew Azula was different. The way Azul held onto Kira as they lay in her bed. She was asleep. That was a way to be vulnerable. She was vulnerable with Kira. She cared for Kira. Not only that but Azula loves Kira.

Here's to another chapter. This one the
longest yet at almost 3000 words. Just
for you all.    Please like, follow, and, if
you want, comment. I would love to see
your feedback. I love you all, my little
turtle ducks.

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