By Shrutiiiii14

635K 23.7K 4.2K

(MPREG story!!) Tharn Suppasit a great professor as well as a secret mafia, while type kanawut student fell i... More

00: Prologue
01: Our lives.
02: You!
03: Huh?
04: The choice is your baby!
05: What's with the blood!
06: Sharing what was hidden
07: You are in the Lion's den pup
08: Enjoying each moment
09: Aaargghhhhh!!!!!
10: Envious
11: Persuade?
12: Uneasy
13: Regret
14: Surprise
15: Yes! (18+)
16: This can't be! (18+)
17: No!
18: You've got to be punished.
19: Let it out (18+)
20: Nightfall
21: Crack of dawn
22: Types secret
๐Ÿ’ฎ Invitation๐Ÿ’ฎ
24: Our Special Day
25: The ring (18+)
26: All Puzzled
27: Caught
๐Ÿ’ฎ Announcement ๐Ÿ’ฎ
28: Clearing the air
29: Wet Dream
30: How dare you (18+)
31: Dealing like a pro
32: That day isn't far
๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปAbout Me ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป
33: The reverse game
35: Troubles
36: First Kicks?
37: Hey there!
-Authors note-
38: Diapers??
39: Epilogue
-Author's Note-
Extra: Bathing?
Extra: Catch them (18+)
๐Ÿ’ฎ Announcement๐Ÿ’ฎ

23: You'll be thrown out soon

10.6K 444 123
By Shrutiiiii14

Small update happy reading 😊😊

"I'm...on my...periods." Type spilled it out.


Type nodded.


He didn't look towards tharn as he knew how tharn will react to it. Type felt his time stopped. He was feeling numb as tharn just stared at him with a shocked expression. Firstly it all happened unexpectedly. Type was about to share this with tharn but after them getting married. He didn't want tharn to hate him but now it was out he knew tharn will never accept him anymore.

I'm sorry. Type was mentally kicking himself.

"Baby you...-" tharn was cut off by type.

"I'm sorry. I know you'll hate me now." Tears accumulated in types eyes.

"I'm sorry but I was looking for the right time to share this with you."

Type was breathing unevenly as he gathered all the courage to look towards his boyfriend. Tharn had his eyes on type.

"Why...why you not saying anything?"


"Tharn!" Type called out again.

"Baby, Please stay quiet, let me process it."

Type felt someone threw icy cold water on his face. As expected tharn was showing the same expression as he thought.

"I'm sorry." Type apologized again.


Tharn just looked at him blankly. He couldn't control the happiness that he got from what his boyfriend just said.

"I'm sorry, I think you hate me now, right?" Type closed his eyes while questioning.

"No baby, It's not like that I'm- "

"No! Don't fake it. I can clearly understand that you will never accept me being a hermaphrodite. We better call off the wedding." Type stood up from tharn's lap to walk to the closet to pack his clothes.

Tharn's eyes widen.

"Baby! what you doing?" He asked.

"It's better to stay away then," Type started crying

"No, I love you."

"Stop it tharn! Don't fake it."

"Type! What's wrong with you? I never told like that! I'm so so happy!"

"Happy, huh? Then you wouldn't have given me that kind of look which you gave me before." Type sobbed heavily.

Tharn was speechless. He didn't want to hurt the younger but he needed time to process, right?

"Baby, What are you thinking?"


"I'm so happy to hear that you can become a mom because I thought we would have to adopt one coz we both are male! But see you made it!"

"..." Silence from the younger.

"Keep those clothes aside." Tharn ordered.

Type stayed still.

"I said keep it back in the closet!"

"..." Type still didn't move.

Tharn snatched the clothes from type to throw it back into the closet to make type jump and carry him to the bed. He gently placed his boyfriend on the bed to sit beside him.

" don't hate me?" Type asked.

"Why would I?"

"Then, what was that look? It seemed you weren't happy at all."

"Baby, I was just taking some time to process. It was giving me joy."


Tharn nodded.

"Really really?"

Nod! Nod!

"Really really really l??"

Nod! Nod! Nod!

"Oh my god, I'm so happy." He immediately hugged his handsome fiance.

Tharn hugged him back.

"I'm happy too."

"I thought, we have to call off our wedding which was just 3 days ahead of us."

"I would never call it off." Tharn said which made the type grin from ear to ear.

"But wait, aren't you pregnant because i had fucked you before and it was without protection, right?"

" I was on birth control pills."


"Tharn, but what about your family members? How are we supposed to share this with them?"

"We'll share this when I'll get you pregnant for real. It would be a surprise for them."

"You wish for a child?"

"Of course. I would love it if we have 10!"

"10!!" Type showed his ten long fingers to tharn.

Tharn laughed.

"Hmm, 10!!"

"Why not 11 then?"

"I didn't get you! If you want 11 then it's also fine for me."

"We would have a whole cricket team then!" Said type glaring at tharn.

Tharn stated laughing.

Type blushed.

Tharn started teasing and tickling the younger.

"Hahaha! Tharn stop."

"No! But why didn't you shared it with me before?"

"Hahaha! I'll tell you but stop tickling!"


"Stop tharn!"

"Say it!"


"My favorite three words."

"Hah! I! Now stop!!"

Tharn stopped and Type relaxed.

"Oh god! You almost kill me with those tickles."

"Why didn't you shared such a big thing with me before?"


Tharn looked at him lovingly.

"Because I thought to tell you about it after our wedding."

"After our wedding?"


Tharn smiled.

"Anyways, but who all knew about it from your family?"

" mom only."

"Only your mom?"

Type shook his head.

" and Mom kept it a secret."

"Ohh! How did you felt when you got it for the first time?" Tharn asked.

" wasn't a good experience though! Like when I was 11, I got it for the first time. The next day I had my test in school. One day before that at 10 pm I spotted some red spots on my blue night wear but i didn't freak out. I was in my parent's room studying for the test. I shouted for my mom and she came rushing to the study table. She questioned me and I just turned back and she was shocked seeing blood on the pack of my pants. I didn't know all of this. She quickly took me to the bathroom to change my nightwear and helped me to put the sanitary pad on. I just looked at her confused as she didn't speak a single word. After the changing session was done, she took me to the garden for some fresh air. The atmosphere was cool. I asked her about the red spots and she told me that it is natural and every girl experiences it on their puberty.

I even questioned her that I'm not a girl! But what she told me later was very very shocking for me!"

"What?" Tharn asked excitedly.

Type chuckled.

She told me that I'm a hermaphrodite which is a rare case in which male and female reproductive organs are settled into one single system and that means I can give birth. Girls get some extra blood to nurture the baby( in case) and she said it enables one to be a mother. She showed me how to use the sanitary pads and I found it amusing. I was freaking out as I heard it for the first time. I felt odd when I thought of a boy getting pregnant! Weird! My mom told me not to get scared as it's normal.

The next day I was able to give my test but those stupid period cramps were irritating me a lot. My first period continued for 10 days and the cramps were making me cry badly because the pain was unbearable. I wasn't habituated to periods for a few years and I'd still cry because of the pain sometimes. The intensity of those cramps got reduced as time passed but looking at the calendar I still scream that Ahh! Still, 5 days to go!!"

Tharn laughed at the last statement of types. Type gave him a death glare. Tharn immediately stopped laughing and he was trying so hard to keep a serious face in front of his boyfriend. Type knew how badly tharn was holding back. Seeing tharn's funny face type burst laughing loudly.

"You look so funny with that expression."

Tharn narrowed his eyes towards type with anger but it soon subsided when he saw his baby laughing his heart out. He laughed back.

"Thanks a lot for giving me such a big surprise."

Type smiled wide.

"I should thank you for accepting me."

"I would never reject your baby." tharn pecked on types lips.

"I love you."They said in unison!


And they laughed again.

"I'll better get to the washroom."

Tharn nodded.


The same night...

Poom: My plan failed again.

???: I know, I tried my whole best to get ohm in the mansion but other people caught him.

Poom: Damn it.

???: Don't worry, we'll try our best again.

Poom: when?

???: After their marriage.

Poom: Are you fucking kidding me?

???: I know! But I can't do anything! Their wedding is planned.

Poom: Do something. Destroy it!

???: I can't!

Poom: listen, I want type in any condition!

???: And I want him out from the house in any condition!

Poom: Then when is their wedding?

???: 15th August!

Poom: ohh, just 3 more days to go then?

???: Don't be happy! They are going on their honeymoon on the very next day.

Poom: Fuck!

???: I'm sorry but I can't do anything!

Poom: nevermind! I have to wait then!

???: Hmm!

Pool: I'll wait for a few days!

???: You better!

Poom: I'll hand it up first!

???: Hmm

Call ended.

Type, you'll be thrown out of this house soon." The person smirked.

To be continued
12 August
(1498 words)

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