Taekook Smuts and Drabbles

By pensiveprufrock

224K 3K 398

Wouldn't it be fate if we're under the covers. More

Euphoria pt1
Euphoria pt2
Showing who's the alpha
No Kissing Policy
Editorial Note
I'll Be Home For Christmas pt 1
My Ride Or Die pt 1
My Ride Or Die pt2
My Ride Or Die pt3
My Ride Or Die pt4
My Ride Or Die pt5
My Ride Or Die pt6
My Ride Or Die pt7
My Ride Or Die pt8
My Ride Or Die (Epilogue)
You Drive Me Crazy
Birthdays like these
Get Me Out Of My Mind (Get You Out Of Those Clothes)
if you want it ( you can have it )
Ripped Jeans and Velvet Skin
i can feel that body shake, and the heat between your legs
A Little Bit Dangerous (But Baby That's How I Want It)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Promises to Keep (and Miles to Go Before We Sleep)
I feel safe in the 5 a.m. light
and i want you
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go (2)
only you can set my heart on fire
the way i fuck him
Editorial Note
i'm still falling for you
Double Tap
Line of Fire (Taekook)
Line of Fire (Cont.)
Unwanted Butterflies
Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)
Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)
Hold You Close, Tonight And Always
Headed to Hell for the Company
Comeback Kids
bad habits
He's Always Right There When I Need Him
got my body so wet
Long Road To Ruin
i'm a darling (strong heart, soft touch)
i wanna get back (to the old days)
Tongue Technology
Punch Hard (Fall Harder)
Wanna make love
good vibration
Sated Enough?
The shoreline where you and i meet
Not an update
The perfect enemies to lover fic you didn't know you needed
The enemies to lover trope you didn't know you needed (2)
Should I ;(
Love will heal what language fails to know

Headed to Hell for the Company

1.6K 25 1
By pensiveprufrock


A series of one-shots depicting Taehyung's time with his mildly sex-crazed half-demon boyfriend Jungkook.


"Yeah, uh. Shit." Taehyung glances over the bottles lining the counter. "Rum and coke, I guess."

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Classy, Tae."

"I'm trying," he argues.

"Not well." Jungkook turns back to the bartender, twirling a little in his stool. Gives a dazzling grin, resting his chin on his hand with his elbow on the glossy countertop.

"And for you?" the man asks, and grins right back, leaning closer.

"I think I'll have a martini," Jungkook says. Taehyung knows he's picking it solely to put himself above Taehyung, as a fucking connoisseur of class or something. The damn guy doesn't even like martinis.

"You take it dirty?" the bartender asks. Taehyung scowls.

"Hm. I'd like that," Jungkook drawls, and lets his downy eyelashes flutter. Taehyung scowls some more, and Jungkook excitedly wiggles his toes in his fancy dress shoes.

"Let me get that for you."

The bartender leaves, and Taehyung's still got that scowl painted over his lips.

"Jesus. Does he think he's fucking slick? What the fuck was that? Jesus."

"He's just doing his job, Tae." Jungkook rolls his eyes. But he's not stupid, and neither is Taehyung. They both saw the way that man had looked at Jungkook—more accurately, the way everyone looks at Jungkook. Which he loves, of course, even more so because it gets Taehyung so on edge.

"Don't bullshit, Kook. You're a piece of meat in his eyes, you know it."

"Hm. Damn good piece of meat, if you ask me."

Jungkook's in one of his moods tonight. He's not modest; he'll admit it. There's just something about pure, unadulterated luxury that gets his blood pumping. Makes him seek attention. Because nights like these, in fabrics like these, he looks good, frighteningly so. Maybe he wants to flaunt it a little. What are you gonna do?

Needless to say, Taehyung's in one of his moods, too. Brought on by Jungkook, of course, because the damn guy always holds more influence over him than he likes to admit. If Jungkook's happy, Taehyung's happy, and that's generally how it goes. Hand-in-hand with that, if Jungkook's restless, Taehyung is, undeniably, restless.

And it's a real restless evening, this one. Coupled with silk ties and polished shoes and gelled hair. Steep liquor and even steeper stilettos, clicking over the floor to the muted tune of the background. Fancy, if you will. Which is really neither Taehyung or Jungkook's style, but sometimes you've got to treat yourself.

At least, that's Jungkook's excuse.

"You're liking it too much here," Taehyung mutters to him when their drinks come. As the bartender hands Jungkook his glass with a skilled hand balancing the stem, Taehyung makes sure to place a hand on Jungkook's bicep and lean a bit closer, looking the guy right in the eye. And Jungkook catches that, and smirks. Then he makes sure to wink at the bartender a second before he turns.

"Kook," Taehyung warns.

"Mm?" He carefully lifts his drink, barely sips it, and puts it back down with a mild grimace before he smiles coyly at Taehyung. "I'm just having a bit of fun, Tae. Feeling the mood? You get me?"

"No, you're trying to piss me off. Quit playing."

"Bullshit. As if you're that important." Jungkook glances over the high counter, searching for the bartender. "Besides, was that really necessary? That look you gave him, Jesus. He can clearly see we're together."

Taehyung pokes his tongue disdainfully against the sharpest part of his canine, looking around the venue. His hand is still placed firmly on Jungkook's upper arm, and he drums his fingers a couple times over the hard surface.

"Guy looked like a creep, all right? Staring too long at things that aren't his." He grits the last part and looks at Jungkook, whose lips are pressed together in an admittedly satisfied smile. Taehyung insists, "You never know, with people like that. Seriously."

"Of course." Jungkook rolls his eyes, lifting his glass by the thin neck and taking another sip, grimacing again. Using his other hand, he gingerly lifts the olive out by the ornamental toothpick, holding it up to Taehyung's face. "Here. I don't like olives."

Taehyung gives him a flat stare. "Then why'd you order it dirty?"

Jungkook snickers. "You know why."

Taehyung's eyebrow twitches, and Jungkook admires the sort of sharpness this expression gives to his face. Irritation. It's nice. Real sexy, especially when coupled with the high-toned, classy styling his hair's got going on, how it frames all that lavish jealousy that Jungkook knows and loves. There's nothing quite as satisfying as riling up a possessive boyfriend.

Smiling, Jungkook pokes the olive against Taehyung's lips.

"Open up, sweetheart."

Taehyung grumbles something, plucks the olive off the toothpick and pops it in his mouth himself.

Jungkook likes to play. And the first rule of the game is there's no such thing as going too far. Especially not with Taehyung; the guy's completely smitten. Jungkook could set the entire world on fire and Taehyung's only concern would be whether or not Jungkook had burned his hands in the process.

So tonight's made into a game, and Jungkook's gonna play.

"Oh, that's so interesting." He smiles, and traces a finger delicately around the rim of his glass. In the corner of his eye, he sees Taehyung's eyes flick aside irritatedly.

"Yeah?" Jooheon asks. But he's not really asking. It's more of a coquettish, thick sort of yeah, the type of yeah that Jungkook revels in. Because that tone, when coming from someone else, makes Taehyung's blood boil.

"Mm-hm. So interesting. I've never met anyone who studies geology." He leans forward, across the table, closer. "Tell me what you do."

Jooheon's just one of Taehyung's coworkers. Nothing special, just another professor in the same university, different departments. Easily forgettable, in all honesty. But he'd been one of the first people to come up and say hi, one of the first to invite the two of them to have a seat at a group table to join in on the discussion.

So Jungkook decides he'll do.

Jooheon scratches the back of his head, that gaudy watch glimmering in the chandelier light. "Oh, no, you don't wanna hear that, It's pretty boring—"

"No, come on! Just one thing. Please?" And then closer, resting his chin on his hand, gently tilting his head. There's an art to looking coy, and damn if Jungkook's not a filthy professional. "Nothing with you is ever a bore."

This is top-notch flirting, if you haven't realized. You probably have, though. Jungkook's pretty obvious, and shame is primarily a human concept, one which he chooses not to dwell on too much. And once inhibition's been tossed out the window, a face like his could win over anyone.

Jungkook knows this, and more importantly, Taehyung knows this. That Jungkook's a damn minx if ever there was one.

"Well the best parts are when we head out to the sites—usually by helicopter, you know?"

"Totally." Jungkook smiles, a stunning set of teeth in the ritzy light, framed by plush, pink lips. In his periphery, Taehyung lifts his glass, swirls it, the ice clanking loudly against the sides, before he finishes the rest in one go and slams the thing back onto the table.

Jooheon goes on, "And when we take samples by—"

"Wow, yeah, that's really interesting," Taehyung snips, quoting Jungkook. He lifts that glass and shakes the ice around. "Listen. I'm getting another drink." As he stands, scraping the chair against the floor, he looks at Jungkook and doesn't say anything. It makes Jungkook feel completely alight, the subtle burn of his gaze. Like a reminder. You're mine. Mine. Mine.

His lips curl upwards softly, and he winks back, another reminder. Yours, babe. All yours.

"Is he okay?" Jooheon asks, but again, he's not really asking. Because he thinks he knows everything.

The way Jooheon sees this situation is this: he's got a flirty boy who's technically with someone fawning over his every move because said boy couldn't care less about technicality when faced with the impression of smoking hot money. What Jooheon doesn't know is this: it's just a fucking game, and the only real losers are the people who aren't actually involved.

Such as Jooheon himself, along with every other sorry fuck at this glamourous little set-up who Jungkook's been batting his eyelashes at all evening. He's even gotten two numbers tonight. Taehyung knows it, too. And it bothers him, sure, but Jungkook's not one for being denied his fun. Still, those numbers are all for show.

"Oh, he's fine," Jungkook says back easily, and waves the topic off.

Taehyung comes back with his drink, and this time it looks a bit more rum and a lot less coke. Jooheon's still talking about geology, and Jungkook's still acting interested. Taehyung chats with other people around the table, too, staying painfully professional in front of his coworkers, and Jungkook might be a little disappointed if it weren't for his firm hand placed on Jungkook's thigh beneath the table. Not even moving or teasing, but just holding.


Damn right.

Yours, a million times over.

"See that guy?"


"That one." Jungkook takes one hand from being wrapped around Taehyung's waist and points across the venue. His chin's resting on Taehyung's shoulder and he's hugging Taehyung from behind, both looking the same direction, both looking at the same person. "With the bow tie."

"Psh. What a loser. Bow tie."

"Idiot, you wear bow ties too."

"Okay, but only sometimes. And I make it look good."

"Sure you do," Jungkook scoffs, and nudges Taehyung's head so he's looking forward again. "But you see him, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, massive dweeb with a bow tie, three o'clock. What about him?"

Jungkook smirks and returns his hand to Taehyung's waist, sliding his fingers over the smooth fabric of his suit jacket and holding both arms loosely around his body. Slowly moving with the music, but not really. He quickly kisses the back of Taehyung's neck. "He's half, too."

Blinking, Taehyung turns to look at Jungkook. "No way."

"Yeah way."

"Half demon?"

"No, half Japanese." Jungkook rolls his eyes and pinches Taehyung's stomach, where his hand's conveniently placed. "Yeah, half demon. What the fuck else?"

"I dunno," Taehyung mutters, indignant, and looks back across the classy hall. Studying the guy.

"Name's Sungjae," Jungkook murmurs, voice being heard only because he's so close to Taehyung's ear.


"I forget his last name, though."


"Wanna know something else?"

Taehyung says nothing, and Jungkook chuckles. Chances are he probably knows what's coming.

"He fucked me once," Jungkook whispers, and immediately Taehyung's going a little stiffer in his hold, his hands coming up to clasp onto the arms Jungkook has wrapped around his torso.


"Mm-hm. Fucked me good, like you wouldn't believe." He smiles softly, leaning forward to let his teeth graze the skin of Taehyung's neck. Loving the soft vibration that can be felt when he growls. "And I loved it, Daddy. His cock felt so, so good. Yeah, he's got such a great cock, Daddy, made me come so fucking hard."

And Taehyung says nothing again, but Jungkook knows what that means. Taehyung's usually a bit more strict about using Daddy in public, meaning Jungkook only says it that much more, but right now scolding him isn't the more important thing on his mind. Jungkook's lips move upward to kiss the tense line of Taehyung's jaw, where he's gritting his teeth hard.

"Are you thinking about it?"


"No?" He giggles, and bares his teeth to nip at Taehyung's jaw before puling back so they don't look too obvious to the people around them. "Not thinking about how well he fucked me, how he held me down and pounded my pretty little ass till it hurt, how he shoved my face into the mattress 'cause I was being too loud. Daddy, you know what I mean. You know how loud I get. Right?"

"Jungkook, shut up—" Taehyung's voice is strained, turned on and angry and everything Jungkook wants.

"No." Jungkook tightens his hold around Taehyung's waist. "You're thinking about it, aren't you? Thinking about all that, how good I looked with his dick inside me, how deep he got and how much it hurt. His cock was so nice, Daddy, I remember. I'll never fucking forget."

Again, Jungkook goes to nibble at the delicate skin of Taehyung's neck, right above where his shirt collar is, so the mark won't exactly be obvious, but also won't be able to be hid. Taehyung barely tilts his head to the side, letting Jungkook do what he wants.

And Taehyung laughs a little. "He's a looker, I'll give you that." Then he turns around in Jungkook's hold, one hand grasping his forearm and the other pressing flat against his lower belly. "But he's not me. He'll never be me."

"No?" Jungkook murmurs, satisfied. Because Taehyung's finally playing along. He always does, because he's honestly such a sucker when it comes to Jungkook. It's usually just a matter of how long it takes for him to give in, which is also never that long to begin with.

"You say he fucked you good, but he never fucked you like me, did he?" He cocks his head, smiling softly, something so provoking about the way he looks at Jungkook in a way that dries his mouth and makes him lose his words. "Did he, Kookie? You said it hurt, but did he make you scream? Bet he never got you to cry like you do for me, baby. Bet he was too fucking scared to make you bleed."

Taehyung's hand moves a bit lower, gently catching on the buttons of Jungkook's shirt, sheer fabric shown beneath his unbuttoned suit jacket. And lower, and lower.

"I know you like it when I'm mean, baby, know how fucking wet it gets you, how hot. Was he mean to you? Hm?" He glances back over his shoulder before his eyes flick back to Jungkook's. "Looks too fucking soft, if you ask me. Like he could never give it to you how you want, could never make it good enough."

Jungkook exhales, shaky and tight, scalding breaths caught somewhere in the upper part of his lungs. Still, he smirks and says, "You're so cocky, Daddy. Too fucking cocky. Think you're that good?"

"Know I'm that good. Know it when you're screaming my damn name when I've got you bouncing on my cock like the good little boy you are. 'Cause you take it so well, and I give it to you even better. No?" Taehyung's close, and his eyelids are heavy over his darkened eyes, dangerous and possessive and so goddamn sexy. And he's all Jungkook's. Every single bit of him. Leaning forward, until his lips are right there, yet still not touching, Taehyung says, "You love my cock, don't you, baby? Love how I fuck you open and use you, how I come in your ass when you beg me to do it."


"I know you do. Know you're a damn slut for my cock, sweetheart." He laughs, and Jungkook's just barely noticing the guy's fingers dipping beneath the waistband of Jungkook's slacks, pulling it back before letting it go so it snaps into place again. And—fuck, he's hard. Like crazy. Briefly, he worries about how he's going to hide this. But Taehyung's being the slightest bit overwhelming right now, so he loses that thought as quickly as it had come.

"Fuck that Sungwon guy, lame-ass bow ties and shit," Taehyung scoffs, and rolls his eyes. Thankfully, he takes his hand away from Jungkook's lower belly and instead traces up his chest before fiddling gently with his collar. "He's nothing, Kook. Nothing."

"It's Sungjae," Jungkook says, trying to sound irritated. But he's all too satisfied with these turn of events, and Taehyung knows that.

"Big deal. Like I said." And he tilts Jungkook's chin with a finger beneath his chin and plants a kiss, quick and firm, on the mouth. "He's fucking nothing."

Jungkook scrunches his nose, smiling, and nods.

Before they left the venue, Taehyung had insisted on saying goodbye to his coworkers, claiming it would be rude to just leave. And Jungkook had complained, saying that would take too long, forcefully grabbing Taehyung's hand and pulling it to his inner thigh so he could feel the wetness that had dripped down from their earlier talks. Hoping for pity, maybe, with how desperate his baby boy is. Maybe it works, or maybe it just gets Taehyung a little more riled up, enough to put him in a hurry to get home, too. Either way they leave the function far earlier than they'd intended, with Taehyung settling for saying a quick have a good night to the people they pass along the way out.

The drive home is hell, only because Jungkook makes it so. He keeps squirming in his seat, complaining about how wet he is, how hard he is, eventually settling for palming his cock through his slacks and rutting his hips up into the friction.

"Can't you wait, like, two seconds?" Taehyung grumbles, reaching over and swatting Jungkook's hand away. He complies, taking it away and forcing his arms to stay at his sides.

"No, Daddy, hurry up, I wanna get home, wanna get fucked, Jesus, please, I just want—"

"Oh my God," Taehyung mutters. "Just shut up, oh my God." And the dial of the meter shifts up another ten kilometres.

They get home, the tires probably leaving marks on the pavement with how completely reckless Taehyung's being. The tremble in Jungkook's fingers slows him as he tries to jam the key into the lock, and that makes him even more frustrated, more tense, more unfocused. Because he needs this so, so bad.

The first thing Taehyung does when they get inside is slam Jungkook against the wall of the foyer, kicking the door closed behind them.

"Daddy—" Jungkook chokes, and Taehyung silences him with his teeth catching roughly on Jungkook's bottom lip, pulling on it so it swells all fat and pretty like he always loves when it does. Jungkook looks so good when he's like this, wrecked and debauched, decorated with pretty little marks like the pretty little whore he is.

"Fuck," Taehyung grits, pulling back. The house is dark; they had no time or even thought to turn on the lights. But the fire in his eyes is apparent, possessive and intimidating and so damn exciting all at once. Jungkook shivers. "Fuck, Kook." And Taehyung untucks Jungkook's dress shirt, beginning to undo the thing without even bothering to take off his suit jacket beforehand, frantic hands threatening to pull off the buttons as he goes.

"Careful, this is expensive," Jungkook begins, but Taehyung just grunts and shoves a strong thigh between Jungkook's legs, making him stumble a little before he instinctively grinds down, choking on his breath.

"Big whoop. I'll just buy you another one." Taehyung gets to the last button, then pulls the fabric open and places his hot palm right against Jungkook's abs, pushing him harder against the wall. His shoulder blades still hurt from when he had gotten slammed against it, but he doesn't mind a single bit. It's gonna bruise, he knows. Gonna hurt for days, a reminder of how good he was and how good he got tossed around and taken apart. Which is always just the nicest thing, the friendly bloom of pain throughout the day.

Taehyung kisses Jungkook again, licking into Jungkook's mouth and shoving his tongue to the back of his throat with his own. Mouths open, slippery with saliva, lips sliding against each other, Taehyung's teeth coming together and biting to get Jungkook to moan, Jungkook biting back in retaliation because it gets Taehyung that much more brutal with everything he does.

"Kook," he warns when Jungkook starts getting a bit too nippy, dragging his inhumanly sharp teeth threateningly across the pillowy skin of Taehyung's lip.

"Mm-hm?" Jungkook pulls back, cocking his head and smiling. His cheeks are red, lips redder, raw and puffy, parted as he pants hard. Taehyung looks no better. When it comes to these things, Jungkook can be quite the competitive one.

"Be nice," Taehyung just says.

"Okay, Daddy." Jungkook purrs, rolling his hips onto Taehyung's thigh and letting him feel the aching pulse of his cock trapped his his tight slacks and ruining the perfect creases, the hot slick dampening the back of his pants, spreading down his thighs. Lets him feel how fucking bad his baby boy wants it.

Taehyung's jaw sets, but he says nothing about Jungkook's tone. Instead he tilts Jungkook's chin up and forces him to expose his neck, moving in to suck at the expanse of skin, smooth and clean with the most delicate sheen of sweat, just waiting to be ruined. Jungkook sighs contentedly, knocking his head back against the wall as Taehyung latches on hard and pulls some skin between his teeth, leaving a mark that's gonna last for days.

"Ah—" Jungkook hisses in pain, but his hand comes up to tangle in Taehyung's hair, holding him there.

Taehyung pulls back, then licks at the bruise, watching how it looks when Jungkook's throat works as his breath stutters and his Adam's apple pulls up when he swallows.

"Pretty baby." Taehyung chuckles, then licks at another drop of sweat from his neck and moves up to kiss Jungkook, filthy and open and controlling. "My baby boy—yeah? All mine," he snarls, then jams his leg upward hard, grabbing Jungkook by the hips and helping him rut down onto his firm thigh, some slick soaking through onto his slacks as well while Jungkook squirms and whines a string of something that sounds like Taehyung's name and please and fuck me Daddy and everything else his dirty whore mouth loves to spit.

Then Jungkook's phone pings.

So Taehyung pulls back, cocks his head, looks as Jungkook.

"Who's that?"

Jungkook shrugs. "Probably no one."

"Yeah?" That almost makes Taehyung laugh. Jungkook has special ringtones for all of his friends; he's just that type of person. But this one was just a plain, generic sound. He reaches around, pulling Jungkook's phone out from his back pocket, and holds it up to him. "Check."

"Why?" Jungkook smirks.

"Do it."

Maybe it's because of Taehyung tone, sharp and assertive, but Jungkook complies easily without so much as saying a word like he might any other time. Taking his phone, he checks, the blue light illuminating his face in the dark just enough for Taehyung to see his satisfied grin.

"Who is it?"

"Guess," Jungkook breathes, and as he fiddles with his phone, his eyes flicker playfully up to meet Taehyung's.

He squints. "Tell me, Kook."

Instead of saying anything, Jungkook flips his phone around and shines the screen in Taehyung's face, showing him the text.

From: Jooheon.

That's all Taehyung really reads before he snatches Jungkook's phone out of his hand.

"Shoes off," he says bluntly, and an electric shock whips through Jungkook at how fucking angry he sounds. It rarely gets this good.

So Jungkook just nods dumbly, quickly kicking off his glossy dress shoes like Taehyung does, and then lets himself get tugged through the dark living room, down the hall, into their bedroom.

"Fucking slut," Taehyung spits. "God, why're you such a damn dick magnet, huh? Always so desperate to get fucked, aren't you? Can't get enough, like the needy cunt you are?" And Jungkook feels dizzy, in a good way. Because God if anger isn't the sexiest thing you're ever gonna see, especially on a face like Taehyung's. There's a sort of magic to be so wanted, so owned, by someone like him.

He guides Jungkook by the hips, removing his arms from the sleeves of his suit jacket and throwing the thing to the opposite corner of the room, followed by his already-unbuttoned shirt.

"God," he mutters, tracing his hand down the lines of Jungkook's chest, then circling a nipple and holding his waist tight when his knees buckle a little. Steps forward until the backs of Jungkook's knees are hitting the bed, shoving so that he falls back onto the mattress. "God, you whore, I can't believe you, such a dirty"—and he jostles Jungkook back by the knees, getting him closer to the centre of the bed—"dirty fucking whore."

"Tae, I—"

"Shut up." He shucks off his suit jacket, untucking his shirt and quickly working at the buttons, then lifting his foot to start taking off his socks. "Pants off. Now."

Jungkook nods and fumbles with the button, getting his slacks and underwear down as quickly as possible, growling impatiently when the fabric catches on his tail, before removing his socks as well, leaving him buck fucking naked. And now Taehyung is, too. But before Jungkook is given the time to admire like he always loves to do, Taehyung's climbing onto the bed and flipping Jungkook over with a firm grip. Gets him onto his hands and knees, and—oh, tonight's gonna be that kind of night.

"Here," Taehyung says, and reaches over Jungkook's shoulder to hand him his phone.

"Um. Okay." Jungkook takes it, dropping onto his elbows and toying with the thing in his hands.

"Unlock it," Taehyung prompts. His hand curls into Jungkook's tail, stroking the fur for a bit before he pets down the curve of Jungkook's spine, and Jungkook shudders and feels his back arch low, belly dipping low to the bed, the tip of his aching cock brushing against the covers.

And Jungkook unlocks his phone.

"Read it to me," Taehyung murmurs. "The text." There's something playful in his tone now, but Jungkook's not in the mind to try to decipher it. He just does as he's told, fingers trembling with anticipation as he scrabbles for the right icon, having to blink away the mildly blurry vision when Taehyung's hand travels low on his spine, just over the perfect swell of his ass, teasing between his asscheeks but not going to his sopping hole where he needs his touch the most.

"Please," Jungkook tries, but, as expected, Taehyung tuts and brings his hand back up his spine, pulling goosebumps to the skin with his feather-light touch before his hand curls around the back of Jungkook's neck. Pushes so his shoulders give, his face getting lower to the bed, ass getting higher.

"Come on," Taehyung murmurs, and the smirk in his tone is so apparent it hurts. Half of Jungkook wants to turn around and smack the damn look of the guy's face, but the smarter half of him screams at him not to, to obey, to make Taehyung happy. "Come on, baby boy, read it to me. Can you do that?"

"I—" He looks at the text, and swallows. "Um."


Jungkook breathes. "...It was—" And then he chokes, and coughs a bit before continuing. "It was really great meeting you tonight. You, uh... You looked... very good—"

Smack. He hears it before he really feels anything. But when he registers it—Fuck. He whines, his hips instinctively rutting forward into absolutely nothing, just following the force of the slap against his ass.

"Read it for real," Taehyung spits. And his voice might be cruel, but his wide palm soothes over the cheek which he hit, a calming circular motion which he knows Jungkook appreciates. Jungkook's lungs feel empty, but his breaths are too shallow to solve anything. He's dizzy—with pleasure, with pain, with humiliation. He looks at the text, reads it over and over. God, he's such a slut.

But he goes on, because Taehyung said so. His tail's curled down submissively, laying flat down the back of his thigh. "You looked so damn sweet in—in those tight pants. Um."

Taehyung laughs, and Jungkook drops his head, feeling the blush burn across his cheeks, down his neck. "Go on, baby," Taehyung encourages, "you're being so good for me right now."

"Nnh—Daddy, I can't—"

And again, just as hard as the last—smack. Taehyung hits hard, he always has. But that's only because Jungkook had told him that's how he likes it, back when they first started doing this.

"Go," Taehyung growls, a single syllable spoke with such force that Jungkook feels it slam against his fucking heart, threatening to crush it.

"...I—I saw how you were looking at me, babe. I wanted to—to do so much to you, you really have no idea. Um. I—I hope we. We can meet up. Soon."

Taehyung's silent for a moment, and Jungkook's shoulders lose some of their tension.

"That's it?" he asks, sounding painfully casual, his hand still soothing patterns over Jungkook's reddened asscheeks.


"Okay." Without warning, Taehyung drags a finger down and sticks it between Jungkook's plump cheeks, prodding around his hole which flutters open and closed rapidly at his rough touch. "Text him back." Then he presses that finger in, Jungkook's asshole immediately swallowing it in and letting more slick spill out, slippery down the insides of his thighs, already dripping over Taehyung's knuckles.

"Hn—Wh—Daddy, I don't—"

Again, Taehyung lifts his other hand and spanks him, hard.

"What? You don't wanna, baby?" Taehyung says it with a mock pout, and Jungkook's suffused cheeks burn even hotter. "That's too bad. 'Cause I don't care what bad little sluts want." He leans forward, keeping that finger inside him maddeningly still. Jungkook doesn't dare try to shift yet, though. Taehyung bends over and presses his chest against Jungkook's back, peeking over his shoulder to read the text over, still shaking with laughter.

"What do I say?" Jungkook asks quietly.

"Anything you want, babe." Taehyung combs his fingers through Jungkook's sweaty hair, then kisses his temple. "Maybe tell him how bad you want him. How much you like him. How about that? Do you like him, sweetheart? Do you?"

Abruptly, Taehyung presses his hips forward, letting Jungkook feel the hot press of his erection solid against his still-stinging asscheek. That makes Jungkook whine, rapidly shaking his head as he buries his face into the crook of his elbow with his hands still holding up the phone. Tutting, Taehyung lifts his chin back up, still leisurely grinding against Jungkook and smearing precome onto his skin. Then he slowly pulls that finger out, dragging the tight, sucking ring of muscle along after it. Pushes it in again, so slowly, a sick back and forth that drives Jungkook completely mad.

"Bet you do. Bet you think he's so fucking dreamy, don't you, babe? Hm?"

"Nng—No. Daddy, shut up, I don't—"

And Taehyung spanks him so damn hard, again, and Jungkook's body curls forward, his cock pulsing with how good it hurts, briefly pulling tight up against his belly and releasing a thick drop of precome, some sliding down the shaft and some dripping filthy onto the bed. As he moves, it changes the angle of Taehyung's finger inside him, and God if that isn't the best feeling in the world, the tight drag of those knuckles against his quivering inner walls, sopping like a proper desperate whore should be.

"Do you want his cock, too? Huh? Fucking greedy slut, I bet you do, you're just so needy for everything, aren't you? Jesus."

"No, I don't—I don't want him, I just—"

"How about this, princess," Taehyung interrupts his babbling. "I'll tell you what to text."

"Mmph, please, I just wanna—"

Taehyung adds a second finger, crooking both, pushing at all that tense muscle, forcing a rough moan to tear its way up Jungkook's throat. His other hand he brings to Jungkook's wrist, lifting so both of his hands are holding the phone.

"Ah, you're getting hot, baby," he murmurs casually, tentatively pressing his fingertips to Jungkook's palms. Jungkook just nods jerkily. He is. His control's gone straight out the window, lost somewhere out there along with his dignity. "Okay. Type this."



"Shut the fuck up. Type this. Okay... Tell me... Tell me what you'd fucking do to me." Jungkook turns around and looks at Taehyung, a question in his glazed eyes. He just grins back, then nods at the phone. "Do it, sweetheart."

So Jungkook does. Because Taehyung uses that tone again, the one he can never say no to. The assertive, completely dominating one that he very rarely lets Jungkook hear. First word, second, third, and so on, until the filthy fucking sentence is staring back at him, a deriding little thing that reminds him of just how bad he's been.

"Send it," Taehyung says lowly, and so, of course, Jungkook does.


His heart drops cold, but before he even has the time to dwell on it, Taehyung's adding a third finger and curling them even harder, generously angling them just right so they push straight against Jungkook's prostate.

"A—ah, oh God, Daddy, yes—" His voice breaks when Taehyung does it again, and he's torn between rocking his ass back and letting his hips rut forward. The tip of his dick is so sensitive at this point that just brushing against the duvet makes him lose his sweaty grip on the phone and bury his face into the covers, whining and writhing in pleasure, all lost and fucking stupid in that way Taehyung always gets him.

"Good boy," Taehyung tells him gently, and Jungkook's body melts onto the bed, a pleased sigh rushing from his lips between those silly, staccatoed noises he's making. Taehyung pets his sore asscheek, removing his fingers a bit too quick so Jungkook's left gaping around nothing, his asshole abruptly clenching and making him grunt in pain. Then Taehyung sits back again, getting behind him. And Jungkook knows what's coming, because this is one of his favourite things, and Taehyung just loves to reward him, but the wide press of Taehyung's tongue over his asshole still makes him jolt in surprise, a choked sound getting stuck in his throat.

He wiggles his ass, and Taehyung's palm comes down onto his red-raw skin. Not a spank, exactly, but painful nonetheless, his fingers roughly digging into the plush swell and pulling one cheek to the side to better expose his asshole. Jungkook's dripping with need, and Taehyung laps up all the fluid, humming in satisfaction when Jungkook responds so viscerally, hands curling into the sheets till his knuckles go white, back dipping low. Taehyung pulls back for a second, and Jungkook keens at the loss until Taehyung shushes him.

"Such a needy fucking bitch, Jesus," he murmurs, and clasps one hand around the the tense muscle of Jungkook's thigh, the other moving to grab his hip, jostling him into a better position before he pushes down on the tight arch of Jungkook's back, again spreading his cheeks and going back to swiping his tongue back and forth over the stretched muscle. He rolls his ass back, making Taehyung growl.

"Hold still," he snarls, pulling back. And there's no need for it, because Jungkook's already as wet as he is, but Taehyung spits on Jungkook's hole, an absolutely crude sound to go along with everything else they're doing. It's so vulgar, but the fact makes Jungkook love it even more so, his hole flexing and letting more slick drip down the insides of his milky thighs whenever it goes a bit looser for a moment before tensing up and clenching tight again.

"More, please," Jungkook moans, and Taehyung chuckles, patting his ass.

The thing is, Taehyung probably would have kept going, too, if not for that damn phone. Because it pings. And Taehyung fucking stops. Pulls back, leaning back over Jungkook again so his painfully hard cock's pressed right against Jungkook's back.

"Did he respond? Show me, show me," he says, sounding too excited considering how mortifying all this is. Still, when he reaches over and unlocks the phone, putting it in Jungkook's hand and making him hold it for him, Jungkook obliges to all of it, staring at the shameful text along with Taehyung.

Taehyung reads it out loud, tittering. "Tell me what you want, baby. I'll give you anything." Then he cackles, his body shaking over top of Jungkook's. He grabs Jungkook by the hair, forcing his head to the side and giving him a kiss full on the mouth. "Look at this loser, Kook. Bet he thinks he's such hot shit, getting someone like you. God, I still can't believe you. My pretty little cockslut."

"Tae, please, I'm sorry, just fuck me—"

"No, baby." He kisses him again, melding their lips together, making Jungkook taste the slightly sweet, raunchy fluid from his asshole that sticks to his mouth. "You're not sorry. You love it. Look at you. Got him wrapped around your finger, got me with my tongue in your asshole. Everything you fucking want, right?" Softly, he nibbles on the piercing in Jungkook's ear, smirking when he keens and trembles. "All this attention that you're such a needy little boy for, you've got it all. Christ."

He sits back, petting the sides of Jungkook's thighs. "And you're mine. All fucking mine, and he's never gonna have you. Never." While Jungkook can't see Taehyung's expression, he can hear the grin in his voice, the arrogant tone he always adopts when he's feeling a little possessive, just as icing on the cake. And it makes a certain satisfaction swell in Jungkook—how wanted Taehyung always makes him feel.

"Tell him to call you," Taehyung says.

Jungkook freezes.

"What?" And he lifts himself slightly, turning around to look at Taehyung incredulously.

"Tell him to call you," Taehyung just says again, a wicked smile playing at his lips.

"A—are you crazy?" Jungkook snips, but Taehyung's eyes steel over and he quickly shuts himself up.

"Yes. Now do it." He gestures to the phone in Jungkook's hand impatiently. "Type it out, sweetheart. I know you can."

Jungkook grumbles, but turns back around anyway, dropping back onto his elbows and lifting the phone, smiling a little to himself when he hears Taehyung hum appreciatively at the view it gives him, his ass lifted high, everything exposed, all of it belonging to him.

And Jungkook begins to type, until Taehyung's hot tongue is suddenly back pressing against his asshole, circling and pushing into the ring of muscle, spreading all the slick and saliva around. It makes him keen so goddamn loud, body tensing and falling forward as his elbows slide forward, too weak and shaky to hold the weight of his body.

"Shut up, baby. So fucking noisy." Taehyung tuts, reaching a hand in front and tugging Jungkook back up, helping him prop himself back up onto his elbows. "You want the whole damn world to know how much of a pretty slut you are for me? Hm?"

"Hn—no, I just—ah, Tae—" A shiver drags down his spine, and his toes curl tight in pleasure. Taehyung's tongue is always the most wonderful thing, and it feels so good and gets him so loud and he just can't help it. "Fuck, yes, oh—"

Taehyung pushes his tongue in, getting deep so his lips are right at the rim, sucking on the flexing muscle before pulling back with a lewd pop.

"Type it," he instructs, and presses his tongue flat to lick a broad line over Jungkook's asshole before pushing it in and out. Jungkook's thighs quiver, his entire body pulled tight. And he can barely think, let alone see straight enough to type out a text, but he lifts his head and does his best, holding the phone in his sweaty hands and fumbling to keep it from slipping.

It takes him too long, and Taehyung knows his actions are only making it harder to concentrate, so he, of course, keeps going, working his tongue into Jungkook's repeatedly clenching and releasing hole. Jungkook's cock, red and neglected, twitches with each lick Taehyung gives him, but he wouldn't dare touch it. Never. That would mean going against Taehyung—punishment one. That would mean feeling good without permission—punishment two. That would mean letting go of the phone—punishment three.

There's so much he could do wrong here, so much Taehyung could make him pay for, but he gets this right. He hits send, and there it goes. That fucking text.

Call me ;)

"I—shit, Tae, I got it—mh—"

Taehyung hums, the low vibration raking up Jungkook's spine, before he pulls back and gives Jungkook's asshole a sweet kiss before wiping the back of his hand over his mouth, then bending over Jungkook and taking a look at the cell phone screen.

"Good boy," he murmurs, smiling. He giggles and ruffles Jungkook's sweaty hair, again being too playful, considering. "Aw, you even put a winky face. Cute."

"Mmph," Jungkook just grunts, catching his breath while he can.

And then the phone's ringing, and his heart's back in his throat, suffocating.

"Answer it, babe," Taehyung sing-songs, kissing the outer shell of his ear.

Before he's even thinking, Jungkook's breathing into the phone, "Hi."

"Hey, babe," Jooheon's voice crackles over the phone. Jungkook can't even remember his face.

And he wants to fucking die. Behind him, he can feel Taehyung settling into a more comfortable position on his knees, and then his strong hands are on his hips, steadying him. Lining up his cock.

"Say something," Taehyung whispers, lips pressed together to hide his laugh.

"U—um," Jungkook stutters. The tip of Taehyung's cock smears his slick around, but it doesn't push in, not yet. And Jungkook wants it to, but also doesn't. Because God if he doesn't want to get fucked, hard and fast and brutal, but he's also on the damn phone with some stranger, some semi-coworker of Taehyung's. "Hey. I. Uh."

"You touching yourself already? Sound so fucking breathy, hon, you want me that bad?"


Although Taehyung doesn't know what's being said, he has a general idea, and he chuckles lowly. It burns across Jungkook's skin, the embarrassment, the thought of how fucking nasty this is. His boyfriend's cock pushed right up to his asshole while some other guy whispers not-so-sweet nothings into his ear.

"Tell me—tell me what you'd do to me," he whispers, feeling like if he were to say these words too loud he might get dragged straight back to hell.

Then Taehyung, that jerk, laughs out loud. Too loud. Jooheon hadn't even started talking. And he pauses on the other line, and it's a mild understatement to say Jungkook's heart explodes.

"Are you... good?"

"Fine. Just—go. Tell me," he snips, looking back over his shoulder to shoot Taehyung a glare. He just winks back, shrugging, and gently grips Jungkook's swaying tail, absentmindedly playing with the tuft of fur at the tip.

"Jesus. Jesus, where do I start?"

Please don't, Jungkook almost wants to say.

"Guess I'd start with your fucking pants, honey. Your ass looked so damn good in those, you have any idea? I'd fucking rip them off you—"

Taehyung, just feeling around, playing his games, pokes a thumb into Jungkook's asshole, snickering when he jerks backward into the sensation, breath hiccuping in his throat. Jungkook chokes it back, but it's no use, because then Taehyung decides to bring a cruel hand down and spank Jungkook's cheek. The slap resonates, and he whimpers, cock pulsing and precome dribbling from the tip.

Jooheon heard that. Fuck, he heard that good.

"You all right?"

"Y—yeah, I'm fine, I'm really—really fine—Oh—"

He gets cut off because Taehyung suddenly pushes in, deciding that catching Jungkook in the middle of a damn sentence would just be a perfect time, because of course. Really, what a massive jerk.

"Y—you sure?"

"Ah—yes. Um—oh, oh God. I—I'm sorry—"


"Shit, don't call me that—" He drops his head, rambling frantically, his elbows sore from supporting himself for so long. He's barely even speaking into the receiver at this point, just holding it up, possibly somewhere near his face but most likely not. "Just—bye. Fuck. Bye."


He hangs up, throwing the phone to the far end of the bed, as if that would erase any of the sin.

Taehyung, ever generous, has stopped moving and is just staying still, buried to the hilt in Jungkook's ass, stroking soothingly up and down his back.

"Slut," he murmurs, a gleeful smile colouring his tone.

"I know," Jungkook whines. He drops his upper body onto the mattress, taking his weight off his strained arms. He buries his face into the covers, letting the hot flush ebb the slightest bit, finding comfort in Taehyung's slow hands moving across his body, playing with the tip of his tail and caressing the reddened flesh of his ass. "Daddy, fuck me," he mumbles into the fabric, sounding pouty.

Taehyung grunts some affirmation, abruptly pulling back to the tip, Jungkook's slick muscle clenching tight to pull him back in. And then Taehyung thrusts forward, making Jungkook fucking squirm so much Taehyung has to steady him firmly by the hips.

"Fuck," Jungkook whimpers, fingers curling into the duvet again. "Fuck, fuck, fuck—"

"Agh—God, Jungkook, baby," Taehyung snarls, quickly finding a rhythm, using his hold on Jungkook's body to slam his ass back into the violent snaps of his hips, getting deep, deeper. Fucking Jungkook open hard, making him moan so fucking loud like he always does when he's taking Taehyung's dick so well, his pretty hole opening up so easily for Taehyung's cock.

"Nnh—yes, Daddy, harder, fuck, fuck me, oh—" Taehyung grabs Jungkook's thighs, jostling him into a different position, and returns his hand to Jungkook's hips to bring his ass upward, making his upper body dig harder into the mattress. And fuck, that new angle is amazing. Jungkook tenses around Taehyung's cock, grunting helplessly with each cruel thrust Taehyung gives him, ramming right into his prostate and forcing choked grunts from his throat each time his dick drags against that gland deep inside him.

Jungkook's so wet, the squelching sounds each accompanied by a blunt smack as their hot skin meets, quick and desperate. Taehyung's been hard a while, and he's good at being patient, but doing so also gets him incredibly riled up. And he'd already been on edge to begin with, thanks to Jungkook and his games.

"God, so fucking tight," he grits, short fingernails digging into Jungkook's supple skin, ruining him. Jungkook's tail thrashes, completely out of his control, and Taehyung's immediately grabbing it, giving it a brief, harsh tug, his hips stuttering when the shot of pain makes Jungkook clench tighter than ever. "Fuck. Such a good whore for me, take it so well, baby, fuck."

Jungkook's thighs quiver, the marks where Taehyung had spanked him stinging each time Taehyung's bony hips slap against his ass. But the pain is the sweet kind, the kind that makes him delirious, the kind where pleasure and pain become indecipherable, just a barrage of sensations that he drowns in.

"Daddy, fuck, f—feels so good, harder, please, I want—Oh, God, yes—"

"That's my boy," Taehyung growls, rough panting cutting into his sentences, leaning forward and biting into his skin like an animal. "All mine, aren't you? Daddy's perfect little boy, huh?"

"Mm-hm." Jungkook nods frantically, his forehead pushed against the bed. "Yours, Daddy, I'm yours."

And that's what they both want to hear. Because Taehyung loves to have and Jungkook loves to be had.

"Good boy," Taehyung whispers through his teeth, words snippy, cut short by his breaths. The rough smacks of skin on skin get louder, more erratic, as Taehyung gets closer to the edge. Jungkook whines at the praise, his hands gripping harder into the covers. His cock's just aching to be touched, but he knows he can come like this, knows Taehyung loves it when he does, when he comes screaming just from being run through by Taehyung's dick.

He's driving into Jungkook hard, ruining him, making him sweat and moan and writhe in pleasure as Taehyung uses his tight body to chase his own release, and it's violent and wild and real, all of it, everything from how easily Jungkook gives in to him to how he belongs only to him. How he's Taehyung's whore, and only his, and before Jungkook can even catch up that thought's bursting straight across his skin like a fire.

"Oh, shit, I'm close, really—hn—" Jungkook shudders, his back arching low, the weight of his body completely collapsing forward onto his shoulders.

"Fuck—yeah, gonna come, baby?" Taehyung's voice rumbles deep in his throat, visceral and raw. "Ngh—such a good boy, yeah, God—"

And Taehyung fucks into him even better, snarling roughly, his teeth gritting together, and all that aggression is just too much, making Jungkook lose his damn mind as he comes all over the place, sobbing into the duvet, biting onto the fabric and accidentally tearing though it with his bizarrely sharp teeth. His hips buck, and he feels his balls pull tight to his body as he pumps hot come out onto the sheets, shooting it everywhere and making a damn mess like the dirty slut Taehyung loves him for being.

"Fuck, fuck—" Taehyung ruts into Jungkook, his hips having absolutely no rhythm, his teeth once again coming down onto Jungkook's shoulder and biting, drawing blood. "Agh—Coming," he barely spits out before he tugs Jungkook's hips back one last time, groaning deep in his throat and burying his dick in the squeezing heat of Jungkook's ass and unloading into his dripping wet hole, cock hot and pulsing, making his baby boy even sloppier.

Then he pulls out, and all that fluid dribbles down Jungkook's thighs, soaking the mattress. Jungkook's the first to flop over, completely spent.

"Fuck," he mutters, and rolls over onto his back, wincing at the raw feeling of his ass and the disgusting drip from his stretched hole. Knowing he won't have to take care of it, he just shuts his eyes, a contended smile gracing his lips.

"So lazy," Taehyung's muttering, getting up and shakily walking across the room to grab and return with a towel. Wiping Jungkook, himself, and then haphazardly at the entire soaking mess on the bed before chucking the towel to the side. "Move." He pokes at Jungkook's side, pulling at the edge of the covers.


"Jeez, come on," Taehyung chuckles, continuing to poke Jungkook's flank till he flinches away and swats at his hand, laughing.

"Okay, okay." Jungkook picks himself up, arms trembling with the effort, and when Taehyung finally peels the covers back far enough, he collapses right back down. "Cover me," he mumbles, and Taehyung rolls his eyes, yet does so, swathing Jungkook in the fabric.

"Probably gotta wash this," Taehyung comments, lifting it and studying the stain left on the top.

"Ugh. Tomorrow." Jungkook reaches up and pulls Taehyung next to him, bringing him into his arms. "I wanna sleep."

"Mm-hm." Taehyung rests his head on Jungkook's bicep, facing him, smiling softly at how his eyelashes flutter as he breathes in and out.

"Stop watching me," Jungkook mutters without opening his eyes.

"You're cute."

"I know." Then he opens only one eye, just so he can see well enough to accurately smack the side of Taehyung's head. "Lemme sleep. I'm tired."

Taehyung grins, pushing Jungkook's sweaty hair out of his eyes. "You're mine," he states casually, out of the blue.

Jungkook looks at him for a moment, a different sort of blush coming over his cheeks, before he scrunches his nose and grins.

"I know."

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