under the moon and stars || l...

By kaylalou41

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❝Excuse me? I'm sorry but you are in my seat.' Harry heard a strong voice say behind him. Harry was shocked... More

under the canyon moon and stars
first day
talk forever
don't be jealous
a time under the moon
a night to remember
lucky to have you
you're my sweet creature
one direction
we'll be alright, a fine line
LoNdOn iS qUitE bIG!
worst nightmare
don't let me go
happy birthday
through paris, all through rome
the best night of my life
up all night
had another talk about where it's going wrong
moving on
moving on (louis' pov)
i still love him
new beginnings
i'd be comin' right back home to you
all i do is miss you
always you
you will always be my home
tHe BOyS
the cut that always bleeds
what do we do now?
dude, we are getting the band back together...probably
a different story
meant for each other
still the one
a christmas story
a christmas story (alternative)
happily yours

another break-up

134 4 4
By kaylalou41

eighteen | another break-up

One month later...

December 2015:

Louis' pov:

"Hey, Liam, why are you calling?" Louis asked.

"We are having a band meeting, you need to be there!" Liam said.


"What time?"

"One hour, the bakery," Liam replied.


"Louis, I need to warn you, Harry will be there," Liam said in a concerned tone.

"Of course he will be, he's in the band"

Louis sighed.

"Don't worry about me Payno, I'll be fine," Louis said, obviously lying.

"Okay," Liam replied.


Harry's pov:

Harry got there before the rest of the boys, he didn't know what was going on.

Niall walked in and soon enough the rest of the boys did too.

'There he is Louis...my Louis, well I guess he's not mine any more'

All the boys sat down, Liam looked at Harry and Louis.

"I guess you are wondering why we are all here, Niall and Zayn already know," Liam said

'I have a feeling that I know where this is going'

"You guys broke up, this isn't healthy anymore," Niall said.

"We've decided to break up the band," Zayn said.

"What?" Louis said.

"And you made this decision without us?" Harry asked, trying so hard not to yell and throw the table across the room.

"Don't we get a say in this?" Louis asked.

"Did we get a say in your break up?" Zayn snaps.

"This hasn't been working, we can't keep doing this! We have to tip-toe around you guys all the time so that you break out in tears or start fighting again," Liam said.

"It doesn't have to be forever, just a hiatus, until you two figure out whatever you two need to figure out," Niall says

"Fine," Harry and Louis said simultaneously

"We'll still hang out, we're brothers," Zayn says.

"Brothers," Harry said.

There was silence for a moment.

"We still have to tell Simon," Liam says.

"I'm not doing that!" Louis says and starts laughing.

All the boys join in, they actually had a good time, eating, laughing, talking. It was good for them, even though they were all scared about the future and Harry and Lou didn't interact at all.


"Hey Liam, what do you need?" Simon said, answering the phone.

"Simon we need to set up a meeting," Liam replied.

"Okay, but why?" Simon asked.

"We just need to talk to you about something,"

"Okay, can you boys do today at three?"

"Yup, sounds good!"

Liam hung up the phone.

"I guess 3 o'clock is the time of our death," Liam said jokingly.

"Yeah" Harry sighed.


3 o'clock...

All the boys were in Simon's office waiting for him to arrive.

"Hey, boys! To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Um...we decided," Harry says

"As a band..." Niall steps in.

"...basically.." Zayn says

"...Um..." Louis muttered.

"We are breaking up..." Liam finally says.

"WHAT?" Simon yelled.

"You are under contract!"

"Which is why technically it is going to be a hiatus!" Zayn said.

"Hiatus? So you are going to get back together?" Simon yelled again.

"Technically, yes, but actually? We don't know," Liam said.

"Well, fine then," Simon said throwing his hands up in defeat.

Simon got up and left the room, he was probably more angry than what he was leading on...

"Well, that was easier than I thought it would be," Harry said.

"Maybe he was in a good mood" Niall replied.


January 2016:

"One Direction has announced their 18-month hiatus, fans all over the world are sad to lose their beloved band, without a tour of their recent album Made in the A.M."

"One Direction is going on an 18-month hiatus"

"One Direction will be back in 18 months to tour their album Made in the A.M."

"One Direction has decided to take an 18-month break after five straight years of albums and tours"


'I can't believe it's over...my dream...it's gone'

Harry knew he wasn't going to let his dream end there, he just didn't know if he was ready to let it continue yet.

Harry just sat at home, crying most of the time, about Louis, about the band, about everything.

Harry was still living with Gemma but was hoping to move out soon.



"How am I supposed to do this?"

"Do what?"

"Live without Louis," Harry said.

"You don't have to you know, you can go get him back!" Gemma suggested.

Harry sighed.

"Look, Harry, you are miserable without Lou. I know you have been trying your best to move on, but you and Lou, you are meant for each other! I remember you calling me and telling me how much you loved him from the moment you met him, that doesn't happen for everyone! You can still get him back!"

"I don't know Gems, he told me not to go back!"

"Yeah, and you told him that you didn't love him, I think you both said some things that you didn't mean," Gemma sighed, knowing perfectly well how right she was.

"You know what? You're right Gems!" Harry got up and kissed Gemma's forehead before racing out the door.

"Thank you Gems! I'll be back...or not!" Harry yelled, slammed the door, and ran to his car.

About five minutes later Harry was sitting outside of Louis' house which he, himself once lived in. It took him a minute to build up the courage to walk up to the door, but he did.

An unfamiliar person answered the door.


"Is Louis there?" Harry asked.

"No, he just stepped out, may I help you?"

"Who are you?" Harry asked.

"I'm Oliver, Louis' boyfriend," Oliver said.

Harry stood there in complete shock.

'Louis' boyfriend...I'm Louis' boyfriend'

"Oh...um...nevermind then," Harry said and walked to his car.

Louis' pov:

Oliver closed the door.

"Oliver who was that?" Louis called from the kitchen.

"Oh nothing, they must've got their addresses mixed up!" Oliver said.

"So Louis? Will you go on that date with me?" Oliver asked walking into the kitchen.

"No, I'm not ready, I told you, I just got out of a really serious relationship, I'm not ready for a boyfriend," Louis said.

"And if you can't accept that then I don't see us being friends anymore," Louis said.

"Okay, Louis, I understand," Oliver replied.

"I should probably get going," Oliver said and both him and Lou walked towards the front door.

"Yeah," Louis said closing the door behind him.

Louis leaned up against the door with a few loose tears descending down his face.

'so this is what life is like without him'

Harry's pov:

'He's moved on already...maybe he isn't the person I thought he was.'

Harry broke down in tears the second he got on the car but figured he should probably go in case Louis saw him


"Did you get him back?" Gemma asked as Harry walked into the room.

"I decided not to, I'm going to bed, goodnight Gems," Harry said not changing his facial expression at all.

"Wha- goodnight, Har," Gemma said, very confused about what just happened.

"Oh and Gems, I'm going to move back to Holmes, I'll be out of your hair soon,"

"Har-" Gems muttered but Harry slammed the door.

thank you guys for reading!

this is starting to get emotional for me too so I hope you don't hate me too much!

treat people with kindness!

love you all!


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