soulmark | e. mikaelson

merylinnemrys tarafฤฑndan

30.6K 815 313

๐˜š๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ธ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ช๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ด ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜ข ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ญ... Daha Fazla

๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฅ๐จ๐ ๐ฎ๐ž
๐€๐‚๐“ ๐Ÿ | Drowning
๐Ÿ | Oh, Brother
๐Ÿ‘ | 8,14,22
๐Ÿ’ | Amber
๐Ÿ“ | The Supernatural
๐Ÿ” | Bree's Bar
๐Ÿ• | The Tomb
๐Ÿ– | Trick or Treat
๐Ÿ— | Dear Diary
๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ | Gone Girl
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ | Your Love got Me Psycho
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ | Give me a Day
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘ | Kat caught your tongue?
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’ | The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐๐ž | Elijah
๐€๐‚๐“ ๐Ÿ | Drift
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“ | A Tale from the Soul
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ” | Starlight
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ• |The Lockwolves
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ– | Liar, Liar
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ— | Blue days
๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ | The Big Picture made of a Thousand Pixels
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ| All the ones I care i.
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ| All the ones I care ii.
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ | If only I could slap my mom
rewrite snippet

๐Ÿ | The First Day of School

2.4K 51 21
merylinnemrys tarafฤฑndan


Surprise, surprise. I'm starting a journal. I suppose it's more tradition for our family to journal our lives than do therapy. I've never been one to write my emotions, and I'd rather bury myself in music. But I'm taking Elena's advice and starting you up. Let me introduce myself;

My name is Alyssandra Gilbert.

Elena's my twin sister, and we have a younger brother named Jeremy. So our story goes like this: three months ago our parents died in a car crash. Their car whipped over Wickery Bridge and into the water. They both died before they got brought to the hospital. Elena was with them, and she was lucky to have survived. She hasn't been the same since, although admittedly, none of us have been.

I'm honestly worried about her, and my brother. I'm prepared to help out however I can. It's the least that I could do for them. I miss mom and dad so much, but somebody needs to hold it all together. I hope Elena doesn't think that Jer and I blame her for their deaths. I can see that she blames herself.

I haven't told Elena, but I feel like I almost lost her too the night our parents died. We got connected (?) somehow. And by some chance, I was able to see what happened and she was able to come back to life.

I don't believe in divinity, but I suppose that's as close as I can get.


Anyways, I hear them rattling around downstairs. I better get down if I don't wanna be late for school.

The now Gilbert-Sommers household already bristled with life when Aly reached down the stairs. She watched as her Aunt Jenna almost comically ready the kitchen, filled with energy despite it being early in the morning. She was happily chatting with Elena, who looked more tired than usual.

"Toast?" asked Aunt Jenna, working around Elena as she walked to the coffee maker. "I can make toast."

"It's all about the coffee." Elena yawned and drank from her mug. "Morning Alyssandra."

Aly smiled. Despite the obvious circles on Elena's eyes, she was glad to see that her twin sister took an effort in getting ready that morning. Elena had worn her signature long sleeves, and her straight hair was thoroughly brushed. "I'd have some of that." she murmured, playfully grabbing the coffee mug from Elena.

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy's voice echoed from the top of the stairs. Aly painfully took note that unlike Elena, Jeremy didn't seem to have taken any effort at all.

She made a face, taking a sip from the mug. "Dude you need a haircut."

The glare Jeremy sent her was icy. "You need to leave me alone." he frowned, bumping into her as he got in the kitchen. Aly rolled her eyes, somebody had woken up on the wrong side of the bed. "Do we have more coffee?"

Jeremy steals the new mug in Elena's hands, much like she did, earning a glare from the oldest Gilbert sibling. It was half-hearted. Alyssandra handed her mug back to Elena, guilty for doing the same moments before. The younger twin felt a little concerned as Jeremy continued to harshly pushed things around as he walked. He had a complete personality change since their parents died, she wanted to reach out somehow- but nothing seemed to go through him.

Growing up, it was Elena that Jeremy had always gone to whenever something was wrong. By no means did Alyssandra believe that the two were closer to each other than Aly was to them, as she also believed that Elena was simply easier to talk to. Elena just always had something to say to the younger two, it was probably a side-effect to being the eldest amongst the three.

Jenna wore a pained smile. "Your first day of school and I'm completely unprepared." she sighed, "Lunch money?"

Aly gave her a smile. "I'm good."

"Same," Elena answered. "You coming with Bonnie and I to school, Aly?"

Aly shook her head no, "I'm heading to Caroline's." she explained. Caroline Forbes, Deputy Elizabeth 'Liz' Forbes' daughter, her best friend. "I kinda promised her we'll go together."

With literally no shame, Jeremy takes the money hanging from Jenna's hand. Aly decides to shoot her shot.

"Hey Jer," she called out. "Wanna hang at the Grill later?"

He doesn't even look back at her as he heads out, yelling out a 'no' as an answer.

Elena frowned, "You think he's gonna be okay?" she asked, looking as worried as Aly was. She placed her coffee mug back down to the sink.

"Honestly I have no idea." Aly had a sinking feeling in her stomach, remembering the early days of their parents' death. Aly personally blamed herself for Jeremy's new behavior, having introduced him to his new friends.

"Well- whatever." she forcibly took the thought out of her mind, beginning to feel uncomfortable. "I'm heading to Caroline's. See you later-" Aly idly presses a kiss on her twin in the cheek before heading out as well. She briefly hears Elena and Jenna talk some more before Jenna follows her out through the door.

"Hey Aly, do you wanna ride? Caroline's house is just on the way," she pointed to her car.

Aly shrugged. "Yeah, sure."

The ride to Caroline's wasn't exactly tense. But it was quiet. Aly follows the urge to trace her wrist. Finding comfort in the misshapen rough edges of her skin there. Jenna repeatedly taps the steering wheel.

"So-" Jenna starts, breaking the silence. "You ready for the first day of school?" she asked.

Alyssandra shrugged once more. "It'll be alright I guess." she takes a look at her aunt. "Thanks, by the way," she tells her, softly this time. "I have no idea what we'll do without you."

It was true.

Elena had refused to go out of her room for days at a time the week of their parent's death, Jeremy decided it was a good idea to meet up with her druggie friends, and at the day of their parent's funeral, Aly herself had almost ran away. It was Jenna that had somehow huddled them back together. It was nowhere near perfect, and Aly seriously doubted that things would go back to normal. But today was better, their lives were better, and it was all because of their aunt.

Jenna smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Your mom was way better at this than I am" she shook her head. "She always wanted kids."

They fall into silence once more, one that's more comfortable. Alyssandra watched as they passed by houses. Thoughts of her parents running through her mind. She was once again reminded of the dream she had that night. She hasn't really talked to anyone about it. She can't get her dad's panicked face in his last moments out of her mind. She still didn't know or understand how she managed to see through Elena's eyes.

She felt her stomach churn over the thought that Elena had actually gone through what she saw. That Aly herself was already panicked by the thought. A part of her wanted to open up to her sister about the events of their parent's death. But she couldn't bring herself up to the conversation.

Alyssandra shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She jumped out of the car as they reached the Forbes. "Thanks for giving me a ride."

"You sure you don't need anything?" Jenna asked.

"I'll be alright," Aly assured her. "Take care!" she said as she shut the door. Jenna gives out a beep as her car drives by. She hears the door open, revealing her friend, Caroline.

As always, Caroline had her blonde hair curled to perfection, her cheerful happy smile radiant and infectious. Aly was forever grateful for her personality. Many had thought that Caroline was shallow, often jealous of others, and always trying to do things her way. But Aly knew better. Her best friend had a heart of gold beyond the rough 'shallow' exterior. She was fiercely protective of her friends, and had always been kind despite her 'say before think' attitude.

"Aly!" Caroline called out, giving her a hug. "I'm so glad to see you" she then pulls back, smiling brightly before- "Your hair is a mess," she tells her. "Come on," Caroline grabbed her hand, "Let's get you fixed up before we go. It's the first day and all."

Alyssandra shakes her head, slightly laughing at her antics. "I think my hair is absolutely fine." but she lets herself get dragged anyways.

~ soulmark ~

The first few hours of school went by smoothly. Aly ran a hand down her hair, carefully not messing up the handkerchief headband Caroline pinned up. She looked at herself in the mirror, tying her curls into a low bun. She felt oddly jittery, feeling as though something was about to happen. She took a deep breath to calm herself, closing her eyes. The restroom door opens, and she jumps in surprise.

It was Elena.

"You scared me."Aly couldn't help but send her a glare as she washed her hands, giving herself a little shake.

"You alright?"


"Are you sure?" Elena pushed, her frown never leaving her face. Sometimes, even Alyssandra got unnerved by looking at her twin, astounded by their likeness. Aly wiped her hands down her skirt, looking at herself at the mirror one last time before rolling her eyes.

"I'm fine, Elena," she said, giving her sister's arm a squeeze. "You?"

Elena shakes her head. "Not really," she mumbled, leaning down on the sink. "I saw Jeremy getting high off earlier."

Aly frowned, disbelief evident on her face. "Are you serious?" she shakes her head, disappointment rolling off her in waves when Elena nods.

Elena looks at her hopefully, "I was wondering if you could talk to him later?" she asks, "I tried to tell him off but it didn't really work."

"I could." she said, "But he'll just give me a speech about being a hypocrite." at Elena's look she adds- "I suppose I'll go find him with the druggies later." she grabs Elena's hand, hooking her arm with hers. "Come on, we're gonna be late for class."

They bump into someone as they head out. Alyssandra hears the guy gasp. He was tall, brown-haired, green-eyed. Pretty lithe and looked pretty shocked. He was obviously the new kid everyone had been talking about. Although he was new, Aly thought that he looked oddly familiar.

"You alright there buddy?" she asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Y-yeah," he stammered. "Hi, Elena."

"Stefan." Her twin greeted, smiling wide. It was an obvious sign, Elena had a new crush. "this is my sister, Alyssandra. Alyssandra, this is Stefan. We have History together."

Aly couldn't help but snort at her choice of words. She reached out her hand for the guy to take, the obvious sign basically confirmed, Elena was into him. "Hi."

There was still this weird look on his face, his eyes kept on darting back from her to Elena. Aly found it a little funny. "First time seeing twins?" she couldn't help but ask.

That seemed to get through him, shaking his head, he laughs. "No- no. I'm Stefan" he shook her hand. "You two just look so identical. "

"Aly," she tells him, the handshake lasted longer than normal. "And yeah- that's how identical twins work."

"Sorry," he said, apologetic. "I didn't see you in class earlier." He trails off in question.

"There's a no twins per class policy here. I also have more classes than Elena here." Alyssandra explained, "Anyways," she gave Elena a little tug by the arm. Her sister was not so secretly staring at him. "We should get going, Care and Bonnie are probably waiting for us."

Elena, seemingly oblivious from the awkward moment, smiles. "Yeah," she said, nodding along. "I'll see you around, Stefan."

"See you." He smiled back. As soon as he was out of earshot, Alyssandra could no longer contain her tiny fits of laughter.

"Oh my god," Aly laughed. "What was that?"

"Shut up." Elena rolled her eyes, "What do you think?" she asked, smirking. "Cute? Hot?"

Alyssandra rolled her eyes, lightly pushing her sister. "He's alright." she conceded. Not really her type, but he was obviously hot. Emo-looking, soft guy. "You have a crush?"

Elena pushes her back, "No," she says, "just- slightly interested." she nods off to the side, where Tyler Lockwood and his friends stood. "I know someone else who's slightly interested."

"Shut up." Alyssandra harshly pinched her, not looking at Tyler's direction at all. "You know how that worked out."

"He's still your best friend, Aly." Her sister insisted, Alyssandra just shook her head in reply. Her mind thought back on Tyler and their rather weird together-but-not-really relationship. It abruptly ended when he had finally confessed his feelings to her, which she shot down. In hindsight, his confession was incredibly sweet, not to mention well thought out. But it was badly timed. Her parents had just died, and she wasn't ready to jump into a relationship just after that.

She knew though, that even if they didn't die, she still would have said no. Aly figured that she'll just have to apologize, words were said that night.

"I'm not really interested in relationships right now."

Elena just nods, expression turning solemn. "Yeah, I get it." she says, suddenly falling quiet. Her playful expression was gone from her face, replaced by one that was more subdued and pained. Alyssandra felt a pang through her chest.

The younger twin backtracks immediately, realizing her mistake. "I don't know," she said, forcing herself to become livelier, "Maybe if he does it again." She feigned a giggle, instantly feeling better as Elena smiled back. They enter the cafeteria together, finding their friends quickly. Soon enough, they were busy chattering about their day.

Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, and Alyssandra, four fast friends since their childhoods. There wasn't a month in their lives where they didn't see or talk to each other, except during fights, but they never did last that long. Caroline was just explaining how the new guy, Stefan, was Elena's next beau when Alyssandra's eye catches Jeremy's form leaving the caf.

Alyssandra stands up, "I'll be right back." she tells her friends. "I'll just go talk to Jeremy."

Following her brother, Alyssandra quickened her pace. A frown settling in her face. She knew the appeal of drugs, understood it, had it. But she couldn't. Not anymore. Elena would be heartbroken, not to mention it'll look terrible as Jeremy's role model. She sees her brother talking to Tyler, who looked like he was having a whiff of his own.

"Jeremy," she called out, smiling tightly. She ignored Tyler behind him. "Can we talk?"

Jeremy looked immediately pissed off. "What are you doing here?" he immediately grabbed her by the arm, dragging her away.

Aly pushed him back, not liking the rough handling. "What?" she asked, "I happen to be friends with the people here."

"Did Elena tell you to talk to me?" he glared. At the side, Aly sees Tyler come closer. "Why can't you two just leave me alone?"

Her ex-something gives her a look, joining in the conversation. "Aly."

Alyssandra ignores him some more. "Listen, Jeremy," she says, "This isn't the way and you know it... You don't use this shit for things to magically get better. Recreation, fine. But it isn't going to help you okay? It's not permanent." She makes her point by grabbing the joint from his hand. "You can't depend on these things. It's dangerous. I know this."

"Give it back Alyssandra."

Aly sighed, handing it back to him but taking her arm back when Jeremy instantly reached for it. "Promise me you'll think about it?" she pleaded.

"Yeah. whatever." He took his joint back, huffing as he walked away.

Tyler immediately rushes to say, "Aly I swear it's not what it looks like."

Alyssandra glares at him. "Just stay away from my brother alright?" she bumps into him as she walks away. Fully aware that it'll just get him mad. Tyler has always had anger management issues.

He grabs her hand, practically forcing her to face him. Alyssandra tenses up as he holds her up by the arms. "I promise," he says, looking at her in the eyes. There was a sad look in his eyes. She feels her resolve break up a little. "I'm not giving your brother any drugs."

Alyssandra shrugs him off, huffing. "Fine," she bites back, "It doesn't matter anyway, Jeremy will just find someone else to get him his next hit." she huffs.

Tyler looks at her, sympathetic. "I'll look after him," he says. "I know how much he means to you."

Alyssandra murmurs him thanks, making a move to head back to the cafeteria but-

"Hey," he stops her again. Alyssandra desperately hopes he isn't gonna bring up what happened the last time they were together and, "Jenny wants you to come by her house later." he tells her instead.

"The drummer girl?" she asks in disbelief. Alyssandra folds her arms, "What does she want?"

Tyler gives her a genuine smile, she tries to ignore how cute it looked "Well," he says, "I gave her one of your songs." he admits "She told me she liked it and wanted you to come over."

"Seriously?" Alyssandra's excitement was evident in her voice. "she wants me to what? Sing it to her or something?"

"I guess so," he agreed. "I can drop you off later after school if you want."

Alyssandra rolled her eyes, "If this is some kind of ploy-"

"It's not." He quickly cut her off. "You write good, you sound good. That's all real."

She finally gives Tyler a smile. He's always been nice to her when it came to music. Before, Tyler was always the first to hear the songs she made and he was always ready to give her his thoughts about it. But then her mind flashbacked to her parent's funeral, and her stomach once again went up in knots.

"Thanks," she mustered up. "I'll see you after school"


The first thing Aly noticed upon arriving was that the music was obnoxiously loud. Tyler had just dropped her off by Jenny's house, and he tells her to send him a message once they're done so he can give her a ride home. She felt nervous, her heart beating in time with the drums. She had removed her hair tie, letting her hair fall by her shoulders in waves. She adjusted her headband, making a move to fix it up again before-

"You look fine." says a girl's voice. The door had opened, and it revealed a girl who had bright pink hair and a spunky attitude. "Come on in."

Instead of a living room, Alyssandra was greeted up with a studio. The band had stopped playing. It took her a moment to realize they were waiting for her to introduce herself.

"H-hi" she stammered, she cleared her throat "I'm Alyssandra Gilbert, you can call me Aly." There were four of them in the room, five, if you count Alyssandra. They all stood by their instruments, looking as comfortable as she felt she wasn't.

"We know," says one of the guys, by the looks of it the lead guitar. "Sarah-" he calls out, motioning the girl that stood by the piano. "Play her cd."

Alyssandra almost cringed as the familiar strum of her guitar began to play from the stereo. The very first song was one she made from freshman year. She mentally cursed Ty for giving them that song. It was spectacularly cringy.

"You have a nice voice." says Jenny, "and you know how to play with a song. This one" she holds a finger up. "Is really catchy"

Catchy but cringy, she thought.

"How long have you been doing this?" asked the dude, Alyssandra wasn't sure if she saw him around the school. His colored hair and face were unfamiliar. "Name's Nick, by the way."

"I learned how to play the guitar when I was 13," she explained.

The girl by the piano, Sarah, gives her a look. Her hair was dark red, straight, and she had bangs that almost covered her eyes. "How committed are you?" she asks, "If you join us," she says, leaning in "You'll be very busy. Don't you have cheer?"

"I'll have time," Alyssandra answered quickly. She knows how their lead singer had just left their band a few weeks before, having to move. "I'm good at scheduling things." she added.

Nick snorts, "You're on honor roll too, founding daughter." he said scathingly. "Are you sure you'll have time?"

Alyssandra had to stop herself from glaring at him. She forced out a yes.

"Oh stop it," says the other guitarist, the only one who didn't dye his hair. Alyssandra was glad, she didn't really want to color hers. "Name's Jamie," he tells her. "I think she'll fit in just fine."

"We have a couple of songs we want you to hit up first before anything serious," says Jenny, handing her a note sheet, one that impressed Alyssandra. "And also- Nick's right, if you do join us we'll need your commitment."

She nods, taking the paper from Jenny's hands. "Yeah, sure" she felt herself slightly calming down. Jenny had switched up the player into something else, and by the looks of the lyrics, she's reading the first song they're gonna try out. She listens intently on the tune. Tapping her foot by the beat. Inside, she felt something inside her lighten up and she almost felt giggly.

After a while, Jenny gives her another look. "Ready?" she asks.

Alyssandra nods. She hears Jenny countdown, stopping her hands from shaking, she holds the mic a little tighter. She looks at the markings by her wrist as a last-second effort to calm herself down. Relief passes through her in an instant.

They ended up staying there for a couple of hours. Running down some renditions, letting her sing other songs, letting her sing her songs- the ones that they liked anyways.

Then there they were, all huddled up in a circle. The past few hours had felt exhilarating and fun, leaving a happy smile on her face. At first, she had felt regretful to not join her friends and sister at The Grill but now she realized she had made the right decision. The four were trying to decide if she got in or not, they all looked to each other intently as though they were having a silent conversation.

"You have a nice voice." Nick conceded, he looked at Sarah- "What do you think?"

"Nice?" she echoed, and for a moment Alyssandra's heart freezes "It's great. Honestly, Aly. Your songs are super good too."

"Thanks," Alyssandra replied, her face feeling hot.

It was Jenny who said the final cut. "We'll call you." she says- and before Alyssandra could react she says, "We need some time to think. There are also a few people that we've called that could sing and we wanna hear them out too- you understand, right?"

Alyssandra was nodding all the way through, "Yeah," she said, "definitely. You got my number?"

"We got it from Tyler," Jenny assures her. Alyssandra takes a quick look at Jamie, who has been quiet all throughout. "So that's that-" Jenny continues, standing up. She holds up a hand, which Aly takes. "You need a ride home?"

Alyssandra shook her head. "Ty's picking me up," she says, standing.

"You and Tyler," Jamie finally spoke up, looking at her intently. "You two still together?"

"No," She denied, "We never were." She hoped they'd fix their friendship though. Aly missed their late-night hangouts. She gives him a smile, though once she sees the look he's giving her she immediately says; "I'm also not looking into any relationships right now."

Jamie's face falls, "Oh," his face morphed into realization. "Your parents,"

"I don't wanna talk about it." she gets out through the door, a frown on her face. She wasn't about to tell her problems to a stranger. No matter how nice their day had just been.

"Condolences," he said instead, respecting her space.

"Thanks," she answered softly, giving him a warm smile. "You're really good at the guitar back there."

Jamie nods, chuckling. "You're pretty good too," he tells her, "wish everyone knew how to actually make songs."

Alyssandra pouts, "But then I won't be special." she tells him jokingly. They end up talking some more and after a while, Alyssandra realized that Tyler wasn't going by any time soon. Excusing herself from Jamie, she calls Tyler up a couple of times. Angrily cursing when he didn't answer.

"Typical." she muttered angrily, shoving her phone back to her pocket.

"Need a ride?" Jamie asked, looking sympathetic. Alyssandra sighed.

"I think Ty ditched me, yeah." she grabbed her bag, huffing. She really needed to get her own car somehow.

Later in the comfort of her own house. Aly stared aimlessly at the ceiling, comfortably lying down in her bed. It was already late at night- and she got multiple texts from her friends and Elena to meet up at the Grill- one that she refused in order to rest. The time at Jenny's place tired her, she hasn't sung out to people since her parent's funeral, and she'd like to get her nerves relaxed. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

She was being chased in a forest, dressed in blue. Her hair was half tied up. She felt fear run deep in her bones, urging her to run even faster. Her breath came in pants, and she felt her heart almost stop when she fell by accident.

A man called up to her, "Tatia," he yelled. Alyssandra felt confused, wondering for a moment what was going on. "Wait!- wait"

She heard herself speak without her accord. "Stay away from me!" she panicked. Alyssandra stood up immediately.

The man is admittedly gorgeous. He looked sharp. With his jawline and piercing dark eyes. His hair was long and went past his soldiers. Alyssandra felt like she knew him, but she has never seen him in her entire life. His hands were up, presumably to signal that he meant no harm.

"I won't hurt you," he begged. He sounded desperate, sad. A part of her felt pained over the sound of his voice.

Alyssandra gasped, for some reason she wants to tell him that she believes him but- "What have you become?"

"I'm what I've always been," he tells her, going closer. But there's something else in his eyes, which was slowly bleeding red. Alyssandra's heart races- fear clouded her mind. "I'm the one who loves you."

His words made her warm, but at the same time, it churned her heart.

"Your mother asked me for my blood." Alyssandra admits, "she said nothing about the dark magic that would turn you into a monster!" taking a step back once more. The man has his hand held out, silently shaking his head with each of her steps.

"Look at me," he said, "I'm not a mons-" he abruptly stopped, taking a look at her hand. Alyssandra's heart spikes out once more, suddenly scared and protective of the writing on her wrist. She looks, but her hand was wretched in blood. "Tatia," he breathed, taking a step forward.

Her hand moves on its own, slapping him. He backtracks, "I said I won't hurt you." he looked at her, breathing harshly, "I don't-" he tells her.

"Elijah," she begged. The name sent a jolt through her.


And so she does, but it doesn't take long for him to catch her. A scream tears through her throat as he takes a bite out of her neck.

Another scream woke her up. She was shaking from head to toe, her bones vibrating on its own. Her heart seemingly wanted to break open her chest, and she had to gasp in order to breathe. Inside her own head, Alyssandra briefly wondered who was sobbing, it took her a moment to realize that it was her.

She stands up, holding up to her desk for support. She felt nauseous. Her dream repeated itself over and over inside her own head. Replaying itself, as though it was permanently ingrained inside. Once again, Aly had an inkling feeling that she had just died.

She quickly made her way to her bathroom, emptying the contents of her stomach. She tries her best to calm herself down, her right hand going to her wrist- but when the usual contact of her skin used to soothe her, this time she felt nothing but fear. She regretted ever learning Norse.


Alyssandra quickly washed her face, banishing the name from her mind. She took deep breaths instead. Holding down the sink to stop herself from shaking. Once the tears had finally stopped streaming down her face, she made her way downstairs. It was pitch black outside, a quick look at the clock tells her that it was an hour past midnight.

She gets a mug, fully intent on making herself a hot cup of chocolate milk- when she jumps, screaming in surprise at the noise behind her.

"Jesus Christ Alyssandra!"

It was Jeremy. He immediately rushed to her, but it was too late. Alyssandra found herself down near the sink, taking sharp intakes of breath. It squeezed her lungs, and her vision blurred. Without even realizing, Aly ends up babbling everything, wanting to get the pain in her chest gone. From her nightmare, she had just woken up from the one she had the night their parents died.

"I swear-" she gasped out, shaking still- holding unto her brother for dear life. "I swear it felt so real."

It takes a while to calm her down. Thankfully, he didn't say anything. Instead, he repeatedly ran down his hand through her back in circles.

They both went silent as she drank the contents of her hot drink. The only sound coming in was the harsh breaths that she released every now and then.

"It was a dream." he finally said. "You'll be okay." in a softer tone, pulling her up. Alyssandra stands, burying her head by his shoulder. It registers in her mind that this was the first time they've hugged since June.

"It felt so real."

Jeremy gives her a slight shake, "He's not real." he tells her, Alyssandra notices the bag under his eyes and the taut expression in his face. He looks almost as though he was in pain. Alyssandra felt worse, feeling bad for what just happened. "Nobody is gonna come running to you, alright?"

"Yeah" she nods, looking intently at the mug. Her hands were still shaking.

Jeremy sighed, then held out something. It was a joint.

Alyssandra shakes her head, eyes closing "Jeremy I-"

"It'll calm you down." he sighed, putting it in her hands. "You know it will."

Aly couldn't help but frown at her brother's words, staring as he leaves through the door to their backyard. Her mind goes to another time as the scent of the joint reaches the house. Simpler times, better times. She really thought that he should stop, but then again, no one had really gone against her when she started.

Briefly, Aly wondered how she thought that it was different. Aly did them because it was fun, Jeremy did it because it took the pain away. She wondered if she really was a hypocrite.

Alyssandra followed him out the door.

Edited on Dec 2,2020

Okumaya devam et

Bunlarฤฑ da BeฤŸeneceksin

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