Sister protection program

By hype_child

2.2K 62 2

"We promised to protect you if anything happened to your brother" "No. no fucking way." More

1 • leave me alone
2 • clubs and drugs
3 • his room
4 • car rides
5 • reason to hate
6 • his handwriting
7 • dear lillian
8 • kiss
9 • surfing
10 • move in
11 • long ass summer
12 • date
13 • ratatouille
14 • jealously
15 • its going to be fine
16 • plot twist
17 • guest
18 • Dirty Dancing
19 • are you happy?
20 • baby pictures
21 • like a mother
22 • birthday
23 • my best friend
24 • princess
25 • dont touch me
26 • work it out
27 • don't say fine
28 • phone calls
29 • betrayals
30 • surfing alone
31 • hide away
32 • you dont have to be jelous
33 • two moms
34•Hemmings, Luke Hemmings
37 • new family

36 • you make it easier

49 2 0
By hype_child

"Now, Lillian, who would you like to be referred to as your mother? Liz or Kate?"
"I- um" I'm taken back by the first question. This is going to be a long day. But I have to do it for the money for Liz.

"Just call them both by their names" I finally respond and she nods.
"So Lillian, do you feel as though you have a tighter sibling connection with Luke as you did Sam?" I blink. "Excuse me?"
I see Luke's fist tighten by his side.
"Do you feel closer to Luke as you did Sam?" She repeats. "I don't think I can answer that question. Relationships are pretty complex, it's unfair to say I'm closer to this sibling than this sibling, just like having a favorite child." I say hesitantly.

"Luke, I understand that you and Lilian used to go to school together?" She asks. He nods "yeah she moved away in 10th grade."
"Did you guys have a connection back then? What was your relationship like?"
I snicker slightly and she looks at me.
"It ah- wasn't good, actually. I teased her a lot, gave her a hard time. Feel really bad about it now." Luke says putting his head down.

"So... would you say you acted almost like... a brother?" She asks. I freeze. Luke looks up and smiles "yeah. I guess so"
Suddenly his bullying almost made sense.

The interview goes on and it's tough at some points.

"Lillian, does knowing Sam wasn't your brother help grieving over him? Or does having Luke make it easier?" She asks crossing her legs. Luke shoots her a glare, not liking the question any more than I do.
"I don't like the question..." I trail off

"which family do you think you fit better in?" She asks turning to me.
I tense. "I-don't know how to answer that" I say fumbling with my hands getting flustered. Maybe I wasn't ready.

"If you could go back and stop the switch, would you?" She raises an eye brow.
"I-well uh" I hear a loud ringing and the black clip slightly buzzes on my finger Luke stands up "that's enough" he says glaring at the lady for asking such back handed questions.

Liz comes over as well.
"I'm fine-" I start. "Like hell." Luke cuts in. Luke and Liz help me into the kitchen despite my protest, give me some water, and then they leave to finish the interview.

About an hour later, Luke and Liz come in the kitchen to me on my phone. "Hey you okay love?" Liz asks putting a hand on my back. I look up "yeah of course"

"Common kiddo lets go pick up dinner for the guys" Luke says holding up his keys.
We hug Liz bye and get in the car.

"I'm so sorry for all the backhanded and unfair questions they asked you" he says turning his wheel.
"It's alright, really. I'm just really glad Liz has the money now to fix up her restaurant and build another location like she wanted."
"Lilian, you know she's not going to take all of that money."
"Well that's what I agreed on" I say proudly. She deserves it.

"She's going to find some way to give you your share, you know that right" he states pulling into the Chinese food place to pick up take out.
"Whatever" I shrug.
"You do make it easier, Luke." I blurt before he opens his door. He stops confused. "The interview question. You make it easier for me to heal from losing Sam. It's better than grieving alone." I say after a short silence. He smiles as the open sign light shines on his face.

"You make it easier, too. Hanging around you, I feel like I have a piece of Sam with me. And for the first time in my life I don't have survivors guilt. It's like I got a second chance"
We do as best of a hug in the car as we can. Tears fall down my face for some reason.
"I am happy." I say, answering his question from long ago. He hugs tighter.

"We got food losers" Luke says barging through the door. "Hell yes" Micheal cheers sitting up on the couch. Luke and I join all the boys plus Crystal sitting around the couch. I sit beside Calum and give a weak smile.

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