Jurisdiction • Nasnika

By versaceplayboy

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"Why do we love love? When love seems to hate us?" When two New York City natives meet and have a one night s... More



370 22 13
By versaceplayboy



"So you're telling me that you killed Jaydon?"

I picked up and checked my phone to Nicki blowing up my phone with texts that came back to back. If only she knew what I was doing at this very moment.

"Yes." I responded simply to Cassie's question.

Cassie sat back in her seat while she stared deeply in my eyes. I tapped my foot on the hard concrete floor of the interrogation room. I looked away from Cassie's gaze and thought about everything I was doing. Taking the fall for Nicki meant that I was giving up everything. My freedom, my career and my family. This all seemed pretty bad, but deep down I felt like this was the right thing to do.

"What part don't you believe? You don't think I'm capable of killing a man?" I asked in a slick tone.

Cassie swiveled her tongue around her mouth to hold off on any thoughts she desperately wanted to belt out. When I had called Cassie and told her that I was ready to tell her the truth about Jaydon, she didn't waste another second and came here quick as possible. The camera that sat in my face off to the side was a clear indicator of how badly Cassie wanted me to rat on Nicki while being recorded.

"I think everyone is capable of doing something", Cassie pointed a finger at and smirked sarcastically. "But you didn't do this. You didn't kill Jaydon Cruise."

"But I did and I didn't have any help."

"Okay. What was your motive?" Cassie asked, going along with my words. She pulled out her notebook to jot down everything I said so I knew that my lie had to be sealed shut in order for this to look like a one man job when in actuality I was only the helper and not the killer.

"My girlfriend. He put his hands on her and threatened to kill her."

"How did you do it?"

"What do you mean how? I shot the nigga."

"Mr. Jones I understand you shot him, but my question is how? Without any details how am I supposed to believe that you committed this crime and not someone else?"

"I shot him. That's all there is to it."

"No that's not how it works."

I glanced over at the police officer that was standing off to the side of the interrogation room looking between both me and Cassie probably wondering who held the ball in their court.

"Take him into custody." Cassie said simply. I stood to my feet willingly and put my hands behind my back in order for the officer to brace them with handcuffs. I smiled at Cassie as she sent me sharp glares.

The officer opened the door and before he escorted me out Cassie tugged at my arm making me look back into her piercing green eyes.

"I hope for your sake she's worth it."

That's what Cassie didn't know though. I loved Onika. For her, all of this was worth it then being on the other side and seeing her get taken down by Cassie the vulture.

The whole car ride over here from the church I thought about the decision I was making and what it would mean once I confessed to a crime I didn't commit. I could lose my job and be disbarred. I would be locked away from my friends and family and most importantly, my darling Nicki.

Once Cassie let the police escort me out I saw Onika, Jungle, and Kendra rushing in and ultimately stopping in their tracks at the sight of me being taken away.

"Wait what's going on?" Onika yelled running over to me while I could barely look her in the eyes.

"Your beloved friend just confessed to the assault and murder of Jaydon Cruise." Cassie spoke up coming from behind the officer and coming close to where Onika and I stood.

Every single one of them had a confused look on their face. I didn't know who I felt like I was letting down more.

"No that's impossible because he didn't do it. Nasir tell her the truth!" Nicki yelled causing a whole scene in the room.

I lifted my  head and looked at all of every single of them before directing my eye contact with Cassie. "I killed Jaydon. "

"Take him to a cell."

"What? No! Nasir why are you lying?" I couldn't help but to cry. Onika wasn't taking none of this lightly as I expected her not to, but eventually she would understand why I made this decision.

"Baby, I heard your prayer at the church. You wanted God's guidance and this is what I decided to do. You, Kendra and Jungle have too much riding for anything to happen to y'all. Especially you, Onika, go start your fashion career." Nicki's eyes watered and to keep myself from seeing her cry, I kissed her lips softly.

"I love you Onika." I whispered whispered in her ear. Putting my last name at the end of hers was just my way of letting her know that this was a forever thing. The two of us have been through too much to think that this was the end of us. We talked about Onika possibly carrying my seed and me getting down on one knee to propose, promising to spend the rest of my life with her. All of that was going to happen... just not right now.

Jungle and Kendra waited until I had my moment with Nicki before I got to them, already starting to shed tears. It was my first time seeing Jabari cry so that meant something.

"Aye, I don't wanna see no tears. Y'all go start that family I know y'all been wanting and if it's a boy name him after me." The three of us shared a laughed. Kendra swooped in for a long unexpected hug and then Jungle joined in rubbing both of our backs.

"We're going to get you out of here, big bro. Behind bars ain't a place you need to be. You are risking a lot." Jabari said looking around at all of us to show what I would ultimately be missing out on if I actually went away to prison.

"I already accomplished so much. It's y'all turn. I want you clean and legal by the time I get out, Jabari, I mean it. Kendra, go open your own salon and keep my future wife's hair did. This is for y'all to start the dreams that got faded when people tried to ruin our lives. Imma be good y'all, I promise." I couldn't help, but smile at the sight of the ones I loved the most and gestured for Onika to come over so that we could all have a group hug before they took me away.

"Alright enough of the pity party. Take him to a cell."
Cassie said, making her presence known once again.

Something in me wanted to cry, but for the strength of the ones I loved I withheld my tears.



Although none of us wanted to let go we had to and the guard took him away. For a moment we stared at the door that led to the holding cells hoping that this was all a lie and Nasir was coming back, but that never happened. We decided to finally leave and think about our next moves.

"Onika." I looked behind me to see Cassie standing there hoping to waste a minute of my time.


"This isn't over. I know that Nasir didn't kill that man. You did, I just haven't been able to prove it."

"Well if you haven't been able to prove it then that means it isn't true. Go find something else better to do besides harassing me and my family. You know what? You're absolutely right, this isn't over."

I left the bitter hoe with those last and final words before sending her a wink and walking towards the car. Cassie was playing ruthless now it was my turn. Justice will be served.

Kendra and Jungle had already walked ahead of me to the car. I guess they weren't wasting any time to figure out the next steps regarding Nasir and everything we had been planning with his help.

"That bitch Cassie is tripping. She's gonna be on my back until I'm the one getting arrested." I said to the both of them as we rushed to get back to the car.

"Good, maybe after that you'll realize how all of this is your fault." Jungle stopped in his tracks. Marking his stance to where there was an intimidating amount of space between the two of us.

"What?" I questioned cluelessly.

"Quit the dumb act, Onika. He's doing this for you. Ever since the day he met you, he's been wrecking and stretching himself into whatever you needed him to be in order for you to love him. Your hero, your crying shoulder, your scapegoat. He's done it all."

A tear voluntarily slid down my cheek and I wiped it away quickly. I know that none of this drama has been easy for Nasir, shit, if it were up to me I wouldn't even involve him and just kill Jaydon on my own. Nasir wouldn't be possibly going to prison, Jaydon would out my life for good, and who knows, O'sane might've still been alive.

I didn't plan on ever getting anyone else involved in my mess. Nasir cares for me. I don't want him to take the fall for the murder, that was his decision.

"Your acting like it's my fault he waltzed in that room and confessed. Do you think I want to see the love of my life being taken away in handcuffs? It's eating me alive just like its eating away at you, but what do you want me to do Jabari?"

"Confess! Tell that bitch the truth, so that my brother can come home."

"Confess and just take the wrap. Just like that? That's what you want huh?" Something in me caused my feet to move me closer in Jungle's direction. He shot arrows in my chest with the piercing look he was giving me and it only made this whole thing more complicated.

"Yup." Jungle said without a second thought. He turned on his heels and started to get inside the car.

"Wait a minute y'all. This is ridiculous. Jungle you know that this isn't Onika's fault. Don't be like that." Kendra yelped trying to settle the flames between her two most favorite people in the world.

"Get in the car, Kendra." Jungle didn't have to look at her for Kendra to see and hear how angry he was. She stood there torn between choosing the side of her best friend or the man she loved.

As much as it hurt me, I gave Kendra a look that read so many things at once, but for the majority said: "Go with your man. I'll talk to you when I can."

She nodded and ran to her side of the car, leaving me in the parking lot of the police station with no way home.


"This may be a bad time to ask, but is everything okay with you?"

My eyes focused on the views of the neighborhood passing by as I stared outside of the car window. I felt Tyson looking at me every few seconds to see when I would give him an answer.

I really didn't plan on saying much for the whole car ride but Tyson was kind of enough to come get me and take me back home, so the least I could is play nice.

"I'm fine. Thank you for the ride. I really appreciate it." I ultimately answered his question. Leaving little to no room to ask anything after that.

"No problem. I told you to call me anytime. Whether it's for a ride or you just needing someone to talk to; I'm your guy."

"Thanks Tyson. That really means a lot to me. By the way, I didn't forget about your offer to go grab lunch. It's just that things in my life have gotten a bit hectic." Tyson placed his hand on top of mine which took my attention away from the window and averted it to the feeling of his warm hands on mine.

This time when he looked away from the road and eye contact with me he looked sincere with his actions and the words he was about to say.

I watched with pure enticement as Tyson chose his next words carefully. As he did that, I studied his features and it had dawned on me that I had at one point found this man utterly attractive. His lips were plump and perfect to kiss, his broad shoulders and toned muscles filled out the sleeves of his shirt perfectly; not too much, not too less.

At first Jaydon was just a distraction from all the drama I was going through with Nasir at the time. It was wrong, but shit a part of me that keeps the possibility of me and Nasir breaking up open, it felt like I was back at the gala bumping into this man for the first time.

"You don't have to apologize. I know losing your brother is taking a toll on you and I'm here to help with that."

To say that my heart didn't flutter would be lying to both me and my heart. Tyson was always such a gentleman and treated me like a precious flower that only he had discovered.

Before I could say anything else Tyson pulled up in front of my house. "We're here," he said, putting the car in park and then giving me his undivided attention.

"Thank you again for the ride. I really appreciate it."

"My pleasure."

Tyson and I locked eyes and didn't dare to look anywhere else. I took off my seatbelt and scooter off the car before I made an impulsive decision. I said goodbye to Tyson and started my walk to my front door.

Just as I thought that I was in the clear, Tyson rushed out of his car and caught up with me.

The two of us stopped at my front door and once again made eye contact that was so hot a fire could be set ablaze.

"You didn't have to walk me to my door. I'm a big girl."

"Yeah, but I kinda wanted to savor this since I don't know when we'll see each other. You're all busy and what not." Tyson cracked a smile which warmed me up inside. It was soothing to see a smile without any pain or sorrow behind it.

It seemed like forever since everything was just peaceful around me. It brought me back to what Jungle had said in the parking lot. Was I just an unlucky person or was I the genuine cause behind all of my life's drama? Sleeping with Nasir all those months ago felt like the start of a domino effect.

Maybe it was time to finally get my life in order. Nasir had told me to start my fashion career like I had always wanted before the police took him. Even though he'll probably be gone for a long time, I'm still going to follow through with those dreams he said I could pursue. Time waits for no one, they say.



Shit couldn't be anymore complicated. Not for a second did I think that all of my work to get Nicki arrested for murder was blow up in my face. What the hell was Nasir thinking about taking the fall for that bitch? The fact that she even let him go through with it makes me want to drag her ass through the mid even more.

I stormed into my office fuming. My chest heaved up and down as my blood boiled over thinking about how Nasir was in Jail for a crime he didn't commit.

A soft knock sounded on my door and I don't know why, but that too pissed me off.

"What!" I yelled, not really feeling like being annoyed with any more work related stuff.

"Ms. Smith, Gordon wants to speak with you." My assistant voiced from the small crack he had the door.

"Well tell him that I'm busy."

"Then that would be lying Ms. Smith and right now I need answers."

"Gordon I was just about to contact you. I know that I promised you a lead on this case, but there seems to be some bumps in the road." I stuttered to explain.

Only god knows how embarrassing it was for me to stand here and explain how I messed up the biggest case that this firm has ever had, shit, that I've ever had.

"Smith, the case isn't bombed."

"I-it isn't?"

"Are you kidding me? This is even better. One of my best lawyers turns out to be a murderer? It doesn't get any bigger than that."

To say that I was utterly confused in everything that Gordon was saying would be an understatement. So my misfortune in getting my lead arrested turned out to be a good thing that Nasir, one of our own, is taking the fall?

"So what do you want to do?"

"I want for you to continue with this case. I'll talk to the judge about getting it taken to trial. This case is going to put this firm on the front page." Gordon chuckled with amusement as he walked out of my office to leave me no choice.

Not only was Nasir being arrested for this murder, but now I have to exploit the whole thing in front a jury and the whole damn world.


I'm back and I'm better! I know I took an extra long break. I hope you all are still interested in reading the rest of this book. I promise you it's going to be GOODT!

Sooo what do you guys think? Is Nicki the one to blame for all the drama that's occurred?

What do you think of Nasir's decision to take the fall for Onika?

What do you want to see happen in the future / the rest of the book? 👀


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