
By _Ephemeral_Dream

57.5K 4.4K 1.6K

Kim V is one of the most successful men in South Korea. He buries himself in work, neglecting his husband, Ki... More

Kim Taehyung


2.4K 187 39
By _Ephemeral_Dream

Seokjin didn't need to open his eyes to know it's already morning. He could hear the birds chirping. He opens his eyes when he realizes he's sitting upright. It is certainly not a pillow he's resting on.

Seokjin peeks one eye open, almost afraid of what'll meet his eyes. He looks down to find two arms wrapped around him and they aren't his. Seokjin tries to think of how they ended up in such position. His mind was blank. Latest memory is of V offering him the bed. Which he took.

So, what is V doing with him on the bed? Not to mention, holding him in such a way they don't do. In a way where Seokjin can find his whole face burning up now. He turns his head slightly to check on V, who is still deep in sleep. 'He didn't do anything more, right?'

Seokjin shakes his head at the thought. V would never. He pushes at V's arm skeptically. He doesn't want V to wake up right now and see his flush face. He freezes when V stirs a bit and tightens his hold. Seokjin holds his breath.

V doesn't seem to be awake yet. He puts his hand on top of V's forearm. It's smooth and he could feel the muscles beating underneath. Though, V doesn't have bulging muscles, Seokjin knows he is strong. Especially with the fact that he works out almost everyday these days.

He scolds himself for letting his hand just sit there and lifts V's arm gently. He does his best to move V's arms, not wanting to wake him up. He lets out the breath he was holding as he successfully untangled himself from V's arms.

He scoots towards the edge of the bed. His feet touches the floor and he's about to stand. However, a familiar pair of arms wrap around his waist. "Morning Jin~" V's deep voice rings into Seokjin's ears causing him to blush. V's voice is already deep so when it's his morning voice, it's even deeper.

He squirms and squeezes his eyes shut for a moment to try to get his bearings together. He stops squirming. "Did anything happen last night?" he asks softly and nervously.

"What do you think happened?" V asks him with a small smile. Gosh. Seokjin has to admit V is handsome. He didn't think he could become anymore handsome. However, since he starting smiling more, he looks even . .better.

Seokjin blinks as he realizes he's thinking about V's good looks. Like V asked, he tries to recall what happened last night? "I don't remember." He truly can't remember anything, which he hates because V has a glint in his eyes and he wants to know what's making him act like so.

"Well," V's arms slide away from him and he leans back on his hand. "You kept calling my name. Over and over." Seokjin runs through all the scenarios in his head in which he would do something so not like him.

Calling V's name on repeat? He scrunches his face in confusion. "I kept calling your name?"

Taehyung sits up. "Multiple times and you were crying."

Seokjin tilts his head. Him sleep talking and crying. His mind trails to his dream, barely remembering it. "I don't sleep talk."

"You did last night." V looks away from him as if to think of that night again. "You had a nightmare, I think." Then it all came rushing to him. His "nightmare" was about V. He was leaving Seokjin and for some reason Seokjin was extremely saddened by this. V looked really sad too.

He's pulled out from the distant dream as V's arms encircle him again, causing him to flinch. "And I had to hold you like this all night for you to stop crying and calling my name."

Seokjin could feel his face getting hot again. "Oh," he murmurs. "Sorry for waking you up, then."

"It's fine," V's deep timbre voice says. Seokjin couldn't bare to look at him. Too embarrassed for the other to see his flushed state. "By the way, do you remember what you dreamed of?"

"I don't," Seokjin lies. He turns his head slightly. "Now can you let go of me?" He wanted to get out of this position ASAP. Even though a small, small part of him low-key enjoys the comfort of V's warmth and presence wrapped around him.

"As you wish," V answers and Seokjin doesn't even need to turn around to know that he's smiling. He stands up and hurries out the room, not sparing V a glance. He closes the door behind him and goes into the bathroom.

After locking it, he leans against the door. He brings a hand up to touch his cheek to check if it's as hot as he feels. Almost. He takes in a deep breath then exhales. Why does he feel this way? He doesn't know. It's just V. V who cares more about work than him.

Is that statement still true? Seokjin is hesitant to answer. In the past months, V has been changing. He doesn't know why. Maybe V really is starting to care about him like how you're supposed to care for your significant other.

Seokjin never thought V's cold demeanor would ever change. Especially towards him. So, when V started acting like he cares about Seokjin, Seokjin panicked. He doesn't want to fall for V. He still remembers all those nights after they just got married. How he would make meals for V but, he wouldn't eat anything.

How he would stay up all night waiting for V to come home. How V would only smile at him if there were people around.

Seokjin moves away from the door and looks at his reflection. With no progress, he stopped caring about V. V will never appreciate the small thing he does. That's what he thought until recently.

He still remembers when V had brought him out to this marketplace far from the city and asked, "Am I not allowed to make you happy?" Seokjin then went off about all the things V were. He expected V to glare at him and yell at him. However, he didn't. Instead, he promised Seokjin that he'll try. Try to be a better son, friend, and husband.

Shortly after, V started conversing with him more. Started looking at him more. Started smiling more and dragging him to do fun things, like watching movies, going to the mall, and exercising together.

Somehow, these small things make Seokjin feel . . He doesn't know how to describe it for he never felt it before.


They've been to five houses already and Jungkook is nowhere to be found. Why does V have to have so many houses? Taehyung frowns. Would they be able to find Jungkook before it's too late? He really hopes they would. Being in a rush, he and Seokjin didn't even get breakfast. It's almost noon.

"Where are you going?" Seokjin asks as Taehyung pulls off the course to the house they are currently heading to.

"I want to get something real quick," Taehyung answer, wanting to surprise Seokjin. He arrives at the desired destination. A small street with a park and across, a couple stores. "I'll be right back." He sprints out of the car and to a shop.

He pulls the door handle, but the door doesn't open. Locked. It's still closed. Taehyung's shoulders slump and he looks over to the car where Seokjin is. He really wanted to do this.

He turns back to the door and peer into the windows. Someone was moving around in the back. "Hey!" Taehyung shouts and knocks on the door. The girl has an annoyed look as she stares back at Taehyung, hands on hips. Taehyung offers a nice smile. "Can I come in?"

The girl shakes her head and points to the clock. The store won't open until an hour. "Please~" The girl stands unfazed. Taehyung pouts. "Please~ I'll be fast. Just two orders. I can even pay you extra."

The girl shakes her head and turns around. "Wait!" The girl turns back around. "It's for my boyfriend . ." Taehyung swallows after his lie. Seokjin isn't his boyfriend. However, it worked because the girl is now smiling and coming to open the door.

"Your boyfriend? Where is he?" she asks as Taehyung goes over to the counter.

"In the car. What do you recommend?" Taehyung stares in awe at all the different flavors displayed.

"How about blue moon and lavender honey?" Taehyung nods and she starts scooping bright, light blue ice cream into a waffle cone. "Special occasion?" She hands Taehyung the blue ice cream cone. "Blue moon."

Taehyung takes it, staring at the beautiful color. "No. I just never got him ice cream before." She squeals at his answer and hands him another ice cream cone. This one being a soft light purple.

He gives her the money. "Thank you so much for letting me in," Taehyung smiles at her.

"No problem. I love helping boyfriends on dates. It's what I do." Her cold demeanor from when Taehyung was outside is totally gone. Taehyung laughs and heads out. He crosses the street and to the car. He peers into the window.

"Jin?" He looks up. Seokjin isn't in the car. "Jin," he calls out louder. Before he could full-on panic, he finds a familiar backside sitting on the bench in the park. He blows out a sigh of relief.

He walks over with the cones in hands. "Tada!" He holds out the ice cream cones to Seokjin as he sits down beside him. Seokjin's brows shoot up into the sky. "We didn't get to eat breakfast, so . ." He looks down to the ice cream cones. "Which one do you want?"

"We didn't get breakfast so you got us ice cream?" Seokjin asks slowly.

Taehyung nods. "Yeah. Ice cream is yummy." He smiles at the thought of eating ice cream again. It's been too long.

Seokjin smiles and looks down at the ice cream cones. "I don't care what flavor I get. What do you want?"

Taehyung presses his lips together and his forehead wrinkles as he decides. After a minute of hard judging, he pulls blue moon to himself. "You can have lavender honey, then. I'll have blue moon."

Seokjin takes the cone, appreciating the cute ice cream cone. Meanwhile, Taehyung is already lapping his up. "Isn't it too early for ice cream?" Seokjin asks as he taste his ice cream.

"It's never too early or too late when you're with me," Taehyung says between bites of his cone. Seokjin giggles quietly and continues licking his ice cream.

With a loud plop, Taehyung finishes his ice cream cone. Delicious. Absolutely divine. In his own moment, he smacks his lips together, already missing the long gone ice cream. "How was it?"

"Huh?" Taehyung shakes out of his ice cream coma.

Seokjin smiles a small smile. "Your ice cream. How was it?"

"Ahh. It taste really good. Really nice." He shows two thumbs up. "De-li-cious."

Seokjin looks between him and his ice cream. "Do you want to taste mines?" He holds his ice cream cone out to Taehyung.

Taehyung nods eagerly and Seokjin brings the ice cream cone closer to him. Instead of taking it and then tasting, he bends down and takes a big lick. When he brings his head up, Seokjin's eyes are wide. He blinks and Seokjin goes back to eating his ice cream.

He sits back and enjoys the view of the park as Seokjin continues eating his ice cream cone. His eyes would occasionally trace back to Seokjin and he would just rip his eyes away when he catches himself doing so.

In the midst of being captured by Seokjin again, he says without knowing he's doing so, "I purple you."

Seokjin stops biting his cone. "You purple me?" Realizing what he just said, Taehyung feels his cheeks heat up. "What does that mean?" Seokjin asks, seemingly curious. Oblivious to how embarrassed Taehyung is.

"Uh-I-" Taehyung doesn't really know. It just came out of his mouth. Yet, it feels meaningful to him.

Seokjin takes another bite of his cone. "Is it because the ice cream's purple?" he asks Taehyung who is still trying to understand the words he just uttered.

"I guess." Maybe that had something to do with it. Seokjin plops the rest of the cone into his mouth, his cheeks full as he munches it all.

Taehyung reaches over and wipes the purple cream at the corner of Seokjin's lips with his thumb. Seokjin's eyes widen slightly as Taehyung puts the thumb in his mouth, tasting the lavender honey ice cream and something else.

Seokjin pushes him and he almost topples off the bench. "Why did you do that? It's unsanitary," Seokjin scolds him.

"But I licked your ice cream earlier. So, you're already contaminated by me." He smirks as Seokjin's jaw falls open in disbelief. Seokjin folds his arms and storms off. "Jin! Wait for me!"

Taehyung ends up chasing after Seokjin, the two laughing as they did so.


"You can just stay in the car. He's probably not here," Taehyung tells Seokjin.

"You don't want me to go?" Seokjin asks as he unbuckles his seatbelt.

"No no. It's not that. I just don't want you to feel tired." Taehyung feels bad for dragging Seokjin into this with him.

"Okay then. I'll stay here," Seokjin agrees with him. Taehyung smiles at him before stepping out of the car.

He makes his way to the door. However, before he even opens it, he sees a familiar backside behind the house. Having a hunch in who it is, he walks over. "Jungkook," he calls out. Bingo. Jungkook turns around. "Woah," Taehyung gives Jungkook a once over. He looks miserable. "What happened?"

Already slumping, Jungkook slumps even more. "I failed. I'm getting married to Ahnjong." He falls to the ground and Taehyung rushes to his side. "I couldn't tell my parents when it came to Hoseok." Jungkook's fingers graze the grass. "I'm a coward. I can't do shit."

Taehyung is still taken aback by how despairing Jungkook is now. The Jungkook he first met is nothing like this. "Hey," he sits comfortably next to Jungkook. "You're not a coward. You do do shit." Jungkook raises a brow and Taehyung giggles. "You know what I mean."

He continues. "You and Namjoon helped find me because you care about your friend. And you also convinced me to be here." Taehyung recalls his talk with Jungkook's mom. "Though I only have one conversation with your mom, I know she cares deeply for you." Jungkook shakes his head slightly.

"I think she's just worried that you don't do anything. From my view, you don't really show your parents what you're capable of." Taehyung's being real and he hopes that doesn't upset Jungkook. "You work but, you don't seem like you work. Instead, putting all the fun things you do in the spotlight. Therefore, your hardworking self gets overshadowed and in place just a boy enjoying his life."

Taehyung turns to Jungkook. "I'm pretty sure that if you show your parents you can be responsible, they'll let you wander more." Taehyung's mind goes to his mom. "They'll support you in whatever decision you make."

Jungkook blinks a couple times. Finally, a smile grace his lips. "That's what you think?"

Taehyung smiles. "That's what I see." He puts a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "However, it's for you to see and act on it." Jungkook nods and his gloomy self clears a bit. "Come on. Smile. You're not that far away from being officially with Hoseok," Taehyung teases him.

Jungkook gives him a little glare which causes Taehyung to giggle more. Only now does he really see how little Jungkook is. He pulls Jungkook into a side hug and ruffles his hair. "Thanks, Tae," Jungkook says softly.

"You're welcome." He smiles, feeling happier that Jungkook is feeling better.


"You must be exhausted," Taehyung notes as he and Seokjin finishes dinner. "I dragged you around with me for two days."

Seokjin shakes his head. "Not two days. More like one." He smiles a bit. "It's not tiring. I say you should be the exhausted one."

Taehyung does feel drain. "I'm fine. Thank you for helping me find Jungkook. Without your help, I would be going nowhere."

"You're welcome." Seokjin's smile seems to brighten. Maybe Taehyung's worn out to the point he thinks Seokjin's looking at him with admiration. They go up the stairs and into their bedroom.

Taehyung sighs happily at the sight of the bed. He can't wait to go to sleep. He goes shower first. When done, he basically runs out the bathroom and onto the bed, earning a giggle from Seokjin.

He slips into the covers, thinking sleep will overcome him fast. However, not twenty minutes past and he awakes to the smell of roses and coconut. An odd combination, however mesmerizing.

He's half awake and half asleep. So, even if he wants to open his eyes or move his hand, it's hard to do. With his eyes close, he depends on his ears and nose. There's no noise but, a hand cups his cheek. Immediately, he leans into. The smell of roses invade his nostrils.

The warm, soft, and cozy hand leaves his cheek just as he was about to press a kiss to it. "Goodnight, V," he catches before sleep wins and he's brought back to his dreams.


"I apologize for what I did and said about Ahnjong," Jungkook says in front of his parents. He can't run away from this anymore.

"That's good," his dad answers, acting like their talk is finished.

"However, Dad and Mom." His dad raises a brow. "I still refuse to marry her," Jungkook stands straight and confident.

"Jung-" his mom starts, but he doesn't let her finish.

"I'm in love with someone else." Jungkook takes in a deep breath and remembers Taehyung's words. "I know I should've told you guys sooner. I was just too afraid that you both will disapprove of him."

"Him?" His mom asks, confused.

"Yes. He's V's sectary." Jungkook turns his head slightly. "Jung Hoseok." He could feel more at ease as his lover appear at his side.

Hoseok bows to the both of them. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Jeon and Mrs. Jeon." Jungkook smiles and grabs Hoseok's hand despite Hoseok's worried and scolding eyes.

"I don't want to marry Ahnjong because I," he glances at Hoseok. "Already have Hoseok." His parents are speechless. They'll need some time to think. So, he bows and with Hoseok's hand in his, the couple turn and walk out of the room.

Once the door closes, Hoseok speaks, "You're not worried that they'll cut you out of everything?"

Jungkook shakes his head. He used to be worry. "I don't need their money. I can make my own money." He lets go of Hoseok's hand and wraps his arm around him instead. "Besides, what's the point of living with money but, no Hoseok?"

Hoseok rolls his eyes but giggles a little. Jungkook pulls Hoseok closer, if possible, and presses a kiss to his lips. "I love you, Jungkook," Hoseok tells him with a bright eye smile.

"I love you too, Hoseok." If he were to go back to the time he first met Hoseok, he would have never thought he'd ever say those words.


"Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry. Coming through." Taehyung squeeze through the seats and people. He sighs, relieved as he arrives at his seat. He puts the drinks he was holding down. "Jin," he calls out. He holds his hand out for Seokjin to give him the popcorn so he could get through easier.

However, Seokjin put his hand in his. Taehyung freezes while Seokjin continues weaving through the people and to their seats. The only thing Taehyung could focus on is Seokjin's hand on top of his. After what seemed like hours, Seokjin's standing by his side. "Thanks," he says as he retracts his hand.

Taehyung nods. "Which seat do you want?" He looks at the two empty seats. He got the best seats he could. In the group of seats in the middle, in the exact middle row, the exact middle seats. His hand falls to his side and he ignores the tingles he's feeling.

Seokjin looks at both seats then back at Taehyung. "Which seat do you want?"

"It doesn't matter to me . ." Taehyung clears his throat. "Also, I asked you first."

Seokjin smiles a bit. "I know that. I just-"

"Can you guys sit down!" Taehyung and Seokjin flinch at the same time. Taehyung slides into his seat, so does Seokjin. Both blushing as the movie is already starting. Taehyung can't believe that he forgot there's other people in the screening room.

They came late because Taehyung was stuck in a meeting then, when he picked up Seokjin, they got stuck in traffic. He leans closer to Seokjin. "Sorry for being late," he whispers.

"You weren't that late," Seokjin whispers back. "And we made it on time." He turns to Taehyung a little.

Taehyung sits back and stares at the screen. Is it just him or is it getting a little hot? He takes a big sip of his cherry icee and focuses on the movie. Apparently, it's really good. That's why there's so many people here today.

His fingers tap on his armrest, moving off to grab the popcorn. However, when his fingers fall back on the armrest, it isn't the armrest they rest on. It's Seokjin's hand. His hand immediately falls away. He's held Seokjin's hand once or twice. Not often, that's for sure.

Maybe he should hold hands with Seokjin. The thought of it brings a giddy feeling to him. Wait. Why is he acting like some teenager in high school who's contemplating whether he should grab his date's hand or not?

This is kinda a date. Is it? Taehyung didn't think of it like a date until now. And he does want to hold Seokjin's hand.

He glances at Seokjin's hand which is still resting on the armrest. Should he? No. His hand tingles as he continues contemplating. What's the worst that could happen? Seokjin would just yank his hand away and look at Taehyung in disgust.

Ouch. Taehyung frowns. What's the best that could happen? Seokjin would look at him and smile that sweet smile of his. Interlock his fingers with Taehyung's and they would finish the movie, hand in hand.

Taehyung wipes his smile away. What kind of delusion did he just have? He brought Seokjin here so Seokjin would enjoy himself. Not so he would hold Taehyung's hand.

With that thought, Taehyung pushes the part of him that wants to hold Seokjin's hand away.

Half way through the movie he turns to Seokjin and his blue raspberry icee. "Want a sip?" he whispers to Seokjin. He wants to take a sip of Seokjin's icee. Seokjin nods and wraps his lips around the cherry icee straw.

Taehyung does the same with Seokjin's icee. He lights up at the taste of blue raspberry. Seokjin seems to notice. "If you like it, we can share," he suggests.

"Okay," Taehyung says right away, liking the idea. "If you're fine with it."

"I'm fine with it," Seokjin whispers. They go back to watching the movie, sharing drinks and popcorn.

Before Taehyung realizes it, the credits are rolling and the lights are on. They're ones of the last to leave the screening room.

"How'd you like the movie?" Taehyung asks as they step out. He throws away the empty popcorn bowl along with his drink. He offers a hand to throw away Seokjin's empty cup as well.

Seokjin hands him his empty cup. "I like it. A lot, actually."

"Me too. It was fun." A big family pass them and Seokjin's eyes trail after them. Taehyung could feel the corners of his mouth tilt up. Kids are so cute. He's always had a soft spot for them. He turns back to Seokjin who is smiling slightly at two kids bickering.

Taehyung's hand reach for his pocket. He pulls out his phone. "Say cheese~" Seokjin turns to him and he snaps a picture.

Seokjin gasps as Taehyung looks at the picture. "You took a picture!" Seokjin attempts to steal his phone.

"It's a really nice picture and it'll be memory," Taehyung tells Seokjin who is still trying to grab the phone.

"You could've asked me first," Seokjin pouts and crosses his arms.

Taehyung's fingers work away on his phone. "What's the fun in that?" He shows Seokjin his lock screen which is now the picture he just took. "This way I'll see you every time I turn on my phone."

Seokjin stares at the phone then at him. He blinks for a bit. "Let's go home." He turns around and makes his way towards the exit. Was Seokjin mad at him? Seokjin turns back around to look at him. "Come on. Unless you want to make me walk home," Seokjin says with a slight smile.

Taehyung immediately smiles. "I'm coming." He rushes to Seokjin's side.

"You act like a puppy," Seokjin tells him.

Taehyung pushes the door open for the both of them. "Oh, you found me out," he plays along. "Guess there's no point in hiding it anymore. Woof! Woof!" Seokjin laughs loudly, urging him to continue his puppy act.

With Seokjin laughing so delightfully, he didn't feel like an idiot at all.


Taehyung hurries down the stairs, confused. He and Seokjin had been getting ready for work when a servant came to their room. Someone came to see them. Seokjin looks just as curious as he is to know who came in the early morning to see them.

"Good morning, V. Good morning, Jin." Taehyung smiles and so does Seokjin.

"What brought you two here so early?" Taehyung looks between the two familiar faces. It must be good news for the two are with smiles.

"I'm not getting married," Jungkook announces. He grabs Hoseok's hand and interlocks their fingers. "Well, not yet anyways." Hoseok looks down shyly.

"Congratulations!" Taehyung exclaims. Never had he thought he would say that to someone saying they're not getting married. Nonetheless, he feels extremely happy for Jungkook. He gets to be with the one he truly loves. He goes over to Jungkook and pulls him into a hug.

"Thank you, V. If it weren't for you I would've never gotten the guts to confront my parents," Jungkook tells him. He then whispers in Taehyung's ear. "Really. Thank you, Taehyung. For everything."

Though not originally friends, Taehyung feels close to Jungkook just like a friend. They pull away from each other. "It's not all on me. I just gave you a small nudge," Taehyung says and pushes Jungkook playfully.

Jungkook chuckles and proceeds to push him back. "Thank you a lot . ." Hoseok speaks since they arrive. "V," he says with a smile.

Taehyung mirrors his smile. He spots Seokjin standing all by himself. "We should all go get dinner together tonight." He goes over to Seokjin's side. "You two and Seokjin and I. All four of us."


"Did you hear about Junseo's party?" Jungkook asks Taehyung. Less like asking, more like informing.

Taehyung wipes the corners of his lips. "Yeah. Is it already coming up?" He knows nothing of this party. Only that Junseo is V's cousin.

"Yeah, in two days. You're coming right?" Jungkook asks him.

"I'm probably going to be busy." He wants to party but there is work to tend to.

"You always work on this day even though it's a holiday. How about you take some time off this year?" Hoseok suggests. "Seokjin, you have to come as well." Seokjin shakes his head.

"Oh come on," Jungkook whines. "It's a Halloween get-together. It'll be fun." Taehyung perks up. Halloween? That's right. October's almost ending. He loves Halloween. Being dressed up and giving candies to little kids.

"We'll come!" Taehyung bursts out in excitement. He turns to Seokjin. "You're fine with that, right?"

Seokjin seems taken back but, he nods. "If you want to go, we can go." Taehyung smiles with both set of teeth, letting his elation show. He's already running through costume ideas as they leave the restaurant.

After bidding Jungkook and Hoseok goodbye, Seokjin and Taehyung get in their car. Two days until the party. Two days! What's something he's never dressed up as before. Last year he was a vampire. The year before that he was the joker.

Seokjin probably sees how excited he is. "What are you going to dress up as?" He asks the still contemplating Taehyung.

"I don't know. There's so many to choose from. What about you?" Seokjin seems pretty calm about this. Maybe he already has a costume in mind.

"Um," Seokjin presses his lips together. "It's a secret," he tells Taehyung slyly.

"Secret?" Taehyung tries to guess what Seokjin would want to be. "Can I get a hint?"

Seokjin rests his chin on his hand. A tiny smile makes way on his captivating lips and he sits up. Without warning, his hand comes closer to Taehyung and rests on his chest. He peers up at Taehyung, confidence in his eyes.

Taehyung's mind goes blank. This is a first. Seokjin never deliberately touched him before. Seokjin's lips part. "Does it hurt when I press here?" Taehyung gulps and glance down at Seokjin's hand that's resting upon his heart.

"No," he croaks. His heart is beating crazily. Seokjin probably knows it.

"This could be a symptom of . ." Seokjin's cheeks tint with pink. "Love."

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