Taekook Smuts and Drabbles

De pensiveprufrock

219K 3K 398

Wouldn't it be fate if we're under the covers. Mais

Euphoria pt1
Euphoria pt2
Showing who's the alpha
No Kissing Policy
Editorial Note
I'll Be Home For Christmas pt 1
My Ride Or Die pt 1
My Ride Or Die pt2
My Ride Or Die pt3
My Ride Or Die pt4
My Ride Or Die pt5
My Ride Or Die pt6
My Ride Or Die pt7
My Ride Or Die pt8
My Ride Or Die (Epilogue)
You Drive Me Crazy
Birthdays like these
Get Me Out Of My Mind (Get You Out Of Those Clothes)
if you want it ( you can have it )
Ripped Jeans and Velvet Skin
i can feel that body shake, and the heat between your legs
A Little Bit Dangerous (But Baby That's How I Want It)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Promises to Keep (and Miles to Go Before We Sleep)
I feel safe in the 5 a.m. light
and i want you
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go (2)
only you can set my heart on fire
the way i fuck him
Editorial Note
i'm still falling for you
Double Tap
Line of Fire (Cont.)
Unwanted Butterflies
Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)
Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)
Hold You Close, Tonight And Always
Headed to Hell for the Company
Headed to Hell for the Company
Comeback Kids
bad habits
He's Always Right There When I Need Him
got my body so wet
Long Road To Ruin
i'm a darling (strong heart, soft touch)
i wanna get back (to the old days)
Tongue Technology
Punch Hard (Fall Harder)
Wanna make love
good vibration
Sated Enough?
The shoreline where you and i meet
Not an update
The perfect enemies to lover fic you didn't know you needed
The enemies to lover trope you didn't know you needed (2)
Should I ;(
Love will heal what language fails to know

Line of Fire (Taekook)

1.8K 30 1
De pensiveprufrock

THIS BELONGS TO @yoonminology and @kinkmins ON AO3

Taehyung mutters a curse under his breath as a drop of dishwater hits him right in the eye, ignoring the way Jeongguk chuckles from the couch in the living room. He glares at him, sighing exasperatedly as he continues rinsing the plates, trying not to pay much attention to him.

He hears the muffled sound of Jeongguk mumbling even through the running water as the younger jots down and calculates an estimate of how much their bills are going to be this month. Taehyung is pretty sure the electric bill might be a little up this month, especially since they've used the heater more than usual, with the weather being quite terrible for the past few weeks even though spring was already here. But that doesn't worry him much; with the new act he's been assigned to manage a few weeks ago, the raise he'd gotten has been so high Taehyung could probably cover all of their bills on his own and have enough left to survive the rest of the month.

"Shit," Jeongguk mutters and Taehyung looks up in his direction, brows pinching together as he watches Jeongguk's eyes widen. "Oh, shit."

"What is it?" Taehyung asks, closing the faucet and taking his rubber gloves off. He wipes the sweat off his forehead and then runs a hand through his hair, walking over and slumping down into an armchair next to the couch, kicking his feet up on the table.

Instinctively, Taehyung's heart nervously flutters inside of his chest, and he consciously has to remind himself that he's a full-blown, working adult with a good paycheck – whatever it is, it doesn't matter. He's not a struggling student anymore, even though it sometimes feels like it, considering he and Jeongguk are still living together, despite the fact that both of them have long graduated college.

"Is it the electric bill?" He quirks an eyebrow, gaze dropping to the paper in Jeongguk's hands. "Is it astronomical? Jeongguk-ah?"

"No," Jeongguk finally says, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's our... notice."

Taehyung pauses. "Notice? For what?"

"Our lease ends next month," Jeongguk replies, flipping the paper to the other side, putting it down once he realizes there's nothing written on the back of it. "We're going to have to renew it or move out. Either way, we only have a few weeks to let our landlord know, she needs to know whether or not she has to list the apartment for rent again."

With his brows pinched together, Taehyung reaches to take the paper from where it lays in front of Jeongguk. It's true; their lease ends at the end of next month, and Taehyung had completely forgotten about it.

"Damn," Taehyung hums, licking his lips before he shrugs and tosses the paper back onto the table. "Well. Whatever. We'll give her a call after the weekend's over."

His gaze slides to Jeongguk who's biting on the inside of his cheek, watching him tentatively. "What?"

"So, uh, guess I should start apartment hunting soon. We only have thirty days to leave after the lease is up. And I don't wanna end up living on Jimin's couch before I can find something decent."

Taehyung cocks his head to the side, feeling as if someone had just slapped him in the face. In all the years he and Jeongguk had lived together, Jeongguk's never really implied actually wanting to move out. At least, not in a situation that's as real as this one, where a notice is hanging above their heads as they speak.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung snorts, trying to play it off as a joke, despite Jeongguk's serious tone.

Jeongguk shrugs, gesturing vaguely as he looks for the right words. His long hair falls into his eyes and he clicks his tongue as he pushes it back with one hand, quickly tying it into a bun on top of his head with the other. He's gotten even more attractive ever since he'd let his hair get long, and Taehyung was genuinely curious if it was the universe's way of messing with him.

But right now, he is too busy anticipating Jeongguk's response and hoping he'd just been kidding or maybe thinking out loud, that there's no finality to the bomb he'd just dropped on him.

"You always complain about how long it takes you to get to work from here," Jeongguk says, pressing his lips together. He says it so casually, leaning back into his seat as he does, crossing his legs. Something twists in Taehyung's gut, like fear mixed with annoyance. "And now that I've finally graduated, I don't know... there's no reason for us to keep living together? You don't have to hover over me, I got a job, you got a job. We've only been living together because it costs less anyway, but I feel like we're way past that now."

Taehyung swallows, his mouth going dry. His throat tightens as the words leave Jeongguk's mouth and he doesn't like what he's hearing, but he can't deny that everything he's saying is plausible. They started living together in college; two broke students sharing a two-bedroom apartment, working part-time jobs and barely making rent. Realistically, yes – he and Jeongguk don't have a reason to be living together anymore, and Taehyung would probably feel only a little sad about them parting and then move on with his life in a different apartment, if he and Jeongguk hadn't been having sex for the past year and half.

Which is exactly what makes his blood boil and chills run down his spine. The way Jeongguk says it so carelessly, so nonchalantly, like it changes nothing in his life whether or not he's living with Taehyung.

"I complain about you barely ever doing the dishes too, but I don't see you bending over backwards to help," Taehyung says, voice flat and even. There's panic rising up in his throat, but he swallows it down, fixing his gaze on Jeongguk. "I wasn't aware of you not wanting to live with me anymore."

Jeongguk's eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head, dismissively waving his hands in the air. "No, hyung – come on. That's not how I meant it."

"Is it not?" Taehyung asks, keeping his composure. "Because that's what it came across like. Which is okay. Just, I would have preferred it if you let me know beforehand so we could have discussed it."

"We're discussing it right now," Jeongguk narrows his eyes at him. "Besides, it's not like I've actively been thinking about it. But that's always been the main goal, right? Graduate college and then move out so we could start our own separate lives? The only reason you stayed with me after you graduated was so you could help me out with bills. Technically, I've been the one holding you back this whole entire time."

Taehyung hates how reasonable Jeongguk's argument sounds. It's not true though, at least not entirely. While yes, Taehyung had stayed so he could help Jeongguk out, he also stayed because... well. Because he's in love with him. And he's been in love with him for years now, even prior to them ever sleeping together.

"Jeongguk," Taehyung presses his lips together, arms crossing defensively over his chest, even though there's nothing he should be defensive about. "Seriously? You didn't think to mention this to me once? Even in passing?"

Jeongguk huffs, squirming on the couch, uncrossing and crossing his legs again. He doesn't exactly look guilty, but Taehyung knows him well enough to know he's not exactly happy with Taehyung pushing this.

"I just don't get what you're getting so pissy about?" Jeongguk tilts his eyebrows, and Taehyung hates how genuinely confused he sounds.

It's so obvious. Or at least, Taehyung thinks it should be. It's not like he can outright say it – especially not with all of Jeongguk's rules such as, "no feelings, no kissing unless we're about to fuck and no sleeping in the same bed unless we've had sex". And Taehyung is guilty of agreeing to those, yes, but he also never thought Jeongguk would so nonchalantly drop this bomb on him.

Taehyung can't stop the way annoyance spreads across his skin, and the way hurt tugs at his chest, making his heart ache. It's stupid. Of course he'd thought about living alone before, and of course he didn't plan on living with Jeongguk forever but... living without him didn't make much sense anymore.

They fuck almost daily, and within the past year and a half, Taehyung couldn't even tell where the lines were anymore. Everything is blurred, morphed into one, and everything and nothing makes sense anymore. If Taehyung thought he was losing his mind before, it's nothing compared to how this makes him feel right now. And the worst part is, he can't even get mad, because Jeongguk's reasoning is totally valid. Just like everything he always says, it's so fucking valid.

"I'm not getting pissy," Taehyung says defensively, his jaw clenched tight. "I just don't understand how you're so casually going to drop this on me out of nowhere. If the notice hadn't come, would you have said anything?"

Jeongguk shifts, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. He thinks about it for a moment, a flash of something flickering in his gaze, gone too fast for Taehyung to be able to read it.

"Yeah, I guess at some point I would have," Jeongguk shrugs. "Probably."

Taehyung's blood boils, and his first instinct is to get up and leave and slam the door of his room shut. But, he doesn't. His stomach swims with nausea, and it's stupid how affected he is by this.

"It's not like we'd stop being friends, hyung," as if he can feel Taehyung's distress, Jeongguk's expression softens and he reaches to place a hand on Taehyung's knee, squeezing reassuringly. "Nothing would change. You'd just find a place closer to work and you'd whine about it less. Then, I could fuck your brains out without having to listen to you complain first. If you ask me, it's a win-win."

It's meant to be a joke in an attempt to ease the tension between them, and the best Taehyung can offer in return is a half-assed smile. Jeongguk's attempts to make him feel better would work any other day, but right now, it's just not enough. They've never talked about living separately before, unless maybe during their first year of living together. But, after five years, it was just a given. After five years of living together, it's a given that the two of them are a package deal, and Taehyung's stupid feelings aside, that's how it always feels most natural.

The thought of losing that, breaking the routine, living apart, just – it makes no sense in Taehyung's head. He doesn't want it to make sense.

If he ever felt like Jeongguk is slipping through his fingers, it was nothing compared to how he feels now. It's just a casual discussion on a Saturday afternoon, but Taehyung feels like his whole world could crumble sooner than he's ready. He glances over at Jeongguk who's leaned back into the cushions with a remote in his hand, seamlessly flipping through the channels, almost as if he'd forgotten about the conversation that played out not even five minutes ago.

He glances at his phone, sighing. He needs to call Yoongi. If anyone could get some sense into him and make him feel at least a little bit more at ease and tell him not to jump the guns, it's his best friend.

"Okay," Taehyung hears himself say, because what else is he supposed to do? "I guess that doesn't sound too bad."


"We've been roommates for five years," Taehyung snorts, playing with his glass of gin and tonic. "Can you believe he doesn't give a shit about moving out?" he gives Yoongi a bitter smile.

Yoongi has been listening to him whine for the last fifteen minutes, washing and drying glasses behind the counter of the club he works at. The place is empty apart from a few staff members working here and there and Taehyung, who's just there to get free drinks and complain. Perks of being best friends with the bartender. Yoongi sighs and puts his glass down, leaning against the bar.

"It doesn't mean you won't see each other anymore. It's normal for him to want to be independent and get his own place."

"Why, though?" Taehyung frowns, offended that his best friend would side with Jeongguk. "I'm a great fucking roommate, okay? I even fuck him on the daily, it doesn't get any better than that, so why does he want to leave?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes and brushes his black hair back. He picks up another glass to dry it with a rag. "Just because you live apart doesn't mean you'll stop fucking."

"It won't be the same, though," Taehyung shrugs, taking a sip of his bitter drink. He decided to pay Yoongi a visit on his lunch break. He doesn't usually drink when he has to go back to work in the afternoon, but there's no way Taehyung won't drink if he's venting to Yoongi. That's just how it is. Venting and alcohol go hand in hand. "How long has he been thinking about moving out? I just don't get it, he's never talked about this before."

"Why are you so bothered about this?" Yoongi quirks an eyebrow.


Yoongi smiles fondly at him. He knows Taehyung better than anyone else. They've been best friends for years, met in college when Taehyung had just moved to Seoul. They used to be roommates until Yoongi dropped out of college and decided to get an apartment of his own, closer to the club he currently works at. It didn't hurt as bad as the idea of Jeongguk moving out, though.

"Because?" Yoongi asks.

"I don't want him to move out, that's all," Taehyung shrugs, mumbling the words into his glass. The club reeks of alcohol and sweat even though it's empty. There's no windows and the place is dark, illuminated by dim white lights. It's impossible to tell that it's daylight outside, that the streets aren't filled with drunk people, talking loudly with no care in the world.

"Did you tell him that?"

"No," Taehyung shakes his head, swirling the alcohol in his glass. "If I tell him that, he's gonna ask why, and I don't think he's ready to hear it."

"That you have feelings for him?"

Taehyung gives him a sad smile. That's the thing with whatever he has with Jeongguk; it's fucked. From the start, Taehyung knew he would be fucked, but he still went for it because having sex with Jeongguk is better than seeing Jeongguk with someone else. It doesn't matter that Taehyung has feelings for him because he still gets to have Jeongguk, in a way. It's just sex; Jeongguk said it from the start, and it was easy for Taehyung to agree when his feelings were just a flicker of something warm inside of his chest.

That was a year and a half ago, though. Things are completely different now. Not for Jeongguk, who still claims he can't do relationships, but for Taehyung who's stuck in this endless loop of hurt and temporary highs whenever he gets to feel Jeongguk.

Jeongguk doesn't want him for more than just sex, and Taehyung's gotten good at convincing himself that he's fine with it.

"Whatever," Taehyung shrugs, downing the rest of his drink.

"It's been a year and a half. Just fucking tell him."

"No," Taehyung crosses his arms on the counter, looking straight into Yoongi's eyes.

"You're an idiot."

"I know," Taehyung tilts his head to the side, smirking teasingly. "But at least I get laid regularly. Unlike you."

"Shut up."

"He's an oblivious idiot. When he told me he wanted to look for his own place, I'm pretty sure it was written all over my face how much I hate the idea."

"Are you gonna hold him back?" Yoongi asks, a flicker of sadness (or maybe it's pity, Taehyung can't really tell) crossing over his face. "If he really wants to go?"

"Maybe," Taehyung says. He won't.

"Look, you have, what," Yoongi gestures vaguely, "a month, two months to figure it out? Don't stress over it now."

"Only you would advise me to avoid my responsibilities," Taehyung smiles fondly.

"It works fine for me," Yoongi smiles back, making Taehyung chuckle. "Everyone's coming here on Saturday, you coming?"

"Who's everyone?"

"Hobi and Seokjin."

Taehyung considers it. He does like to go out and he's usually accompanied by Seokjin and Hoseok. Seokjin works with Taehyung at the entertainment company and Hoseok, his boyfriend, is one of Taehyung's talents. Other times he's accompanied by Jeongguk, and the night always ends in the same way. Orgasms for the both of them and sometimes regret for Taehyung.

"Sure," Taehyung shrugs. "I could use a few drinks."

"You can invite your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend," Taehyung grunts out, ignoring the painful pang in his chest.

"But you knew exactly who I was talking about," Yoongi winks at him, eliciting another frustrated groan from Taehyung.

"Fine, I'll invite him."

"Tell him to bring his cute friend."

"Jimin?" Taehyung chuckles. Yoongi's had a crush on Jeongguk's best friend for a few months now. The two of them have been flirting but somehow, they're still not together. Taehyung is in no place to judge so he always just watches them dance around each other with amused eyes.

"That's the one."

"Why?" Taehyung smirks, handing Yoongi his empty glass for him to wash it. "You're gonna be working all night, it's not like you'll have time to flirt."

"You underestimate me. I'm great at multitasking."

"You better take him home when the night ends," Taehyung smiles amusedly, resting his chin in his palm.

"Not all of us think with our dicks, Taehyung."

"Hm, that's a lie," Taehyung chuckles. For all the times Yoongi likes to pretend he's not as horny as the rest of them, he's had his fair share of hook ups in the past few years. He's a romantic at heart, but he has high standards and doesn't let people in that easy, which is why he's still single. "Anyway," Taehyung says, standing up from his stool and grabbing his phone from the counter, "thanks for the drink and for letting me vent. I have to get back to work now. Love you," he smiles.

"Love you, too," Yoongi calls out as Taehyung leaves through the staff door in the back.

His Jeongguk problem isn't solved but at least he can look forward to drinking his feelings away on Saturday.


Taehyung fumbles with his phone, tapping his fingers against the edges as he waits for Hoseok's reply. They're all going out tonight, he knows that much, but Hoseok and Seokjin have yet to let him know if they're driving there or if he should just take an Uber.

He sighs, rolling his eyes as the reply doesn't come immediately. He tosses his phone onto the bed and then runs his fingers through his damp hair, still a bit warm from the shower. His door is wide open, and he can see Jeongguk watching a movie in the living room, legs propped onto the table as he stuffs his mouth with popcorn.

"Hey, Jeongguk-ah," he calls, watching as Jeongguk's gaze lazily slides away from the TV and into his direction. He gets up from the bed and walks over to the living room, propping his elbow on the kitchen counter as he looks at him.

Jeongguk is shirtless, popcorn bowl set on top of his abs, sweatpants hanging low on his hips and hair tied into a loose bun and Taehyung hates everything about the sight. It feels like no matter the amount of time that passes, Taehyung is always affected just the same – heat pooling low in his belly, heart fluttering and skin sizzling with fondness – and Jeongguk never makes it easier for him.

"Yeah?" Jeongguk smiles, his eyes warm and soft as he looks at him. "What is it?"

"Have you decided whether or not you're going out with the hyungs and I tonight?" Taehyung questions, licking his lips. "I've asked you on Wednesday."

"Oh yeah," Jeongguk straightens up. "Jiminie said he'll come too, but he'll meet us there."

Taehyung smiles, cheeks feeling warm. His chest blooms with content, and he's almost annoyed with how happy he is that Jeongguk is going out with them tonight. Things haven't been the best ever since Jeongguk dropped the "let's look for separate apartments" news on him, and the residue tension still lingered in the air between them. The only moment when Taehyung felt like everything was entirely back to normal is when they have sex – but Taehyung wasn't sure how much longer that was going to last for, especially with the lease thing hanging over their heads.

Or rather, hanging over Taehyung's head. Jeongguk seems to be just fine with moving out looking for his own apartment.

"Is he working late again, or?"

"Yeah. He has a shoot with one of his least favorite models to work with, so he said he might have to stay late," Jeongguk says, scooting over and patting the couch with his hand and looking at Taehyung, gesturing him to sit. Taehyung slumps down next to him, nudging his thigh with his knee.

"You could put a shirt on, you know," he teases, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as Jeongguk snorts beside him.

"I could. But I won't," Jeongguk winks at him, nudging him back. He reaches to wrap an arm around Taehyung's shoulders and then pulls him to his chest, resting his chin on top of Taehyung's head.

It's moments like these where Taehyung doesn't know where the line is, doesn't know if what they're going to do next is fuck, or just cuddle and watch a movie. So, he stays still, arm draped over Jeongguk's waist as he sets the popcorn bowl to the side and lets Taehyung press his body to his own.

Jeongguk buries his nose into Taehyung's hair and breathes in, making tingles run down Taehyung's spine. "Your hair smells nice," he says, locking his arms tighter around Taehyung.

"Just washed it," Taehyung mumbles, blankly staring at the TV screen. He can't even tell which movie is on, too occupied with how warm and content he feels in Jeongguk's embrace. "I'm excited for tonight. Feels like I haven't gone out in ages."

"Same," Jeongguk hums, turning the volume on the TV up. "Have a few drinks and dance a lot," he says, his chest vibrating against Taehyung's cheek as he speaks. "That's the agenda for tonight."

"And watch while Yoongi and Jimin pretend not to flirt in front of everyone." Taehyung laughs, and Jeongguk squeezes his shoulder.

"That too," he agrees, taking a handful of popcorn and bringing it to Taehyung's lips. "Want some?"

"Nah," Taehyung shakes his head, eyes finally focusing on the screen in front of them. "I'm good."

"How are we getting there, by the way?" Jeongguk questions after a few moments of silence, like the thought had just dawned on him. "Uber, or are the hyungs driving?"

Taehyung frowns, pressing his lips together. "Fuck, I texted Hoseok hyung and asked. I should go get my phone and see what he said."

Reluctantly, he tries to lift himself up but Jeongguk's firm arm pins him back to his chest, burying his face in Taehyung's hair, groaning in protest.

"No," Jeongguk mutters, his hand sliding down Taehyung's back, making him shudder. "Stay. Finish the movie with me."

Taehyung hopes that Jeongguk can't feel the way his heart hammers against the inside of his chest as the words leave his mouth. He lets out a noncommittal grunt, throwing his leg over Jeongguk's thighs as he settles into a better position, deciding not to move anyway.

Hoseok can wait. When it comes to Jeongguk, Taehyung would put the whole world on hold if he could.


The dimness of the neon lights that glow against Taehyung's skin has never felt this good before, and for tonight, Taehyung hasn't thought about anything else other than how happy he feels right in this moment. He loves going out, loves letting loose, loves being surrounded with people he cares about. Tonight's just one of those nights – everything feels good, the vibe is good, the music is right up Taehyung's alley, and he's swaying his hips in sync to the bass that's booming from the speakers. He stirs the ice in his drink with his straw before bringing it to his lips to take a sip, humming contentedly as he feels the familiar, soothing bitterness of his gin and tonic.

Jeongguk looks heavenly, and Taehyung almost can't wait for them to go back home so he could devour him. Tight black pants, loose, almost see-through dress shirt that shows off the slimness of his waist as he moves under the lights, his hair down and falling in waves, framing his face.

His cheekbones look higher than usual, the sharp line of his jaw more prominent in the shadows and god – Taehyung's mouth could water.

Almost unmistakably, every night after a night out is theirs. It always starts like this, with hidden looks, not-so-accidental touches, cocky smirks and lots of alcohol, and ends the same; one of them getting fucked into the mattress, screaming and moaning and catching their breaths, air filled with tension, sweat, alcohol and sex.

"You're staring," Taehyung hears Yoongi's low voice in his ear, chuckling as he watches his friend put another round of their drinks on the table in front of them.

"I can't help it," Taehyung raises his hands guiltily, leaning against the railing that separates their booth from the others. "He's just... you know. He's Jeongguk."

Taehyung stares at Jeongguk who's immersed in a conversation with Seokjin, watching the veins on his neck as they move while he speaks, head tilted to the side, his dress shirt hanging so loose around his shoulders that his collarbones are almost on full display. He swallows, taking another sip of his drink.

Jesus. Jeongguk is going to be the death of him.

"And you're Taehyung," Yoongi says matter-of-factly, quirking an eyebrow. "Have the two of you talked about the whole moving thing?"

"No," Taehyung shakes his head, sinking his teeth into his lower lip. "He hasn't brought it up and neither have I. But I don't think he's changed his mind. I overheard him jokingly telling Jimin the other day that he might have to take him in for a while if he fails to find something decent."

Yoongi is quiet for a little while, standing there with his empty tray as Taehyung moves his hips to the beat, elbows still resting against the railing.

"Maybe it's not such a bad idea," Yoongi leans into his ear again, talking over the music. "It could be something to think about. I feel like you're slowly losing it, and it's especially hitting you now that he said he'd want to move out. Unless you want to tell him how you feel, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing for you to live separately."

Taehyung's gut twists at the words, and even though it feels like Yoongi is siding with Jeongguk, he knows that's not the case. Ever since Jeongguk brought up moving out, Taehyung has been feeling like the ground is slowly slipping beneath his feet. He always liked being in control no matter the situation, and with his feelings all over the place and him and Jeongguk not communicating as well as he would like them to, he felt like he was slowly starting to lose what was left of it.

"Maybe," Taehyung sighs, giving in and entertaining idea for a little while. "I don't know, hyung. I feel like I'm slowly about to start losing my mind, and him looking like that isn't helping."

Yoongi chuckles and pats his back, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. "Don't stress much, okay? You still have time to figure things out. Just talk to him. I have to go back to work."

Taehyung nods, watching as Yoongi walks away. It's something to think about – he knows – but he's not going to think about it tonight. Tonight, he's going to have a good time, and judging by the way Jeongguk gets up from the sofa and downs his drink, the fun is just about to begin.

He laughs as he sees Hoseok straddle Seokjin's lap the second Jeongguk gets up, and he brings his straw to his lips, taking a long sip as Jeongguk approaches him.

"Having fun, hyung?" He asks, his hot breath sending chills down Taehyung's spine. "Everything okay?"

"Perfect," Taehyung murmurs, making sure his lips brush against Jeongguk's earlobe as he leans in to reply. "Are you having fun?"

Jeongguk's eyes soften, lips curling into a warm smile. Taehyung's heart aches with how much fondness Jeongguk looks at him, and sex and feelings aside, Taehyung loves what they have. Loves their dynamic, loves how Jeongguk cares for him, loves how much he loves him, even though he's not in love with him.

It's looks like these that make Taehyung think that even though Jeongguk may not feel the same way he does, everything they're doing, and everything Taehyung puts himself through might be worth it.

"I am," Jeongguk says, tilting his head back and breathing in. "As long as you are."

Taehyung's grin is stupidly wide and when Jeongguk catches his gaze, it's so dark and intense it makes heat pool in Taehyung's stomach.

"Come on," Jeongguk says, holding his hand out. Taehyung quirks an eyebrow, biting his lip and letting Jeongguk drag him a little further out, where there's a group of people dancing. "It's your favorite song. Let's dance."

Half an hour later Taehyung's feet are killing him, his shirt is sticking to his sweat-slicked back, his hair is damp from all the dancing, and he desperately needs some water. He plops down onto the sofa in their booth, and gulps his water down, his breathing still heavy even though he's not moving anymore.

"Where's Jeonggukie?" Hoseok asks, looking behind him as Seokjin almost chokes on his shot.

Hoseok glares at him and Seokjin smiles apologetically, and Taehyung chuckles as Hoseok mutters something like, "haven't you had a little too many already?"

Taehyung gestures towards the dance floor, mouth still full of water. Jeongguk is restless. He's dancing with Jimin now, and Taehyung can't help but smile at how adorable they look. Jimin is desperately trying to get Yoongi's attention, and Yoongi's constantly rushing by them, pretending not to notice, even though Taehyung knows his best friend is probably losing it.

He leans back into the sofa, breathing out, waiting for his pulse to simmer. He's been slacking on his workouts lately and it's showing, especially with him not being able to keep up with Jeongguk. Taehyung allows himself a few minutes to rest before he goes back down to the dance floor, the sofa feeling too comfortable and his legs feeling too sore for him to move immediately.

"Hey, are you and Jeongguk still... you know. Sleeping together?" Seokjin suddenly asks, pulling Taehyung out of his thoughts.

Taehyung furrows his brows, straightening up in his seat. "Uh, yeah? Why?"

Seokjin shrugs, hand curling around his glass as he brings the rim to his lips, taking a small sip. "Just – it's been a while now, hasn't it?" Taehyung nods. "How do you... not get jealous?"

Taehyung's brows are entirely pinched together now, confusion flooding his head. "Get jealous of what?"

Seokjin shrugs, gesturing towards the dance floor, and Taehyung draws in a sharp breath, trying his best to ignore the way his heartbeat kicks up as he follows Seokjin's gaze. "Even when Hobi and I weren't exclusive, shit like that would make me go crazy."

Taehyung's blood freezes in his veins, and he doesn't even have to turn his head to know what he might see, and what Seokjin's tone implies. Swallowing heavily, he finally looks.

On the dance floor, Hoseok and Jimin are now dancing together, giggling as Hoseok makes an effort to bump into Yoongi and block his way every single time he passes them buy. Bracing himself, Taehyung lets his gaze slide to their left, mouth going dry at the sight.

There's Jeongguk, grinding his ass against some random guy's crotch, eyes half lidded and seemingly pointed into the direction of their booth, but Taehyung can't really tell. His whole skin feels like it's on fire, and he's happy his face is already flushed, and his body is drenched with sweat, so Seokjin can't tell just how badly this affects him.

His blood boils, body sizzling with the scorching feeling of jealousy that swirls in his gut, making him feel nauseous.

"I don't care," he says, clenching his jaw. "We're not together. He can do whatever he wants. I'm gonna go dance."

Not letting Seokjin squeeze another word in, Taehyung gets up and starts walking towards the dance floor, his body feeling entirely dissociated from his mind. He's driven solely by the jealousy he feels, but he can't even take it out on Jeongguk; because Taehyung's agreed to this well over a year ago. It's not personal, there should be no strings attached, and it's not Jeongguk's fault Taehyung can't keep it together.

His vision swims as he latches onto the first guy that tries to dance with him, arms wrapping around his neck as he stares at Jeongguk whose gaze is now following him, eyes appearing more aware than when Taehyung first spotted them together.

They dance like that for what feels like hours, even though Taehyung knows it couldn't be more than a few minutes, his and Jeongguk's eyes locked together as Taehyung lets the guy grip at the low of his back and pull him close, crotch grinding against his thigh.

Taehyung feels hazy, his ego boosted from how into him the guy is, but he doesn't care because his vision is focused solely on Jeongguk and the way he moves, the way he dances, the way his eyes gleam as they maintain eye contact.

"You're really pretty," the guy murmurs into his ear, hands sliding down to Taehyung's hips. "I'd love to take you home tonight."

Something in Taehyung's brain short-circuits then, and he realizes how juvenile this is. He's trying to make Jeongguk feel the same way he does, letting the fact that Jeongguk is genuinely just trying to have a good time entirely slip his mind. He feels slightly lightheaded and with a polite smile, he gently pushes the guy away.

"I'm sorry," he says, watching as the guy's face falls, disappointment flashing over his features. "I don't really do... that."

Before he can get an answer, he stumbles back, eyes locking with Jeongguk's again before he suddenly bumps into someone, large hands grabbing his waist and keeping him balanced.

"You're fine," he hears Yoongi's voice behind him. "Hyung's got you."

Taehyung sighs in relief, turning around before offering another apologetic smile to the guy who looks so genuinely sad, it makes Taehyung feel only a little bad.

"Thanks," he breathes out, running a hand through his hair.

"You good? Had a little too much to drink?"

"No, no, I'm fine, just – I need to go to the bathroom. It's so freaking crowded in here; I need a little room to breathe."

"You have your key card with you?"

"No, I gave one to Jeongguk earlier when he needed to go." He glances over towards Jeongguk who's now stopped dancing and just looking at the two of them instead, even though the guy behind him keeps running his hands up and down his waist. "And by the looks of it, he's busy right now."

Yoongi nods understandingly, quickly reaching for his back pocket and sliding a key card into Taehyung's hand. "Here. Just make sure you give this one back; I don't have any more left."

Taehyung nods, fleeing to the bathroom and leaning against the door as he walks in, thankful for the muffled sound of music that's barely audible inside. The bathroom is at least ten degrees cooler than the inside of the club, and Taehyung slightly shivers as the cold air hits his damp skin.

He leans against the sink, turning the faucet on and splashing some lukewarm water onto his face, then staring into his flushed reflection in the mirror.

Contrary to how he feels, Taehyung looks good. His blonde hair is pushed back from his forehead, his eye makeup has stayed mostly intact, his eye shadow only slightly smudged under his eyes but somehow, it makes him look even better. His skin is gleaming with sweat, his lips are red and swollen, eyes dark and slightly unfocused – and for a moment, Taehyung is thankful that even though he feels like shit, he still looks fucking amazing.

There's a click of the door and Taehyung freezes, head snapping into the direction of the sound. He doesn't expect Jeongguk to walk in, of all people, and his stomach immediately swoops at the sight of him.

"Hyung," Jeongguk calls quietly, closing the door behind him. "Are you okay?"

Taehyung swallows as their eyes lock together, a lump rising up to his throat as he stares at him. God. He's so, so gorgeous it's actually unfair.

"I'm fine," he says, surprised with how flat his voice sounds. "I just needed some room to breathe. It's so crowded in there."

Tentatively, Jeongguk takes a few steps forward, stopping right behind Taehyung. He stares at their reflections in the mirror, and Taehyung hates how good they look together. Hates the way Jeongguk's dark eyes gleam underneath the dim lights of the bathroom, hates how his breath hitches in his throat when he feels Jeongguk press his body against his.

Taehyung shudders as Jeongguk's hands slide down his arms, nose burying into the crook of his neck. His eyes flutter shut, and that dreadful feeling of jealousy suddenly fades away with Jeongguk's touch. Taehyung wants to be petty, but he doesn't want to push him away. He's been waiting for this all night, and he doesn't know what evoked this, but Jeongguk is here, and it's just how it always is. Just how it should be.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asks, even though he already knows.

He shudders as he feels Jeongguk's cock rub against his ass and sighs, tilting his head back as Jeongguk presses his lips to his neck.

"M'horny," Jeongguk mumbles, gently sucking on the soft skin of Taehyung's neck, then licking over the spot. He knows exactly how to rile Taehyung up, how to make his entire skin break into goosebumps. "Let's go home, hyung."

"Why not take that guy home instead?" Taehyung asks, though his voice comes out way breathier than he wanted it to, and his hands are already reaching to grip at Jeongguk's ass behind him. "You two seemed to be getting along pretty well."

"You didn't seem to be having such a bad time yourself," Jeongguk mutters, making heat pool in Taehyung's groin as he nibbles on his ear, pressing his crotch harder against Taehyung's ass. "And I don't care. It' too much work, I don't give a fuck about him. Wanna take you home, hyung. Let's go home."

Too much work, rings in his ears, making his chest tighten. Taehyung knows exactly what this is, knows it's just a convenient fuck, knows that this is what he's agreed to. He knows, but something painful still tugs at his chest, though fades the second he feels Jeongguk breathe down his neck again.

Taehyung's cock hardens in his pants and he turns around, cupping Jeongguk's face with his hands, crashing their lips together. The kiss is wet and hungry, Jeongguk's tongue hotly licking into his mouth and he can't help but pant, fisting at Jeongguk's shirt and pulling him closer.

"Let me fuck you, hyung," Jeongguk says lowly, hands traveling underneath Taehyung's shirt, his fingertips feeling scorching against his skin. "Let me take you home and fuck you raw. Gonna make you feel so good."

The words go right into Taehyung's crotch and he gasps, eyes half-lidded as he stares back at him, heart pounding inside his chest.

"Let's get the fuck out of here."


Taehyung barely has the time to enter their apartment before Jeongguk crashes their lips together, hands roughly grabbing at his hips. Taehyung is surprised by the intensity of Jeongguk's desire but he quickly leans into it, resting his back against their front door and burying his hands in Jeongguk's locks.

Jeongguk sucks on Taehyung's bottom lip and groans into the kiss, pressing their bodies close. Heat pool in the pit of Taehyung's stomach when Jeongguk's warm hands slide under his shirt. Taehyung can barely keep up with the pace of the kiss, opening his mouth to welcome Jeongguk's tongue.

It's not unfamiliar for Jeongguk to be this horny but there's an edge of desperation in the way he pins Taehyung to the door, and that only seems to occur when Taehyung's showing interest in someone else. It might just be wishful thinking, a deep rooted need for Jeongguk to show that he cares more than he lets on. Taehyung likes to think that Jeongguk feels some sort of possessiveness over him, just like Taehyung feels over him.

Jeongguk's possessiveness probably doesn't stem from some feelings he may have for Taehyung though, but more from the fact that he hates sharing.

Shivers run down Taehyung's spine when Jeongguk digs his nails in his back and bites on his bottom lip. He pulls Jeongguk's head back to break the kiss and latches his lips onto his neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses all over his sweaty skin. Jeongguk tastes like salt and alcohol, intoxicating in the worst way. Taehyung trails down to the junction between his neck and shoulders where he leaves a mark, biting and sucking on the skin until it reddens.

"Fuck," Jeongguk breathes out, throwing his head back. "You need to take your clothes off, right now."

Taehyung chuckles in the crook of his neck, enjoying the heat in Jeongguk's voice. Jeongguk cups Taehyung's face to bring their lips back together, tilting his head to the side to deepen it instantly, tongue licking at Taehyung's top lip.

Taehyung's hands slide down Jeongguk's chest before traveling under his shirt, feeling the hard planes of his abs and chest. He rubs a teasing thumb over Jeongguk's nipples, making the boy tremble and moan into his mouth. Taehyung can't help but smirk at how sensitive Jeongguk is.

Jeongguk takes Taehyung's hands from under his shirt to pin them above his head, trailing his burning kisses down Taehyung's neck. Taehyung gasps when Jeongguk bites him and slides his thigh in between his legs. Jeongguk presses their hardening cocks together, eliciting broken moans from the both of them.

"Are you gonna fuck me or not?" Taehyung says impatiently.

Jeongguk pulls back from his neck to look at him. Taehyung shivers under the dark look in his eyes. Jeongguk looks like he's going to ruin him in the best way possible. His impatience turns into anticipation.

"Yeah," Jeongguk mutters, lips so close that Taehyung can feel his hot breath against his mouth. "Yeah, I will," he smirks, a teasing lilt to his voice. Taehyung knows it means Jeongguk is going to take his sweet, sweet time and that only serves to make him even more excited.

Jeongguk pecks Taehyung on the lips before letting go of his wrists to grab the collar of his dress shirt instead. He starts pulling on it to rip it open but Taehyung's hands fly up to his wrists to stop him before he can ruin yet another shirt of his.

"Don't you fucking dare," Taehyung warns him, making Jeongguk smile. "This shirt is fucking expensive."

"I'll buy you another one."

"You're not the sugar daddy that you think you are, baby."

"Just take the damn shirt off," Jeongguk rolls his eyes, letting go of the soft fabric.

Taehyung makes a show of opening each button, slow fingers trailing down his chest. His eyes never leave Jeongguk's and he even has the audacity to throw his head back against the door to expose his neck, giving Jeongguk a playful smile.

"Tease," Jeongguk grunts out under his breath before catching Taehyung's lips into another searing kiss.

Taehyung laughs against his mouth and unbuttons the last button of his shirt, letting Jeongguk slide it off of his shoulders. Jeongguk caresses Taehyung's back with surprising tenderness, making Taehyung's heart flip. Taehyung makes quick work of Jeongguk's shirt, gasping when their naked chests meet.

Jeongguk bends down to grab the back of Taehyung's thighs, lifting him up. Taehyung holds onto Jeongguk's neck tight, never breaking the kiss. He cups his cheeks and moans when Jeongguk flicks his tongue just right. Jeongguk's always been a good kisser, ever since Taehyung's known him. He kisses just like he has sex, always making sure that it's pleasurable for Taehyung, no matter what they're doing.

Taehyung expects Jeongguk to take him to his bedroom but they stop in the kitchen. Jeongguk sits him on the counter, standing in between his legs.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung can barely say in between Jeongguk's kisses.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Jeongguk smiles as he unbuckles Taehyung's belt.

"Stopping for a snack?"


Taehyung is confused by his answer but there's not much he can do when Jeongguk's lips latches onto his neck to leave hot kisses on his skin. He unbuttons Taehyung's pants before sliding them down his legs, taking his shoes and socks off in the process. Soon enough, Taehyung is naked on their kitchen counter. Jeongguk looks incredible, shirtless and only wearing jeans. The v of his hips looks incredibly inviting.

"Are you seriously gonna fuck me on our kitchen counter?" Taehyung asks.

"Maybe," Jeongguk smirks, sliding his hands up Taehyung's thighs. He starts peppering kisses down his collarbones and chest. The tip of Jeongguk's fingers brush against his hard cock and Taehyung has to bite on his bottom lip not to let out a gasp.

It's been a few weeks since they've last had sex due to their busy schedules, so Taehyung is feeling more sensitive than usual. He just wants Jeongguk to wrap his hand, or mouth, or whatever around his cock. Jeongguk is too busy kissing every inch of Taehyung's chest apparently, hands sliding down his thighs. He grabs Taehyung's knees and tugs on them until his ass is close to the edge. Taehyung has to catch himself on the counter not to fall, resting his hands behind himself.

Jeongguk's kisses trail down Taehyung's stomach, to his hips, so close to his cock. He pushes against Taehyung's chest for him to lie down. Taehyung hisses when his back meets the coldness of their counter. He squirms until he finds a comfortable position and closes his eyes, sighing contently under Jeongguk's ministrations.

Jeongguk teases him, brushing his lips so close to his shaft but never giving him what he wants. Instead, he trails kisses down the inside of Taehyung's thighs. Taehyung licks his lips and lets warmth spread over his body. Jeongguk brings Taehyung's thighs to his shoulders, nipping at the sensitive skin, no doubt living marks behind.

Taehyung's body is burning up with want and it's not like him to be so patient, to let Jeongguk tease him like this, but he can't say that he doesn't like it. If it was any other day, and if Jeongguk's kisses didn't feel so good, Taehyung would have taken control by now, pushing Jeongguk against the counter to suck him off until he begs Taehyung to let him cum.

He likes when Jeongguk takes control too, but it kind of makes him feel vulnerable. Not necessarily in a bad way. Taehyung doesn't feel like he's in control in their relationship -- or whatever they have is -- so he likes to feel in control in bed. Since he clearly can't control his feelings.

He likes to render Jeongguk desperate, to turn him into a begging mess. It's the only time it feels like Jeongguk lets his guard down.

But tonight, Jeongguk seems to want to be in control and there's not much Taehyung would refuse him.

Taehyung lets out a surprised moan when he feels Jeongguk's warm mouth wrap around the tip of his cock -- a reward for being so patient. Taehyung tangles his fingers in Jeongguk's long hair. He doesn't apply any pressure, he just wants to hold onto something.

"Jeongguk," Taehyung breathes out. He doesn't mean to say his name with so much reverence, he's just overwhelmed with sensations. Jeongguk's answer is to take more of Taehyung into his mouth, wrapping his hand at the base of his cock.

Taehyung throws his head back and bites on his bottom lip. The warmth of Jeongguk's mouth is a contrast to the coldness of their counter. Jeongguk flicks his tongue over Taehyung's slit, moaning when his cock twitches in his mouth. Jeongguk likes doing oral as much as Taehyung does. They like it so much that they're no strangers to lazy morning blowjobs.

Jeongguk tilts his head to lick up the side of Taehyung's shaft. Taehyung opens his eyes to look at the show he's putting on, which only makes things even more pleasurable. Jeongguk is looking straight into his eyes, digging Taehyung's cock head into the inside of his cheek. He's wearing a cocky smirk on his lips, looking like the epitome of obscenity with his messy dark hair and his saliva coated red lips.

"You're gonna be the death of me," Taehyung grunts out, brushing his fingers through Jeongguk's hair.

"Good," Jeongguk mumbles before taking Taehyung's cock into his mouth. Taehyung lets out a broken moan, shuddering under the pressure of Jeongguk's throat around the tip of his cock. Jeongguk gags but doesn't pull away. Instead, he swallows around Taehyung before bobbing his head up and down at a slow rhythm.

The pace is languid and torturous, just the way Taehyung likes it. The room is filled with the sound of Taehyung's erratic breathing and the sound of Jeongguk's lips sucking on his hard cock. Taehyung feels warm all over, melting on the surface of their counter, thighs shaking around Jeongguk's head.

Jeongguk's sucking him off like he has all the time in the world alternating between pushing Taehyung into his throat and playing with his cock head with just the tip of his tongue. Jeongguk has stellar oral skills. He can drive Taehyung crazy in a matter of seconds because he knows exactly what Taehyung likes, and Jeongguk seems dead set on doing some of his best work tonight.

Taehyung's chest is heaving, hands flying to Jeongguk's hair, then his shoulders, then the counter. He doesn't know what to do with himself. All he knows is that Jeongguk's mouth feels heavenly and he can already feel that familiar pressure in his balls.

Jeongguk squeezes the base of Taehyung's cock and gives a hard suck to the head before sinking down again, bobbing his head faster. The sounds coming out of his mouth are dirty and he looks the part, with saliva running down his chin and tears pricking at the corner of his eyes.

"Fuck, Jeongguk," Taehyung moans, squirming on the kitchen counter. He doesn't know if he wants Jeongguk to keep going or if he needs him to stop because it just feels too good. Jeongguk ignores his nonsensical pleas in favor of deep throating him. "Ah, fuck," Taehyung yelps, bucking his hips up. Jeongguk takes it like a champ though, relaxing his throat to take Taehyung even deeper.

Then, Jeongguk pulls off of Taehyung entirely. The change in temperature makes Taehyung shiver, but it might just be due to the fact he was about to come.

"Jeongguk," Taehyung groans, looking up at Jeongguk who's licking his lips as if he'd just had his favorite meal of the day. "Don't stop."

"Shh," Jeongguk shushes him, wiping his chin with his hand. Taehyung gasps when Jeongguk bites his thigh, a playful grin on his face. "Let me play with you however I want, hyung."

Taehyung snorts and rolls his eyes, wrapping a hand over his own cock to stroke it lightly.

"Hyung," Jeongguk says in a warning tone. He pushes Taehyung's hand away and any other time Taehyung would have loved to be a brat but he's curious to see what Jeongguk has in store for him. "Behave."

"Fine," Taehyung says, lying back down on the counter and waiting, hands spread over his toned stomach.

He can feel Jeongguk smile against his thigh, before he starts kissing down all the way to his ass. Taehyung bites on his bottom lip, excitement bubbling in his chest. He loves getting eaten out as much as he likes getting sucked off. He doesn't know what he did to deserve such a treat from Jeongguk but he's not complaining.

Jeongguk spreads Taehyung's legs and pushes them higher to expose his hole. He blows on it before giving it a teasing lick. He nips at one of Taehyung's ass cheeks and then circles his tongue around his rim. Taehyung lets out a pleased sigh, body feeling like jelly.

He should dance with random guys more often if it earns him this.

Jeongguk sucks on his hole, the noise resonating loudly in their silent apartment. Taehyung takes hold of his legs so Jeongguk can spread his cheeks and bury his face deeper. Jeongguk leaves open-mouthed kisses all over his hole. His hot wet tongue feels incredible and elicits deep moans from Taehyung.

"Fuck, I'll let you play with me whenever you want if that's how you do it," Taehyung breathes out, head spinning with pleasure. Jeongguk chuckles as he digs one of his thumbs against Taehyung's rim. Taehyung's hole opens so easily for him.

"You already do, remember?" Jeongguk says, leaving a kiss on Taehyung's thigh. "I get to have you whenever I want, don't I?"

Something dark stirs in Taehyung's abdomen when he hears the possessiveness in Jeongguk's voice. He hates that it's true. That he can never say no to Jeongguk because the sex is just too good. He wishes he didn't give himself up so easily to Jeongguk, wishes he could refuse him to teach him a lesson, show him he's in control too.

But Jeongguk just has to say the word and Taehyung's there, ready to give him whatever he wants.

He gets mind-blowing sex out of it so it's not all bad but with it always comes hurt because Jeongguk isn't really his and he's not Jeongguk's either. For all he knows Jeongguk could be seeing other people. Taehyung doesn't like to think about it because it hurts too much, but he knows it's a possibility.

Taehyung doesn't see other people. The thought of it makes him feel guilty. It just feels wrong. Which is stupid because Jeongguk probably doesn't even care. Even if he gets a little possessive in bed, it's not like it would actually hurt his feelings if Taehyung was seeing somebody else.

"Yes," is all Taehyung can say. It's not even a lie.

"My favorite toy."

An uncomfortable feeling settles inside Taehyung's stomach. The words don't hit him like Jeongguk probably expected them to. Jeongguk doesn't notice the way Taehyung's body tenses up. He's still peppering kisses down Taehyung's thigh.

A toy .

That's not what Taehyung wants to be to Jeongguk. He's nobody's toy. He knows it's dirty talk but Taehyung can't help but feel like Jeongguk actually thinks that way. It does feel like he's toying with Taehyung's feeling sometimes, in the way he knows exactly what strings to pull to get what he wants from him.

But it's not fair to Jeongguk to think that way because Taehyung's always pretended like he was okay with their little arrangement. Taehyung's never told him about his feelings and for all Jeongguk knows, Taehyung doesn't want to be in a relationship with him either.

Still, Taehyung doesn't like being called a toy. Especially not by the guy he has feelings for.

"Don't call me that," Taehyung's tone is cold like ice and makes Jeongguk freeze. Jeongguk carefully looks up at him, unlatching his lips from his skin. "I'm not your toy."

The silence between them is stifling. Taehyung doesn't mean to ruin the mood but he and Jeongguk have always said that if they don't like something the other is doing, then they should speak up.

"I'm sorry," Jeongguk says, leaning against the counter, a hand on each side of Taehyung's head. Taehyung lets go of his legs, looking intently into Jeongguk's apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry, hyung. You're not," he shakes his head, kissing Taehyung's forehead. Taehyung sighs at the soft touch. "You're not a toy."

Taehyung's body relaxes under Jeongguk's kisses, warmth replacing the uncomfortable feeling in his chest. A deep part of him is still hurt, the part that always tells him that he's disposable. That Jeongguk will get bored one day and leave him behind with a broken heart and an empty apartment.

That time is coming sooner than Taehyung anticipated, judging from how adamant Jeongguk is about looking for his own place.

He doesn't want to be a toy but he still feels like he is. A disposable toy that will get thrown away once it's been overused.

"You're not anybody's toy. I'm sorry for saying that, Taehyung hyung," Jeongguk whispers in his ear, running comforting hands up and down Taehyung's skin. "You're more than that," he kisses Taehyung's cheek. "You're special."

Taehyung rolls his eyes and anger starts to seep underneath his skin. Now, Jeongguk is lying. Taehyung isn't special, otherwise Jeongguk would want him for more than just sex. Taehyung doesn't want to ruin the mood completely. He's still horny and when he gets angry there's nothing he likes more than getting wrecked or wrecking Jeongguk.

He's not a fan of sad sex but angry sex he can do.

He grips Jeongguk's hair and brings their lips close before whispering, "Stop talking, just fuck me."

Jeongguk crashes their lips together, their teeth clicking but they pay it no mind. Taehyung wraps his legs around Jeongguk's waist and digs his nails into his shoulders, bringing him impossibly closer. Jeongguk responds with as much enthusiasm by sucking on Taehyung's tongue and gripping his hips tight.

The feeling of uneasiness slowly seeps away from Taehyung, replaced by a dark desire to be consumed by Jeongguk. If Jeongguk wants to lie about Taehyung being special, then he's going to have to fuck him like he's special.

Taehyung bites harshly on Jeongguk's bottom lip and Jeongguk's reply comes in the form of a slap against his thigh. Taehyung moans against his lips and smirks when Jeongguk pulls away to ravish his neck with kisses instead.

"Don't stop," Taehyung mumbles incoherently, tipping his head back to expose his neck. Jeongguk keeps licking and nipping at the skin. "Don't stop touching me."

Jeongguk groans, hands roaming over Taehyung's body and grinding against him. Taehyung's cock twitches when he feels Jeongguk's hardness against his ass. He just wants Jeongguk to take his pants off and fuck him right here but Jeongguk has other plans. He kisses down Taehyung's body, chest heaving with a hint of desperation in him that Taehyung rarely gets to see.

Jeongguk spreads Taehyung's legs obscenely wide, hungry eyes settling on his hole. Taehyung gasps when Jeongguk flicks his tongue against his rim, sucking harshly on the muscle. Taehyung takes hold of his legs again and whines when Jeongguk buries the tip of his thumb inside him, quickly followed by the tip of his tongue.

Taehyung throws his arms above his head, holding onto the counter for dear life and Jeongguk buries his tongue deeper, opening him up nice and slow. He brings his other thumb to Taehyung's hole to spread it and make the slide off his tongue easier.

"Ah shit," Taehyung moans, squeezing his eyes shut. "I don't think I have the patience for this, Jeongguk," he groans once Jeongguk sucks on his rim. "I want your cock."

Jeongguk chuckles darkly, flicking his tongue the way it always drives Taehyung crazy. He doesn't stop, doesn't care about what Taehyung is saying. He's all too content with burying his face in between Taehyung's legs. He also loves acting like a brat.

Jeongguk pulls away to spit on Taehyung's hole, making him jolt in surprise. He smears the saliva over the rim before sliding his index finger inside of Taehyung. Taehyung's lips part in a quiet moan, head tipping to the side as pleasure tingles down his spine.

"You'll take whatever I give you, baby," Jeongguk says before biting the soft flesh of Taehyung's inner thigh. Taehyung winces when Jeongguk starts fucking his finger in and out, his saliva not doing much of a good job to ease the slide.

"Okay, then get the fucking lube at least," Taehyung complains, thighs closing around Jeongguk's head. Jeongguk spreads his legs before taking his finger out gently. He wraps his arms around Taehyung's waist before lifting him up and throwing his body over his shoulder, like Taehyung weighs nothing.

Taehyung almost gets whiplash from the change of position, desperately trying to find a grip on Jeongguk's back.

"Seriously?" Taehyung says, quirking an eyebrow. Jeongguk starts walking towards his bedroom.

"What? Would you rather I leave you on our cold kitchen counter?"

"You could have held me bridal style or something. Anything but this."

Next thing he knows, Taehyung's back is hitting the mattress of Jeongguk's bed. Jeongguk bends over him, hands on either side of Taehyung's head, a cocky grin on his lips.

"I'll keep that in mind for our wedding night, honey."

"Shut the fuck up," Taehyung rolls his eyes but he's blushing at the words. He's used to the familiar twist of pain that comes with hearing Jeongguk joke about things like that. "Can you get to it already?"

"I don't think I've ever seen you so impatient for my cock before," Jeongguk laughs, moving to get the lube and a condom on his bedside table. He doesn't even bother putting those in the drawer anymore, that's how often they have sex.

"I'm pretty sure you have."

"Well," Jeongguk drapes his body over Taehyung, lips brushing against the shell of his ear. Taehyung's breath catches in his throat. "You're gonna come on my tongue before you come on my cock."

Taehyung shivers, eyes rolling back when Jeongguk sucks on his lobe, the words hitting him with raw desire.

Fuck . That sounds great.

Jeongguk's hand travels to Taehyung's cock, brushing the tip with his thumb. He kisses down Taehyung's body and spreads his legs before licking at his rim. Taehyung melts into the sheets, hands gripping the pillow under his head.

"How does that sound, baby?" Jeongguk teases.

"Good. Fuck, just stop talking."

Jeongguk chuckles and then gets to work. He works Taehyung open with his tongue again, alternating between licking around his rim and fucking his tongue inside him as deep as he can. Taehyung spreads his legs as wide as he can and tries to quiet his moans, just because it's late at night and their neighbors have complained more than once about the noise.

The quieter he gets the more enthusiastic Jeongguk is, though, trying to elicit sweet sounds from Taehyung. Jeongguk gives a hard suck to Taehyung's hole before pushing his tongue in and out in slow motions. The pace is torturous but Taehyung loves how he can feel himself opening up for Jeongguk, he loves the velvety feeling of his tongue inside him and how eager Jeongguk is to make him come.

Taehyung bites on his bottom lip and arches his back when Jeongguk wraps his hand around his cock, squeezing tightly for a second before brushing his thumb over his slit. Precome drips from the tip onto Taehyung's stomach. Taehyung throws his head back and fists the sheets, body trembling from the pleasure.

Jeongguk's strokes are slow and lazy but it still drives Taehyung crazy. He can feel himself teetering on the edge of his orgasm but it's not enough. Everything feels insanely good, Jeongguk knows exactly how to take care of him but he wants more. He needs more.

"Your fingers, Jeongguk," Taehyung moans. "Please."

Jeongguk's response is to bury his tongue deeper inside him. Taehyung cries out, hands flying to Jeongguk's hair. He can't help but pull on it to bring Jeongguk's face even closer. Jeongguk has always been determined. He said he would make Taehyung come on his tongue and he will. Taehyung rolls his eyes at his stubbornness, but he's not complaining when he's on the receiving end of a stellar rimjob.

Taehyung whines when Jeongguk repeatedly rubs his thumb over his head. Taehyung feels so sensitive, pleasure coursing through his body. He doesn't know what to do with his body, hands flying to the sheets then back to Jeongguk's hair, hips bucking up against Jeongguk's mouth and back arching when Jeongguk flips his tongue just right.

"Oh," Taehyung lets out when a shudder runs through his body, "don't stop."

He's getting close, so mind fumblingly close that he can't control the noises coming out of his mouth. He knows Jeongguk loves it when he's loud because it makes him feel like he's doing a good job and who's Taehyung to refuse him anything?

"So fucking good, Jeongguk," Taehyung praises, eyes squeezing shut as Jeongguk moans against his rim. "The best. Make me feel so good all the time."

Taehyung runs his fingers through Jeongguk's hair with surprising gentleness for someone who's five seconds away from coming. Jeongguk lets out a pleased moan before jerking Taehyung off faster. So fast Taehyung almost gets whiplash.

It only takes one more flick of Jeongguk's tongue for Taehyung to come undone. His body goes taut and a broken moan escapes his mouth as he comes all over Jeongguk's hand and his stomach.

"Oh my fucking god," Taehyung groans, head spinning with pleasure as he closes his legs around Jeongguk's head. He shudders with over sensitivity and Jeongguk notices. He pulls away, leaving a soft kiss on one of Taehyung's cheeks before coming up and smiling down at him.

"You can just call me Jeongguk," he swipes the saliva off of his chin before lying next to Taehyung, head propped up on his clean hand. He smears the come on his dirty hand all over Taehyung's stomach. Taehyung groans and swats at him.

"You're hilarious," Taehyung deadpans. He feels fucked out and sated, and Jeongguk looks like a walking wet dream with his red lips and messy hair. "Go get me a tissue or something," he pouts, looking down at the mess on his body.

"I'll be right back," Jeongguk leaves a peck on Taehyung's lips before fetching something to clean him.

For someone who has a no kissing rule outside of sex, Jeongguk sure does like to kiss Taehyung a lot.

Taehyung notices Jeongguk is still hard in his tight jeans. Jeongguk thoroughly cleans Taehyung before getting rid of the dirty tissues. Taehyung can't take his eyes off of him. He can never. Jeongguk's entire existence commands attention. Taehyung's always been captivated by his beauty, especially so when they're being intimate.

Jeongguk takes the rest of his clothes off apart from his white boxers and Taehyung's dick gives an interested twitch when he sees the outline of Jeongguk's hard cock. Jeongguk drapes his body over Taehyung and Taehyung welcomes him with open arms, wrapping them around Jeongguk's neck. Jeongguk settles in between Taehyung's legs and brushes their noses together.

"Tell me when you're ready to go again," Jeongguk says before kissing Taehyung. "Can't wait to fuck you," he whispers as he trails kisses down Taehyung's neck. Taehyung shivers, hands sliding down Jeongguk's muscular back.

"Just give me a minute."

"Hm, no rush," Jeongguk's soft kisses on his neck make Taehyung's heart flutter in a way it shouldn't. It feels so domestic and intimate, and Taehyung's always been weak for Jeongguk's affections. He tilts his head to the side, closing his eyes. He could totally fall asleep right here, under Jeongguk's kisses.

Jeongguk caresses his body gently, his hands leaving goosebumps in their wake. Taehyung scratches Jeongguk's back, eliciting a pleased rumble from him. It makes Taehyung smile. They stay like this, in comfortable silence, for a few minutes. Taehyung's body slowly comes down from the high of his orgasm and Jeongguk's touch is starting to work him up again.

Jeongguk has mastered the art of making Taehyung hard after multiple orgasms, which makes for very interesting nights. They don't always have the time to make each other come more than once, and it usually happens either on the weekends or when one of them is trying to prove a point.

Taehyung has a feeling Jeongguk is doing the latter. It probably has everything to do with the guy Taehyung danced with. It feels wrong to use Jeongguk's jealousy to his advantage but Taehyung is far from perfect and he gets jealous too. When he gets jealous he becomes petty and desperate for Jeongguk's attention. Now that he's got it, he finds it hard to regret acting the way he did at the club.

After a while Jeongguk pulls away to look at Taehyung. He looks concerned.

"I'm really sorry about earlier," he breathes out. Taehyung's mind is too hazy to understand what he's referring to. "When I said you were my toy."

"It's alright, Jeongguk."

"I didn't know you didn't like that. I should have asked beforehand," Jeongguk looks so sincere, it makes something warm spread inside Taehyung's chest. They've always been careful when it comes to dirty talk and other kinks they like to incorporate into their sex lives. He understands why Jeongguk feels bad but Taehyung can't explain to him why he doesn't like to be called that.

Perhaps if they were a couple he'd feel differently about it.

"I'm fine, Jeongguk-ah," Taehyung gives him a reassuring smile and brushes Jeongguk's hair back. "How about you try to make it up to me?" he smirks.

"Oh?" Jeongguk smiles back, something lighting up in his eyes. "And what could I possibly do to make it up to you, Taehyung-ssi?"

Taehyung snorts at the teasing nickname, rolling his eyes fondly. He lays his arms above his head and wraps his legs around Jeongguk's waist.

"I think you know exactly what I want."

Jeongguk's eyes darken at the words. He slides his hands up Taehyung's arms until he reaches his wrists, holding him in place. His face comes so close Taehyung can feel his hot breath on his lips. Taehyung gasps when Jeongguk grinds his hard cock against his ass.

"You want this," Jeongguk says, quirking an eyebrow. He looks smug. "Now?"

Taehyung bites on his bottom lip and nods. He doesn't feel as sensitive as he felt a few minutes ago, he can take it. Jeongguk catches his lips in a searing kiss, tongue diving inside of Taehyung's mouth and teeth grazing against Taehyung's lips. Taehyung moans into it, feeling warm all over.

He can tell Jeongguk wants him bad. It makes him feel sexy and attractive. It makes him feel powerful.

Jeongguk's hands slide back down his body as he tilts his head to the side to taste Taehyung deeper. The kiss is filthy and hungry, and Taehyung feels overwhelmed already. Taehyung can hear the sound of the lube being opened and poured onto Jeongguk's fingers. Jeongguk rubs his fingers to warm it up before bringing his middle finger to Taehyung's hole. Taehyung unwraps his legs from around Jeongguk's waist and lets out a soft whine against Jeongguk's lips when he pushes his finger all the way in.

He takes it easily, after being thoroughly eaten out. Jeongguk doesn't stop kissing him as he fucks his finger in and out a few times, before adding a second one. The familiar stretch feels amazing and Taehyung can barely breathe between the feeling of Jeongguk's fingers fucking into him and his burning kisses.

When it becomes impossible for them to breathe, Jeongguk pulls away to suck on Taehyung's neck instead. Taehyung is panting, thighs shaking from how good Jeongguk is opening him up.

"Want you so fucking bad," Jeongguk says in between heavy breaths. "Want to fuck you so bad."

One of Taehyung's hands travels down Jeongguk's chest all the way to the hem of his boxers. He slides his hand in and wraps it around Jeongguk's cock. It's hot and heavy, and the light touch is enough to make Jeongguk moan.

"Fuck, hyung."

"You're so hard," Taehyung breathes out, a pleased smile on his lips. "Was I the one who made you like this?"

The rhythm of Jeongguk's fingers falters and his body slumps over Taehyung, trapping Taehyung's hand in between their hips.

"Yes, fuck," Jeongguk is panting, open mouth latched onto Taehyung's neck. "You did this."

"Hurry up and finish prepping me then," Taehyung says as he rubs his thumb over Jeongguk's slit. "Put your cock in me."

Jeongguk groans loudly before kneeling in between Taehyung's legs. He pushes them wide apart and fucks his fingers hard and fast inside of him. Taehyung throws his head back as he cries out. Jeongguk loses all finesse after that. It doesn't take long until he adds a third finger and rams Taehyung's prostate just to hear him moan and to render him useless.

Taehyung swears he could come again just from this but he's desperate to feel Jeongguk. Taehyung bucks his hips up and pushes against the headboard as he fucks himself on Jeongguk's fingers. Jeongguk pins him down with a hand on his hip before pulling out, the squelching sound of lube sounding obscenely loud.

"Fuck me, fuck me," Taehyung says as Jeongguk takes his boxers off. Taehyung licks his lips at the sight of his hard cock. He's no better. He's hard again.

"Just a second," Jeongguk is breathing heavily. He rips a condom open and slides it on his cock. He pours some lube onto his cock and strokes himself a few times before bringing the head to Taehyung's hole. "Ready, baby?" he asks, looking straight into Taehyung's eyes.

"Please," Taehyung nods enthusiastically. The word barely has the time to leave his lips before Jeongguk pushes in. Taehyung squeezes his eyes shut and a pleased sigh escapes his lips.

Jeongguk is bigger than his fingers but Taehyung is so used to taking him that the burn of the stretch has become familiar. Jeongguk buries himself to the hilt and drapes himself over Taehyung, hands wrapping around his wrists to pin his arms above his head. Taehyung wraps his legs around his waist and tries to control his breathing to relax.

"So tight," Jeongguk grunts out.


Jeongguk catches Taehyung's lips into a soft kiss as he starts to pull out, before pushing back in. The slide sends a rush of pleasure all the way to Taehyung's toes. Taehyung loves sex but sex with Jeongguk has always felt a hundred times more intense. Jeongguk knows his body's ins and outs by now, he knows exactly how to make Taehyung feel amazing.

The fact that Taehyung has feelings for Jeongguk only enhances the intensity of it all. For a few minutes, for an hour, he gets to have Jeongguk like this. Just him .

Jeongguk's lips slide against Taehyung's, so gentle compared to the quickening pace of his hips. Jeongguk is moaning into Taehyung's mouth, tongue licking at his lips to part them. Taehyung is pliant underneath him, even though he doesn't really have a choice when he's being pinned down by Jeongguk's weight.

Jeongguk slams into Taehyung once before rolling his hips, trying to find the perfect angle. Taehyung whines at the stretch, feeling every drag of Jeongguk's cock. Jeongguk bites on his bottom lip before pulling back, looking straight into Taehyung's eyes as he starts fucking him with hard thrusts.

Taehyung tries to hold his gaze but it's impossible when his eyes roll back every time Jeongguk's hips slam against his ass. Taehyung unwraps his legs from Jeongguk's waist which only makes Jeongguk fuck him harder. The pace isn't even fast, it's just that Jeongguk pulls out to the tip to ram his cock back in, so deep inside of Taehyung it makes him see stars every time.

Jeongguk is still holding Taehyung's wrists down and won't look away from his face, like he's watching every reaction. Taehyung feels like he's going to melt under Jeongguk's hot gaze, feeling kind of self conscious at being watched by him while he's getting fucked good.

"Do you like it?" Jeongguk asks, a smug expression on his face. He knows damn well Taehyung likes it. The loud moans coming out of Taehyung's mouth give it all away.

"Ah!" Taehyung cries out when the tip of Jeongguk's cock hits his prostate dead on. "Fuck, Jeongguk. Right there," he encourages him. Jeongguk knows exactly what he's doing though.

Jeongguk smirks and quickens the pace of his hips. Skin slaps against skin in the silence of their apartment, joined by Taehyung's helpless whines and Jeongguk's groans. Jeongguk's grip on his wrists tighten as he pistons his hips into Taehyung. All Taehyung can do his throw his head back and arch his back, spreading his legs wider in hopes that i'll make Jeongguk go even deeper.

The wild pace drives Taehyung so close to the edge but it stops as quick as it came when Jeongguk buries himself deep inside Taehyung and stops moving. He rolls his hips instead. It drives Taehyung insane.

"Don't stop, keep fucking me," Taehyung whines, trying to fuck himself on Jeongguk's cock but he can barely move.

"Don't be so impatient, baby," Jeongguk chuckles darkly as he buries his face in Taehyung's shoulder, biting on the flesh.

"Let me ride you," Taehyung commands. "I'll take care of it myself." It makes Jeongguk laugh.


"God, you're the worst when you get like this."

"Oh, so you're complaining now?" Jeongguk looks up, quirking an eyebrow. He slams his hips hard into Taehyung, making him cry out. "I know exactly how you like it," he whispers against Taehyung's lips. Taehyung shudders at his dark tone. "I'll fuck you exactly how you need it."

Arousal pools at the pit of Taehyung's stomach, pure excitement filling his body. What he needs is to get railed until he comes. Jeongguk knows that but he still likes to tease Taehyung and no matter how many times Taehyung says he hates it, deep down he does like it.

Taehyung lets out a disappointed grunt when Jeongguk pulls out. Jeongguk rolls him onto his stomach before straddling his thighs. Taehyung hugs the pillow under his head and moans when Jeongguk slips back inside.

The angle is totally different like this. Taehyung is tighter and the drag of Jeongguk's cock is delicious. Taehyung's cock is trapped in between his body and the mattress and the friction sends sparks of pleasure down Taehyung's spine.

Jeongguk holds onto Taehyung's hips before setting a hard pace. Taehyung can't hold back his cries and moans, though he tries to bury them into the pillow. He's pushed into the mattress every time Jeongguk's hips slam against his ass, and Taehyung loves the sting of skin slapping against skin.

Jeongguk loves this position a lot and it's obvious from how loud he's being. He's always loved Taehyung's ass and he's got a pretty good view of it right now. Taehyung crosses one foot over the other to bring his legs together. The slide is torturous and Taehyung loves every second of it.

Jeongguk's hips don't relent as he rolls them to find Taehyung's sweet spot. When he does, Taehyung sees stars and he digs his nails into the sheets.

"Yes, yes, yes," is all Taehyung can muster. His thighs are literally shaking from how good it feels. That's exactly what he wanted the minute Jeongguk stepped out of his room in that damn outfit. If it was up to Taehyung they would have forgone the club entirely and they'd have ended up here sooner.

Taehyung's sweating so much that Jeongguk keeps losing his grip on his hips. He moves them to Taehyung's shoulders instead and pushes Taehyung onto his cock at every thrust which makes Taehyung literally scream into his pillow.

"I'm good, aren't I?" Jeongguk says breathlessly. "You said it yourself," he chuckles darkly. Taehyung can barely hear what he's saying over his own moans and the sound of his ass getting railed. "I'm the fucking best you've ever had."

Taehyung buries his hands in his own hair and pulls on it. He doesn't know what to do with himself it feels too good. The hint of possessiveness in Jeongguk's voice is driving him crazy. There's so many things he wants to tell Jeongguk but it's impossible for him to string a simple sentence together. He wants to play it up, to show Jeongguk that he is, in fact, the best he's ever had and that he doesn't want anyone else, but that's teetering on the edge of dangerous.

So, Taehyung bites on the pillow to stop himself from spilling out more than he wants to.

Jeongguk takes Taehyung's wrists and crosses them behind his back, pinning them down with one hand. Taehyung has to tilt his head to the side to breathe and to arch his back to accommodate the new position.

The new angle is heavenly, hitting Taehyung exactly where he wants it. Taehyung and Jeongguk are being too loud and they both know it, but there's no way they're stopping now. Taehyung's ass is probably red already, his rim too from how hard Jeongguk is fucking him. Taehyung feels like he's floating, pinned down and getting railed by the guy he's in love with. It's rough but he loves it, he loves the pain so damn much.

Jeongguk brings one hand to the side of Taehyung's head and brushes his lips against his ear. The pace of his hips slows down to deep and slow thrusts, the type that makes Taehyung's entire body tingle from how good it feels. Jeongguk's next words send Taehyung's brain into overdrive.

"That guy in the club," Jeongguk's tone is dangerously low. "The one you danced with. He could never fuck you like this," he punctuates his words with a hard thrust that brings tears to the corner of Taehyung's eyes. "I hope you know that. No one can fuck you like I do."

Taehyung hates how true it is and loves how Jeongguk is clearly jealous. Their relationship has been far from healthy since they've started having sex but Taehyung would do it all the same if he were given the chance to start over. Taehyung loves feeling wanted by Jeongguk, so much so that he can forget about how much it hurts not to actually be Jeongguk's.

"Make me come," Taehyung says, bucking his hips up to fuck himself on Jeongguk's cock, even though it's nearly impossible with his arms pinned behind his back. "Jeongguk, be good and make me come."

Jeongguk groans before nipping at his ear. He rests his hand on Taehyung's shoulder and starts ramming into him once again. Taehyung closes his hands into fists and pushes his ass up. His body is being slammed into the mattress, he's sweaty and tears are coming down his face but Taehyung needs it, he loves it.

He loves that Jeongguk decided to take him home and not the other guy he was with. He loves that he's on the receiving end of Jeongguk's stellar sex skills, that Jeongguk knows exactly how to make him feel good. He loves that Jeongguk cares enough about him to make it good for him.

The friction of his cock against the mattress and the relentless drag of Jeongguk's cock against his prostate is what brings Taehyung over the edge. He almost chokes on his own breath as he comes all over the sheets, body going taut and hole tightening around Jeongguk. Jeongguk comes a few seconds after him, burying himself deep inside of Taehyung. He lets go of his arms and slumps over him, pushing Taehyung into the mattress.

Taehyung can barely breathe with Jeongguk's weight on him and the intensity of his orgasm. His ass feels raw, he's too hot and sticky but he can't seem to care because it feels like he's floating. Jeongguk is panting in his ear and he doesn't pull out until Taehyung starts squirming uncomfortably.

Jeongguk puts his hand on Taehyung's hip and slowly pulls out, making Taehyung hiss. As soon as Jeongguk is off the bed, Taehyung rolls onto his side, every muscle in his body is aching from the amazing fucking. Taehyung grimaces when he sees his come all over the sheets. Jeongguk gets rid of his condom and cleans Taehyung again before throwing away the dirty tissues. Then he throws himself onto the bed, next to Taehyung.

"Holy shit, that was a good one," Jeongguk says. Taehyung looks at him over his shoulder. He's smiling happily.

"My whole body hurts," Taehyung complains as he stretches, before rolling on his other side, throwing an arm over Jeongguk's chest.

"You're welcome," Jeongguk smirks, sliding his arm under Taehyung's head. "You can take it."

"Hm, true," Taehyung chuckles. "It was great."

"Just great? We're gonna get a noise complaint again."

"Good thing we're moving out soon," Taehyung says. The comfortable afterglow turns into an awkward silence. Taehyung didn't meant to say that, it just came out. Having sex with Jeongguk is a great way to forget about his problems but it's only temporary.

"Yeah," Jeongguk sighs, looking up at the ceiling. "You're still mad about that?"

Taehyung wants to roll his eyes and lash out, to tell Jeongguk he's an oblivious idiot. It would be pointless though, they're both adults who can communicate. Most of the time anyway. Taehyung isn't even mad. He's hurt and upset.

"I just don't understand you," Taehyung shrugs, trying to play it off.

"Taehyung hyung," Jeongguk sighs again but this time he sounds exasperated. That makes Taehyung mad because Jeongguk wants Taehyung to understand him but he's not even trying to understand Taehyung. "I just need my own place. That's all."

"I just wish you had told me that sooner," Taehyung says as he sits up, looking down at Jeongguk. He feels exposed and raw, he doesn't want to be touched when he's like this. "You can't just spring it on me out of nowhere. I thought you liked living with me."

"I do. It's not about that, hyung."

"Then what is it about?"

"Why does it matter so much?" Jeongguk hops off the bed and puts his boxers on. Taehyung doesn't like his tone at all. He can feel anger bubbling in his own chest the more Jeongguk speaks. "I just want my own space, okay."

Taehyung snorts, standing off the bed angrily. His clothes are in the kitchen he can't even cover himself.

"Fine," he says. "I'll give you your fucking space."

"Hyung-" Jeongguk's voice is cut off when Taehyung slams the door shut. He rushes to the bathroom and locks the door behind him. Jeongguk doesn't seem to be following him though.

He feels like shit. His chest squeezes with pain as the water cleans off every trace of Jeongguk on his body.

Taehyung refuses to cry. He refuses to feel sorry for himself because he brought this on himself. Jeongguk's words hurt like hell but Taehyung's never been good at refusing him anything.

So, just like he asked, he'll give Jeongguk his space.

Continue lendo

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