Taekook Smuts and Drabbles

pensiveprufrock द्वारा

219K 3K 398

Wouldn't it be fate if we're under the covers. अधिक

Euphoria pt1
Euphoria pt2
Showing who's the alpha
No Kissing Policy
Editorial Note
I'll Be Home For Christmas pt 1
My Ride Or Die pt 1
My Ride Or Die pt2
My Ride Or Die pt3
My Ride Or Die pt4
My Ride Or Die pt5
My Ride Or Die pt6
My Ride Or Die pt7
My Ride Or Die pt8
My Ride Or Die (Epilogue)
You Drive Me Crazy
Birthdays like these
Get Me Out Of My Mind (Get You Out Of Those Clothes)
if you want it ( you can have it )
Ripped Jeans and Velvet Skin
i can feel that body shake, and the heat between your legs
A Little Bit Dangerous (But Baby That's How I Want It)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Promises to Keep (and Miles to Go Before We Sleep)
I feel safe in the 5 a.m. light
and i want you
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go (2)
only you can set my heart on fire
the way i fuck him
Editorial Note
i'm still falling for you
Double Tap
Line of Fire (Taekook)
Line of Fire (Cont.)
Unwanted Butterflies
Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)
Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)
Hold You Close, Tonight And Always
Headed to Hell for the Company
Comeback Kids
bad habits
He's Always Right There When I Need Him
got my body so wet
Long Road To Ruin
i'm a darling (strong heart, soft touch)
i wanna get back (to the old days)
Tongue Technology
Punch Hard (Fall Harder)
Wanna make love
good vibration
Sated Enough?
The shoreline where you and i meet
Not an update
The perfect enemies to lover fic you didn't know you needed
The enemies to lover trope you didn't know you needed (2)
Should I ;(
Love will heal what language fails to know

Headed to Hell for the Company

1.4K 24 1
pensiveprufrock द्वारा


Jungkook flips through the papers. "What's this?"

"Nothing." Taehyung grabs the stack and carefully places the sheets back in a folder.

"Just tell me. I'm bored."

"Only ten more minutes. Quit being annoying."

"Fine, Jesus. What's this?" Jungkook reaches for another manila folder, stapled papers tucked cleanly inside.

"Forms. Jungkook—" Without looking up from the pen scrawling over his page, Taehyung places his free hand over the folder. "Can you be patient for, like, two fucking seconds? I'm almost done, I swear."

"You said that an hour ago."

"It's been maybe fifteen minutes."

"Same thing. I'm bored." Sitting on the edge of Taehyung's desk, Jungkook swings his legs back and forth and watches Taehyung scribble out some more words.

"You didn't have to come," Taehyung reminds him, pausing for a moment and absentmindedly clicking his pen before writing again.

"But I wanted to see." Jungkook experimentally taps the edge of the crystal vase kept on Taehyung's desk. Inside are various flowers, fresh, no more than a day or two old. "I really thought it would be more fun. You know, seeing how the cash flows in. The gears of the working world and the modern economy and shit."

"Then get a damn job."

Jungkook laughs. It's a bright sound that echoes far too loud in the quiet building, probably heard out in the halls. "You're funny, man. Good one."

Taehyung chuckles, shaking his head. "One day I'll dump your ass and you'll have nowhere to go."

"Please." Jungkook scoffs. "I'll just find some other sorry fuck to accommodate me. It's not that hard. I got you in—what, two weeks? Not even?"

"Psh. What do you mean you 'got me'?"

"You know. Got you." Jungkook shrugs and lifts a hand to flick at a strand of Taehyung's intentionally tousled hair, the typical "professional look" that he wears to work. Some days it takes him almost an hour to style, and Jungkook finds a small pleasure in making fun of him for being so gay about it.

Taehyung's still jotting down messy words in black ink, although he occasionally pauses to look up at Jungkook and respond. "I don't know about you, but I remember it taking months for you to 'get me'."

"Nah." Jungkook waves it off. "You're just getting old. I was already staying at your place after a few months, remember?"

"Bullshit. You were scared of staying over for the longest time 'cause you were afraid I'd find out about your tail and horns and all that."

And all that. Jungkook snorts, thinking back to the time when Taehyung had found out about his self-lubrication. Which he took the slightest bit better than he had the tail and horns, though not by much.

"No way. We were so quick about that. I remember you handled it really well too—or better than some other people, at least."

Taehyung begins to argue, but Jungkook interrupts him.

"There's no way you'd remember it right. Nothing beats a demon's brain."

"Half demon. Don't oversell yourself, sweetheart."

"Not my point." Jungkook kicks out a leg and knocks his foot against Taehyung's cushy office chair, spinning it a bit. "You were such a bitch for me, you remember?" He sighs, almost sweetly reminiscent.

"No, I wasn't," Taehyung counters, still distracted by his work. His glasses slide lower on his nose and he doesn't even look up when Jungkook gently pushes them back up for him. Using this opportunity, Jungkook traces a finger down the side of Taehyung's cheek and places it beneath his jaw. Not one for being ignored, he tilts Taehyung's chin upward and forces him to meet his playful grin.

"Yes, you were. You got so weak when I pulled the Daddy card, too."

Taehyung scowls.

"I'm trying to work," he says, avoiding the subject.

"So, so weak," Jungkook ignores him and goes on.

"God." Taehyung grunts and tilts his chin down to nip at Jungkook's finger. Jungkook yelps and jerks his finger back, frowning indignantly. "Why do I put up with you?"

"'Cause I'm great? Lovely? Out of this world?" Jungkook rolls his eyes. "I could go on."

"Please don't. All you're good for is draining my bank account. Bet I could be living in some snazzy mansion or two on Monaco's coastline if it weren't for your jobless ass."

"Psh. The payout if small considering the payoff." Jungkook leans back and toys with the flowers again, knocking the stems around the sides of the vase. "And I cost you pretty much nothing. I don't even need food, technically."

"But you still do a wonderful job at emptying the fucking fridge."

"Eh. Just 'cause I don't need to eat doesn't mean I won't. The pleasures of life, Tae. I'm here to enjoy the world."

"Right, along with thirty minute showers and blasting the AC and leaving all the lights on. Racking up the bills, Jungkook." Taehyung spins his pen, still looking down at his papers but not actually writing anything. "Once you have your fill of enjoying the world, just do us all a favour and go back to hell."

"You'd miss me." Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"Please." Taehyung scoffs and goes back to writing.

Plucking a flower from the vase, Jungkook twirls it, fiddles with the soft petals. Water droplets spatter from the stem onto the lacquered wooden desk. Still bored, he comments, "These are nice."

"Hm." Taehyung looks up, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose and pushing a strand of hair away from his forehead too carefully. "They are, aren't they? I think I got them from one of the grad students around here."

Jungkook's eyes flicker from the dainty petals over to Taehyung. "One of them?"

"Yeah. She's not one of mine so I couldn't tell you her name, but." Taehyung shrugs and goes back to scribbling sentences. "Sweet girl, probably."

"Psh. Yeah."

Looking down at the flower again, Jungkook chews on his tongue. The flower is a rose, pink, the stem cleared of thorns, the petals crisp and perfect. In the vase are a few other types.

"Tulips," Jungkook says and picks out two, one red and one yellow. Along with the rose, he spins these three in his hands and regards them silently.

"Pretty, right?" Taehyung says, writes something, clicks his tongue in thought and writes some more. "I've actually never been much for flowers, but it's still kinda nice having them around."

There's a scowl twisting Jungkook's pretty features, but Taehyung can't see it. He plucks a petal from the red tulip and lets it fall onto Taehyung's page. Simply brushing it away, Taehyung keeps working.

"You know," Jungkook says, "I used to work in a flower shop. For a while."

"Oh, yeah?" Taehyung chuckles. "And then you met me, huh? Lazy, lazy."

"Not the point." This time it's a yellow tulip petal Jungkook plucks off, followed by one from the rose. He picks up the red one and pinches the three flimsy things between his thumb and forefinger. "Do you know what pink roses mean? Yellow tulips? Red?"

Taehyung hums. Still not fucking getting it. "Dunno why I would. Enlighten me, won't you?"

Jungkook sighs and drops one petal back onto Taehyung's page. "Love"—drops another—"and love"—and another—"and love."

Finally, Taehyung casts his eyes up. Jungkook's mouth is still pursed tight.

"Jeez, Kook." Taehyung gives him an exasperated look. "That's your point? Come on, babe. You're overthinking it."

Jungkook levels him with a stare.

Taehyung flips his page and writes. "She probably just picked them at random."

"You're fucking daft if you believe that—"

"Oh, so what should I believe?"

"I know it's tough for you, being a human and all, but if you'd use your damn brain you'd probably see that this"—Jungkook points the stem of the rose in Taehyung's face—"is her pathetic attempt at a confession."

Jungkook places the two tulips back in the vase none too carefully. A small leaf breaks off, and Jungkook watches in satisfaction as it flutters onto the desk.

"Well I'd be flattered," Taehyung deadpans, pushing the rose out of his face with the pen. "But it's not a confession."

"Listen, trust me. I know how flower shops work. And romance, too." Jungkook gestures to himself. "Fucking master of romance right here. You can't get better than this. And I'm telling you this girl's trying to get into your pants. You know—ooh la la, fucking fancy schmancy professor with the genius label or whatever, getting a free pass into a career so young, with a good dick and a mediocre body—"

"Fuck you, my body is great."

"I mean..." Jungkook clicks his tongue, smirking. "Compared to mine—"

"Okay, quiet. This conversation is over. It's not a confession. Done deal." The pen rattles as Taehyung twiddles it back and forth. "I get flowers like this all the time. These colours must be the cheapest ones or something."

Jungkook knits his brow in irritation. "Roses aren't cheap. God, you idiot, do you know nothing?"

"About flowers? Can't say I do. I hate to admit it, but you're winning this gayness race."

"I'm being serious, Tae." Finally Taehyung puts down his pen and leans back in his chair, giving Jungkook his full attention. Looking amused, he raises an eyebrow. Jungkook goes on, "And all the time? What do you mean by all the time? You saying you've got fucking admirers all over the place? Hot, successful women falling all over you and showering you with roses and—"

"Fucking Christ." Taehyung rolls his eyes and pats Jungkook's thigh. Smiles, his glasses having stooped low on his nose once again. "Quit overthinking it."

Jungkook huffs. "Well quit being so nice to people." Once more he reaches to fix Taehyung's glasses. "I bet that's why they think they have a chance. You should tell them you're taken."

"Sharing my personal life is—"

"Unprofessional?" Jungkook snorts. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just mention me, you know, like—hey, I've got a smoking hot boyfriend that fucks way better than any of you humans ever could and he's like the best thing ever and also sucks mad dick and—"

"Oh my God, stop talking."

It seems like Taehyung's about to say more, but they're interrupted by a brusque knocking on the door. The clicks of heels. A feminine voice.


Jungkook bristles.

"Who—Jesus fuck, this is a goddamn professional environment, no one calls you Tae but me, what the fuck—"

"Babe—shut up. Get off the desk." Taehyung pats his side. When Jungkook crosses his arms and scowls he just pushes him till he slides close enough to the edge that he has to step off. "Yep!" he calls toward the door.

A woman comes in. Late thirties, in crisp work clothes.

"Ah, Mr. Kim, sorry if I'm bothering you—"

"No, no, don't worry about it!"

She wears a sheepish smile and coy mannerisms colour her every movement. Taehyung might not catch it but Jungkook knows far too much about flirting not to.

"I wanted to talk to you about..."

Jungkook's not listening. All he's seeing is this woman in her fitted skirt and her blazer cleanly cutting in at her waist, her long hair and her graceful stature.

The way Taehyung just smiles at her as she talks.

Jungkook leans against the desk, drums his fingers over the surface, regards this woman. She meets his gaze for a moment and smiles, showing her perfect teeth, and Jungkook only keeps himself from glaring because he's not petty.

Well, not that petty. He steps over closer to the back of Taehyung's chair and rests his hands over the back, his arms sort of wrapped around Taehyung's neck but also sort of not. Making a show of it.

"...and, uh—" Taehyung startles and stops speaking for a moment, glancing behind him to look at Jungkook. He glares, trying to subtly shake Jungkook off while keeping up the professional front, but Jungkook just softly glides his fingers down Taehyung's arm. Smiles at the woman. Smiles even wider when she blinks in recognition and asks if he's Jungkook, saying it's nice to meet him, saying she's heard so much from Taehyung.

"Nice to meet you." Jungkook nods in a way that could pass as civil if you look at it the right way. "And your name? 'Cause I wouldn't know, you know, Taehyung here's never mentioned you."

Taehyung goes tense beneath Jungkook's fingers. A little awkwardly, the woman laughs and introduces herself. The conversation goes on but it's mostly technical blabber. Jungkook feels like he's done his part.

"Wednesday, I'd say," Taehyung says. "Maybe Thursday if that's easier for you—"

"Wednesday is perfect." She shifts her weight on her feet, her wide hips tilting. "I'll let the others know."

"Great." Taehyung grins, a different sort of grin than what Jungkook's used to seeing. "Thank you."

White-collar and all business, she leaves, but Jungkook's positive he's seeing something more to the way she moves, speaks, looks.

The second she's gone, Taehyung turns around and bats Jungkook's arms away.

"Christ, what's wrong with you? She's married."

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "That's irrelevant. You never know."

"You're an asshole." Taehyung sorts out his papers, quickly shuffling them.

"Maybe." He shrugs and sits back on Taehyung's desk. Sliding over to the middle, he grabs Taehyung's arms and pulls him so he's between Jungkook's spread legs. Jungkook stoops lower, placing his elbows on his thighs. His fingers fiddle with the sleeves of Taehyung's dress shirt. "Big deal. Everyone's an asshole if you think about it."

"Stop trying to justify the shit you do."

"What if I blame it on the demon blood?"

"That makes you worse."


"'Cause you're already as bad as it gets?"

"Oh, now we're just being mean."

"That's your forte."

"Please, I'm a saint."

Shifting closer to the edge of the desk, Jungkook hops off and pushes Taehyung's chair back slightly. Then he climbs into Taehyung's lap, his knees bent and tucked up between the armrests and Taehyung's thighs, their faces close. Taehyung gives him a disapproving stare but lets Jungkook do as he likes.

"Those flowers are ugly anyways," Jungkook says, wiggling around as he tries to get comfortable. As he speaks, his breath ghosts over Taehyung's skin. Taehyung's hands fall to Jungkook's waist instinctively, a practiced movement. "Everyone knows red roses are where it's really at. Pink is fucking tacky."

"Okay, Jungkook."

Finally comfortable, Jungkook brings his hands to rest around Taehyung's neck. Brings their faces closer. Breathes against Taehyung's lips, warm and soft.

"We are in public," Taehyung reminds, his gaze briefly flickering down to Jungkook's lips before coming back up to his eyes.

"Oh, come on, Mr. Kim. Live a little." Then Jungkook catches Taehyung's lips in a kiss.

Usually Taehyung's stricter about this—affection in the workplace. Says it would be a nightmare if anyone were to walk in and see Jungkook working his hips against Taehyung's. And usually Jungkook doesn't bother coming here anyways, saying it's boring and he'll never be the nerd Taehyung is. The only reason Taehyung's complying to this, letting Jungkook's weight push him farther into the seat, melding their lips together with just a much fervour, is because he's been having to spend so much time at work recently and he's admittedly a little starved for affection.

They pull apart and Jungkook's hands make loose fists around the fabric of Taehyung's collar, keeping him close, breathing against each other's lips.

"You don't like the flowers, right?" he hears himself asking, the words pouring right out of him, spilling between their lips, messy.

"'Course not. Like you said—pink is tacky." Taehyung gives him a quick peck, glasses nudging cold against the bridge of Jungkook's nose.

"Good," he murmurs, kissing Taehyung again long and hard. Scooting his ass forward in Taehyung's lap, he presses their chests together. Close. Confining. "'Cause all those women falling over you—they don't stand a chance. Just saying. They don't know what they're up against."

He passes his tongue over Taehyung's lips, fingers gripping harder, body pressing closer.

"Can't give you what you want. Not like I can."

"Again with the overselling, hm?"

"Ain't called overselling when it's true."

Jungkook pulls back, a rosy blush rising to his cheeks, his lips parted and wet. Taehyung's large hands soothe over Jungkook's thighs.

"Really," Jungkook murmurs. "Thinking those flowers could win you over. Psh. Please, not when you've got a boyfriend with this ass." He wiggles his eyebrows and grinds his hips slightly.

"Cut it out." Taehyung's hands try to hold him still. "That shit isn't cute."

"Liar," Jungkook breathes, smirking. "You're way into it, Daddy. Don't lie."

A subdued breath rushes from between Taehyung's lips, punched out and cautious. His fingers trace patterns up Jungkook's thighs and find purchase on his hips, thumbs rubbing circles over Jungkook's shirt. Somewhere behind the fluttering of his eyelids is a warning.

Jungkook lets go of his killer grip on Taehyung's shirt collar to instead smooth his hands over his sturdy shoulders. As Taehyung trails one hand up his back, Jungkook spine arches and his grin gets a bit wider. Then Taehyung sees it—the glimmering edges of his teeth as his incisors get the slightest bit sharper, as he lets his cover fall just a tad.

"Careful," Taehyung says, but it's the weakest breath of a word.

"We'll be fine," Jungkook says, his doe eyes wide and cute and utterly distracting. So much so that Taehyung doesn't realize Jungkook's horns coming out from beneath his ruffled hair until they're nearly fully exposed. Risky. A bad idea. A very Jungkook type of idea.

Bringing his eyes back down from Jungkook's horns, Taehyung frowns, squinting a little. "Kook," he just says. A heads-up not to take this too far, like he always loves to do. Always.

"Who cares? Not like anyone's gonna come in. And keeping up a cover is hard."

"I care. You can go have fun getting caught, but I'll probably lose my job if anyone finds out I'm dating a fucking"—he looks pointedly at Jungkook's horns—"demon."

"Mm. Half. And we're not that bad." Jungkook fakes a pout. His lower back is taut, his hips moving so, so subtly. Then one of his hands comes beneath Taehyung's jawline, tilting his chin up and holding a bit too firm. Opening his mouth, he lets his hot breath fall over Taehyung's neck and scrapes his teeth against his jaw. Says into his ear, "You like us."

Taehyung's eyelashes flutter, his lips falling open with a shaky breath falling through.

"You like me," Jungkook teases softly.

"Hm—Not much."

The pressure of Taehyung's grip tightening on Jungkook's hips sends a lovely shudder through him. Exactly what he wanted. The muscles of Taehyung's shoulders tense as he gives in to Jungkook's grip, letting his head fall back to allow Jungkook room to bite.

"Oh, you're mean." Jungkook presses a hot kiss against the skin where he'd scraped his teeth. Hotter than normal, his lips burning and hellish, no doubt putting some of that demon magic to use. Cruel. Then he keeps going and pulls Taehyung's earlobe into his mouth, nipping at it. Taehyung winces but all he does is growl low in his throat, letting Jungkook's hand shift slightly so he's almost got him at the throat. "You know I'll do anything for you, Daddy. Just say the word and I'll be riding you to the fucking floor."

"I—baby," Taehyung breathes.

It's always satisfying when Taehyung gives in, when he falls back and lets Jungkook walk the thin line between acceptable and far too much. It's important to them that they have a balance. Sometimes it's fight in their veins and sometimes it's compliance.

"Wouldn't that be funny?" Jungkook murmurs, grinning a little and catching the way Taehyung's eyes fall to his teeth. "Someone walking in and catching us fucking. Man, that'd be fucking funny."

Jungkook rolls his hips again, feeling Taehyung's cock stir in his slacks.

"Ah, Daddy," he drawls, having way too much fun with this. "So dirty."

"Behave," Taehyung grits, his voice barely more than a whisper.


Jungkook nuzzles into Taehyung's neck before biting again, hard. It makes Taehyung hiss quietly, his hands gripping firmer around Jungkook's hips. Trying to push him away. Trying to pull him closer.

But Jungkook suddenly moves back, his hand falling away and tracing down the line of buttons on Taehyung's shirt. All that is gone, the moment reverted back to Jungkook just sitting happily in Taehyung's lap.

Smiling as if nothing's fucking happened.

"These frames are getting old," Jungkook comments. He adjusts Taehyung's glasses, wiggles the hinges. "You need to buy a new pair."

Taehyung's still catching up. A precise heat still lingers from where Jungkook had used his teeth against his skin, definitely having left a mark. On top of that, the cooling saliva from his lips.

"I hear the mall in the north end has a good optometrist. I don't like the one you go to right now. He's rude. His cologne's too strong, too."

"Right..." Taehyung says. Jungkook's got his cover back up again, teeth relatively human save for the almost frightening bright white, horns completely gone.

"Not now, though. I wanna go home."

Jungkook smiles. Taehyung can't help but do so too. Jungkook gets up.

"You've spent so much time at work lately, like man, what's so good about this place anyways?" He stretches, cracks his back.

Taehyung gets up as well, grabbing his bag. "Gives me time away from your ass."

"Psh. Rude."

Their conversation might be back to normal, but none of what's happened is forgotten. Not one bit.

Friday night, Jungkook's acting a little weird.

"And...yeah, and I think we're out of eggs or something, I don't really—don't really know..." He trails off, staring at the stoplight. The only sound in the car is the blinker clicking.

Taehyung glances over, worry coloring his features. "Jeez, you sure you're all right? I can drive."

"I—" Jungkook's fingers drum against the wheel, and he lets out a rushed sigh. "No, it's—we're close to home, it's fine, I'm fine." He turns the corner. The streets are empty past midnight, especially on this side of town.

"Okay, just...don't crash, man." Taehyung leans back in his chair but his eyes don't leave Jungkook. The way he presses his lips together occasionally, the impatient movements of his fingers, his hands gripping too hard as he turns the wheel.

"No worries," Jungkook breathes.

He's been acting odd the whole drive. In fact, he'd even sounded out of it when Taehyung had called him, asking Jungkook to come pick him up tonight because he'd taken the train in the morning and didn't want to bother taking one back. Jungkook didn't even take the opportunity to call Taehyung out on being lazy.

When they pull into the driveway, Jungkook's fumbling to get the keys from the ignition, stepping out of the car unsteadily and slamming the door a bit too hard. Knocking it down to Jungkook just being tired, Taehyung gets out as well and fiddles with his bag for a moment.

"Come on," Jungkook says.

"Hm? Yeah, yeah, I'll be there, you go in. I think I dropped some papers." Leaning into the car, he flicks on the light and slides the seat back, picking up the few sheets.

"Tae," Jungkook insists. There's something about his tone that makes Taehyung stop. Not anger, not impatience, not distress. Maybe anticipation. "Tae, just find them tomorrow, I wanna go in."

Call Taehyung weak, but he throws his bag onto the passenger seat, leaving it and the papers and shutting the door. Satisfaction colours Jungkook's features.

"What's up with you?" Taehyung murmurs, stepping close to Jungkook and walking up the rest of the driveway with him, arms brushing against each other's and knuckles occasionally touching. The light from the streetlamps is dim and disappears almost entirely when they step up to the doorway of their house, but it's enough to see the impatient flicker in Jungkook's eyes.

Sometimes Jungkook gets annoyed with how slow Taehyung is on picking up these things, but this time around Taehyung's pretty sure he's got an idea of what might be going on.


"...All right."

Unlocking the door, they step in.

Everything is fairly normal, just like any other night. They kick their shoes off and take their coats off and Taehyung turns the heat up a little. But Jungkook's hand curls around his wrist, squeezes once, making him turn around.

"Come with me?"

The words are innocent enough and there's nothing dangerous about his gaze, but that's just because Jungkook's good at hiding it. Taehyung's brow knits upwards.

"Are you—"

"Yeah," Jungkook murmurs, and he takes a step closer. His fingers are cold from the weather outside around Taehyung's wrist, but he flares the faintest bit of heat at the tips, just a reminder. A warning. The same thing he always does to get what he wants.

Taehyung doesn't realize he's holding his breath until Jungkook is almost pressed right against him, his body temperature a touch hotter than normal. There's a blush on his cheeks that Taehyung's just now noticing in the soft light of their house.

"Come on," Jungkook urges, his eyelids hooding over. "I wanna show you something, Daddy."

"Yeah. Yeah, sure."

The answer is automatic, an immediate surrender on Taehyung's part. As much as he hates it, Jungkook's right about him being a total bitch for the "Daddy card".

He's not surprised when Jungkook leads him into the bedroom, when the first thing he does is guide Taehyung to sit on the bed and then climb into his lap. Jungkook wordlessly adjusts the pillows behind Taehyung's back, his breathing shallow and quiet.

"Comfortable?" Jungkook asks, voice tight.

"Mm. Are you?"

Jungkook just drops his head onto Taehyung's shoulder, finally letting a desperate sound escape him and muffling it in Taehyung's shirt. Taehyung's confused, but only for a moment. Because then he notices it, the faint vibrating hum.

"Jesus, baby." He runs a hand down Jungkook's back, hooking his thumb into his waistband.

"Feel it?" Jungkook whispers playfully, his grin buried in Taehyung's shoulder. His hand trails up Taehyung's chest and grips his jaw, tilting his chin up. Letting it happen, Taehyung's head hits the headboard hard enough to make him wince. Lifting his head and looking up at Taehyung through his eyelashes, Jungkook wiggles his ass, shifting his weight in Taehyung's lap. As he does so, his eyelashes flutter, lips falling apart for just a moment as his expression loosens into pleasure.

"When?" Taehyung asks, his throat feeling far too tight thinking of the plug Jungkook's got in his asshole.

"Right after you called me." Jungkook's teeth are growing sharper ever so slowly, his blunt horns once again peeking out from his hair. Pressed against his thigh, Taehyung feels Jungkook's tail stir, tucked down the back of his sweats as always. One of Jungkook's hands fiddle with Taehyung's hair, twirling the locks around his fingers. "You wanna guess, Daddy? You wanna guess what I was doing when you called me?"

Instead of giving an answer, Taehyung just growls. It's mostly Jungkook's tone that sparks something in him; there's something so offhand about it, a little snide while still cute, frisky.

"Words, Daddy. Demons don't speak animal."

He sighs. "What, Jungkook."




"Just tell me."

"You're no fun." Jungkook tilts Taehyung's chin up a bit more and presses a hot kiss below his ear. When he rolls his hips, Taehyung feels Jungkook's dick hardening through the thin fabric of his pants. It's not making much of a tent, though, his growing erection most likely held down by a pair of tight boxer-briefs. "But okay, I'll tell you—I was fingering myself, Daddy."

Obviously, Taehyung had already figured that out. Still it makes his cock kick in his pants. Feeling that, Jungkook purrs, his spine arching slightly.

"Thinking about you—about you holding me down, pinning my arms behind my back, fucking me open with your fat cock. God, yeah, me screaming and crying and you telling me to shut up like you always do—"

Taehyung's hips buck. He's getting so hard so fast. "Kook—"

"Shut up," Jungkook breathes, sounding far too satisfied with himself. "It's my turn, Daddy. So you shut up." With a bit too much force, he jerks Taehyung's chin to the side to scrape his teeth against his jawline. "You know, I was still hard when you called me. Still had three fingers inside myself."

Taehyung makes a soft sound in the back of his throat and screws his watering eyes shut.

Jungkook's speech is maddeningly casual, his breath burning Taehyung's skin. "I was wondering when you would come home, 'cause it was getting late, you know? But then you told me you'd be working late—and so I thought I'd wait for you." Sitting back a little, loosening his grip on Taehyung's chin so his neck isn't as strained, Jungkook scrunches his nose. "So I just put the plug in. I didn't come then, Daddy. And I really, really want to now."

It's punctuated by a blunt roll of his hips, his hot crotch rubbing right against Taehyung's. As their bodies press closer, the vibrations of the toy inside Jungkook can be felt even stronger. Taehyung is rock hard, straining against his fly. Jungkook is as well, his hardness easily felt through his sweats, pressed up against his lower belly by his underwear.

Taehyung snaps Jungkook's waistband before squeezing his ass, and then he brings his hand around to pet down his thigh. A small, sharp square digs into his palm and Taehyung pauses, feeling the object through the fabric. Jungkook goes still.


Quickly reaching into Jungkook's pocket, Taehyung pulls the object out—a flat, black remote. Laughing a little, he flips it around in his fingers.

"Did you forget this was here?"

"No," Jungkook hisses.

"Sure, sure." It's only on the first setting, he notices. "Oh, sweetheart. You can do better than this." And before Jungkook can respond, he flicks it up to the third.

"Nnh," Jungkook moans, immediately beginning to squirm. "F—fuck, Tae, gimme that—"

"Nah." Pulling the remote away from Jungkook's scrambling hands, he flicks it up one more to the fourth setting. The max setting is six. The sixth setting always makes Jungkook lose his fucking mind.

"S—stop it, you fucking asshole—oh, God." He whimpers, unable to stop himself from pushing back onto the plug. Shifting the angle to press the base against Taehyung's firm thigh, he ruts down onto it, making it move back and forth inside him.

"Feel good?" Taehyung teases. Turns it up to five. The humming sound is much louder now, the vibrations tickling the top of Taehyung's thigh.

"N—no, yeah, fuck, I hate you—"

Jungkook frantically threads a hand into Taehyung's hair, yanking his head to the side get better access. Leaning forward, he bares his teeth and clamps them down on the juncture of Taehyung' shoulder. Not too hard, remembering how sharp his teeth are, but hard enough to draw the slightest bit of blood.

"Ungh—" Taehyung winces and jerks away, but Jungkook crowds closer with his body and holds him there, pushes him hard against the headboard.

"Give me this," he growls, and grabs Taehyung by the arm, easily wresting the remote from his grip. After fumbling with it for a moment, he turns it down, back to the gentle first setting before placing the remote on the bedside table. "You—" he spits, and slams Taehyung back by the shoulders, who just laughs.

Jungkook pushes Taehyung's shirt up, palming across his stomach. "Take this off," he demands, still feeling a little shaky. "Now."

Taehyung can't help but listen, and Jungkook sits back to do the same, throwing his shirt off to the side. It's too hot, and it's relieving to finally be free of the fabric. With Jungkook's sweats riding lower than he had intended to and now shirtless, Taehyung notices portions of sheer, black fabric hugging tight just above his hipbones.

He brushes a thumb over it, pulling the tight straps and running a finger beneath them.

"What's this?" he breathes.

Jungkook smirks. "You know what."

The garter belt digs into his waist, the lace admittedly a little scratchy. His cock feels painful trapped inside the tight panties, and part of him wants to be free of them but the rest of him loves the feeling they give him, how hot and dirty they make him feel.

Taehyung's losing his fight again, his body falling a bit more pliant beneath Jungkook's. It makes Jungkook feel giddy, having this effect on him.

"Do you wanna see, Daddy?"

Taehyung looks up at him. "Can I?"

"Hm..." For a moment he pretends to think about it. "In a bit. Maybe if you're good." Placing a finger beneath Taehyung's chin, he urges him to look up. A tingling satisfaction pours through him when it doesn't take more than that small prompt for Taehyung to comply, head tilting back slightly, shoulders falling and losing their tension. "Can you do that for me, Daddy?"

"Anything," Taehyung breathes. "Anything for you, baby."

Jungkook bounces a little in Taehyung's lap, infinitely happy with himself. "Come on, then. Pants off."

Sitting back for him, Jungkook watches impatiently as Taehyung kicks his pants and underwear off. There's something lovely about being the only one still clothed while Taehyung sits beneath him, completely naked.

"You look good like this, Daddy," Jungkook murmurs as he climbs back over him, getting comfortable in Taehyung's lap. Between them, Taehyung's cock lies hard against his belly, dragging a sheen of precome across his skin.

"You look better," Taehyung says immediately, knowing what Jungkook wants.

"Yeah?" he teases. If you ask Taehyung the boy's a little too pleased with himself, but he's so adorable when he gets like this that it's not the worst thing.

"Mm-hm, look so good, baby. Always look so pretty." Taehyung's hand runs over the bulge in Jungkook's pants, rubs his confined length up and down. Soft sighs spill from Jungkook's lips and he ruts his pelvis forward, scooting his knees up to get closer. Now naked, Taehyung can feel Jungkook's wetness seeping through the back of his sweatpants, hot and slick against the skin of his thighs. The soft vibrations tingle and make Jungkook occasionally shudder.

Jungkook's practically purring in Taehyung's lap, grinding back onto the plug shoved in his ass and forward into Taehyung's massaging hand.

"Take your pants off," Taehyung whispers, words sounding more like a plea than a demand. His fingers toy beneath the loose waistband of Jungkook's sweats. "Show Daddy how pretty you look in this." Then his fingernails scrape over the hem of the garter belt.

"Y—yeah." Jungkook shuffles back and lifts himself onto his knees, pulling his sweats down slowly, mindful of the garter straps. The whole time, Taehyung keeps his hands on him, touching and grabbing at Jungkook wherever he can. Then Jungkook sits back and turns his feet to the side, pulling his pants off the rest of the way. The grace is lost because he can barely keep his fingers from shaking, the frustrating stimulation of the vibrating plug a constant distraction.

Back in Taehyung's lap, he can't help but squirm. The way Taehyung looks at him burns, an almost predatory gleam to his eyes.

"Shit, baby," he breathes, trailing his fingers down Jungkook's sides, smoothing over his taut stomach and brushing over the garter belt, just at the top. Jungkook's hips buck involuntarily, wanting to feel the warmth of Taehyung's palm lower, against his aching cock. But Taehyung just continues to play with the garter, gently tugging at it and watching the way the straps dig into Jungkook's thighs, holding up the thigh highs by the lacy hem.

The entire get-up is mostly black, some touches of pink decorating the lace because that's just the mood Jungkook had been in at the time of buying it.

"Do you like it?" Jungkook asks, biting his lip and glancing at Taehyung coyly through his hair, tumbling in soft locks over his forehead.

"I love it," Taehyung says in a rush of breath, rubbing the thin fabric hugging Jungkook's thighs. They cover the entire expanse of his legs, down to his toes.

"I put it on just for you. Just for when I came to pick you up." Jungkook reaches behind him and untucks his tail from his panties, letting it swish back and forth behind him. Placing his hand over Taehyung's, he urges him to pull harder at the tight fabric and let it snap back against his skin, sending a small jolt through him. "It's nice, right?"

Taehyung just nods dumbly, nibbling on the inside of his cheek.

"Expensive, too," Jungkook says offhandedly, frowning a little.

Glancing up, Taehyung raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Jungkook shrugs, moving closer to Taehyung catching his lips in a kiss, as if he's trying to soften him to the idea. The price. Which he's not going to mention, not yet. Against Taehyung's lips, he says, "You don't mind right, Daddy? 'Cause I thought you'd like it."

"Baby, it's perfect," Taehyung quickly reassures, and Jungkook smiles smugly to himself.

"I know." He forces Taehyung's mouth open with his own, grazes his teeth against his soft lips, feeling him wince. "I know it is."

Hands gripping Jungkook's thighs, Taehyung moans into the kiss. His thumbs fiddle with the garter clasps and trace the scratchier surface of the pink embellishments on the black fabric.

"I thought you said pink was tacky," Taehyung scoffs.

Growling, Jungkook shoves his tongue into Taehyung's mouth and muffles his words. Then he moves away, trailing kisses and bites across his neck and down his chest. "Not when it's on me."

Taehyung chuckles. Continuing down, Jungkook scoots his ass back in Taehyung's lap. Forcing Taehyung's legs apart to give himself room, he gets between them and lies almost flat on his belly, swirling his tongue around Taehyung's belly button. When Taehyung bucks his hips, Jungkook hums and holds him down with one hand. "Be patient, Daddy."

He curls his hand around Taehyung's leaking cock, but does nothing. Just holds it at the base while swirling his tongue across Taehyung's lower belly.




A pained groan tears up from Taehyung's throat and Jungkook takes pity on him, finally wrapping his lips around the head of his cock. With a sharp exhale like he's been punched in the gut, Taehyung's legs fall apart further, giving Jungkook more space, a silent plea for more.

Jungkook curls his tongue up beneath the glans, flicking back and forth, looking up just in time to watch Taehyung's head fall back against the headboard, his neck stretched and Adam's apple bobbing. Taehyung grips Jungkook by the hair.


Jungkook hums around the head of his cock but doesn't comply. Instead he just swirls his tongue around the tip some more and watches in satisfaction as Taehyung groans and writhes, his back tensing and arching in an effort not to fuck into Jungkook's throat. Being nice. The hand in Jungkook's hair grips hard, but doesn't try to force his head down in the slightest. Again, being nice.

So Jungkook does his best to loosen his throat, relaxing as much as he can before sliding his lips down the rest of the way, a form of a reward, his nose buried in Taehyung's neatly trimmed pubic hair. The blunt head of Taehyung's cock is hot and thick in the tight muscle of his throat, almost hurting. He goes deeper.

"Nn, fuck, Jungkook that feels so good, holy shit," Taehyung babbles in a rush, his voice wrecked and deep. Tears build in Jungkook's eyes and he forces himself to swallow around Taehyung's cock, doing his best to stop himself from gagging as his throat closes in tight for a moment. Then he pulls back, gasping, but doesn't take a break and just tilts Taehyung's heavy cock up to press his tongue flat and lick along the underside, up the fat, pulsing vein.

One of his hands go to Taehyung's balls, rolling them in his palm so Taehyung's thighs are twitching from the stimulation. With his elbows supporting his upper body, Jungkook brings his other hand back around himself, finally pressing his fingers against the base of the butt plug through the soaked fabric of his panties. As he shifts it back and forth, the vibrations making his mind go numb when pressed firmer against his inner walls, he momentarily takes his mouth off Taehyung's cock, shuddering in pleasure.

"Shit," he whispers, moving in to lick at the sticky, clear precome dribbling from Taehyung's slit.

"Baby, fuck, you look so good. So, so good." Taehyung pushes Jungkook's sweaty hair away from his forehead. His voice is shaking and sexy and it makes Jungkook whine and rut his hips down onto the bed, only to immediately shove his ass back up so his fingers can continue to press against the base of the plug and jostle it inside of him.

Jungkook looks up at him, giggling breathlessly when he sees the hazy quality to Taehyung's eyes.

"Does it feel good, Daddy?" And he licks up from the base to the tip once again, tutting and holding Taehyung's hips down when he bucks up involuntarily.

"Yes, yes, baby, feels so—fuck, feels so good."

"Do you want more?" he asks innocently, digging his tongue into the slit and revelling in the choked groan Taehyung gives him.

"Please." The hand Taehyung has in Jungkook's hair tightens and his other curls into the sheets next to him. "Please, baby. Make Daddy feel good."

Once again, Jungkook relaxes his throat and goes down till his lips are wrapped around the base of Taehyung's cock, till he's breathing in his musky scent. Struggling for air, he chokes, his throat working desperately. The incredible restraint Taehyung puts into this to keep his hips still can be felt in the tensing of his thighs, the trembling of his hand curled tight in Jungkook's hair.

"Fuck fuck fuck," he growls, breathing hard and fast, chest heaving.

Jungkook moans around Taehyung's cock before pulling off again, his throat a little sore, tears collecting on his eyelashes. It's worth it, though, seeing the way Taehyung's glassy eyes stay on his swollen lips, the way his muscles stay taut.

Jungkook sucks one of Taehyung's balls into his mouth, and then the other, feeling a shudder move through him. When he swirls his tongue he feels Taehyung's balls tighten.

"You're not gonna come, are you?" Jungkook asks, pulling off. "'Cause I'm gonna be really angry if you come, Daddy."

"Jesus," Taehyung grits, squeezing his eyes shut. His hand comes down to pull Jungkook's away from his cock. To give himself a moment to breathe.

"Aw," Jungkook coos, mock pouting. "You're close already?" Batting Taehyung's hand away, he trails a finger up the side of Taehyung's length, grinning when he whimpers. His dick twitches, a bead of precome welling at the tip and rolling down.

Taehyung shakes his head. "I'm fine."

"Mm. You'd better be."

Driving Taehyung mad like this, Jungkook's been having so much fun that it had almost been easy for him to ignore the painful ache of his own erection. But the butt plug is still vibrating, and the pink head of his cock is peeking out from his panties, and the fabric covering his ass and the space between his asscheeks is so wet it's uncomfortable.

He sits back in Taehyung's lap, wiping at the corners of his lips with his thumb, carefully collecting the saliva and precome. Then he sticks his thumb in his mouth and licks it clean. A harsh, shaky breath escapes Taehyung, and he swallows dryly.

Jungkook reaches behind him and shoves a hand down the backs of his panties, toying with the plug and wiggling it back and forth. As he does this his cock jerks, jutting precome out the slit and soaking the fabric even more.

"Oh, that feels good," Jungkook moans, his eyelids fluttering shut. Grabbing the base, he shoves the plug a little deeper, his entire body twitching in response. "Ah—yeah, shit, feels so, so good. "

"Kook," Taehyung moans desperately, rutting his hips up to rub his cock against the dainty fabric of Jungkook's thigh highs. "Kook, please, I wanna fuck you, please let me fuck you."

"Ssh." Jungkook takes his hand away from fucking the plug into himself and reaches down to force Taehyung's hips still. Wipes at the precome he had smeared against his stockings. "Look at that, Daddy, you're making a mess."

"F—fuck off, come on," Taehyung grits, barely audible but loud enough for Jungkook to hear and scowl at.

"Don't be like that." With a finger beneath Taehyung's chin, he tilts his head up to meet his eyes. "You've been doing so good so far. Don't ruin it." Then he twists his hand into Taehyung's hair, an abruptly rough move, and jerks his head back. Getting close, he murmurs below his ear, "Or maybe I won't let you fuck me. Maybe I'll cuff you and get out the toys, make myself come like that. How's that sound?"

"N—no, please—" Taehyung writhes and Jungkook slams his head back again.

"Maybe I'll make you sit there and watch me get off. Won't even give you my mouth, and I'll just make you squirm, then maybe I'll give you a pillow for you to rub your dick against, make you come like that. Fucking pathetic. Wouldn't that be embarrassing? Hm? All 'cause Daddy couldn't keep his dirty fucking mouth shut." Jungkook's growling by the end, his teeth grazing Taehyung's jawline.

Taehyung turns his head to the side, eyes cast down. "No, please baby, I'll be good, I'll listen, I promise—"

"You sure?"

"Yes, yes, I'm so sure, please—"

"God," Jungkook tuts. Sits back. "So needy. But okay." He smiles, petting down Taehyung's bicep and forearm and then gripping him by the wrist. "Touch me, Daddy."

It doesn't take much guidance. Taehyung presses his palm over the bulge in Jungkook's panties, his index and middle finger coming up to rub circles on his head, smearing the precome.

"Ah—mm, Daddy." Jungkook practically purrs under Taehyung's touch. With his other hand Taehyung rubs up and down Jungkook's thigh, playing with the garter straps and smoothing over the soft fabric and pretty patterns of the thigh-highs. Jungkook's tail whips behind him, curling and thrashing with pleasure.

Without actually taking the panties off, Jungkook just bunches the sopping fabric to the side, pushing it out of the way. With better access to the base of the plug, he grips it and moves it in circles, pulling it a bit to get the wider portion to slowly stretch his rim. It's fairly easy, considering how relaxed his muscle already is.

"H—ah, mmhm," Jungkook moans, his back arching to stick his ass out to play with the plug a bit more. Part of this is just to tease Taehyung. Just part of it.

"Please." Taehyung's voice is rough and cracked.

"Just wait," Jungkook chides, his body going taut as he pulls the plug farther out. It vibrates against his rim, making his breath catch. Gasping, he pulls it out altogether with a squelch, leaving his asshole gaping open. The insides of his thighs are soaking, and the wetness has dripped down to his thigh highs as well.

Jungkook turns off the plug and tosses it onto the bedside table and looks at Taehyung, at the hunger in his eyes.

"Go on," Jungkook urges. "You can touch, Daddy."

Taehyung nibbles on his lip, moves the front of Jungkook's panties down and pushes the fabric to the side, finally letting his balls hang out and freeing his cock, bobbing and drooling precome.

"So pretty, baby," Taehyung murmurs, wrapping his hand around it and stroking him for a moment. Then he brings his hand down past Jungkook's balls and presses his fingers over his perineum and loose asshole, poking at his puffy entrance. When he presses, Jungkook's cock twitches. "So, so pretty."

"Nh—oh," Jungkook whimpers, subtly rocking his hips down onto Taehyung's fingers as they rub over his stretched hole. "Do you—you wanna fuck me, Daddy? Hm?"

It comes out more breathy than he intends, but in all honesty Taehyung seems far worse off than he is—lips parted, eyes unfocused, cheeks flushed.

"Please, Kook, please. Wanna fuck you so bad."

"Ah." Jungkook stills when Taehyung shoves two fingers up his ass with no resistance. For now he lets him do what he wants. Reaching down, Jungkook trails a finger up Taehyung's shaft. "So hard, Daddy. Is this for me? Are you this hard for me, Daddy?"

Not letting him answer, Jungkook grips Taehyung by the jaw again, holding his head in place, his fingers squishing his cheeks a bit and making his lips push out. It's adorable, the stupid o his mouth makes, the offended glare he gives Jungkook. Then Jungkook leans in close so their lips are touching as he speaks.

"You gonna fuck me good with your big cock, Daddy? Can you do that?" Wrapping his hand around Taehyung's cock, he pumps up and down, his pretty pink head sheathing and unsheathing from the soft foreskin. "You've been so good so far...mm-hm, getting this hard for me, so, so good."

"Mmph—nh." Taehyung growls something in his throat and Jungkook just pushes his cheeks in some more to stop him from trying to speak.

"Oh, shut up. You're not gonna start acting up now, are you? Come on." Letting go of Taehyung's cock, Jungkook reaches behind him and grabs Taehyung hand by the wrist, the one he currently has working two fingers inside Jungkook's slick hole. "Don't you wanna fuck me? Feel that? Feel how hot and wet and open I am for you, Daddy? Don't you wanna put your dick in me?"

Slowly he lets go of Taehyung's cheeks. Taehyung just sits there, scowling indignantly and saying nothing.

"Answer me."


"Yes what? Words, Daddy."

"I want my cock inside you." Taehyung's tone is almost a petty whine, his eyebrows furrowed in impatience, his lips pouting softly.

"See? That wasn't so hard."

Adjusting the garter straps, Jungkook repositions himself in Taehyung's lap, keeping one hand on his shoulder for support. The other hand he keeps gripped around Taehyung's wrist and pulls to urge him to take his fingers out. Then, holding the base of Taehyung's cock, Jungkook keeps it steady and lines it up to his hole.

"Mmh." He wiggles his ass. When Taehyung jolts he holds his hips still, never having been more grateful that he's physically stronger than Taehyung than in these moments. The blunt tip of Taehyung's dick brushes back and forth against Jungkook's hole, and Jungkook would probably tease for longer if he weren't starved for this just as much.

Slowly, he eases himself down, feeling his ring of muscle stretch and quiver to accommodate Taehyung's girth.

"God, fuck yes," Jungkook snarls, every muscle in his body feeling tense, his hands resting on Taehyung's broad shoulders for support.

"Mmn ah—oh, fuck," Taehyung chokes, his head falling forward so his forehead is pressed against Jungkook's shoulder, his shallow breaths rushing over Jungkook's skin.

"Daddy, does it f—feel good? Does it feel good being inside me?"

"Mm-hm." Taehyung nods frantically, his hair brushing the side of Jungkook's neck. Into Jungkook's shoulder he breathes, "Ngh—Yeah, baby, you feel so fucking good, holy shit."

"Yeah." Jungkook sighs when he bottoms out, his thighs quivering in his stockings. The garters have pulled taut with the bending and flexing of his legs. "Yeah, it feels so good having you inside me. Fuck, you're s—so fucking big and you fill me up so well and—nnh ohhshit." Jungkook groans, tilting his hips to get a better angle.

Taehyung is buried to the balls and Jungkook just rests on top of him, wiggling back and forth but not really moving at all.

"Fuck—come on," Taehyung snarls, his hands gripping Jungkook's thighs, being a little rougher. In protest to Jungkook's stillness, he bucks his hips up and makes a low sound in his throat. Jungkook just coos him silent and shuts his eyes, seeming to be lost in the feeling, his muscular walls clenching and tightening as he squirms on Taehyung's dick.

Then leaning forward, he presses hot kisses up the sweaty column of Taehyung's neck, following the path along his jawline and nipping at the shell of his ear, giving a shallow rock of his hips. The movement drags Taehyung's cock inside him, hot and wonderful and making them both lose their breath.

"Baby," Taehyung chokes. "Oh—Jungkook, baby—so tight."

"A—ah yeah, Daddy, you like that? You like it when I ride you like this?"

"F—fuck, yes, more, baby go faster," Taehyung pleads, although it comes out guttural and aggressive, a rough sound that's not at all coaxing.

Jungkook complies, rocking his hips back and forth and moving Taehyung's cock in and out of him. Each time he pulls himself up, his asshole grips tighter, almost desperately sucking Taehyung back in. When he grinds back down, his body is too eager to take in Taehyung's length, an almost contented feeling of being filled coming over him.

It's wildly erotic, with Jungkook making stupid sounds, his tail swishing back and forth behind him with a mind of its own. Quick, staccato grunts spill from Taehyung's lips each time Jungkook bounces in his lap.

Taehyung sluices a hand over Jungkook's hip and reaches around to give his asscheek a quick slap before grabbing his tail near the base and gently dragging to about the midpoint. Then he pulls just once, hard.

Jungkook's entire body jolts. "Ungh—oh, fuck," he chokes out, his hips momentarily losing their rhythm, his asshole squeezing tight in surprise. Bucking his hips off the bed and into Jungkook's abruptly clenching heat, Taehyung bites out a rough, animal noise.

"Fuck—oh fuck yes." He combs his fingers to the tip of Jungkook's tail—the fluffiest part—and twirls fur briefly, almost an apology. Then he lets go and grabs Jungkook just below the ass, nail digging in, sending hot sparks of pain through his body. "Faster," he snarls, sucking and nipping a hickey into Jungkook's neck, grazing his teeth over it afterward.

As Jungkook moves, the panties shift and begin to get in the way and Taehyung grabs them and tugs them out of the way. They slide down, catching and make it tougher for Jungkook to keep his legs spread.

"Jesus Christ," Taehyung growls, tightening his fist, and then suddenly the sound of tearing fabric resounds through the room. Jungkook might get angry because these are his panties and Taehyung's a fucking jerk for ripping them, but he's not given the time. The minute Taehyung's satisfied, he grabs Jungkook again by the backs of his thighs and starts bouncing him quicker in his lap.

With his knees chafing against the covers, Jungkook uses Taehyung's firm hold as leverage to rock his hips down. Bobbing between them is Jungkook's cock, heavy and full of blood and suffused an angry red. It aches for him to touch it, but Jungkook knows he can come without having to. The panties hang loose, torn at one side and clinging wetly around one of Jungkook's thighs, gradually sliding down from his hipbone and away from the garter belt.

He's a fucking mess.

Heat boils under the surface of Jungkook's skin as he shudders and chokes out moans, his throat dry.

"Jesus, baby." Taehyung pants against the overheated flesh. His thumbs fiddle with the tight garter straps digging into his skin. Moving from nuzzling into Jungkook's neck, he catches his lips in a messy, open-mouthed kiss, tongues mashing together as they breathe each other's air. "You look so damn sexy in this, fucking hell—"

Jungkook whines loudly, and Taehyung pulls the garters and lets them go so they snap back against Jungkook's skin. The metal clasps pull against the stockings and Jungkook's worried the delicate fabric might tear, but only for a moment. That thought escapes him far too soon because Taehyung adjusts his angle so his cock is hitting Jungkook's prostate dead-on with each thrust, making his mind go numb.

"Sh—shit, Daddy, yeah, there," Jungkook moans, unable to keep his eyelids from fluttering shut, his whole world reduced to this—the feeling of Taehyung's cock punching in and out of his hole, the heat and the overwhelming pleasure.

When Jungkook threads his fingers into Taehyung's hair and yanks his head up, Taehyung snarls something incoherent and submits, letting Jungkook run his sharp teeth over the smooth skin of his neck.

"Mine," Jungkook growls next to Taehyung's ear. It's quiet but clear enough. "Mine, Daddy. You're mine. Right?"

"Yours," Taehyung breathes in reassurance. "Always yours."

His fingers dig in harder to Jungkook's thighs, sure to leave bruises on the perfect skin.

"Good," Jungkook says, rolling his hips in frantic motions, getting quicker. An aggressive heat curls in his lower belly, spreads throughout his body. Then he bares his teeth and brings them down hard on the juncture of Taehyung's shoulder, immediately piercing through skin. Mine. The blood wells in his mouth and he lets go, Taehyung letting out choked sounds of pain, not quite a scream but good enough to satisfy Jungkook.

"F—fuck," Taehyung spits, reeling, his voice shaking. "God, you fucking cunt—"

"Shut up." And Jungkook tugs Taehyung's hair again. "You're mine, Daddy. I'll do what I want to you."

Maybe that's cruel. It doesn't seem Taehyung minds, though. His dick kicks inside Jungkook when he passes his hot tongue over the bite-mark, Taehyung's head falling to the side to allow Jungkook room, a wrecked moan tearing up his throat. "Shit—ohh shit, Jungkook, that's—"

Jungkook pulls Taehyung's hair harder. "I come first."

"Then f—fucking come, Jesus, I'm—"

Desperately, Taehyung jostles Jungkook in his lap and fucks up into him, angling his hips just right, knowing exactly where to get his dick ramming into to drive Jungkook off the edge.

"A—ah, oh, oh God yes," Jungkook groans, the heat building inside him all of a sudden too much. With a pleasured sob, Jungkook's cock throbs and jerks as his balls pull tight, spraying his come all over, the rocking force of Taehyung's thrusts making it drip down onto the stockings and dirtying the pretty fabric. "Sh—shit, mmh, Daddy—" He shudders, the last of his orgasm flowing through his body, his cock giving a few final twitches.

Taehyung once again drops his head into Jungkook's shoulder.

"C—can I come now?" he stutters, kissing Jungkook's skin quickly, a plea.

"Mm-hm," Jungkook hums, not quite able to form the word but nodding frantically, combing his fingers through Taehyung's sweaty hair. "In—inside me, Daddy. Fill me with your come, please."

Taehyung snarls something and pants hard against Jungkook's skin, grabbing Jungkook by the hips and forcing his writhing body down onto his cock. Then he goes tense, his cock pulsing as his orgasm slams into him, a string of baby and Jungkook interspersed among some curses falling from his lips as he pumps his load into Jungkook's tight hole.

For a while Jungkook just stays there, softly rocking in Taehyung's lap until Taehyung whines and squirms, pushing at his chest.

"Th—ah, Jungkook, that hurts, shit."

Jungkook laughs softly, pecking Taehyung on the nose. "Sorry." He lifts himself, limbs shaking, and winces when Taehyung's cock slips out of his hole, his come trickling down Jungkook's thighs. It soaks into his thigh highs which—now that he checks—are sure enough ripped.

"Jeez, look at that," he grumbles, poking at the holes near the metal garter clasps and at the tears Taehyung's fingernails had left. Then he lifts the torn panties, hanging loosely around one thigh. "These were expensive."

"Apparently." Taehyung chuckles, fixing the pillows behind him so he can lie down flat. "And you used my credit card to buy them."

Jungkook huffs. "Still, they were mine."

Rolling his eyes, Taehyung reaches over and lifts the soft fabric, inspecting it for a moment before tearing the other loop and taking them off entirely. "Oh well." Then he chucks them onto the floor. His fingers brush over the garter belt. "You still have this."

"Mm-hm." Jungkook nods and fiddles with the pretty thing, his toes wiggling happily in his stockings.

"I like it."

"I do, too."

"You should wear it again."

"Mm." Jungkook grins and promises, "I will."

Reaching up, Taehyung ruffles Jungkook's hair. "Come on. Let's clean up."

With shaky fingers, they both do a subpar job of wiping away their come and Jungkook's slick, and Jungkook fumbles with the garter belt. Eventually he has to resort to getting Taehyung to help him.

"Jesus, how'd you even get this shit on?" Taehyung yanks the straps, toying with the clasp and flinching when it pinches his finger.

"Wikihow," Jungkook admits. "I'm not even sure I put it on right."

Taehyung shrugs. "I mean, it looked fine."

"Well, that's 'cause it was on me."

"You dork." Taehyung grabs Jungkook by one of his horns and jostles his head side to side gently. Laughing, Jungkook swats his hand away.

"It's true. Bet I wear it better than any of those coworkers or grad stu—"

"Shut up about them." Taehyung presses a kiss to Jungkook's jaw.

"Whatever. I'm better than them anyways."

Taehyung snorts.

"'Sides, that one lady—did you see her pumps?"

At that, Taehyung pauses. Raises an eyebrow, lips pursing. "What?"

"Her pumps," Jungkook says like it's obvious. "Wearing some knockoff Louboutins and acting like no one's gonna fucking notice. Also the way she called you Mr. Kim, like Jesus, how sick can you get—"

"Christ Kook," Taehyung scoffs. "Christ."

"Really. You should see me in pumps, Mr. Kim. Show you how legs are supposed to look in sexy shit like that."

"I'm not buying you fucking Lou-whatevers."

"Louboutins," Jungkook corrects. "They're—ow!" The garter strap snaps against his thigh.

"Fuck, sorry." Taehyung chuckles. "Help me do this. These things are hell."

"Fine, fine." Jungkook begins trying to undo the straps on the other leg. "Really, though. Louboutin shoes are like—"

"Oh my God." Taehyung snaps the garter strap again and Jungkook jolts. "Shut the fuck up."

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